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The Captive Series 1-5

Page 31

by Erica Stevens

"And then I lost myself to the pleasure of the blood, the pleasure of sex, and the pleasure of death."

  She was going to throw up. He was a killer; she understood that. There were other women before her; she knew that. He was over nine hundred years old for crying out loud, she'd be a fool to think there hadn't been other women, but she didn't care to hear about them. And she didn't want to hear about him glutting himself on them and thriving on destroying them. When he leaned closer to her, his eyes burned with a strange fire.

  "I did not enjoy it for long, Arianna."

  She shook her head, forcing herself not to recoil from him. She loved him, but how did she assimilate the monster he was describing to the man before her?

  "Why?" she managed to croak out.

  "Because for brief moments of time I was almost able to forget you, but I eventually realized I didn't enjoy it and it truly didn't help."

  She stifled a moan as she closed her eyes. Guilt stained her soul and twisted in her stomach. It was not her fault he’d done those things. He chose to kill, but her absence was the catalyst that sent him spiraling over the edge.

  "Why are you telling me this?" she whispered.

  His hand was gentle as he gripped her chin. "Because you must know."

  She shook her head in denial. She loved him, she truly did, but now she felt ragged and raw. He had starkly reminded her of things she didn't like to recall, like the fact that, though she had no one to compare him to, there were probably hundreds, if not thousands, he would be comparing her to.

  He had also harshly reminded her of the fact he was a monster, or at least he had the potential to be. He would never harm her, but what would he do to someone else who stood in his way?

  She knew the answer to that, and it would be something immediate and violent.

  "Arianna, you have to understand what it is I’m saying to you." Her eyes burned with tears, and she was confused as to why he kept pushing this. "I can't lose you again; it sent me into a dark spiral. It snapped something inside of me, turned me into something evil and twisted. It wrecked me. I upheld my promise; I didn't reclaim any blood slaves after the last time I saw you. I couldn't, the thought of them was repulsive to me, but I cannot lose you from my life again, many will not survive it."

  "You're not going to," she promised.

  "Whatever this is between us, it's something I don't understand; it's something strong, intense, pure, and consuming. It is something magnificent and precious, but it can also turn me into something horrendous. Losing you would drive me mad. I am one of the strongest of our kind, I am a prince, and my blood is powerful, old, untainted. If I snap and go on a rampage, I will destroy many people before I’m stopped. If I’m stopped."

  "Braith I will never leave you," she promised.

  "You are human, Arianna. As long as you stay human, you will be mortal, at risk of death."


  "I can't take the chance of you being killed. I can't risk that."

  The realization of his words was cold and vile as it hit her with the force of a brutal slap. He did covet more than just her blood, more than her body even.

  He wanted her life. It was the only thing she couldn't give him right now, if ever, but seeing the amount of stress he was under, she wasn't sure she would be able to stop him from taking it by force.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Arianna was still pale and shaken. She hadn't spoken since he'd made his revelation to her, she had barely even moved. Every once in a while, she would stare at him, her eyes would darken, and her hands would begin to tremble in her lap once more. She was the strongest human he’d ever encountered, perhaps even the strongest being he had ever come in contact with, but his confession had rattled her completely.

  As had his intention to take her humanity.

  It was not something he looked forward to doing, but it was something he had to do. Something he was going to do. He realized that now; he just hoped she would be willing. He didn't know how he would handle it if she remained human, but he couldn't take the chance of losing her again.

  When he thought back to the things he had done after she left him, his actions repulsed him. He was shocked by the depths of his depravity, appalled by his need to lose himself in blood, sex, and death to try to forget her. He'd never experienced the ravenous brutality that encompassed him before then. It had trapped him within a web of death that did little to ease the torment residing within his soul.

  A torment she had inflicted and only she eased. He'd come to realize it would only ever be her who could pull him back from that dark place. A place he'd entered a few times today, slaughtering and killing anyone who posed a threat to her life. She could pull him back from the brink of madness; she gave him control over himself. But it was a control that was unraveling.

