Gangster State
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7. Diphoko Senokoane, ‘Cosas is born, schools stand together’, Express, 23 September 2015, available at (last accessed 11 September 2018).
8. ‘Minutes of the UDF held on 10 and 11 September 1983 at Phoenix Settlement in Durban’, Collection No. AK2117, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand, 2012, available at (last accessed 11 September 2018).
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11. Rico Devara Chapman, Student Resistance to Apartheid at the University of Fort Hare: Freedom Now, a Degree Tomorrow (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016), p. 58.
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13. ‘20 on violence charges’, Daily Dispatch, 19 May 1982.
14. ‘CCIS man tells of shots at Fort Hare’, Daily Dispatch, 12 January 1983.
15. Bheki Mlangeni, South African History Online, available at
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16. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC
Oral History Project, n.d.
17. S v Dingiswayo and Others 1985 3 SA 175, Ciskei General Division.
18. ‘CCIS man tells of shots at Fort Hare’.
19. ‘Ciskei terror trial postponed’, Daily Dispatch, 24 August 1982.
20. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC
Oral History Project, n.d.
21. Forde, ‘Magashule: premier in waiting’.
1. Setjhaba Maphalla and Mondli Mvambi, ‘A man of the people’, Public Sector Manager, January 2014, pp. 56–61.
2. Ibid., pp. 56–57.
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5. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC Oral History Project, n.d.
6. ‘Let us respect the legacy of Mama Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’, media release by Dennis Bloem MP, 9 April 2018.
1. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC Oral History Project, n.d.
2. Jeremy Seekings, The UDF: A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa, 1983–1991 (Cape Town: David Philip, 2000), p. 212.
3. Bloem statement.
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5. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC Oral History Project, n.d.
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9. ‘Tumahole (Parys) 698-714’, Document ID AK2117-K2117-L9-22, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand, 2009, available at http://www.historicalpapers.wits (last accessed 13
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11. Dlodlo, ‘Magashule can never be erased from the history of the struggle’.
12. Christa Kuljian, Sanctuary: How an Inner-city Church Spilled onto a Sidewalk (Johannesburg: Jacana, 2013), p. 78.
13. Sapa, ‘Winnie started assault on abducted youths, TRC hears’, 26 November 1997, available at (last accessed 14 September 2018).
14. Sapa, ‘Stompie killed on Winnie’s orders to cover up assaults, TRC told’, 3
December 1997, available at See for transcript (both last accessed 14 September 2018).
15. Sapa, ‘MDM distanced itself from Winnie after she ignored Mandela’, 27 November 1997, available at (last accessed 14
September 2018).
16. Birthdate appears on a UAE tourist visa for Thato Magashule, contained in the
#GuptaLeaks emails.
17. Interview with Elias Ace Magashule by Moses Mzwandile Hadebe, for the ANC
Oral History Project, n.d.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
1. Chitja Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004): A reality?’, Journal for Contemporary History, 30
(3), January 2005, pp. 109–131.
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3. Rapule Tabane, ‘Drive to finesse “Ace”’, Mail & Guardian, 15 April 2005, available at (last accessed 17 September 2018).
4. Tom Lodge, South African Politics Since 1994 (Cape Town: David Philip, 1999), p.
5. Ibid.
6. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
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8. Qaanitah Hunter, ‘NDZ bid to be No 1 hits bumps in NEC and Ace’, Sunday Times, 24 September 2017.
9. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
10. Ibid.
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12. Staff reporter, ‘Lekota uncover
s corruption in Free State’, Mail & Guardian, 8
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13. Lodge, South African Politics Since 1994, p. 21.
14. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
15. ‘Commission finds R3-m irregularities’, The Star, 13 December 1996.
16. National Party media statement, undated, sourced from the Archive for Contemporary Affairs (ARCA) at the University of the Free State.
17. Staff reporter, ‘Lekota uncovers corruption in Free State’.
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20. Lodge, South African Politics Since 1994, p. 19.
21. Ibid.
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23. Personal profile of Mosiuoa Lekota, available at (last accessed 17 September 2018).
24. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
25. Lodge, South African Politics Since 1994, p. 22.
26. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
27. Staff reporter, ‘Lekota’s nemesis goes to Parliament’, Mail & Guardian, 24 June 1997, available at (last accessed 17 September 2018).
28. Twala, ‘The demon of factionalism in an African National Congress (ANC)-led Free State Province (1994–2004)’.
29. Lodge, South African Politics Since 1994, p. 22.
30. Jonny Steinberg, ‘Magashule and allies sweep the floor in Free State ANC election’, Business Day, 24 August 1998, available at
.html (last accessed 17 September 2018).
31. Ibid.
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33. Ibid.
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