Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9)

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Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9) Page 6

by E. C. Land

  My heart begins to beat wildly against my chest. I glance to where my daughter now stands in the playpen. She must have just gotten up from her afternoon nap which is normally anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half long.

  Wow, I didn’t even realize it had been that long. I thought it was maybe thirty minutes or so.

  Now it’s time to eat and hand my daughter off to a woman I’ve only spoken a few words with, but I trust Cane. Besides Rachel is Stoney’s ol’ lady and I knew I could trust him when he took on my brother.

  Though that’s not something I really want to happen. I don’t want anyone fighting my battles for me.

  “Okay, but let me get her straight first since she’s just waking up from her nap,” I mutter.

  “Take your time, lil mama. Remember when it comes to us, the three of us, she comes first. We take care of her always.”

  Oh my. I’m falling for him even more and I don’t mean to. This is nuts.

  Nodding, I lean in to press my lips to his briefly then get up and take care of my daughter who for once remained quiet taking in the sight of me and Cane.

  I step up to her and she holds her arms out for me to lift her up. “Let’s go, munchkin,” I murmur taking her to the bathroom. Once she does what she needs to and we wash her hands, I put her on her feet and open the door. Piper bounds through the doorway and launches herself at Cane.

  “Daddy,” she squeals when Cane lifts her up and throws her in the air and catches her. I do need to warn him though not to pick her up by her arms.

  “Cane, be careful with her,” I murmur.

  “I am,” he states gently as he hugs Piper to him. “Who would want to hurt this little one by playing rough?” he chuckles.

  “I mean you have to be careful not to pull on her arms,” I explain.


  “She has chronic elbow instability.” I’d found this out when I took her to the emergency room and her pediatrician met me there. This wasn’t the first time it’d happened where her elbow dislocated from the joint.

  “Lil mama, you need to explain that a little more,” he states.

  “In laymen’s terms it’s nursemaid elbow where the elbow slips out of it’s joint.”

  “I’ll make sure I don’t lift her by her arms, baby, and I’ll make it known that if the guys are playing and lift her up, they don’t pick her up by her arms,” Cane states, his eyes filled with worry. “Is there anything I need to know to do, in case it happens that her elbows slip out of place?”

  Swoon hearts bowing to this man and the way he wants to take care of Piper.

  “I always call the doctor and she meets me at the emergency room,” I murmur somewhat embarrassed.

  I’m sure he wants to ask more about why I didn’t take her to the doctor’s office. ER visits cost money. But they don’t turn away anyone. I know I owe the hospital a lot of money because at the times these things happened my daughter and I didn’t have health insurance.

  Cane gives me a look that says we’ll be talking about this all later. I’m willing to bet he hasn’t forgotten about my medication issue either. I mean it’s not that it’s a hundred dollars but it’s still forty dollars a month and that’s money I needed to feed my daughter.

  “Hungee,” Piper says, breaking the silence between Cane and myself.

  “Then we better feed you, babygirl,” Cane murmurs, giving Piper’s belly tickles causing her to giggle. It also causes me to smile.

  I mean really smile.

  Sitting at the table we sat at earlier, Cane places pizza on a plate for both Piper and I. I take my daughter’s plate and cut hers up into small bite size pieces she can eat.

  All the tables were filled with people and Cane showed us to the table we’d been at when we had breakfast or whatever you want to call it.

  I’m just taking the first bite when a woman, beautiful as can be steps up behind Cane and wraps her arms around him. “When are you gonna take me to bed, Cane? I miss having you inside me,” she asks though she’s shooting daggers my way.

  Um, did she just say what I think she did in front of my daughter.

  “Scarlett, back the fuck off me,” Cane snarls, shrugging her arms from his body.

  “But, baby, I miss your big cock,” Scarlett pouts.

  “Excuse me, can you reframe from using that language around my daughter?” I ask politely.

  “You could just leave,” Scarlett states with a menacing glare.

  “Bitch, you’re talking to my ol’ lady,” Cane snaps, standing to his feet.