  He could feel it within the marrow of his bones. She would be his undoing, as he would be hers.

  She was everything to him; she was his light in a world that had been black before her. She couldn't stay human, and he wasn't sure he could change her. He'd heard of it happening before, but had never witnessed it or attempted such a feat himself. It was risky; many didn't survive.

  He was determined she would.

  "Braith." Ashby warily watched him as he spoke. "What have you gotten yourself into?"

  There was something almost knowing in Ashby’s eyes. Braith stopped pacing and tilted his head as he studied his enemy, but Ashby didn’t say anything more. Braith strode to the window and pulled the curtain back to peer out on the dawning day. He didn't expect Jack to make it today, but perhaps by nightfall.

  "Have you forsaken your right to the throne?" Ashby asked.

  He turned as the young vampire girl made a startled sound. He'd tightened her bonds, making it almost impossible for her to move. Arianna's pleas had saved the woman's life; it wouldn't take much for him to change his mind though.

  "You are the prince?" she questioned in awe.

  "I am no prince," Braith growled at her.

  The girl tugged against the ropes, struggling to break free. Arianna watched her with fascination, but he could see the turmoil churning behind her eyes. She didn't like what he'd done to the girl, but she didn't protest it either. She seemed resigned to the fact the woman would remain tied up.; she wasn't resigned to this situation though, as her eyes came back to him.

  "So the son has turned his back on his father. Caleb must be thrilled," Ashby purred. "What must Jericho think?"

  Braith remained silent; Ashby would learn soon enough that Jericho had abandoned his place in the palace before Braith.

  "The palace streets will run red with blood if Caleb ever ascends the throne," Ashby said.

  Braith snorted in disgust as he shook his head at Ashby. "Do you think my father is ready to hand over his rule?"

  "I think Caleb will try to take it from him when he is ready to."

  "You may be right."

  "It will be horrific and violent."

  "It will," Braith agreed.

  Frustration flashed across Ashby's handsome features. "You know what will happen with Caleb in charge, Braith. You know what he will do. This pretty little thing you've brought in here, you know what Caleb would do to her!"

  "He'll have to find her first."

  Ashby climbed to his feet. Stepping forward, he halted as he was brought up by the constraints wrapped around him. "Braith, this is Caleb we are talking about. He will raze every town to find you and make sure you don’t come back and try to reclaim your birthright. You think your father is a sadistic son of a bitch; he has nothing on Caleb."

  "I know my family, Ashby." Braith's voice was low, deadly.

  Ashby shook his head. "You have no idea of the stain that rests on their souls," Ashby told him. "Of their cruelty and immorality."

  "And you do?" Braith inquired.

  He pondered the question. "We didn't turn against your family because mine was hoping to take over, or because we cared about the humans." Arianna glared at Ashby.
"We wanted nothing of power, Braith; you know that. We were an easy going lot, all of us. Power was never our goal; fun and freedom were all we ever required. It wasn't power we sought; it wasn't to save the human race."

  Braith folded his arms firmly over his chest and leaned back on his heels as he studied his brother-in-law with disdain. "Then what did you want?"

  "Peace, Braith, we merely sought peace. Things were well enough before the war. So what if vampires didn't mosey about openly in public? Who cared that we had to keep our identities secret? Not me, not my family, not you. It's not as if we didn't have fun, not as if we didn't take whatever we required, whenever we needed it anyway. Why upset the balance? Why take a chance it could all go wrong? That it could be worse afterward?

  "And it was worse afterward. For everyone. We were relegated to these positions none of us wanted. You were always the prince amongst our people, but you know you never liked it, and until the war, you never thought seriously about what it meant. Do you think I enjoyed marrying that bitch sister of yours? Natasha could suck the fun out of the happiest fellow. Which I was, until that time."

