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Dream World

Page 14

by T. G. Haynes

  Unfortunately, the driver behind them sounded his horn, impatient to be off now that the lights had changed. Kate waved an apology, stepped on the accelerator then asked, ‘Have you got any ideas what he might try to tempt me with?’

  ‘I’m not sure, but I guarantee it’ll be something you won’t be expecting.’

  ‘Such as?’

  ‘Have you any hidden secrets or desires that you’ve long harboured, but hardly dare admit to yourself?’

  ‘I’m not telling you!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘You don’t have,’ he said. ‘Just be prepared to face them, that’s all.’

  Pulling into Dream World’s main car park, neither of them could understand why it was empty. To put a dampener on their mood, they found Richard waiting for them at the main entrance, eager to explain. ‘I’ve had the centre closed for the weekend, just to cater for you. We don’t want Joe Public cluttering up the place.’

  ‘How thoughtful,’ Kate replied, ironically.

  ‘What’s he doing here?’ Richard asked, pointing at Dexter.

  ‘I’ve come to ensure fair play.’

  ‘What’s the matter,’ Richard said. ‘Don’t you trust me?’

  ‘No,’ Dexter stated, bluntly.

  Richard shrugged. ‘Shall we?’ he said, inviting them inside. ‘The sooner we get this started, the sooner I win.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be too confident if I was you,’ Kate said.

  ‘Really? Why’s that?’

  ‘Because...’ she began.

  ‘No,’ he said. ‘Don’t tell me. I wouldn’t want you claiming an unfair advantage.’

  Shepherding them into his office, the three of them sat down with Richard’s legal team for an hour as they went over the papers one final time, then each of the respective parties signed a copy. Richard deposited his in his office safe, whereas Dexter held onto the copies that he and Kate had signed.

  ‘Come on then,’ Kate said, ‘Let’s get this over with.’

  ‘Now, now. No need to be like that. We can at least try and be civil about this,’ Richard said.

  ‘What, like the way you civilly stole my idea?’ Dexter retorted, disdainfully.

  ‘For legal reasons, I’m not going to grace that remark with a reply,’ Richard said as they entered one of the dream chambers.

  Kate lay down on the bed nearest to her. Richard went to prepare the drip. ‘No, no drips,’ she insisted. ‘I don’t trust that thing after what happened last time. I’ll stick to the tablets thank you very much.’

  ‘Have it your own way,’ Richard replied. Though unhappy about this turn of events, he tried his best not to show his displeasure as he went to help her with the pads.

  ‘Never mind me,’ she said, shrugging him away. ‘How about preparing yourself for your dream.’

  ‘And why would I want to do that?’ Richard said.

  ‘This is a two way game, remember?’ Dexter interjected.

  ‘Ah, but if you read section forty two, paragraph fifteen carefully, you’ll have noted that Kate goes first, I don’t have to join in until later.’

  ‘You really are low, aren’t you?’

  Refusing to answer Dexter, Richard set a digital clock running.

  ‘What’s that for?’ Kate asked.

  ‘I thought it might make it more interesting if it was a kind of time trial,’ he explained. ‘So, you’ve got one hour to resist everything I can throw at you.’

  ‘Hey, there was nothing about that in the contract,’ Dexter protested.

  ‘You’re right, there wasn’t.’

  ‘Ha. Got you.’

  ‘So, let me get this straight, you want to stop this, re-word everything and start again?’ Richard said.

  When he put it like that, there didn’t seem to be much point, so Kate snatched one of the little blue tablets out of his hand, swallowed it and said, ‘Do your worst.’

  ‘Sweet dreams,’ Richard muttered, sarcastically, as she fell asleep.

  When Kate awoke, in the dream, she did so with a start. Something definitely felt different compared to her previous visits to the centre, but what, exactly, she couldn’t be sure. She found herself in a hotel room that had a familiar look to it, yet she couldn’t quite place the memory. Glancing down at her watch she noted the time and started to count down the hour. Well, fifty nine minutes to be precise. Having checked the time she then tried to conjure up a blue door. This worked fine, as one popped into existence the instant she envisaged it, but when she tried to summon a green door, she was out of luck. She assumed that this reflected how little control she had over the situation and that if she left via the blue door this would, in essence, forfeit the game and hand victory to Richard. Determined to succeed, no matter who or what she faced, she banished the blue door with a click of her fingers.

  Assuming that it wasn’t against the rules to explore her environment, Kate crossed over to the window and peered outside. She found herself looking out over the Piazza San Marco. That was when it struck her where she was. Venice. The City where she and Alan had spent their first ever...

  ‘...romantic weekend together.’ Alan finished the thought for her.

  She didn’t bother to turn around. She knew he was standing behind her.

  ‘That was the first time I told you that I...’

  ‘Don’t say it,’ she snapped.

  ‘Why not,’ he said. ‘It’s true. And if I recall correctly, you told me that you loved me too.’

  As she found herself re-living the memory he stole up behind her and kissed the back of her neck.

  ‘Remember?’ he said, softly.

  She nodded her head, faintly.

