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Falcon Hunter

Page 2

by Shonna Brannon

  Looking down as she dipped her brush into her paint bucket, she saw a couple of kids chasing a runaway ball in her direction. Worry for their safety had her calling out to them to slow down, but they hit her ladder head on. Her balance went askew, and she tumbled toward the ground. She tried to scream, but her voice lodged behind a lump in her throat.

  From out of nowhere, muscular, bronzed arms wrapped her in their warm embrace as she fell. In the second it took her feet to float to the ground, she gasped in awe at the beautiful amber eyes of her savior. Then the arms vanished as quickly as they'd come.

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  Chapter Two

  Something soared past and landed on her Jeep. Her falcon. She didn't know when she'd begun thinking of him as hers, but he'd been around her so long and rarely left her side that it seemed to come naturally. Where had he come from anyway? The last time she'd seen him, he was flying above the store. Weird. It was as though he'd just appeared at her side.

  Her heart raced. Her breath came out almost as fast as the fear of what nearly happened overtook her. She looked up to where she'd been on the ladder. She could've fallen and broken her neck had it not been for the man who'd saved her. Drawing in a shaky breath, Christina searched up and down the streets for the stranger who'd saved her from becoming a pancake on the sidewalk. Where did he go? He couldn't have vanished into thin air.

  Studying her enigmatic feathered friend, she said, “Where did he go? Did you see him?” She brought a shaky hand up to stop the racing in her chest. What was she thinking? He couldn't answer her, but as she gazed at the falcon's whisky-colored eyes, she would almost swear they were the same as the stranger's. But that was impossible. Wasn't it? She laughed at her silliness and rubbed the back of her head, feeling for lumps. Was she sure she hadn't hit it on something?

  She reached her hand out to touch the falcon. Stroking his feathers, a comforting heat enveloped her. Her heart decelerated to a normal cadence, her shakiness evened out, and her breathing slowed. She didn't understand why the bird always made her feel at ease, but whenever anxiety or fear washed over her, he soothed her worries. She wished the stranger had stuck around long enough so she could thank him. She glanced around to see if anyone else had seen the man who'd caught her, but no one seemed to be paying her any attention. Even the children who'd bumped into her ladder had already run back across to the park.

  There was no way she could finish painting now. She figured it might be best if she waited to do it when she'd be less likely to take a tumble. Taking one last look down the sidewalk for the stranger, she carried the paint and ladder back into the storage room. Then she glanced across the street to make sure the kids were still playing with their ball across the street. The last thing she wanted was to run one of them over with her car.

  "Well, Mr. Falcon, we can finish this tomorrow. I believe I've had enough excitement today. Let's go home and cook dinner. We have company coming over tonight, and I don't want him to go hungry.” Christina gave the majestic bird one last look and climbed into her SUV.

  She cranked her car as the bird took flight. Peering over her shoulder to make sure no one was coming, she pulled into the street. A quick glance in her rearview mirror showed her falcon flying behind her, following her home.

  * * * *

  Falcon Hunter followed Christina's car until she pulled into her garage. When she'd fallen from that ladder, his heart almost stopped. He'd barely made it in time to save her. What if he'd been a second later in reaching her? The very idea left a bitter taste in his mouth. What if he hadn't been there at all? He didn't want to think about the consequences of that. According to Cherokee tradition, she was in her seventh and final reincarnation. If he couldn't convince her of their love and who he was in this lifetime, then he'd never get another chance. That was inconceivable. The thought of spending the rest of eternity without her pierced his heart. It was too painful to fathom.

  But he did think of the precious, all-too-brief moment when he'd held her in his arms. He'd wanted to keep her there. Feel her soft skin against his. To breathe in the sweet scent that was uniquely hers. Nothing would've pleased him more than to carry her off and make long, sweet love. The way she'd molded her body to his as he cradled her warm and safe in his arms was both heaven and hell. A paradise that had ended much too soon and left behind a painful longing almost too excruciating to bear.

