Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9)

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Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9) Page 5

by E. C. Land


  Oh my.

  He thinks of everything, doesn’t he?

  “She wouldn’t be out of the clubhouse?” I ask, wanting to make sure I understand him right.

  “No, Piper would only be a few doors down from us. Prez made the room for the twins and it’s come in handy for all the kids that are now here at the clubhouse. All of them love to have sleepovers in there and Rachel puts movies on for them and sets them up with popcorn. She stays with them until they’re asleep then takes the monitor with her. There’s also a prospect on the door when the kids are alone.”

  I’ve never had an entire night away from my little girl. Sure, she’s asleep when I get home from work but that’s for only a couple hours and I’m always there when she wakes up. Will she be okay with this? I don’t want to scare her, not after what she went through yesterday. Then again, when she woke up, she didn’t seem affected by the whole scenario.

  We can always try, and Cane did say we’re only a few doors down the hallway from where she’ll be.

  “Okay,” I agree, giving Cane a small smile.

  I only hope me taking this leap doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass as everything else in life has.

  Chapter Ten


  Having Parker call me ‘Master’ for the first time in the shower was like music to my ears. My cock twitched in my boxers I kept on while hopping into the shower with my woman.

  After she’d gotten into the shower, I’d gone back out to the main room to get Piper. I found her playing with Corinne but looking tired. I figured she could use a nap. I mean even Corinne and Luca still take naps and I think they’re like two years older than Piper.

  It didn’t take me long to get her down, Piper had been more than ready. I decided to check on Parker since she’d been in the shower for a while. My chest still pains me at the sounds of her sobs. It’s why I removed my jeans and slipped into the shower behind her and pulled her into my arms.

  Then my woman had to go and kiss me. I wasn’t expecting it to take all my restraint not to fuck her right then and there. But our first time isn’t gonna be right after her emotional break down or in the shower.

  No, I have plans and she’s agreed to let Piper sleep in the playroom tonight with Corinne. This means I get to play with her body all fuckin’ night.

  Fuck yeah.

  Once Parker’s dry and in a pair of my sweatpants for the time being and a hoodie, I grab some clothes, step in the bathroom, and dress quickly. Stepping back into the room, my phone beeps. I unlock the screen to read the text message I received.

  Church five minutes.


  Sighing, I shove the phone in my pocket and grab a pair of socks. I sit on the bed and slip them over my feet as I lift my head to meet Parker’s gaze as she stares at me.

  “I gotta get to church,” I inform her. “I want you to stay within the clubhouse. Am I understood?” I’m not trying to sound like a demanding asshole talking to a child but fuck if I want anything to happen to her or Piper. Parker’s my woman making her daughter mine as well. Fuck if I want to leave them alone too long and have them possibly getting hurt in some way.

  “I’ll stay in here if that’s okay, Master?” Parker states.

  “Fine with me, lil mama, means I know where to find you when we finish up church,” I say, nodding my head with approval that she’s called me by what I told her to when we’re alone. I won’t have her call me ‘Master’ outside of this room or around others. If we’re alone in here or at one of the clubs I like to frequent when the mood strikes me, those are the times she’s to always address me with ‘Master’.

  I grab my boots from next to me and pull them on and stand. I pull Parker into my arms, surrounding her. “I want you to relax for the remainder of the day baby. ‘Cause come tonight, you’ll need all your energy for what I have planned for you,” I inform her, sliding my hands down her spine and cup both cheeks of her ass in my palms.

  Parker’s breath hitches and it goes straight to my cock. Fuck me, I can’t wait until I get a hold of her body later on. I’m gonna savor every last bit of her I can.

  Needing to head to church to find out what’s going on, I tilt my head down and claim her mouth with mine for a brief chaste kiss. If I took her mouth now there would be no stopping until I at least got a taste of her essence, which I’m willing to bet is soaking her pussy right about now.

  Fuck, I need to get out of here.

