Monsters: The 1985 Chicago Bears and the Wild Heart of Football
Page 33
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About Last Night …
Aikman, Troy
Ali, Muhammad
Aliquippa, Pa.
Allen, George
Alzado, Lyle
Anderson, Neal
Armstrong, Neill
Aschman, Carl
Atkins, Doug
Automatic Front Coverage (AFC)
Avellini, Bob; Ditka and; on Halas; Luckman and
Bachman, Charlie
Baker, Frank
Baschnagel, Brian; on Ditka; on McMahon; on Plank; White House visit and
Baugh, Sammy
Bazer, Mark
Becker, Kurt; end of football career; on McMahon
Bednarik, Chuck
Belichick, Bill
Bell, Bert
Bell, Todd
Biletnikoff, Fred
Bird, Larry
Blacklock, Hugh
Blaik, Red
Blood, Johnny
Blood, Sweat, and Chalk (Layden)
Bob Hope Christmas Special, The
Bodie, Ping
Bortz, Mark
Boys of Summer, The (Kahn)
Bradshaw, Terry
Brain Bank
brain injuries
Brian’s Song
Brock, Dieter
Brown, Jim
Brumbaugh, Carl
Buckner, Bill
Buffone, Doug
Butkus, Dick
Butler, Kevin
Byrne, Jane
Calling the Shots (Singletary)
Camp, Walter
Campbell, Earl
Caray, Harry
Carimi, Gabe
Carr, Joe
Carter, Jimmy
Cashion, Red
Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy (Brain Bank)
Challenger, see space shuttle Challenger
Chamberlin, George
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
Chicago, Ill.; crime in; superrats in
Chicago Bears; assembly of 1985 team members; Decatur Staleys become; 46 defense used by; “Monsters of the Midway” nickname of; NFC Championship Trophy won by; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” of; Super Bowl win of; T-formation used by; typical alignment of; White House visit of
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Tribune
Chicago White Sox
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
Cicotte, Eddie
Clinton, Bill
Cobb, Ty
Collinsworth, Cris
Concannon, Jack
Conzelman, Jimmy
Coryell, Don
Cosell, Howard
Coslet, Bruce
Costas, Bob
Covert, Jimbo
Cozza, Carm
Csonka, Larry
Cutler, Jay
Dahl, Steve
Daley, Arthur
Daley, Richard J.
Daley, Richard M.
Dallas Cowboys; vs. Bears; Ditka as player with
Davis, Al
Davis, Jeff
Davis, Jody
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
Decatur Staleys; become Chicago Bears; Halas as player with
Delsohn, Steve
Dent, Richard; Richardson and; in Super Bowl; in “The Super Bowl Shuffle”; White House visit and
Detroit Lions vs. Chicago Bears
Dickerson, Eric
Diddley, Bo
Ditka, Mike; appearance of; Avellini and; Baschnagel and; clothes of; cologne of; commercials of; as Dallas Cowboys player; on defense; Dolphins game and; drunk driving arrest of; early life of; “Ferguson Hit” and; firing of; Flutie and; Gault and; hair of; Halas and; heart attack of; hired as Bears coach; Landry and; Los Angeles game and; McMahon and; on Payton; at Payton memorial; on Perry; as Philadelphia Eagles player; postgame press conferences of; on Pyle; Richardson and; on rules and injuries; Ryan and; in Super Bowl; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; team assembled by; temper of; White House visit and
Dooley, Jim
Dressen, Chuck
Driscoll, Paddy
Duerson, Dave; brain injury of; suicide of
Durham, Leon
Eason, Tony
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elway, John
Enberg, Dick
Ewbank, Weeb
Favre, Brett
Fencik, Gary (“the Hit Man”); college experience of; end of football career; “Ferguson Hit” and; on Halas; on McMahon; as Miami Dolphins player; Plank and; post-football life of; Ryan and; size of; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and
Ferguson, Joe; Marshall’s collision with
Finks, Jim
Fisher, Jeff; on Ryan
Flutie, Doug
Foley, Steve
football; brain injuries from; changes in game; college; factory town teams; professional, beginnings of; World War II and
46 defense; spread offense and
Fouts, Dan
Frazier, Leslie
free substitution
Friedman, Benny
Fuller, Steve; in “The Super Bowl Shuffle”
Gacy, John Wayne
Galimore, Willie
Gault, Willie; Bears left by; Hollywood career of; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; White House visit and
Gayle, Shaun; post-football life of
Gehrig, Lou
Gent, Peter
George, Bill
Giangreco, Mark
Gifford, Frank
“Go Cubs Go!”