  Once he saw her safely enter her house, he perched on the kitchen windowsill and watched her prepare supper for the mystery man coming over. The thought of her with another man was like a knife twisting in his gut. After a century, he would've thought he'd be used to seeing the woman of his heart with another, but he wasn't.

  How am I going to get through the night watching her with him and not claw his eyes out?

  * * * *

  Christina pulled out all the ingredients from the refrigerator to make her garlic chicken. She put the dish together and slid it into the hot oven.

  Filling a couple of pots with water, she placed some fresh corn on the cob in one and green beans in the other. Both were gifts from the Cherokee people she'd helped this week. It warmed her more to accept these gifts than to take money. They meant so much more than anything money could buy.

  One couple she'd helped had a child who'd had a cold settle in her chest and couldn't cough anything up. The other couple had utilized her as a midwife. Not having the insurance or the money to go to the hospital, they'd chosen to have their child at home. Delivering babies always made her nervous because there were so many things that could go wrong. Thankfully it had been a textbook birth, and mother and daughter were perfectly healthy. The miracle of birth always touched her heart, no matter how many babies she delivered. Each time was like the first time. The parents were struggling to make ends meet, so she'd advised them to make an appointment with a pediatrician who was willing to take them based on their income.

  Both families had been resistant to her help at first, but eventually she'd shown them that she knew what she was doing.

  Christina went upstairs to change and touch up her makeup. After running the brush through her hair one last time, she went to check on dinner. Her falcon stared at her through the kitchen window. She smiled at him as she tugged the oven mitts off the hook beside the sink. As she pulled the chicken out of the oven, the doorbell rang.

  Kyle Wolfe greeted her with a gleaming smile when she opened the door. His dimples flashed. He stood on her small porch, dressed all in black and looking sexy as hell. His shirt fit him like a glove, outlining every contour of his body. He definitely wasn't a slacker at the gym. His dark brown eyes sparkled beneath thick black lashes. She'd met him at the park a couple of days ago, and they'd hit it off right away. It didn't hurt that he was gorgeous as sin. He held a faint resemblance to being Native American, though from what tribe, she had no idea.

  "Come in, Kyle. Dinner's ready.” She moved aside and let him pass. “I thought we'd eat outside in the garden, if that's okay with you."

  Kyle handed her a single red rose. “Sounds good to me. You look beautiful tonight.” He smiled. “But then again, you'd look gorgeous in a paper bag."

  Her cheeks grew warm at the compliment. “Follow me, Prince Charming. I'll show you where we're eating, and then I'll bring the food out."

  "Are you sure you don't want any help? I don't mind."

  She smiled. “That's okay, Kyle. It's no problem.” She pushed open the French doors that opened to her garden and showed him to a round, glass-topped wicker table set intimately between a dogwood tree and small goldfish pond. “Have a seat, and I'll be right back with dinner."

  When she reached the table with the food and a bottle of wine, Kyle poured them both glasses.

  "Everything looks delicious, Christina. You didn't have to go to so much trouble for me. But I'm very grateful for it.” He grinned and took a bite of his chicken. An appreciative moan escaped his lips as he chewed. “This is wonderful."

  She laughed. �
�Thank you. I'm glad you like it, but it was really no trouble. I love to cook, and there's no one to cook for. My grandmother comes here once a week to eat with me, but other than that, it's just me."

  He flashed a smile her way. “Well, feel free to cook for me anytime.” They ate in silence for a moment, and then he said, “How did your day go?"

  "Except for nearly killing myself on a ladder, it was a pretty good day.” She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

  Kyle's eyes widened. “What were you doing on a ladder?"

  She swallowed a bite of her chicken. “I've been helping my grandmother out with a few renovations at her store. I climbed the ladder to finish up painting on her storefront, when these kids chased a ball toward me and knocked the ladder. I fell off and nearly became a pancake on the sidewalk."

  He reached over and touched her hand, concern darkening his gaze. “Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything, are you?"