  Braith was not surprised to find Arianna enraptured by Ashby’s words. He wanted to remove her from this room, and Ashby's poison, but he knew she wouldn't go. Besides, Ashby was right; Natasha was cold, hateful, and almost as twisted as Caleb himself. And though Ashby was fun loving, and more than enjoyed his share of blood, he never relished in the death as so many members of Braith's family did. As Braith had.

  "We didn't require power, Braith; we only wanted to be free,” Ashby said. “Apparently, you have decided the same, or else you wouldn't be here."

  Braith would like the same thing, but he wanted Arianna to be free even more. He aspired to have her experience a world she’d never known; one that was safe and secure, one where she didn't have to fear his father and brother, one where she did not have to fear him.

  "Will they be coming here, Braith?" Ashby inquired worriedly.

  "I don't know," he admitted.

  Ashby jerked against his ties as he lurched forward. "You can't leave me here if they do! I am sorry for what happened to you; I always liked you. You know that. You were an unfortunate casualty; you were not the intended victim. Your father was."

  "That is supposed to make things better?" Braith barked.

  "You care nothing for the man either," Ashby retorted. "I lived within those walls, I knew you from a young age; I know what that bastard did to you! I know what you endured at his hands!"

  Arianna turned toward him; she was still abnormally pale, and the vacancy in her eyes shook him. Though he hadn't completely kept the abuse he'd taken from his father from her, he hadn't elaborated on it either. She didn't have to know about that horror on top of all the others she’d endured.

  "Braith?" she asked.

  He shook his head; he wasn't going to go into details about it, not now.

  "They are going to come here?" the vampire girl croaked.

  When no one answered, she lurched forward, and a terrified scream erupted from her. She ripped and jerked against her bonds, her head whipped back and forth as she screamed wildly. Arianna recoiled; the woman was wild, crazed, her fangs had extended, and her eyes were a vicious shade of red.

  The woman could very well get free if she continued this way, and she was going to go after Arianna if she did.

  "Don't!" Arianna cried launching to her feet as Braith strode toward the crazed vampire. She stumbled forward, unnaturally clumsy as her foot caught on the corner of the table before her. Ashby leapt at her and pulled her back as the girl took a swipe that missed her by inches.

  Red flooded Braith's vision; rage ripped through him. He grabbed the girl and shoved her roughly against the wall. Using Arianna as a shield against Braith's charge, Ashby thrust her before him. His hand wrapped around her throat, pulling her head back as he clamped down on her.

  A bellow of rage erupted from Braith; he stalked toward Ashby, determined to destroy the man holding the only person Braith cared about anymore.

  Ashby didn't make a move to hurt her, but he did keep himself planted firmly behind her. Braith couldn't get at him without going through Arianna. Frustration filled him; he could feel the swelling rise of bloodlust within him.

  "I'm not a fool, Braith. I'm not going to kill her unless you force me to," Ashby murmured, barely poking his head out from behind Arianna's back. "I am only looking to talk reasonably and for you to listen."

  Arianna tilted her chin up; her eyes blazed with pride, and it was apparent she was irritated at having been snagged and used as a shield. She tried to shrug Ashby's grasp off, but he wouldn't let go.

  "You don't have to manhandle me!" she snapped.

  Ashby's hand eased its grip on her throat, for a moment amusement flashed through his bright eyes. However, beneath the amusement, Braith saw his terror. And he had every right to be afraid; Braith was going to kill him for daring to touch her.

  "Well, aren't you the little spitfire," Ashby whispered.

  Arianna turned her head to glare at him, and her hands fisted at her sides. "Arianna, don't," Braith warned, frightened she might try something reckless. It's who she was after all. Her enraged, bright eyes came back to him. "Give her back to me, and we can talk."

  "I know that look in your eyes, Braith," Ashby retorted. "I know what you'll do to me if I release her. Just stay calm, and everything will be okay."

