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Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance

Page 10

by K. C. Crowne

  “Bend over for me,” he said in a gruff voice.

  I did what he asked, leaning on the bed with my free hand. We still rubbed my clit together. I felt his cock against my ass, and Viktor’s fingers entered me from behind. I was dripping wet by now and his fingers slid easily into me. A moment later, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock. His cock was much thicker than his fingers. Harder. Hungrier.

  When he pushed into me, he let go of my hand and gripped my hips.

  “Faster, Angel,” he commanded. “Keep going.”

  I moaned and whimpered as I pushed myself closer and closer to the edge. With his cock sliding into me, it was impossible to hold back. He pushed in all the way, and thrust a little, pushing me forward onto the bed. I held myself up, but barely. When he thrust again, he reached my end, his cock pushed against my cervix. The feeling of fullness and what I was doing with my own fingers was enough to push me over the edge, and I cried out as my first orgasm rocked through me.

  “Yes, kitn,” Viktor bit out. “Come for me.”

  I cried out as the orgasm intensified. Viktor started fucking me harder. He didn’t ease into it like he had before. He pounded into me hard and fast, and I cried out as he plunged into me from behind. I braced both hands on the bed and let the pleasure spread from my core and threaten to consume me. My orgasm lasted longer than before, and I felt like I was drowning in heat and light.

  When I came down from the sexual high, I felt lightheaded and my arms were threatening to collapse from under me. As if he knew, Viktor pulled out of me. I turned around and he kissed me. He leaned forward, his hands stretching down to my legs, and as if I weighed nothing, he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, and Viktor slowly lowered me.

  I felt his cock against my entrance, and a moment later, he slipped into me. I gasped when he did. I tried to move my hips, but in his arms, I couldn’t do much. I didn't have to.

  Viktor marched me backward until my back was against the log wall of the room. The wall was cold against my skin, but I forgot about it when Viktor started thrusting into me. He pushed me up against the wall, using it to help keep me up, and started bucking his hips. His cock slid in and out, the rhythm slow. The sensation was very different from when we were laying down, and he pounded into me hard and fast.

  For a while, the only sounds in the room were my cries and his grunts, and his cock sliding in and out of me. He moved away from the wall and back to the bed, resting his knee on the mattress first before laying me down. He moved inside me with slow strokes, his large muscular body hovering over mine, dominating, delicious, in and out, his eyes locked on mine.

  “You’re mine, Angela,” he said as he thrust deep into me. “All of this is mine. Do you understand?”

  I moaned and nodded, my words incoherent when I tried to speak.

  “Can you feel the way my body fits inside yours?”

  I moaned again. His strokes were deliciously slow, and I could feel an orgasm building inside me, coaxed into being with his slow thrusts, kindled to life like a fire. My skin was hot and I felt feverish, trembling with anticipation of what was to come.

  “The sounds you make get me so hard,” Viktor said when I moaned again. “You feel so good, kitn.”

  He kept talking as he thrust into me. My body quaked, the orgasm pushing closer and closer, and I made noises I didn’t know I could make.

  “That’s it, Angel,” Viktor said in his thick Russian accent, and holy shit, it was hot as hell. “Come for me.”

  I cried out as the orgasm spread through me, starting from my core and washing into the rest of my body. Viktor grunted and started fucking me harder.

  “Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you,” he said in a gruff voice. He thrust into me harder and harder, my body moving on the mattress, my breasts bouncing back and forth. “You look so fucking beautiful right now.”

  My eyes slipped closed, but I opened them so I could watch him.

  “Tell me, Angel,” he said. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to come inside me,” I gasped.

  Viktor gave a throaty chuckle, his eyes dark and drowning deep. “Good girl, Malen kiy.”

  He set a relentless pace, his cock slamming into me, pounding against my cervix, and I cried out as he pounded into me. Viktor’s face was riddled with concentration, his muscular shoulders ripped with the strength of holding himself up. I ran my hands over his shoulders and dug my fingers into his skin when he fucked me harder still. I clung onto him, holding on for dear life.

