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Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9)

Page 3

by E. C. Land

  Go ahead and let him try.

  I’ll be waiting. Ready to take the fucker out at a moment’s notice.

  Outside Stoney looks to me. “You sure about this? She worth the headache we’re about to face?” he asks making sure I know what I’m doing.

  “Parker doesn’t have anything to do with her brother. You saw the report about what happened to her. She’s a victim at his hands, yet refuses the help of those around her. The woman has been dealing with this man controlling her for long enough, she does everything in her power to keep it from not only affecting her daughter but to keep from doing anything she doesn’t want to do. Hell, Parker could have easily been trying to push Chigger’s drugs but refused instead giving him all her money. So yeah, Prez, I say she’s worth it and more,” I mutter as I meet his gaze.

  “Then we protect her.” He nods.

  There you go. By Stoney simply taking in my words and respecting my choice shows why we all respect him as our Prez. He may not be perfect and fucks up himself but who doesn’t.

  Prez isn’t a man who plays around for shits and giggles. He’s a ruthless bastard when he wants to be, especially after what Rachel and he went through. I don’t blame him either. He doesn’t want anything like what happen with them to be repeated. It was hell for not only him but for the rest of my brothers when we thought Rachel wouldn’t make it.

  So, if that means we go to war with Parker’s brother then so fuckin’ be it. That little fucker isn’t getting his grimy hands on my woman.

  “Nerd, when we get back to the clubhouse, I want you to see what you can dig up on Chigger that we don’t already know. Cane, I want you to question your woman. See if maybe she knows anything different,” Stoney commands.

  “I’m on it, Prez,” I mutter with a nod as I swing a leg over the back of my motorcycle so that I’m straddling my beauty. I’ve had this particular bike from the time I was sixteen. It’s one of the five I now own.

  Besides working for the club doing my part in it all, I invested in a company a friend of mine, Laura, wanted to open. I gave her the money she needed and I can’t complain. It’s made me a mint. She now has two boutiques open where she sells her hand-crafted jewelry as well as some other things. She tries to stick with local area products, but she does get somethings imported from other places. Such as, I’ve convinced Laura to work with Storm, she’s the daughter of one of our brothers from the Tennessee charter. She’s also got some killer shit she creates.

  Starting my bike, I kick up the kickstand as my brothers do the same. Together we all head in the direction of the clubhouse. My mind wanders to the woman who will be waiting in my room. The very same woman who will have earned my hand against her ass for not listening to me. It’s time she learned a few things.

  Chapter Five


  Please, please, please tell me this isn’t happening to me. Tell me that I’m just having a bad dream and that I’ll wake up and everything will go back to my living nightmare.

  I didn’t ask for anyone to step in to fight my battles for me. I would have found a way to escape my brother’s demands. At least I hope I would have been able to. Then the damn men from the Devil’s Riot had to intervene.

  Why oh why couldn’t they just leave it when I told Tracker and Cane I didn’t need their help?

  Exhausted and in a strange room, I’m doing everything I can in my power to stay awake to confront Cane as this is his room. Strange of all things, after the prospect brought me in here, a few moments later, a woman named Raven steps in and sets up a playpen for me. Once she was done, she turned to me with a smile. “I know you are confused right now, but please know you are safe here and he’ll do everything in his power to protect you. You two are made to be one. In time you’ll come to understand.”

  I’m still playing her words through my mind as I lie on the bed facing the playpen my daughter now slept in. She was exhausted herself and passed right out when I covered her up. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been so easy if she didn’t have ‘Raffe clutched in her tiny fist. She takes that giraffe everywhere she goes.

  Sighing, I close my eyes but before I can drift off to sleep, I hear the door open. Heart racing, I sit up with wide eyes to see Cane, whose eyes catch on mine as he steps into the dim room. Piper’s scared of the dark so I also keep a dim light on to keep the monsters at bay for her.