  She smiled. “No, I'm fine. No harm done. Some man came out of nowhere and caught me before I hit the ground.” An image of his whiskey-colored eyes flashed through her mind. “If not for him, I probably would've broken my neck or worse."

  "That's good. Who was he? Did you know him?"

  She set her fork down. “That's just it. I didn't even get a chance to thank him. He disappeared as quickly as he showed up. The only one there was my falcon. He follows me everywhere I go."

  Kyle cocked his eyebrows and gave her a skeptical look. “Your falcon?” He took another bite of his food and ducked his head as though he were trying not to laugh.

  "Well ... ever since I was about sixteen, I've noticed this bird that seemed to be everywhere I go. When I started living alone, it showed up in my garden one day and would sit and watch me work.” She laughed at herself. “I know it sounds weird, but it's true. He's over there now watching us.” She pointed to the birdbath.

  Kyle looked where she indicated and laughed. “Is he your pet?"

  Her falcon puffed up his feathers as though being someone's pet was a horrible thought. Christina laughed. “He is rather tame with me, but I don't think he's anyone's pet.” The falcon squawked at them and flew off toward the woods, landing on a large rock at the edge of the trees. He continued to gaze at them, and Christina could swear she saw indignation in the tilt of his head.

  Smiling at the bird's actions, she took a sip of her wine. “Tell me a little about yourself, Kyle."

  "My family is from this area originally. When I was twelve, we relocated to Florida, but last year I got offered a position at the local university here teaching history.” He smiled. “I couldn't pass up the chance to come home."

  "What about your family? I can see you're Native American, but what tribe?"

  "I'm descended from someone in the local band of Cherokee. He was like my seventh great-grandfather or something. Everyone says I get my looks from him."

  Not able to stop herself from flirting, she said, “He must've been very handsome then."

  Kyle smiled. “Thanks. Legend has it he and his brother were set to rule the tribe, but his brother was murdered. So my ancestor ended up ruling the tribe alone. However, it wasn't long after he took over that he died. Some say he grieved himself to death over his brother's murder, but I think he was killed, too."

  Christina had always found the history of her people fascinating. “What makes you think that?"

  "He had cuts all over his face. It was the slashes on his wrist that killed him, though.” He took the last sip of wine from his glass.

  "Couldn't he have just committed suicide?"

  "No. Committing such an act would've shamed him and his family, and he was nothing if not proud. Or at least that's what has been passed down through my family."

  "That's an interesting family history.” She picked up her plate and glass. “Come on, let's get these dishes inside."

  "I hate to leave, Christina, but I have an early class to teach in the morning,” he said as he looked at the clock over the stove.

  "That's right. You said you taught history at the university. I hate to see the night end, but I'll walk you to the door."

  At the door, Kyle took her hand and gazed into her eyes. Slow tingles glided along her spine. “I enjoyed dinner. Thank you. I'd like to get to know you better, if that's okay."

  She smiled. “I'd like that very much."

  He leaned over and gave her a feather-light kiss on the cheek. “I'll call you tomorrow. In the meantime, stay away from ladders."

  "I'll do that.” She couldn't help laughing. After watching him drive off, she went inside to conquer the dirty dishes.

  After loading the dishwasher, she put the leftovers in the fridge to carry to the reservation for a newly married couple there that was struggling to make ends meet.

  I wonder if Kyle will really call me tomorrow. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She hoped so. Living in a small town limited her options of single men. And he definitely was a single man worth giving her time to.

  She rolled her shoulders, stiff from her earlier work in the garden, and headed for the bathroom and a hot bath.

  She stripped off her clothes and lit some lavender-scented candles while the tub filled, then slid into the hot water.

  "Ahh.” She laid her head back and relaxed, letting the water take the day away and wrap her in heated luxury. Instead of blanking everything from her mind, though, her thoughts drifted to the gorgeous stranger who caught her earlier. She should be thinking of Kyle, but there was something about that man ... She closed her eyes and pictured bronzed arms wrapping around her. A jolt of electric awareness went through her as if her hero was really there.

