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Unraveling Fayth (Devil's Knights Book 8)

Page 10

by Winter Travers

  “So, tell us what the hell is headed to Rockton,” Demon demanded.

  “That’s the thing, he has no idea who or what it is.”

  “How the fuck does that work?” Rigid asked.

  “You remember the calls and messages we were getting before Fayth was shot?” We all nodded. “Well, it seems whoever was sending them has started again.”

  “But it was Big A who was sending them. The asshole is in jail now,” I replied.

  King nodded. “He is, but it seems he has someone on the outside who is trying to complete what he had set out to do before.”

  “But who? All of his men headed south when he lost it.”

  “That’s what we need to figure out. Leo is indefinitely out of town, and he can’t spare any men to come help.”

  “Well, we don’t even know what the hell we need help with, so now what?” Rigid asked.

  “Now, we start back at square one, and figure out who is connected to Big A that is still around Rockton.” King steepled his hands in front of him and tapped his fingertips together. “I have a few leads, people that were around during the whole Cyn shit and have faded into the background.”

  “Who?” Demon asked.

  “Cherry,” King stated.

  “I don’t even know who the hell that is,” I said.

  “Fucking gash who used to hang around the club. She’s Big A’s cousin. Her brother was the one who beat Cyn,” Rigid explained.

  “You let her hang out in the club?” Why the hell would they let someone who was connected to Big A even step foot into the clubhouse, let alone be a hang-around.

  “She was only around for a little bit before Meg and Cyn took care of her,” King laughed.

  “She knew she wasn’t welcome around here after Rigid and Cyn hooked up.”

  “She works with Meg, Cyn, and Troy,” King said.

  “Yeah, from what I hear, the only reason she has a job is because she likes to spend time under the boss’ desk,” Rigid said, laughing.

  “Sounds like a perfect girl for you, Turtle,” Hammer joked, slugging Turtle in the arm.

  “Man, fuck you. I ain’t wanting a bitch like that. I’ll take one like Gambler has though,” Turtle said, flipping off Hammer.

  “Are you looking at my woman?” Gambler growled.

  Turtle held up his hands and shook his head. “Just observing.”

  “You’re about to observe my foot kick your fucking ass.” Gambler shoved his chair back, and it slammed against the wall.

  Turtle moved behind Hammer. “Dude, it ain’t like I’m touching her or anything.”

  “That’s because she’d never let you touch her,” Gambler boomed.

  “All right, all right,” King called. “Both of you sit the fuck down. Stop looking at his woman, Turtle, and chill the fuck out, Gambler.”

  Gambler pointed at Turtle. “I will destroy you if I ever see you looking at Gwen with anything more than a glance.”

  Turtle held up his hands and nodded.

  “You think we can get back to figuring out who the hell is fucking with us?” I growled. Normally, I was up for a petty fight and egged them on, but this was different. Someone was out there fucking with us for Big A, and we had no idea who it was.

  “There are a few of the guys who used to run with him that still hang around a bar outside of town. They don’t try to hide the fact that they know Big A, so I doubt it is them, but I can run out there and see what I can find out,” Hammer volunteered.

  “Good. Take Turtle with, and let me know what you find out. We need to follow every lead that we have.” King slammed his gavel on the table. “Everyone, keep your eyes open, and don’t let your guard down. Something is going on, and we need to find out what it is.”

  “Gotta love it when our orders are to go to the bar,” Hammer chuckled.

  Hammer and Turtle walked past Gambler and me, and Gambler growled at Turtle.

  “I swear to Christ, between the two of them, they maybe equal a whole brain,” Demon said under his breath as Turtle and Hammer walked out.

  “That’s being generous,” Rigid replied, laughing.

  King kicked back in his chair. “Well, hopefully between the two of them, they can get a lead that we need. Right now, we’re grasping at air.”

  “So, who’s going to check on Cherry?” Gambler asked.

  “Not fucking me. I’m sure Cyn would flip her shit if she knew that I was seeking out that gash,” Rigid said, throwing his hands in the air. “Cyn is all hormonal after having Micha. I’m doing everything I can to stay on her good side.”