  “Wh–What are you doing in here?” I ask with a whisper, not wanting to wake my daughter up once again.

  Cane’s gaze goes from holding mine to glancing over at Piper. I refuse to acknowledge the butterflies in my stomach as his eyes soften as he takes in her sleeping form. Bringing his gaze back to mine, he prowls, I mean literally prowls as if he were a lion stalking its prey, in my direction. At the foot of the bed, he toes off his boots, and climbs into the bed where he proceeds to climb over top of me.

  “You didn’t listen to me,” he rasps.

  Oh my.

  I could get lost in his mesmerizing gaze.

  “I won’t spank you tonight for disobeying me due to Piper sleeping right there but I will make sure you receive them tomorrow,” he states huskily.

  My pussy did not just quiver at the thought of him spanking me. What the hell?

  “You’re not spanking me,” I protest though my inner slut screams at me saying ‘Yes let him. Let Cane have his wicked way.’

  That isn’t gonna happen.

  “Oh, lil mama, you’ll be getting a spanking for putting yourself in danger by not listening to me.” He grins, leaning into me even further.

  ‘Please let him screw us nice and hard. Just once. He smells so damn good.’ My inner slut screams yet again.

  “No, I’m not and stop looking at me like that,” I snap, placing my hands on his chest to ward him away from me. Though all I really want to do is pull him closer, wrap my legs around him, and rub myself against him in order to find some relief.

  God. I need to stop these thoughts.

  “Baby, you go ahead and think what you want but it will happen for what you did tonight, you earned eight slaps on your bare ass.” He chuckles while bracing himself on one arm as he runs his hand from the other down my side and reaches underneath me to squeeze my ass in his much larger hand.

  “Why are you doing this?” I blurt out the question that was meant to be more of a mental question.

  “Because, lil mama, you’re mine. Have been since the first day I saw you. I claimed you and I’m not about to let you continue to put yourself in danger. I’m finally taking what’s mine. You and your beautiful little girl are meant to be mine.”



  Total colossal mind warping.

  Yes, please claim away. Damnit my inner slut just won’t shut up.

  This is what Cane does to me. I can’t get him out of my head. Having him this close makes it that much harder. If I weren’t underneath him right now and if I were in my own apartment, I would be taking care of the throbbing need he’s caused within my body.

  Shaking my head, I try to push him away, but he doesn’t move, not in the slightest bit.


  Insufferable man.

  “Get off me, Cane,” I mutter, though I don’t really want him to.

  Cane grins and does as I ask but only to roll to his side and pulls me with him. Somehow, he maneuvers us until we’re under the comforter. How he was able to do this I’m not sure. It must be that badass Cane guru.

  Okay. I’m officially a dork.

  Then again, I’ve always been a dork.

  In school, I was the one always with my nose stuck in a book and bullied for it. I remember one time I was leaving the cafeteria books in hand and backpack full, when some guy yanked on the backpack then shoved me forward causing me to fall to my knees. My brother saw this and ended up suspended from school for beating the guy up.

  Thinking of my brother being who he used to be to me hurts. I miss having him be my defender rather than a bully like everyone el
se has always been to me.

  “Get some sleep, lil mama,” Cane sighs, after he adjusts me in his arms with my head resting on his chest and my knee cocked over his.

  I want to protest further but feeling the warmth of his body against mine on top of the exhaustion of the past couple of hours, I’m ready to pass out.

  Closing my eyes, I drift off listening to the beat of his heart. Which I find very soothing.

  Chapter Six


  The feel of having Parker’s relaxed body pressing into mine feels damn good. It’s been a long damn day and I needed some shut eye and I gotta admit having Parker sleep here, in my arms, means a hell of a lot to me.

  I don’t know how long it took for her to finally fall asleep, but she finally fell into a deep sleep with her head pressed against my chest. Once I knew she was out for the remainder of the night I followed right behind her.