  Braith stepped toward them; Ashby took one step back. He pressed against the wall, keeping Arianna before him. "Ashby—"

  "I want to walk out of this alive, Braith. That is all. I've become content with this simple life; it is not a bad existence. I only wish to keep it."

  "If they come here—"

  "I don't plan to stay here, Braith, I'm not an idiot."

  "If that were true then you never would have touched her." Ashby's hand tightened briefly on Arianna, causing her to twitch. "Don't!" Braith snarled.

  Ashby's grip eased. "Give me your word you won’t hurt me; that you will let me leave here, alive."

  "You have it."

  Ashby hesitated, his hand trembled. "I require more than you saying it, Braith. Once I release her—"

  "Then what do you want?" Braith demanded, panic tearing at his insides. His fingers itched to get her away from Ashby's grasp.

  "I want her word."

  "Excuse me?" Braith asked in surprise.

  "I won't let Braith hurt you," Arianna breathed. "Is that what you're asking for? Is that what you need to hear?"

  Braith balked at such a thought. Arianna held more power over him than anyone he had ever met, but if he was set on doing something she couldn't stop him, could she? The thought was ridiculous to him, but even more ridiculous was the stunning realization it might be right.

  "You seem like a nice enough girl, I believe you when you say that, but do you think you could stop him?" Ashby asked.

  "I don't understand what you expect from me then," she responded, her annoyance returning to the forefront.

  Ashby poked his head out from around her again; he turned her face toward him. Fear pulsed through him as Braith took another step forward.

  "Don't." He was stricken by the desperation rattling his voice.

  If Ashby decided to kill Arianna, she would be dead before Braith could reach them. The monster inside of him was clawing to break free, while the man inside was tempted to fall on his knees and beg Ashby to give her back to him, unharmed. He had never been this rattled and terrified before.

  "Just give her back to me, Ashby, I won't hurt you,” Braith promised. “Just give her back."

  Ashby's gaze came back to him. "Is the king's son begging? For a girl, for a human girl no less?"

  Braith struggled to maintain control.

  "Why are you taunting him when you know you are going to give me back?" Arianna asked.

  "And how do you know that?" Ashby inquired.

  "Because you would have killed me already if you weren't, a
nd you said it yourself, all you want from life is fun and pleasure. You may like your women and blood, but you do not like death. And if you kill me, your life is over no matter what."

  Ashby's finger stroked her face as he studied her. "You are a strange girl," he informed her.

  She managed a small smile. "So I've been told."

  Ashby snorted with laughter. "Oh, I am sure you have."

  Though they seemed to be enjoying themselves, Braith was not. "Are you two done?" he snapped.

  "Let me go," Arianna urged.

  Ashby hesitated, then he released her. Braith lurched forward and pulled her away. Braith realized he was handling her worse than Ashby had, but he couldn't seem to control himself as he fought the urge to drag her from here and shelter her from everyone and everything.

  If it weren't for the fact he knew they couldn't run forever, he would do just that, but there would be no escape. There would only ever be the fight and misery if things didn’t change; he was beginning to realize that now.

  "You can only see around her,” Ashby said.

  Braith lifted his head from Arianna's neck and tried to ignore the powerful beat of her blood as it pumped through her veins. Ashby watched them in disbelief with his eyes full of amazement.

  "I didn't see the signs when you first arrived, but I see them now," Ashby continued.

  "See what signs?" Braith demanded curious as to how Ashby guessed at the source of his vision. "How do you know anything about what is between us?"

  Ashby leaned back in his bonds, and when his attention turned back to Arianna, there was a gleam of admiration in his bright gaze. "She's your bloodlink."

  "She's what?" Braith asked.

  Arianna looked completely confused; her eyes stormy and lost.

  "I thought it was something that only happened between vampires, but apparently I was wrong,” Ashby said. “I've never heard of it happening with a human before, very strange."

  Ashby seemed entirely astounded by his revelation, whatever that revelation was. Braith was just as lost as Arianna appeared to be.

  "What are you talking about?" Arianna demanded.


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