  I could feel him heading for his own release. He gritted his teeth, and he moved harder and deeper as if he’d found yet another gear. His cock grew harder inside me, and he plunged deep, his cock twitching as he released. He filled me and I cried out, feeling every pulse. It brought back an echo of my own orgasm, and Viktor grunted and moaned on top of me as he came.

  When he slowed down, his orgasm over, he slowly pulled out of me, still hard.

  “Turn around, kitn,” he grunted.

  I remembered how hard he had stayed last time, and a thrill passed through me as I rolled onto my hands and knees. Viktor put his hands on my hips and thrust into me again. I cried out, sheer pleasure the only thing I could feel.

  “Your ass is perfect,” he said, kneading my cheeks while he pushed into me.

  He paused for just a moment, sliding his thumb into my wetness, and dragged his thumb up to my asshole. Slowly, he started moving his cock inside me again, circling my asshole with his thumb. I whimpered, the sensation incredible, pushing me into another level of ecstasy.

  He didn’t do any more than that. He only pushed his thumb against my second entrance while he slowly slid his cock in and out of me, and it made me shiver with a sense of yet another orgasm rising inside of me.

  How was he doing this to me? With him, the pleasure never stopped. He could keep fucking me forever, and I would keep coming for him.

  He picked up his pace again, and the pressure of his thumb against my asshole created new feelings, new heights of ecstasy.

  “Don’t come until I tell you to,” he ordered.

  I was on the verge; trying not to orgasm was the opposite of what I had been doing. I wanted to fall apart so badly; I wanted the pleasure rushing over me.

  “Not yet, kitn,” Viktor said.

  “I don’t think I can,” I whimpered. I was so fucking close, my body was shaking.

  Viktor stopped thrusting, his cock filling me up without moving.

  “Don’t stop,” I complained.

  “Don’t come,” he countered.

  I swallowed and nodded, looking over my shoulder. He ran his hand over my back and into my hair, caressing me, looking at me with a level of affection that should have scared me for how little we really knew each other. But for some reason, it didn’t scare me at all. When he looked at me like that, his face a combination of lust and something deeper, it made me feel warm. Hot. It made me want him to keep thrusting.

  When he was sure I had my orgasm under control, he started moving inside of me again. I concentrated on keeping it together, desperately trying not to let go. As if he was set on torturing me, Viktor moved his hand from my ass around to my clit and pushed his fingers against it, rubbing it in quick circles.

  “Please, Viktor,” I moaned when the sensation was too overwhelming for me to stop the pleasure.

  “What do you want, Angel?”

  I moaned, trembling as I fought the orgasm.

  “Tell me what you want, Malen kiy,” Viktor said.

  “I want to come,” I whimpered.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  I could hear he was smiling and knew he’d heard me just fine. “Please, let me come.”

  Viktor leaned over me, leaning on one hand close to my shoulder, his chest almost against my back. “Come for me, Angel,” he whispered hoarsely in my ear, his fingers on my clit moving faster, his cock pumping into me.

  I let
go, the orgasm crashing down on me. I screamed in ecstasy. Viktor chuckled again, enjoying it all, and he pushed back up onto his knees, fucking me harder than ever. My breasts swung back and forth, his balls slapped against my clit, which only intensified the orgasm until I felt like the world was drowned in the fire that spread through me and nothing remained but me and Viktor and the feeling he was creating inside me.

  I collapsed on the mattress. Viktor leaned over me, still inside me, and kept going. I lay on my stomach, my ass perched in the air, and I moaned and cried out as he pushed me into the mattress.

  Viktor kissed and nuzzled my neck, slowing his thrusting until he all but laid on top of me.

  “You’re incredible, my Angel,” he murmured to me. He slid out of me and his cock was slick and hard between my ass cheeks.

  “I want you to come for me again, the same way I came for you.”