  I give Parker’s ass a tap and step away from her. “I’ll be back as soon as we’re finished.”

  I leave the room, closing the door quietly behind me. Making my way to the room we hold church, I take my seat at the end of the table. Soon as Neo steps in the room, he closes the door behind him and takes his own seat at the table next to me.

  “Alright, let me first start by saying last night we entered a war with Chigger and the only way it’s gonna end is if we take him out. Unfortunately, I would have killed the son of a bitch last night but there were to many people around,” Stoney states, bringing church to session.

  “Chigger is a mean S.O.B. who likes to make everyone think he’s the top dog but in reality, he answers to someone else,” Nerd says, glancing around the room.

  “Do we know who?” Tracker asks, leaning forward to brace his elbows on the table.

  “Oh, I found out who holds the bone dangling in front of his face,” Nerd sneers.

  “Who?” Stoney demands.

  “Up until he was killed it was Ezra Rivas who held the bone, now it’s Lavina Rivas.” Tension fills the room at the mention of the Rivas name.

  “Motherfucker, I should have allowed Harlow to track the bitch down and slice her throat,” Ranger snarls, slamming his fist on the table.

  “Are you sure?” Shadow asks.

  “Oh, I’m sure, Chigger’s not very smart in keeping his line to Lavina secret,” Nerd says with a nod. “I have a feeling, though they’re careful of what they say in messages, Lavina wants Parker and Piper.”

  “That bitch isn’t getting either one of them,” I sneer, slamming my fist on the table as I try to keep hold of my anger.

  “No one is going to get a hold of your woman,” Stoney declares with an affirming tone of voice.

  I nod seeing the determination in his eyes to make sure nothing else happens to anyone around us. We’ve had a good run where the drama was minimal. Well, the drama that doesn’t involve ol’ ladies throwing an attitude for not getting their way with knowing something.

  Other than that, things around here have been calm.

  “Got a question I wanna ask you all,” Neo states, breaking into the conversation.

  “What’s up, brother?” Stoney asks.

  “The other week at my fight, you all came with the ol’ ladies, did any of you feel like you were being watched?” I glance at my brother in my peripheral vision and take in the frown on his face.

  “Brother, you won that match, a lot of people were watching you,” Tracker states.

  “Yeah, but this felt different, even Harley mentioned it. She’s even mentioned how she’s felt it when she leaves the clubhouse to go to the store for something,” Neo says, with a shake of his head.

  “You think someone is watching you two?” I throw the question out there.

  “I’m thinking someone is watching all of us,” Neo confirms but adding his thoughts. “I’ve noticed a car a couple of times when I go to the garage to get some work done. It always takes off as I pull off to go in another direction.”

  “Seems you might have an admirer,” Shadow says, quirking a brow.

  “Naw, I don’t think so. If that were the case, they wouldn’t be doing the same thing with Harley,” Neo denies.

  “What color is this car?” Venom asks, coming into the conversation.

  “It’s a white BMW with blacked out windows,” Neo says, causing Venom to frown.

  “What’s wrong Venom?” Stoney asks, having noticed as well.

; “I’ve seen the same car following me,” he admits.

  “Could be Chigger’s men watching us?”

  “No, his boys couldn’t afford something like a BMW. It could be Rivas’ men, but I don’t understand why she’d be following us. Unless she’s going for retaliation,” Nerd mutters his eyes glued to the computer screen in front of him. “Do you by chance know the plate numbers on the car?”

  “Next time I see it I’ll see about getting them.”

  “Prez, I’m thinking it’s time to update our security footage software and reposition our cameras. Maybe leave the ones visible to the eye in place. Whoever they’re talking about keeps out of view of our cameras,” Nerd says, finally lifting his eyes from the screen in front of him.

  “You thinkin’ we might have a rat in our midst again?” he asks.

  “I’m thinkin’ Neo and Venom are right about being watched. You’re being watched as well Prez.”

