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Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9)

Page 9

by E. C. Land

  Without looking back, both women take off in the direction Harley told us she came from.

  “Fuckin’ hate she’s having to do this again,” Tracker grumbles.

  “Same, brother, same. I don’t like it any more than you do. But they don’t know about them and won’t be looking out for them,” Blaze growls.

  “Let’s get moving, brothers. I want to be right behind Raven and Victoria for when they give us the high sign,” Stoney states with a look of determination.

  I nod in agreement. I’m more than ready to get the high sign and get to my woman. I’ll kill any man who stands in my way.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Marshall finished wailing on my face. I could feel swelling setting in already and the blood trickling down my cheek from where he cut into my skin with the rings he wears on his right hand. He stands up from straddling my torso bringing me with him by gripping my hair in his fist.

  “Stop please,” I beg, my smaller hands covering his, trying to get him to release his grasp on my hair.

  “No, bitch, I’m going to make sure you know your place this time,” he sneers.

  “I know my place. Let me go. I don’t belong to you or my brother,” I screech.

  “That’s were you’re wrong, Parker. I bought you from your brother. I paid for you. He didn’t just tell me to teach you a lesson. You’ve been mine this entire time. But you foolishly thought threatening to go to the cops and pressing charges would keep me a way. The hospital might have done a rape kit on you, bitch, but they wouldn’t have gotten me. I could have easily put a stop to it but for your brother wanting you to think he’ll protect you, I did as he asked. I left for a while, now we have a daughter, and you are coming back where you belong. Or I will find the rugrat and drown her in the nearest river.”

  This man would kill his own child.

  Shaking with terror, I stop fighting him.

  I don’t want anything to happen to my daughter.

  I know Cane will protect her. He’ll make sure no one brings harm her way.

  Marshall drags me by my hair and takes me back through the building in the direction Harley and I came from when we were sneaking out. He pulls me behind him further and stops at a door long enough to open it. He drags me into the room with him. My eyes burn at the sight in front of me as well as my ears.

  Moans and groans fill the room and the sight of naked women and my brother are seared into my brain.


  Nausea rolls in my stomach causing it to churn.

  In the middle of the room, they had Cherry strapped to some sort of swing mechanism as she is being screwed from the front and the back by, I’m guessing Lavina and my brother. Underneath where Cherry is hanging is another woman kneeling using her mouth while she sat on some sort of toy stuck to the floor riding it.

  My stomach churns more and I can’t hold my nausea back. I bend at the waist and vomit all over the floor, hitting Marshall’s shoe at the same time.

  “Fuck, nasty bitch,” Marshall snarls, wrenching my head back and slapping me with enough force he sends me backward into the wall where I crumple to the floor.

  “What the fuck is going on? Marshall, what the hell are you doing?” my brother demands.

  “Marshall, you can’t hurt the merchandise. Now I’ll have to wait and sell her at the next auction or hope the elite will be willing to understand. They want her, cousin,” Lavina states.

  “No, Vina. I paid for this cunt. She fuckin’ belongs to me and I will not be selling her. Chigger knows I paid for her and I will not be put off any longer on what I’ve bought and paid for,” Marshall snarls.

  “Yes, Marshall, you paid for her for the time you took to rape her. Your words were and I quote ‘I want your sister, Chigger. I don’t care if it’s just a weekend or however long but I want her as mine.’ So, I gave her to you at the price you offered for the time. It was also my punishment to my sister for crossing me,” Warren sneers.

  “You fuckin’ asshole,” Marshall growls.

  “Business is business my friend. I’m sure Lavina can attest to this.” Warren shrugs at least having pulled on a pair of pants as Lavina wraps a robe around herself. The other two women remain where they are. Cherry still in the sling with the other woman I want to say is Peaches. The woman Lavina mentioned earlier.

  “You’re right, Chigger. And I must say though it pains me to say it. Marshall, you’re my blood but you could very well have cost me three million for damaging the merchandise, and I can’t have that,” she mutters.

  Lavina lifts her right arm, points a gun at Marshall, and pulls the trigger.

  I let out a bloodcurdling scream at the sound of the gun going off and Marshall’s blood splatters all around me. His body drops at my feet and my eyes widen at the sight of his surprised face. He didn’t think Lavina would kill him. You could see it in his expression.

  “Now if you’re in here, where is your friend?” Warren demands. “I know you, Parker, you’ve most likely tried to find a place in this warehouse for her to hide from us or even found an escape.”

  I shake my head refusing to answer him.

  “I suggest you tell me where she is,” Lavina demands. “I will not lose the money I’m to make on you, her, and the other woman I’ve just procured from some very friendly gentlemen.”

  Again, I shake my head.

  Lavina steps forward at the same time someone knocks on the door.

  “What?” my brother snaps.

  “Boss man, you’re gonna wanna come out here. One of the women in the cage is acting funny,” one of my brother’s men says through the door.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” he snaps and glares at me. “You’re coming with me. Seems I can’t allow you out of my sight.” Roughly he grasps my upper arm in his grip and drags me behind him.