  “There a problem over here?” Tracker asks.

  “Yeah, VP, this clubwhore’s trying to start problems,” Cane explains.

  “Scarlett, I suggest if you don’t want to get your ass kicked to the curb you get to your room and stay there the remainder of the night. And for this, I’m banning you from fuckin’ any of the single members for two weeks,” Tracker announces loudly and Scarlett’s eyes widen as she takes off at a run to her room.

  “Um, language please,” I murmur, causing several people standing near to chuckle. Tracker and Cane grin at me. “What?”

  “Cute, lil mama,” Cane chuckles.

  “I’m just saying you know, little ears around and it’s not just Piper,” I mumble.

  “I know, baby, that’s why it’s cute,” Cane says, sitting back down in his chair. “Let’s eat. We have plans for the rest of the evening.”

  Blushing, I turn my attention to my pizza and begin eating. More than ready to go about our plans for the night.

  Chapter Twelve


  I’m still livid Scarlett tried to pull some shit like she did. The bitch and all the other ones know the rules. The clubwhores all get three strikes, this is the first one Scarlett’s gotten and I’m pissed I couldn’t just throw her ass out right then. I never should have fucked her when I did. She’s been trying to get me to fuck her again ever since.

  I do my best to calm down while I eat pizza the club ordered for tonight. Rachel must have felt like ordering out and when she does, she always orders enough for the entire club. After Stoney and Rachel’s house had been burned they stayed at the clubhouse since that’s where she felt safest. When she’d gotten pregnant with their son, Talon, Stoney decided to build a house on the property off to the side but far enough away they’d have privacy.

  This worked for them since neither of them like to be far from the other. Stoney even takes her with him when he goes to New York to handle business with the Iron Vex and to visit his daughter he has with Boss. Though they’d made arrangements that he wasn’t on paper as the father. He’s still apart of Destiny’s life.

  Shaking my head, I finish my pizza and make sure both my girls are good. Soon as Piper’s done eating, I clean her up while Parker finishes up her own slice.

  Her cheeks are flushed and I’m willing to bet she’s anticipating what I’ll do to her body when I get her back to the room.

  I hope she’s ready for what I intend to do to her.

  “Daddy,” Piper says, reaching out wanting me to pick her up out of the booster seat.

  I do what she wants and place her in my lap. She lays her head against my chest and sighs. “I’m glad you’re my daddy. Just like in Mommy’s story of the princess.”

  I tilt my head to look at my woman to find her blushing as she swallows the last bit of pizza. “Um,” she murmurs. I’ve noticed she does this anytime she’s nervous or embarrassed about something. It’s cute as fuck but Parker needs to learn she doesn’t need to be embarrassed around me.

  Glancing back down to Piper, I grin. “I’m glad to be your daddy. Maybe I’ll get Mommy to tell me this story of a beautiful princess.”

  “Silly, you’re too old for bedtime stories,” Piper giggles.

  “What? No way,” I chuckle.

  “Yes way,” she says, nodding her head enthusiastically. “Plus, you’re not a princess, only princes and princesses get bedtime stories, she informs me. For a two-year-old
she’s smart as a whip and speaks really well. Goes to show how much Parker has taught her daughter.

  “Well, babygirl, instead of bedtime story from Mommy tonight, how do you feel about a sleepover with your new friend Corinne?” I ask.

  Piper’s eyes widen and she looks to Parker. “Where will Mommy be?” she asks with an adorable frown in place.

  “With me,” I inform her reassuringly.

  “Will you protect her. Mommy needs to stay safe.” I frown and look from her to Parker to find her frowning in concern. This isn’t something a toddler should be asking.

  “Babygirl, what are you talking about?”

  “They were saying it last night. Mommy would go bye-bye and me too.”

  Oh fuck.

  Covering Piper’s ears, I bellow out my Prez and VP’s names.

  “What’s going on?” Stoney asks and Rachel right there with him with a worry in her eyes.

  “Everything okay?” she asks.