Goodell, Roger
Goodman, Steve
Grange, Red
Green Bay Packers
Griese, Bob
Grogan, Steve
Guy, Ray
Halas, George; appearance of; as baseball player; as Bears owner; Butkus and; cancer of; becomes coach; at Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; Cobb and; in college; death of; Ditka and; Ditka hired as coach by; early life of; “eye in the sky” employed by; as football player; funeral of; game film used by; hip problems of; Luckman and; McCaskey and; McMahon and; mentoring of; in navy; retirement as coach; Sayers and; side businesses of; Super Bowl and; T-formation of; Thorpe and; wealth of
Halas, George, Jr. (“Mugs”); death of
Halas, Wilhelmina “Min”
Halas by Halas (Halas)
Halas Hall
Hampton, Dan (“Danimal”); end of football career; in Super Bowl; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; White House visit and
Harbaugh, Jim
Harper, Roland
Harris, Al
Hartenstein, Mike
Hartigan, Neil
Hay, Ralph
Hayes, Woody
Head Games: Football’s Concussion Crisis (Nowinski)
Heffelfinger, William
Hilgenberg, Jay
Hipple, Eric
Hogeboom, Gary
Holmgren, Mike
Huff, Gary
Huggins, Miller
Hughes, Ed
Hunt, Lamar
Iliad (Homer)
In Life, First You Kick Ass (Ditka and Telander)
Jackson, Noah
Jaworski, Ron; on 46 defense
Jiggetts, Dan
Jim Thorpe—All American
Johnson, Billy
Johnson, Walter
Johnsos, Luke
Jones, Ed
Jones, Homer
Jones, Ralph
Jones, Stan
Jones and Laughlin Steel Company
Jordan, Michael
Kahn, Roger
Kennedy, John F.
Keys, Tyrone
Kilmer, Billy
sp; Kingman, Dave
Lambeau, Curly
Landeta, Sean
Landry, Tom; Ditka and
Layden, Tim
Leclerc, Roger
Lederer, Matt
LeMay, Curtis
“Let’s Ram It”
Lewis, Duffy
Life on the Mississippi (Twain)
Lingo, Walter
Lisch, Rusty
Little, Lou
“Living the American Dream”
Lombardi, Vince
Long, Howie
Los Angeles Raiders
Los Angeles Rams vs. Chicago Bears
Lowe, Rob
Luckman, Sid; Avellini and; Halas and
MacArthur, Douglas
Macon, Eddie
Madden, John
Manning, Archie
Mantle, Mickey
Mara, Tim
Mara, Wellington
Maraniss, David
Marino, Dan
Marquard, Rube
Marshall, Brandon
Marshall, George Preston
Marshall, Wilber; Bears left by; Ferguson’s collision with; in Super Bowl; White House visit and
Martin, Charles
“Masters of the Gridiron”
Mathewson, Christy
Mays, Carl
McAfee, George
McCaskey, Brian
McCaskey, Ed; Virginia’s marriage to
McCaskey, George
McCaskey, Michael; Ditka fired by; McMahon and; Shiriashi and; Singletary and; Super Bowl and
McCaskey, Patrick
McCaskey, Tim
McCaskey, Virginia Halas; marriage of; Plasman and
McGinnity, Joe
McIntyre, Guy
McKee, Ann
McKinnon, Dennis
McMahon, Jim; Baschnagel on; Becker and; at Brigham Young; at his children’s sports games; Ditka and; drugs and; drunk driving arrest of; on Duerson; early life of; eye injury of; Flutie and; Halas and; headbands worn by; injuries of; leadership of; in Los Angeles game; Martin and; McCaskey and; Namath and; New Orleans DJ and; on Payton; in retirement; in Super Bowl; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; trading of; in Vikings game; White House visit and
McMahon! The Bare Truth About Chicago’s Brashest Bear (McMahon)
McMichael, Steve; Bears left by; end of football career; McCaskey and; on McMahon; on Plank; post-football life of; in Super Bowl; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; White House visit and
McRae, Jamie
Meyer, Dick
Miami Dolphins: vs. Bears; Fencik as player with
Minnesota Vikings vs. Chicago Bears
Modern “T” Formation with Man-in-Motion, The (Shaughnessy, Jones, and Halas)
Monday, Rick
Montana, Joe
Moore, Nat
Moorehead, Emery; end of football career; on McMahon; post-football life of
Morris, Joe
Morris, Mercury
Morrissey, Jim; on Ryan
Murray, Bill
Nagurski, Bronko
Namath, Joe; McMahon and
National Football League (NFL): early years of; founding of; free substitution and; 1963 Championship
Navon, Laurie
Never Die Easy: The Autobiography of Walter Payton (Payton and Yaeger)
New England Patriots; in Super Bowl
Newman, Paul
New York Giants vs. Chicago Bears
New York Times
New York Yankees; Halas as player with
NFC Championship Trophy
nickel defense
Nitschke, Ray
Nixon, Richard
Noll, Chuck
North Dallas Forty (Gent)
North Dallas Forty (movie)
North Shore Screen Doors
Nowinski, Chris
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Morgan