  “Meg would do the same. That’s why I’m leaving Cherry to Slider and Demon.” King smirked.

  “What?” Demon shouted. “I’m the damn VP of this club. How the hell do I get the shit job? I’ve got an ol’ lady too, who wouldn’t appreciate me visiting Cherry. Have Slider and one of the other brothers go with him. Hell, tell Roam to get his ass back here from wherever the hell he is.”

  “Nope. It’s you and Slider. Get it done, boys.” King stood, nodded at us, and walked out of the room.

  “This is bullshit. Paige is going to be pissed,” Demon complained.

  “Does she even know who Cherry is?” Rigid asked. “If you don’t tell her who she is, she probably won’t even care.”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t know, but she’s also friends with your baby mama and King’s wife. It won’t be long until she figures out just who she is.” Demon ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “At least you don’t have an ol’ lady to worry about, Slider. How about I drive us, and you can do all of the talking.”

  I tapped my finger on my chin, and a grin spread across my lips. “I have an even better idea. You know how King said that Troy worked with Cherry too?”

  Gambler, Rigid, and Demon all nodded.

  “I think it’s time to make Troy an honorary member of the Knights,” I suggested.

  “Is that even a thing?” Gambler asked.

  “No,” Demon growled, “but I think it’s about to become something, at least for a day or two.” Demon smiled at me and kicked back in his chair.

  Rigid laughed and stood. “Better not let King know what you two are planning.”

  “He’s not going to find out, although we’re going to need your help. I can’t leave Fayth alone. We’re gonna have to figure out a way for you to watch her, but make sure we don’t raise any eyebrows.” I had no idea how the hell we were going to manage that.

  “I think I have an idea,” Rigid mumbled.

  Demon elbowed him in the side. “Well, spill, fucker.”

  “Cyn and Meg have been talking about going to get tattoos. Maybe I’ll try to talk Cyn into making it a girl thing or some shit like that.”

  “Fayth needs someone with her all of the time. She can’t go out with just the girls,” I reminded.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. We ain’t letting our girls go off on their own either. Gambler or I will be there.”

  “Hey,” Gambler protested, “don’t be signing me up for some tattoo field trip with a bunch of chicks.”

  “I’ll go, but you’ll have to stay home with Micha, then. He’s a bit too young for his first trip to the tattoo parlor.”

  “I’ll go to the tattoo parlor,” Gambler agreed quickly. “I’m not ready to be alone with a baby.”

  “That’s a good thing, because I really doubt Cyn would have left him alone with you, and even if she would have, you can bet your ass I would have vetoed that,” Rigid drawled.

  “I think I should be offended right now,” Gambler said, feigning outrage.

  “All right, that’s settled. How about we plan on Friday? That should give you enough time to convince Cyn, right?” I asked Rigid.

  “I’m sure it won’t take much to convince her, it’s just I have to do it in a way that she thinks that it’s her own idea, and not mine.”

  “Well, it’s only Saturday. That gives you all week.” I stood and pulled my phone out
of my pocket, checking to make sure Fayth hadn’t messaged me. I knew she was only a couple of rooms away, but I had told her to if she needed me at all. “I’m gonna check on Fayth.” There was nothing from her, so I shoved my phone in my pocket.

  “She’s with the girls. No need to check on her,” Demon laughed. “They’ll be cackling like a bunch of hens gathered around the bar while they all get drunk.”

  “And then we get to take them home and reap the benefit of drunk sex,” Rigid said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

  “Well, I know Fayth won’t be out there talking, although she’s probably gone through ten notebooks trying to keep up with your ol’ ladies. The only words she can say are ‘Slider’ and ‘ass.’”

  “Ass?” Demon asked, laughing.

  “Yeah, it’s all part of my plan. Get her so pissed off, she has no choice but to talk.”

  Demon shook his head. “You might be playing with fire with that plan.”

  I shrugged. I had no idea what else to do. “What have I got to lose? She’ll get pissed and not talk to me?” I asked, laughing.

  Rigid and Gambler laughed. “Or, you’ll lose her before you even have her,” Demon warned.