  Waking up to her lying peacefully against my chest having not moved an inch is completely surreal. Having her in my bed is a first for me as I’ve never allowed a woman in my room let alone sleep in my bed.

  Shit, I haven’t even allowed any of the clubwhores in my room. Whenever I fucked, I did it in another area of the clubhouse, whether it be in a dark corner of the main room during a party, the bathroom, or take the bitch to the clubwhore’s room and fuck them there. But my room has always been my space. My domain where no one entered without my say so.

  When I was moved in here that’s what Stoney’s Uncle Croc stated. This was so I’d feel safe and secure in a place that has now become my home.

  Stroking my hands through Parker’s hair, I relish the feeling of it between my fingers. Its silkiness feels magnificent to the touch. I’ll have to find out what she uses and get it for the bathroom here. There’s no way I’m letting her go back to that apartment for anything. Other than maybe a few important things they might need, I plan to get all new things for the both of them.

  I’m drawn out of my thoughts by Piper stirring in her sleep. She’s a beautiful little girl with vibrant eyes like her momma’s with the same color hair. Gently, without waking Parker up, I slide off the bed and step over to the playpen and look at the little girl as she opens her eyes sleepily.

  “Hey, babygirl,” I whisper quietly. I’m blessed with getting a sweet smile from her as she slides her thumb from inside her mouth with her stuff giraffe still clutched in her hand. “Are you hungry?” I ask. Piper rolls over and stands to her feet then holds her hands out for me to pick her up.

  Grinning, I lift her into my arms and immediately regret not making sure she wasn’t wet first.

  Fuck. This is not what I expected to deal with first thing.

  “Alright, babygirl, let’s get you cleaned up,” I mutter and head for the bathroom. Piper needs to be cleaned up and I’m not ready to wake Parker up yet. She needs some more sleep. I’ll get this little one cleaned up, then go get her some breakfast. After that I’ll wake Parker up so her and I can talk.

  Piper giggles as I divert my gaze away from her as I quickly undress her and place her in the tub. I’ve never changed a kid or done anything else with one before in my life. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m gonna do it regardless for Parker.

  I’ll show her she’s not alone and when I say the two of them are mine it means they are mine. I know I’ll have a fight on my hands making her understand and to submit to the knowledge but in the end Parker will. I’m not one to give up a fight easily.

  Evidently, Piper’s potty trained which is pretty awesome for her to be only two. Then again, I don’t know shit about kids. All I know is Stoney’s kids were in diapers until they were nearly three.

  Doing my best, I give Piper a bath. I really hope that bathwater isn’t too hot or cold.

  Fuck me, I suck ass at this shit. There’s so much shit to having a kid and if it wasn’t for the fact, I knew without a doubt I wanted Parker, I wouldn’t do this. I know with her being a single mom she’s a package deal. I had enough time to think on if I could be a dad to someone. I struggled with the thought for a long time, but after seeing how Stoney took on being a dad to both Luca and Corinne, I knew I could do it as well.

  Now it’s a matter of Piper getting to know me same as her momma.

  “Hungee,” Piper says, giving me a look like are you going to feed me or what.

  “Let me finish getting you cleaned up first, sweetheart,” I state, running the washcloth gently over her skin wanting to make sure she was clean.

  “Otay,” she huffs.

  Lord save me. I can already see she’s got an attitude and I’m willing to bet she gets it from her momma. I’m fuckin’ screwed when it comes to these two.

  I finish getting her cleaned up and grab a towel. I wrap the towel around her small body and lift her up into my arms. Piper begins to giggle as I tickle her belly through the soft material of the towel while I step into the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” I lift my head up to find Parker sitting up eyes wide as she takes in me holding her daughter.

  “Well, she woke up soakin’ wet, so I gave her a bath.” I shrug.

  “Mommy,” Piper squeals and tries to wiggle out of my arms.

  “Easy, babygirl, I don’t want you fallin’, and you don’t have any clothes on,” I state firmly not wanting to drop her by accident.