O’Doul, Lefty
Oorang Indians
Osmanski, Bill
Owens, Terrell
Page, Alan
Papa Bear (Davis)
Parcells, Bill
Pardee, Jack
Parrish, Bernie
Paterno, Joe; Plank and
Patton, George
Payton, Eddie
Payton, Jarrett
Payton, Walter; candy obsession of; death of; liver disease of; post-football life of; Singletary and; in Super Bowl; “The Super Bowl Shuffle” and; workouts of
Pearlman, Jeff
Pellington, Bill
Perry, William “Refrigerator”; on Bob Hope Christmas Special; in Super Bowl; White House visit and
Philadelphia Eagles: Ditka as player with; Ryan leaves Bears to coach
Phillips, Reggie
Phillips, Ted
Piccolo, Brian
Piersall, Jimmy
Pipp, Wally
Pittsburgh Steelers; vs. Bears
Plank, Doug; Automatic Front Coverage and; Burger King franchises of; on Ditka; on Ditka/Ryan situation; end of football career; Fencik and; 46 defense and; on Halas; on Marino; on McMahon; Paterno and; Payton and; post-football life of; on Ryan; on three kinds of coaches
Plasman, Dick
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Pyle, Mike
quarterbacks; injuries and
Reel Fishing
Reeves, Dan
Reuter, Rhoni
Rice, Grantland
Richard, Rocket
Richardson, Mike; post-football life of
Rivera, Ron
Robeson, Paul
Rockne, Knute
Roethlisberger, Ben
Roland, Johnny
Rooney, Art
Royko, Mike
Rozelle, Pete; McMahon and
Rush, Bobby
Ruth, Babe
Rutigliano, Sam
Ryan, Buddy; in army; Automatic Front Coverage used by; Ditka and; early life of; 46 defense used by; leaves Bears; as New York Jets coach; retirement of; White House visit and
Ryan, Rex
Ryan, Rob
Sandburg, Carl
Sanders, Barry
San Diego Chargers: vs. Bears; McMahon traded to
San Francisco 49ers; vs. Bears
Sayers, Gale
Schramm, Tex
Schulian, John
Scott, James
Seau, Junior
Seifert, George
Septien, Rafael
Shaughnessy, Clark
Shawkey, Bob
Shiriashi, Hiroshi
Shula, Don
Shurmur, Fritz
“Silver and Black Attack”
Simms, Phil
Simpson, O. J.
Singletary, Mike; Automatic Front Coverage and; McCaskey and; Payton and; on Ryan; in Super Bowl
single-wing offense
Smith, Bill
Smith, Emmitt
Snyder, Bob
Soldier Field
space shuttle Challenger
spiking the ball
Sporting News
Sports Illustrated
Sports Legacy Institute
spread offense
Stack, Jim
Stagg, Alonzo
Staley, A. E.
Staleys, see Decatur Staleys
Stanfel, Dick
Staubach, Roger
Sternaman, Dutch
Stop-Action (Butkus)
Stydahar, Joe
Suhey, Matt
“Super Bowl Shuffle, The”
Super Bowl XX; San Francisco game and
Sutcliffe, Rick
Sweetness (Pearlman)
Swiatek, Max
Tapper, Jake
Taylor, Lawrence
Tebow, Tim
Telander, Rick; on Ditka
Thayer, Tom
Theismann, Joe
“Then Ditka Said to Payton…” (Jiggetts)
They Call It a Game (Parrish)
homas, Clendon
Thorpe, Jim; background of; Halas and
Thrower, Willie
Tip Top
Tittle, Y. A.
Tobin, Bill; on McMahon
Tobin, Vince
Tomczak, Mike
Tonelli, Mario
Trafton, George
Twain, Mark
Tyson, Mike
Udall, Stewart
Unitas, Johnny
Vainisi, Jerry
Van Horne, Keith
Veeck, Bill, Sr.
Vick, Michael
Wade, Bill
Walls, Everson
Walsh, Bill
Walter & Me: Standing in the Shadow of Sweetness (Payton)
Warner, Pop
Washington, Harold
Washington, Kenny
Washington Redskins vs. Chicago Bears
Waters, Andre
Watts, Ricky
Webster, Mike
Welker, Wes
When Pride Still Mattered (Maraniss)
White, Danny
Wilson, George
Wilson, Marc
Wilson, Otis; Bears left by; on Ditka; in Super Bowl; in “The Super Bowl Shuffle”; White House visit and
Wilson, Wade
Winder, Sammy
Wood, Bob
Woods, Ickey
Woolf, Bob
Wooten, Ron
World War II
World Wrestling Federation
Wrightman, Tim; on McMahon
Wrigley Field
Yang, Marni
Youngblood, Jack
Zucker, Steve
Zuppke, Robert
Bill Smith Photography
Bill Smith Photography
Photograph courtesy of Mark Varouxakis, constraint programmer, modern voyeur, neo-Darwinist
AP Images
AP Images
AP Images
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, NYWT&S Collection, LC-DIG-ds-03728
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, photograph by Harris & Ewing, LC-DIG-hec-13257
AP Images
AP Images
© Walter Iooss
AP Images
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA/OWI Collection, LC-USF33-020793-M2 (P&P)
AP Images
AP Images
AP Images
Bill Smith Photography
AP Images
AP Images
Hand-drawn diagram of the 46 defense courtesy of Doug Plank
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AP Images
AP Images
Bill Smith Photography