  “What the fuck you mean I’m being watched as well?” Stoney snarls.

  “What I mean, Prez, is I’m catching the tail end of this car pulling away from various places. All where the three of you are, along with Harley,” Nerd states with frustration. “I need to get back to my computers to look more into this.”

  “Fine we’re dismissing for now. When you have something let me know and we’ll reconvene. As for Chigger. Watch your backs and from now on no one rides alone. We ride in pairs. That goes for heading home as well. I’m not callin’ lockdown until shit starts to go down. But I am stating we don’t let those fuckers get the drop on us. We stay alert,” Stoney states, lifting the gavel in his hand and slams it to the table.

  Nodding, I start to stand.

  “Cane, wait a minute,” Stoney says still sitting at the head of the table. Tracker also remains seated.

  What the hell’s going on now?

  I sit fully back in my seat and wait for the room to clear to find out what’s going on.

  The door closes behind the last of the brothers and I’m nervous to find out what’s going on.

  “I know we’ve got a lot of shit going on around here, but I need to ask you something personal,” Stoney states.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Your mom or aunt reach out to you any?”

  “They’ve tried to several times. I’ve ignored their calls.” I got tired of every time I got a new number, they would get hold of it. Or if I blocked their numbers, they’d use someone else’s phone to call me. I learned to just press the decline on my phone when I know it’s them.

  “They call a lot?” Tracker asks.

  “The past couple of weeks yeah. It’s been Mary more than my mom, why?” I sneer not wanting to talk about either of those bitches. My aunt made Stoney’s life hell. He knows I know about the money he paid her to stay out of Horse’s life but also mine in extension.

  “Seems Mary’s back in town and looking for money. She approached Rachel the other day while at the store and informed my ol’ lady that she wouldn’t be enough for me and that she’d bet I was stepping out on her with someone else. Most likely one of the clubwhores. Your mom even chimed in about how good I was in bed and she wouldn’t mind being there again. Fuckin’ bitch ain’t ever ridden my dick.”

  Oh shit.


  This isn’t good.

  If they’re at it. Then they want something.

  Have they learned I’ve got money in the bank now?

  “Sorry, Prez,” I mumble while shaking my head. “You want me to deal with it?”

  “I want you to be on the lookout for those two cunts and make sure they don’t get to Parker or Piper. Rachel knows who I am and she knows who Mary is. The bitch fucked up going to my ol’ lady,” Stoney snarks.

  “Sorry, Prez,” I mutter again.

  “Nothing for you to be sorry about,” he declares.

  I nod my head. “Still fuckin’ sucks because these two cunts are related to me.”

  “They’re related to Horse as well, so they’re not just your problem, they’re all of ours. I wanted you to be aware in case you didn’t know. They want money and know you have it,” Stoney sneers.

  “Fuck, didn’t she get that life insurance money? There’s no way she could have blown through that amount,” I grumble, thinking of the life insurance plan my dad had. I remember hearing them talk about it one night as he stroked her head. She would have been well set up for the rest of her life if she used it right considering it was over half a million dollars.

  “She didn’t get shit. Your old man didn’t leave anything to her. Even as demented and fucked up as he was in the head, believe me I know exactly what he did. He sang like a canary when I ended his life. The man made sure all the money went into an account for you.”

  “Oh shit,” I blurt out. “How did I not know about this?”

  “Our lawyer at the time took control of the money after your father’s death was found out and the insurance paid out. You had to have someone in charge of it. Until you turn thirty you don’t have access to it. Which you’ll be in two years when you do. However, there is a way for you to have the money released early to you if need be.”

  “Shit. I don’t even want the money,” I mutter. I want no part in anything that’s been tainted by that fucker and I’ve long since learned to live with what he did to me. I’m the man I am now because of it. I got away and came here, you all taught me I could be better and I am. This shit isn’t happening. Thank you for telling me but I sure as fuck don’t want none of it. Tell the lawyer to get and transfer it to the club. Use the shit to help the ol’ ladies do what they want, donate it, something, I don’t give a fuck just don’t give it to those trifling bitches.”