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask him quietly in the hallway.

  “Because you’re a whiny ungrateful bitch who thinks she can leave me when I’m the one person who’s been there for you your entire life,” Warren snaps, tilting his head down to glare at me as he continues to prowl down the hallway following his man.

  “I wasn’t trying to leave you. I wanted to go away for school. I used to look up to you. Love you as only a sister could love her big brother. But you, Warren, you destroyed my faith and trust in you,” I state.

  “Whatever, Parker, now shut up,” he growls.

  “No, I won’t shut up,” I snap.

  I don’t know what it is but something snaps inside me and I start fighting back. I push my brother and he releases his hold on me, surprised by the fact I’d touch him in a way of getting out of his reach.

  My brother narrows his gaze on me and strikes me with the back of his hand. “You fucking bitch. You want to fight me. Go ahead, see if you can get past me. I’ll kill you first. Fuck the money I could get with you. There’s dime a dozen women who are worth far more than you. Maybe I’ll take the other women who belong to those scumbags you want to be a whore to.”

  He takes a step forward, and I back up a step.

  “I’m not an object to be sold, nor am I a whore. I’m a person who only wanted to live her own life. Not to be dictated to by her brother,” I scream.

  Chigger goes to hit me when a gun appears out of nowhere at my brother’s head.

  “Take another step toward my woman and see if I don’t put a bullet in your head right fuckin’ here,” Cane snarls.

  My body sags against the wall and I fall to the floor in relief at knowing he came for me.

  Knowing I’m safe.

  I close my eyes and block out everything else as my world goes dark.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I heard my woman’s screams from outside of the warehouse after a gunshot went off.


  Please be okay.

  I can’t bear the thought of something happening to her.

  “Keep it together, brother,” Venom says from next
to me.

  “She’s gonna be okay,” Whip mutters from the other side of me.

  I know she will be. I’m gonna make sure of it.

  Tracker pulls out his phone and nods. “Vi’s inside and in a location filled with a container of women. Said one of them didn’t look too good. There’s about thirty men total inside. Most of them were taking advantage of the women.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  This is going to be some fucked up bullshit we’re heading into.

  “Raven’s saying she’s got eyes on Lavina, who’s just stepped out of a room Chigger dragged Parker from following one of his men. Lavina has none other than Cherry and Peaches with her and both of them are naked and on leashes heading in the opposite direction,” Blaze sneers.

  What the fuck?

  “I’m goin’ after my woman,” I declare.

  “Agreed. Take Venom with you, the rest of us will go after the others. This shit ends here,” Stoney declares.

  “What about Lavina?” Ranger asks.

  “We’ll deal with her later. Right now, the task at hand is getting Parker to safety and whoever these other women are,” Stoney states.

  I nod along with the rest of my brothers at this.

  Pulling out my gun from my holster I’d put on before leaving the clubhouse. I take off in the direction I’d heard my woman’s screams.

  On silent feet, I stay in the darkened corners of the building.

  “Whatever, Parker, now shut up.” My blood boils at the way Chigger is speaking to my ol’ lady.

  “No, I won’t shut up,” Parker yells and I’d be proud of her for sticking up for herself but right then wasn’t the best time. Chigger could easily pull the trigger on her.

  “You fucking bitch. You want to fight me. Go ahead, see if you can get past me. I’ll kill you first. Fuck the money I could get with you. There’s dime a dozen women who are worth far more than you. Maybe I’ll take the other women who belong to those scumbags you want to be a whore to,” Chigger yells.

  I glance to Venom as the two of us sneak up on the bastard since his back is to us.

  Chigger takes a step toward my woman as she steps back. She’s cornered with nowhere to go since there’s only a wall right behind her.

  “I’m not an object to be sold, nor am I a whore. I’m a person who only wanted to live her own life. Not to be dictated to by her brother,” Parker screams, from here I couldn’t see them, but I knew she had tears in her eyes.

  Chigger goes to hit my woman and I move placing my gun to the side of his head. “Take another step toward my woman and see if I don’t put a bullet in your head right fuckin’ here,” I snarl.

  I want to check on Parker when I hear her sigh in relief but first, I need to end this fucker’s life. I won’t allow this asshole to torment my woman or daughter any longer. I just don’t want to do it in front of her. “Turn around Chigger and face me,” I order.

  “Cane, brother, we need to get your ol’ lady to a hospital,” Venom mutters. I hadn’t felt him pass by me but I’m consumed with vengeance in taking this fucker out.

  “I know,” I grumble.

  “No, brother, we need to get her there now,” Venom states urgently gaining my attention.

  “Take care of Chigger, Cane. Venom and I will get her to the hospital. You join us after you finish here,” Raven says, seeming to have stepped out of the air. “Finish this for her. She needs to know she has nothing to fear and the only person who can do that is you, I’ll stay with her until you get there.”

  I nod and glance to Parker. “I’ll be there as soon as we’re done here. Watch her,” I state looking to Venom.

  “I’ve got her, brother. She’ll be okay,” he grumbles with a jerk of his chin. I focus on Chigger who I still have the gun aimed at his head. I wait for my brother to leave the hallway with my woman.