  Viktor’s eyes darkened and he pushed up, moving off me. He took my hand and pulled me to him so that I understood what he wanted. He sat on the mattress, his back against the wall, and I climbed onto him. My sex was raw, sensitive with the continued friction, and my clit was swollen and red with the extended attention. But he had awoken a sexual need in me that I hadn’t known existed, and I wanted to keep doing this. I wanted him inside me again.

  I sank down onto his cock, moaning and gasping not only at the feel of his size pushing into me, but how sensitive I had become. I moved back and forth, testing, feeling.

  The sensation of him inside me trumped any sensitivity I might feel, and I started rocking my hips back and forth. I wanted him to fill me another time. My pussy was already a slick, wet mess after he had emptied himself before, but I wanted more. I wanted all of him. I had an animalistic need that wanted him to mark me so that I was his in a way that was purely carnal. I had no idea where it came from, but I wanted it, and I couldn’t help myself.

  I put my hands on Viktor’s shoulders while I rocked my hips back and forth, moving my body so that his cock slid in and out of me.

  “Yes, Malen kiy,” Viktor groaned, his brows knitting together, his lips parting. “You are so perfect.” He had his hands on my hips, guiding me, pulling me closer.

  He dipped his head a little and sucked a nipple into his mouth while I rode him. I cried out, the sensation yet again heading toward orgasm. I rocked harder and faster, determined to make him come again. I didn’t know if I could; it didn’t seem possible that he could release inside me a second time.

  But he was still hard and more than willing to go another round.

  Viktor’s grunts and groans intensified, his voice rumbling against my breast. My nipple slipped out of his mouth when he groaned, and I knew he was getting close. He wrapped his arms around my body and clenched his jaw. I felt him tense, his stomach muscles contracting, and a moment later he released inside me with a moan.

  This man was incredible.

  I watched his face as he orgasmed, and I leaned forward, kissing him. I’d never felt anything like I felt for this stranger.

  Slowly, and not so slowly, he wasn’t a stranger anymore.

  When he opened his eyes, he smiled at me, and I suddenly felt shy. I clambered off him and lay down. Viktor shuffled down on the mattress, lying next to me. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and traced my profile with his fingertips

  “I’m exhausted,” I said, yawning.

  Viktor chuckled. “Sleep, Angel.”

  “But we just got up.”

  “Hush,” he said softly and leaned forward, kissing me on the forehead, and then on my eyes. “Just rest.”

  I didn’t open my eyes again. My breathing slowed, and the feeling of pure bliss that stretched over my body, accompanied by Viktor’s body heat next to me, was enough to lull me into a dreamless sleep.


  If I thought I was headed up shit’s creek before, I sure as hell was in trouble now. Every time I was inside Angela, I felt more for her. More connected, more passionate, more affectionate.

  And that was dangerous.

  When you got attached to someone the way I was getting to Angela, you put yourself in a bad position. She was my weakness, and that weakness could be exploited.

  I lay next to her, planning on sleeping, too. I was just as tired after our long fucking – no, love making – session. But sleep wouldn’t come. I thought about Maksim and the movement of his men. I’d told myself I would check in now and then, and I had already looked today. But something didn’t sit right. I felt uncomfortable, as if there was a pebble in my shoe.

  After tossing and turning for much longer than I should have, worried I might wake Angela, I rolled off the bed and dressed. I kept glancing at her, hoping the creak of the wooden floor and the rustle of my clothing wouldn’t wake her. But she was out cold. I smiled at the reason why.

  Quietly, I left the room and the cabin and hiked up the mountain, pushing between the pile of rocks that led to the entrance of my concealed cave. Once inside, I powered up my satellite equipment yet again. I studied the screen and made an unsettling discovery: the blip wasn’t in Canada anymore. It was in the US.

  He must be on a plane, judging by the speed it was moving. And it was headed right for me.