  “I thought you might say that so we have something we want to bring to you, see what you think.” Stoney grins.

  “Okay what is it?” I ask.

  “What do you think of putting the money into a safe haven for spouses and children who’ve suffered at the hands of abuse? I overheard Rachel and Harley talking about it earlier this week. They want to open a place that will take women and children who need a place to go. Harley thought it shouldn’t be for just women and children but for men too.”

  Fuck me. I love those two women.

  They’ve suffered so much from abuse. Rachel at the hands of her mother and the man she’d been with before coming home. Harley’s grandfather abused her and then she was raped by women both physically and mentally.

  “Let the women have it. They can take the tainted money and put it to use for their safe haven,” I say, causing Stoney to grin. “You knew I’d agree to this didn’t you?”

  “I know you, Cane. Raised you from the time you were eight. You might not be mine but you’re still a son to me. Same as Horse is to me. You ask him and he’ll say you’re his brother not his cousin,” Stoney nods.

  Well fuck me.

  Nodding, I give him a grin.

  He’s right, Horse has always stated I was more his brother rather than his cousin. We might have quite a few years between us but he’s always been there for me.

  “We done?” I ask more than ready to get back to Parker and our girl.

  Stoney grins knowingly and nods. He’s been where I am.

  Standing up, I let the past go and head for the woman who is not only my present but my future.

  Chapter Eleven


  After Cane left the room, I laid down and stared into the side of the playpen. I love watching my little girl sleep. At the apartment, I didn’t have a TV, so I always had to find ways to entertain her and in doing so I came up with our stories.

  Staring at her, I could think of so many stories. Some even for adults to read. I always wanted to be a writer but it never panned out. My brother thought of it as a stupid idea. One pointless and unnecessary since I needed to do things for him.

  A thought comes to mind and I sit up on Cane’s bed. Last night, I spotted a notebook on Cane’s desk over in the corner. I’m sure he woul
dn’t mind if I used it.

  At least I hope not.

  I climb off the bed and walk over to the desk. I lift the notebook off the desk, flip through the pages to find it blank of writing. I sigh a little, knowing it doesn’t have anything in it so I don’t feel like I’m invading his privacy. I grab a pen and head back to sit in the middle of the bed.

  Opening the book to the first page, I begin to write. I didn’t know what it would be titled but I started it off about a woman meeting the man of her dreams. How they met in line at a grocery store, the guy stands behind her admiring the woman in front of him.

  I’m entranced with my words as I write them, I don’t even know how much time passes when I feel Cane’s lips against the side of my neck.

  “What are you doing, lil mama?” he asks gently.

  “Um, nothing,” I say, glancing at him. I’m embarrassed by the fact he caught me writing.

  “Doesn’t look like nothing,” he states, nodding to the notebook in my lap.

  “Oh, um, um, I . . .”

  Cane grins and slides the notebook out of my fingers and looks down to read the first couple lines then lifts his head to look at me. “Lil mama, this is good.”

  “You . . . think so?” I murmur breathlessly with wide eyes.

  “Yeah, Parker, I wouldn’t lie to you, this reminds me of how Horse and Kenny met,” Cane states, nodding.

  “Really?” I murmur. “I don’t even know who Horse and Kenny are.”

  “You’d never know it from this little bit. When you meet Kenny, lil mama, ask her. She’ll tell you, they didn’t have it easy and still don’t sometimes. You ask her and she’ll tell you what the two of them went through,” he declares, meeting my gaze.

  “Um, okay.”

  “Trust me, baby. When you hear their story, you’ll think it was from a book, but it’s their life.” I’m afraid to find out now. From the way he made that sound I’m not sure I want to know. “You about ready to eat some dinner and then we hand Miss Piper over to Rachel for the rest of the evening.”


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