  I had to take what he said to heart. Demon knew too well what it was like to have someone and then blow it. He had been lucky to find Paige after fucking up royally.

  “That won’t happen,” I vowed.

  I wanted Fayth, and I was going to get her.


  Chapter 19


  “Line ‘em up,” Meg called.

  “How many is this?” Marley slurred next to me.

  “Seven. Or was it three?” Cyn asked. She held up her hand and tried to count her fingers. “I think it was three,” she said and held up five fingers. “Oh wait, I forgot to add my thumb,” she mumbled.

  I blinked slowly and tried to figure out what her thumb had to do with anything.

  “Does your thumb count as ten?” Paige hiccupped.

  “Who the hell cares,” Meg insisted. “Just line up six more,” she ordered Gwen.

  Gwen set six shot glasses up and grabbed the almost-empty bottle of Rum Chata. “Gambler is going to be so pissed if I puke in his truck,” she slurred and concentrated on the glasses in front of her.

  “Give him a little something when you get home, and he won’t even notice,” Meg instructed.

  “Make sure you brush your teeth, though,” Cyn put in. “Thank God Ethel is watching Micha. I would be such a bad mom if Micha was here right now.” Cyn rested her head on the bar, and I patted her on the back.

  Meg waved her hand at Cyn and scoffed. “We’re not that drunk. You could totally still take care of him.” Meg slid halfway off her stool and grabbed onto the edge of the bar. “Or not,” she mumbled and struggled to pull herself back up.

  I had no idea how we had gotten here. Well, I actually did, but I couldn’t believe it had happened so fast. One minute, we were all oohing and ahhing over pictures of Micha that Cyn had on her phone, and then the next thing I knew, the bottle of Rum Chata had been pulled out and it had been all downhill since then.

  “All right, bottoms up, bitches,” Gwen said, pushing a shot glass to each of us.

  “What are we toasting this time?” Marley asked.

  “Is there really anything left to toast?” Meg questioned. “How about tacos?”

  “Tacos?” Cyn repeated and giggled.

  “Hell yes, tacos. Why the hell not? They are the most important food group.” Meg held up her shot glass.

  “I didn’t know tacos were part of that food octagon,” Marley pondered.

  “They’re not,” Troy called from the couch. He had driven Marley over after Meg had texted her to get her ass here. Since Troy wasn’t part of the club, he was subjected to our downward spiral of Rum Chata.

  “Then, what are they?” Meg called.

  “Damn good eating,” Troy yelled and held up his beer.

  The girls all cheered and raised their glasses. “To damn good eating and tacos!” Cyn called. We all clumsily clanked glasses and tossed back our shots.

  “Jesus Christ.” King had come down the hallway and had his arms crossed over his chest. “We weren’t even in church for half an hour.” He smirked.

  “We only had four,” Meg called.

  “I thought it was eight, or was it five.” Cyn held up her hands again and tried counting her fingers.

  “Don’t count the thumb,” Marley reminded her.

  “Both of them?” Paige asked.

  “I would count one,” Troy suggested, as he laughed.

  “Oh, good idea, babe,” Marley called. “He’s so smart,” she said dreamily.

  “How in the hell does this always happen?” Kings asked, shaking his head.

  “It’s the Meg effect,” Troy called.

  “Because Meg kicks ass! Woo!” Gwen yelled, raising the bottle in the air.

  Another cheer went up, and we all ended up laughing, trying not to fall off of our stools.

  Hammer and Turtle walked into the bar. “Damn, these chicks roll harder than we do.”

  “Yeah, and that’s one party you two don’t get to be a part of,” King nodded at the door. “Go find out what I told you to.”

  Hammer and Turtle both grumbled under their breath but headed out the door.

  “Where are Gambler, Demon, and those other two?” Paige hiccupped.

  “I bet he yelled at them,” Meg said, shaking her head.

  “Why?” Cyn asked.

  “Because he yelled at me before we came,” Meg pouted.

  Gwen leaned on the bar. “Oh, what for?”

  “I didn’t yell at you,” King growled.

  “Yes you did,” Meg shouted, pointing her finger at King. “You told me to behave and not get everyone drunk.”