  “Can you take Parker and Piper with you to the playroom and show them where the kids are staying for the night?” I ask standing up and trying to hand Piper to Parker.

  “I wanna stay with you Daddy,” Piper protests, clinging to me.

  “Piper, I know you do but I need to talk to my brothers right now. I promise you, we’re gonna make sure that you and your momma are safe. No one is going to take you from her or her from you.”

  Piper nods and I give her a hug.

  “Lil mama, you two hang in the playroom for a bit and I’ll come get you when we’re done talking,” I say gently.

  “Okay,” Parker murmurs. I can see it in her eyes that she’s struggling to not run and trust me right now.

  Parker takes Piper and follows Rachel away from where I’m standing with Stoney and Tracker. I spot Victoria glancing after Parker and Rachel with a mournful expression on her face. Tracker notices this to and sighs. “Vi’s realized the way she acted toward Harley wasn’t just wrong but hateful. She’s trying to make amends but finding it hard to fix things between those she hurt the most. It also doesn’t help that during the time everything happened she was going through her own turmoil of miscarrying for the second time.”

  “Fuck, if Rachel had known that’s what was going on with Victoria, she wouldn’t be holding a grudge against her,” Stoney growls.

  “Not something either of us want to talk about. Doctors think it’s best she doesn’t try for anymore and it’s taken a toll on her,” Tracker grumbles.

  “Shit, I’m sorry,” I mutter, feeling like shit now for being pissed with Vi.

  “They’ll work things out soon enough on their own terms. Now what’s going on?” Stoney demands, crossing his arms over his chest in a stance of authority.

  “Nerd’s right about Lavina wanting Parker and Piper,” I state.

  “How do you know that?” Shadow asks having joined us along with a few others.

  “Piper said something about I needed to protect her mommy. That her mommy would go bye-bye and her as well,” I inform them.

  “Fuck me,” Blaze mutters.

  “Let’s let the girls have the sleepover,” Stoney says, glancing around the room. “Cyprus,” he calls out.

  “Yeah, Prez?” he asks, joining us with a little girl standing with her arm wrapped around his leg, her thumb in her mouth.

  Earlier he’d missed church due to having no way of getting to the clubhouse with his three-year-old sister on the back of his bike. And he didn’t have anyone he could leave her with. I’m guessing one of the prospects or brothers went to get him.

  “This her?” Stoney asks, glancing down to the little girl.

  “Yeah, this is my little sister, Bride,” Cyprus murmurs, holding a hand up. “Don’t laugh about her name.” The way he groans, tells me this has happened a lot.

  “Hey there, Bride. I’m Stoney and these are my brothers,” Stoney greets Bride.

  Bride moves further behind her brother but keeps her eyes focused on us.

  Stoney lifts his gaze from the little girl back to Cyprus and nods. I don’t know what’s happened there but I’m sure we’ll be finding out. “Vi,” Stoney yells getting Tracker’s ol’ lady’s attention.

  “Yes?” she says, her voice nervous like it used to be when she first started at Dolly’s Playhouse.

  “Can you do us a favor and take Bride into the playroom with the others? Maybe hang with her?” Tracker asks but also makes a suggestion.

  “Of course,” she murmurs and kneels on the floor in front of Cyprus to be at eye level with Bride. “Hi, Bride, I’m Victoria, but you can call me Vi. Would you like to come with me and we go see what the other kids are doing? Maybe see if we can’t get some ice cream and popcorn. I think they’re going to be putting on a movie in a few. Do you have a favorite movie?”

  Bride looks up to her brother who nods at her. “Go ahead, chickadee, I’ll be here. If you ask nicely, they might even let you watch your favorite movie Frozen.”

  At the mention of the movie a couple of the men start singing ‘Let it go’ making Bride smile even with her thumb in her mouth. Stepping out from behind her brother she lets go of his leg.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Vi says, taking Bride’s little fingers into hers. None of us miss the small hitch in Victoria’s breath as she keeps herself in check. She’s not about to show emotions in front of any of us.