  “You should have woken me up. I could have done that,” Parker mutters, climbing off the bed and stalks to where I’m standing. She then reaches out and takes Piper out of my hold.

  “I know you could have, lil mama, I simply wanted you to get a little more sleep. You’ve had a rough night and needed a little more rest,” I say tenderly, not wanting to upset her.

  “As much as I appreciate it, I’m her mother,” Parker snaps.

  “Know that, baby, and you’re a great mom, wasn’t trying to overstep.” If I don’t handle this situation in the right way, I could blow it all together. “Look, Parker, I meant what I said before we went to bed. You and Piper, you’re mine and I’ll do whatever I have to in order to take care of you both. If that means givin’ this little girl a bath so you can get a few more minutes of sleep then that’s what I’ll do. You’ve been on your own takin’ care of her for long enough. Now you have help and you’re gonna accept it. Got me?”

  I’m not about to let her not accept the help I’m trying to give her. Not just as the man who wants his cock inside her pussy but rather as a man who wants to be in her life. When it comes to these two Parker needs to understand I refuse to back down and I’ll be in their life.

  It’ll just be easier if she submits herself to the truth of it all.

  Chapter Seven


  Cane has to be lying. There’s no way he’d want to be in our lives. I mean seriously what man in his right mind would want a woman who has as much baggage as I do. I don’t see my daughter as such but I’m sure he does. Put that on top of who I’m related to, it’s too much for anyone to take on.

  I wouldn’t ask Cane to take us on. I couldn’t.

  Cane might think he wants us but is just too bullheaded to see past what his dick wants.

  That’s all it comes down to.

  He wants in my pants and in thinking something as ridiculous as that, he’s convinced himself that I would be worth anything for a night in the sack. If it weren’t for the fact I have my daughter to think of, I might go there for a night with Cane. Other than the one experience I had with Piper’s father, the night he raped me, I haven’t had sex. I’d been a virgin up until that night and then thanks to my brother ordering his man to rape me as punishment for not listening to him, I ended up pregnant. At the time I thought about abortion but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Then I thought I’d do adoption. When it came down to it, I couldn’t give my daughter to anyone.

  Piper became my lifeline.

  My reason for living.

  “Come on, lil mama, let’s get some clothes on Piper and some food in you both.” My stomach chooses th
is moment to growl at the mention of food. “When was the last time you had anything to eat, Parker?” Cane asks, furrowing his brow in question.

  “Um.” I lick my lips unsure I want to answer him. “I don’t remember honestly. I mainly survive on protein powder shakes that are used as meal replacements due to not having the money for enough food. What I do buy is for Piper. Her food, clothes, and everything else are priority to me.”

  “Babe, seriously, it’s good you put Piper first but you gotta take care of yourself as well,” Cane mutters, he moves to stand directly in front of me and wraps his arms around my shoulders enclosing Piper and myself in his arms. “From now on you don’t drink protein shakes or any other meal replacement bullshit. I’ll make sure you and this little one will have all the food you need.”


  Did I say aloud what I did for meals?

  Damn it all to hell and back.

  “Now since we don’t have clothes here right now for Piper, I’m gonna give her one of my shirts to swallow her up in for the time being. It won’t be long before she has plenty of clothes here. You and her both.”

  “We have clothes at our apartment. Just take me home and I’ll have stuff to put on her there,” I protest.

  “Not happening, lil mama,” he chuckles with a slight shake of his head.

  “And why the hell not?” I demand.

  “For several reasons, Parker. Last night your brother started a war with us by not only killing your sitter in that apartment but taking your daughter. Your apartment isn’t secure enough for you to live in. It wasn’t good enough before shit went down last night but I’d been trying to give you time to grow comfortable with me rather than me up and moving your ass out of there. You’re here at the clubhouse because it’s safer for the both of you to be here rather than in that slum that needs to be condemned,” Cane states.


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