  King looked around and smirked. “I see you listened to me so well.”

  Meg stood up and shouted, “Hey! You’re not drunk. So there. I did listen.” Meg crossed her arms over her chest and leaned heavily against Cyn.

  “I don’t count.”

  “Well, then, Gambler and those three other guys aren’t drunk,” Meg smarted off.

  “Oh, and neither were Hammer and Turtle,” Marley chimed in.

  “Booya!” Cyn shouted.

  “Sweet Jesus.” King shook his head. “It’s a damn good thing I love you, woman.”

  Meg smiled. “And it’s a damn good thing I let me love you.”

  King tilted his head. “I think I might need to cut you off, babe. I know you’re done when I can’t decipher what you’re trying to say.”

  “You’re too late, Lo.” Meg shook her head and looked down. “I already cut myself off. Pukey Meg is going to make an appearance soon.”

  “Puke and rally!” Troy shouted.

  Meg groaned and shook her head.

  “Quiet from the peanut gallery. You’re egging on my woman,” King yelled at Troy.

  “It’s about damn time someone else eggs her on, normally it’s the other way around,” Troy replied.

  Gambler walked to the end of the bar. “Grab me a beer, doll.” Rigid, Demon, and Slider followed behind him and stood behind us.

  Gwen waved her hand at Gambler and shook her head. “It’s probably best for me not to walk right now.”

  Rigid approached Cyn and put his arm around her shoulders. “How drunk are you, beautiful?”

  “On a scale of seventy to fifty-nine, I’m going to have to say twenty-nine,” Cyn slurred.

  “Huh?” Slider tilted his head to look at Cyn. “How in the hell does that make sense?”

  “Thumbs!” Marley shouted. “She added too many thumbs,” she mumbled while she stumbled over to Troy and fell on top of him.

  “Looks like we missed the rager,” Demon noted, walking behind the bar where he grabbed four beers out of the fridge.

  “It really wasn’t as exciting as you would think. All they did was talk, laugh like a pack of hyenas, and drink like cam
els.” Troy grabbed Marley and situated her in his lap.

  “I’m not a camel,” she weakly protested.

  “And, I haven’t drank in nine months. I am a complete heavy weight,” Cyn said while she reached up and patted Rigid’s cheek.

  “I think you mean lightweight, beautiful,” Rigid corrected.

  “Nope,” Cyn said. “I’m too heavy to be a light weight. I have an ass and now a gut thanks to Micha. Although, he’s too cute for me to be mad at him.” Cyn batted her eyes at Rigid. “You still love me though, right?”

  “You keep giving me babies like Micha, and there’s no way in hell I’d stop loving you.”

  Cyn shook her head. “That’s sweet, but I’m not giving you anymore babies. Micha is perfect. There is no way in hell we could do that again. We’d probably get Satan’s baby or something.”

  “I’ll convince you to give me at least two more.” Rigid smirked.

  “Then, you better get her liquored up real good,” Paige said, laughing.

  Slider scooted next to me and leaned down. “You doing okay, Firecracker, or am I going to have to carry you out to the truck?”

  I nodded and plastered a goofy smile on my face intentionally.

  “Learn any new words?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.

  “Still feisty,” he whispered. “I just need to talk to Troy quick and then we’ll head back to the house.”

  I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water Gambler had set in front of each of us.

  Demon and Slider plopped down on the couch next to Troy.

  “I wonder what they’re talking about,” Meg mumbled, watching Demon and Slider talk quietly to Troy.

  I shrugged. I barely knew what was going on around here, let alone what Slider was talking to Troy about.

  “You know how you were talking about getting those tattoos you’ve been wanting, beautiful?” Rigid asked Cyn.

  “Yup. You told me they can be my push gift,” she beamed.

  “Don’t you normally give like a necklace for that, not a tattoo?” Gwen questioned.

  Cyn shook her head and laughed. “I thought you knew by now that we aren’t normal.”

  “Bad ass bikers give their women tattoos when they squeeze a baby out, not jewelry,” Meg snickered, her attention taken off of Troy.


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