  “You think she’ll be safe, you’re wrong,” Chigger chuckles.

  “Why’s that asshole?” I demand.

  “Because there are men who are willing to pay top dollar for her and several other women,” he informs me. “You can kill me but until they’re out of the picture those women will never be safe.”

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “People you don’t want to cross. People who will take you all down to get what they want.” My anger starts to get the best of me but I fight it back controlling my temper. I’ll get my answers first.

  “Tell me who these people are,” I order, shoving the gun into his forehead.

  “I don’t even know their names. They go through brokers since some of them like to have their women trained first.” Chigger shrugs with a grin.

  “Why all the other women then?”

  Chigger cackles. “Those women are for an auction and will also be auctioned off with Heavenly Rose in their system. Enough of it that the women will do just about anything to be fucked by their new owner.”

  My stomach churns at this information.

  I debate with myself in whether or not I should keep him alive or kill him now. I’m smart enough to hold off on killing him for now. I know what Raven said but the club needs to know what this motherfucker knows in order for us to protect the women who belong to us.

  Mind made up, I pull the gun back and step away from him, though I keep my gun trained on his ass. “Walk,” I sneer, nodding my head in the direction I want him to go.

  Chigger starts to walk but quickly turns on me slashing out with a knife, I jog back to stay out of reach and pull the trigger. He goes down in a heap at my feet, the knife slipping from his hand. “You won’t be able to save her next time,” the man says, blood pooling at the corner of his mouth.

  “Watch me, asshole. Parker is my ol’ lady. Mine and I’ll fuckin’ do everything in my power to protect her. Even from the people you’re talking about. Unlike you I’ll be who she needs me to be. And I’ll love her for being who she wants to be,” I mutter, spitting in his face.

  Stepping over him, I don’t bother waiting for him to take his last breath. I’d intended to keep him alive for us to gather more information but I wasn’t gonna let him stab me with some fuckin’ knife.

  I walk through the warehouse, finding my brothers near the other end of the building. Some of them looking grim as I approach. “What’s going on?” I ask Stoney as I get close.

  “Fuckin’ fucked up shit here,” he mutters, nodding to the women.

  One of them that’s curled up in a ball on her side with a beaten face looks familiar. Like I’ve seen her before. Then it hits me. “Prez, that’s Lyrica,” I say, nodding to the woman.

  “Lyrica?” he asks, furrowing his brow.

  “Yeah, she’s the woman Chains and his club is looking for,” I inform him.

  “Fuck, let’s get her out of here. We’ve got Jackson and his men coming up from Franklin to help us out with this situation. I don’t want to take this to the cops,” Stoney growls.

  “I agree. There’s some shit I found out. I’ll fill you in later but right now I need to get to the hospital myself. Venom and Raven are on their way there with Parker.

  “She okay?” he asks.

  “Don’t know but I’m gonna find out.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you there in a bit. I’m sending Lyrica there now with Whip, hang back long enough for him to go with you,” Stoney mutters.

  “Yeah, Prez.” I nod and turn on my heels.

  It’s time to get to my woman and make sure she’s okay.

  Then I’m buying us a house.

  A home that I intend to spend the rest of my life making sure that my woman never suffers in this life again.



  Two months later

  Since getting out of the hospital, a week after my brother decided to turn my life upside down, I’ve stayed close to Cane as much as possible. He’s my safe place. The same with my daughter.

  We prefer to stay where we know we’re safe.

  Cane doesn’t seem to mind we d
o this and I think he likes that we stay close. It appeases his own mind. During the past three weeks, I even started going with him to the garage and working in the front office taking care of things. I’d been nervous at first, thinking I wouldn’t be able to see him or any of the other guys from where I would be.

  They surprised me though, evidently, they put in a glass window so that I could see the entire garage bay and feel safe. The guys even put a little area for Piper to play when she’s here.

  I couldn’t feel luckier to be a part of such an amazing family and that’s what they are to me.

  Cane and I have had a few sessions where he’s taught me about things I never knew I could like and I found I loved how he bound me to him. It makes me feel as if he were binding me to him in more ways than one.

  I love the way he dominates me, binding my heart and soul to his with each time he shows me his own love for me.

  Dear Readers,

  I hope you have enjoyed Cane and Parker’s book. I’m sure you can see there are some things left unanswered and yet leaving you wanting more. Don’t worry you’ll find out what’s coming in Venom’s Prize.





  She wasn’t mine to take, but I’ve never been the type of man to ever give a damn. If someone’s expecting me to ask for permission, well, they’re shit out of luck.


  Pleasure is what I enjoy the most. I can have anything in the world that I want, as many men with power do, but with power comes great responsibility.

  I’m to do as I’m told if I want to keep my life the way I like it, so a contract was presented to me . . . but not any type of contract—a proposal.

  I’ll marry the woman he picked for me, although it doesn’t mean we’ll have any sort of connection other than in the eyes of the law. I don’t expect it, but I will welcome it if something does transpire between the two of us.


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