  Her body throbbed ... ached. It had been so long since a man had touched her. She sank deeper under the water as she reached her hand between her legs where she was moist and ready. If only she had her hero here to fill her, to take her to the edge and back again. If only it was his hands between her thighs and not her own.

  She stroked herself, slowly at first, sighing when the tension grew and spiraled outward, sending small tingles down her legs and to her breasts. Her nipples tightened. Inserting two fingers inside herself and slowly pumping, she used her other hand to circle her clit.

  In her mind's eye, she saw the sexy stranger over her, sliding his hard, silken dick in and out of her. She rocked her hips against her questing fingers, imagining her stranger's corded muscles bracketing her, his wide, solid chest pressed against her breasts, his flesh teasing her pebbled nipples.

  So ... close ... She cried out as she tumbled over, wave after wave of release crashing through her.

  Going lax, she melted against the tub and drew in a few deep breaths, trying to bring herself back to reality, but the image of her hero floated behind her closed eyelids. A small smile curved her lips as total relaxation settled into her bones.

  * * * *

  Falcon Hunter shook himself.

  Pet! I'm no one's pet.

  He flew up to Christina's bedroom windowsill.

  It had taken all he had not to claw that man's eyes out. What did she see in him anyway? And the way Kyle had eyed Christina, like some sort of prize or challenge to be conquered. Couldn't she see that? The man obviously lusted after her, but there was something else there. He couldn't put his talon on it, but something wasn't right about him.

  The window was open, and the sound of sloshing water drew his attention. He looked through her bedroom window to the open doorway of the bathroom as she writhed in pleasure in the tub. Seeing her touch herself shook him to the core. If he were in human form, he'd be rock hard from watching the scene before him. His heart ached to join her. What he wouldn't give to slide into the bath with her, wash her, caress her. Make love to her. She cried out her climax, and he wished it had been him to give it to her.

  He couldn't let Kyle take advantage of her. That man definitely wasn't good enough for her, and if she couldn't figure it out on her own, then he'd have to find a way to show her. Besides, something
about the man seemed vaguely familiar. Whatever it was, Hunter didn't like it.

  She brushed the hair from her eyes. She's so beautiful. Her heart was pure. She deserves someone who wants her for more than her body. A man who'll love her, care for her, and protect her. He wanted so much to be that man, but if not him, then someone ... else. Although the thought of her with any man hurt like hell, he didn't want to begrudge her any happiness she might have.

  Christina's water cooled as her body came back down to earth. Goose bumps popped out all over her skin, leaving her chilled. She wrapped a towel around herself and strolled into her bedroom. Dropping her towel beside her bed, she crawled beneath the covers. The crisp, clean sheets against her naked fleshed refreshed her after her bath. They were almost a caress against her already sensitive skin.

  No sooner had she laid her head on the pillow than the darkness of sleep surrounded her and carried her away. Unfortunately, her nightmare started the same as it always did. She awoke in a home not unlike those on the reservation to find Tall, Dark, and Ugly looming over her with a leer on his face. A bed of soft deerskin lay beneath her, but it didn't take away from the harshness that always came from the man above her. Christina wriggled until she was half sitting only to be shoved back down.

  "It's about time you woke up, Running Doe.” He dropped to his knees. “Now I can take the one thing that Falcon Hunter loves the most.” He laughed, and evil laced his words. “You."

  Christina tried to bring her hands around to fend him off, but they were tightly bound. Looking down, she found her ankles also tied. She struggled with the bindings, but the flesh on her wrists was raw from the rough rope. She tried to hide the fear clenching her heart, but a whimper slipped past her lips.

  Please. Not again.

  He grabbed her doeskin dress by the collar and ripped it down the front, leaving her bare to the cold night air. “I can see why Falcon loves getting his hands on you.” He licked his lips. “You are very beautiful.” He pinned her to the ground with his body even as she bucked and struggled as hard as she could to dislodge him.


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