  Soon as they’re gone, Stoney tells us all to go into the room we hold church. The only one who won’t be here is Nerd as he’s at his computer working. We don’t need any of the other ol’ ladies hearing this shit. When the door closes, he gets everyone up to speed and we all agree, for now all the women need to be put on lockdown. But no one is to say anything to them about the reasons why.

  Once we finish, Stoney informs us we’ll have church in the morning to see what Nerd’s found out. I nod and leave the room ready to find my woman and start following through with my plans I’ve laid out in my head for the remainder of the night.

  Come morning Parker will be too tired to even think about anything else but what I’ve spent the night doing to her.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Knowing my daughter heard what she did when my brother took her kills me. It pains me I hadn’t been able to keep her out of his grasp. At two my daughter has already seen things that not even most adults do.

  Rachel does her best to keep me calm as her daughter and mine play together giggling and laughing on the floor. A few moments go by when Victoria steps in with another little girl.

  “Who’s this?” Rachel asks, not looking thrilled to see Victoria coming in the room.

  “This is Bride, she’s Cyprus’ little sister,” Victoria states quietly. “Go ahead and go play, sweetheart.” Neither of us miss the little hitch in her voice when Bride lets go of her hand and walks over to where Corinne and Piper are playing.

  “Are you okay?” I murmur the question, stepping closer to her.

  “Yeah, it’s just really hard sometimes,” Vi whispers, nodding her head.

  “What’s hard?” Rachel asks, this time her expression changes to confusion.

  “Coming to the realization that during a really hard time for me I did a really crappy thing to my friends,” Victoria says, her eyes fill with unshed tears.

  “Vi, sit down and tell me what’s going on. Yes, you did something really mean but Vi that doesn’t mean we’re not here for each other. We’re not always going to get along or see eye to eye. If that were the case, we’d be in a perfect world, which we’re not. Now tell me what you mean hard times?” Rachel demands though she does this gently and I can see the fire in her eyes to make sure her friend is okay.

  Sighing, Victoria slumps down on the couch and Rachel sits next to her. I take the chair near them but far enough to give them space. Sure, I know Victoria and I like to think of her as my friend but I haven’t known her long.

  “You know how I miscarried back when Harlow and Ranger were just starting out?” Victoria asks he
r gaze locked on the floor.

  “I remember,” Rachel says quietly.

  “Well, I’ve had two other miscarriages. Only one of them Tracker knows about and Alverez suggests I not attempt to get pregnant again.” My heart hurts for Victoria right now. Knowing she’s been dealing with this and not telling anyone.

  “Vi, why didn’t you say anything? If I’d known I could have been there for you,” Rachel states soothingly.

  “There’s nothing you or anyone else could do. It’s a matter of I have to cope with the fact I’ll never have any more children besides Jamie and I’m okay with that. Well, I’m starting to be okay with it. What I’m not okay with is the fact I hurt not just you but Harley.”

  “You did hurt my feelings, but I completely understand the frame of mind you’ve been in. I’ve had a miscarriage before, I know how difficult it can be. I hate this for you,” Rachel murmurs, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “All the same, I shouldn’t have talked smack about anyone behind their back. It also sucks because I no longer do what I used to, otherwise, I’d have already found a way to cope with everything without taking it out on Harley.”

  “Why don’t I see about getting Harley to sit down with you and you explain this to her. I know you apologized, and she accepted it. We all have a rift between us, but we’ll fix it,” Rachel declares.

  Victoria nods and everything switches from heavily emotional to talking about them having a movie night with these kiddos then drink wine after they’re asleep.

  “Don’t worry I’ll be making sure there’s more than just one prospect tonight and Stoney’s good with keeping an ear out for the baby monitor,” Rachel murmurs reassuringly to me with a smile.

  I give her a smile of my own as the door opens and Cane steps into the room with several others.

  “Time to go, lil mama,” he says, his eyes darkening as he stares at me.

  Nodding, I tell Piper night and to have a good time as I stand up and make my way to Cane’s side.


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