  There was an airport just a couple of miles from here for private jets and smaller planes. I had no idea if this was the final destination, but I had to assume it was. If I didn’t, and they came for me, I wouldn’t be ready. Better safe than sorry, as the old adage went.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  Angela was here. If they came after me now, she might get caught in the fray. And that was the last thing I wanted. I needed her safe. Some fucking primal side of me didn’t want her to leave my sight so I could know she was safe. So she could be mine.

  But if they were after me, if Maksim was coming to get me, then Angela was in trouble. She was in danger because she was with me.

  How the hell had they found me? I’d been so fucking careful, covering my tracks, keeping an eye on them, staying away from society. I didn’t do social media, wasn’t registered anywhere, I lived off grid, specifically so this wouldn’t happen.

  Yet one of Maksim’s men – or Maksim himself – was headed in my direction.

  My mind started spinning. I had to protect myself. I had to protect Angela. My cabin was a great hideout with a good vantage point, settled toward the rocky mountainside so it could only be approached from the one side. The valley to the other side of the cabin was also difficult to traverse, if not impossible. It was a good location as a hideout, but not as a battle station.

  The upside was that I would see them coming if I was vigilant. I had to get the jump on them. If I was lucky, I could find one of them and torture the info out of him. How had Maksim found me?

  If it played out differently, if they all came at me at once, I would just have to go Yippee Ki Yay on those motherfuckers.

  I closed the satellite equipment, suddenly anxious to get back to Angela, to make sure she was okay. The blip was still headed this way, it wasn’t here yet. But who knew what Maksim could do on American soil? He would recruit people here. He would have a team. And none of them would be chipped. There were times Maksim veered from his MO in order to get a job done.

  The crack in the rocks was almost claustrophobic when I pushed through it again. Adrenaline pumped through my veins. I needed to get back to the cabin. Anxiety tried to take hold of me, but I shoved it away.

  When I stepped into the cabin, everything was quiet. I strained my ears, listening, but the sound of the forest was the only thing around us. I tiptoed to the room. She was still asleep. Safe and sound.

  I had to make sure she stayed that way.

  I left the cabin again and walked around the back, following a trail of rocks. It wasn’t a path, barely more than a scattering of stones. But it was a path that led me to a shed that looked abandoned, half built into an outcropping of small boulders. The shed looked like shit, but the lock was brand new. It had a
biometric code rather than a key, and I put my thumb on the pad to open it. When the lock clicked open, I opened the door, stepped into the shed, and shut the door behind me again.

  There was no light to switch on like in the movies, where everything was lit up shelf after shelf so my past and my present would be laid out. My guns were tucked away in boxes, not hanging on perfect hooks on the wall. Only an idiot put his weapons on display like that. Mine were hidden in case someone did decide to investigate.

  But they were all clean, polished, and serviced.

  I had several different guns. A 1911, a Glock, a Smith and Wesson that made me happy just feeling the weight of it in my palm. Two assault rifles, a sniper rifle, and a good old shotgun.

  I had a collection of knives as well.

  The cabinet to the side housed other things. Darker things. Blades and drills and all manner of torturing devices.

  I wasn’t proud of who I’d been. If I could choose, I wouldn’t look at any of this shit ever again. But desperate times called for desperate measures. I wasn’t going to turn my back on my skills now, especially since someone was on the way.

  Angela had very quickly become everything. I needed to look after her. And I needed to look after me so I could keep her safe. If that fucker decided to disrupt the life I’d created for myself after turning my back on the monster I once was, I’d show him that I could still become an animal when it came to protecting what I loved.

  The fact that I referred to Angela as what I loved was something I wasn’t going to think about too hard.

  For a moment, I considered telling Axel what was going on. It was useful to have backup. I discarded the idea as quickly as it had come. I wasn’t dragging more people in my life into something that wasn’t their problem at all.

  I knew my enemy, knew Maksim better than any of his other men ever would. We’d come a long way together. I was one of his first recruits. And we had been friends, before he’d become the kingpin of his whole operation. I knew his weaknesses.


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