  ‘So,’ he continued, ‘you’ll definitely remember this room then, and what we got up to in it.’

  She sighed. ‘I’ve got a feeling you’re going to remind me.’

  “ ‘One of the best weekends of your life,’ that was how you used to talk about Venice. Full of firsts, wasn’t it? First time you’d ever tried espresso, first time we properly planned our future together, first time we ever...”

  As he trailed off, Kate blushed.

  ‘So you do remember,’ he said. ‘Funny, when I walked into the room and saw you standing by the window, I’m pretty sure that was exactly where you stood that night. And the dress you’re wearing, it’s the same one isn’t it?’

  Kate looked down. Sure enough, her clothing had changed to the light flower patterned dress she had been wearing the night Alan was talking about all those years ago.

  ‘Upon arriving, although we were anxious to explore the city that first night, we were late leaving the hotel because we’d spent all afternoon in this room, making love.’

  Reluctant to reply, Kate simply nodded.

  ‘You wanted to break out the guide books, but I persuaded you that it would be more fun if we just wandered around the city, which we did until it fell dark. Eventually, we settled upon a little restaurant near the Doge’s Palace.’

  ‘No,’ Kate interrupted. She couldn’t help herself. ‘That isn’t right. That was where we ate the second night. The first night we went to a little Trattoria not far from the Bridge of Sighs.’

  ‘Ah, yes, you’re right. You had lasagne, whilst I had...’

  ‘The arrabiata.’

  ‘Did I? You know, I’d forgotten that.’ He hadn’t at all, he was just trying to draw her into the web of memories that he was spinning. ‘Then, afterwards, didn’t we decide to walk back the long way around?’

  ‘No,’ she contradicted him. ‘I wanted to take a barge, but you said you were sure that you had worked out a short cut through the canal network. Some short cut. We were lost within five minutes.’

  He laughed. ‘You’re right again. But then if we hadn’t got lost, we’d never have come
across those two young lovers, remember?’

  ‘How could I forget,’ she murmured, indistinctly.

  ‘We’d just turned a corner when we saw them standing on that small bridge in the moonlight. Thinking they were alone, they’d obviously decided to take advantage of the moment. I thought they were simply admiring the view, but you spotted what they were up to straight away and pulled me back into the shadows, where we stood and watched.’

  The memory came flooding back to Kate with a vengeance. After pausing for a moment, Alan continued. ‘They were both so beautiful, with their classic Italian looks. The woman was standing with her hands resting on the parapet, much as yours are resting on the windowsill now. She was leaning forwards slightly. How you managed to see that her jeans were unbuckled and that she had lowered them slightly, I don’t know. I had to look twice before I could tell. You were right though, unbuckled they were. Do you recall why?’

  Kate declined to answer.

  ‘Come, now, I’m sure you do. Her lover, standing behind her, unzipped his flies, took out his already stiff cock and peeled a condom onto it. You could see it glistening in the moonlight. Then he withdrew something from his pocket, a little cream or lubricant of some sort, and smeared it around the crack of his lover’s bottom. He glanced around, to ensure that they weren’t being watched - he didn’t spy us, we were well hidden in the shadows - then he grasped his lover’s hips and probed the crack of her arse with the tip of his cock. Gradually, inch by inch, he inserted it. She caught her breath as she felt hers boyfriend’s prick nestle inside her. As they started to make love she slipped her right hand into her pants and began to masturbate. Can you imagine how good that must have felt, to have a nice hard cock gliding in and out of your bottom whilst playing with yourself? Is that why you suggested that we follow suit?’

  ‘Yes. No. Maybe.’ Kate was confused. ‘I don’t know. I suppose.’ Alan was right though, it was her suggestion to go back to the hotel and experiment with anal sex for the first time.

  ‘I couldn’t believe how aroused you became, watching them make love. It inspired you to unzip me, reach inside my trousers and play with me, remember?’

  Kate nodded. It was no use denying it, she had felt incredibly turned on by the site of the two young lovers. She shut her eyes in an attempt to blank the image out but, all too clearly, she could recall the memory.

  ‘The more excited they became, the more aroused you grew. I could tell because, by now, I was feeling turned on as well. I was desperate to take you there and then, only you wouldn’t let me. You seemed content to play with me, to wank me off as we watched them grow closer to climax. Even if we had walked out on them at that stage, I don’t think they would have stopped, do you? They were too far gone in the moment, weren’t they?’

  ‘I’d say so,’ she whispered.

  ‘I couldn’t believe how loudly the young woman moaned when she came. Half of Venice must have heard her. By that stage her partner must have been desperate to experience his own climax. It really took me by surprise when the young woman sank too her knees, took her partner’s cock in hers mouth and began to suck him off. Do you think it was accidental or deliberate the way she held that bulging cock in front of her mouth and allowed it to spray her chin and lips? It was almost as if she knew we were watching.’ Alan caught his breath. ‘Do you think she did? Do you think that maybe we were the ones being duped, that they knew we were there all along and that they’d decided to put on a show for our benefit?’

  ‘No,’ Kate shook her head.

  ‘No matter. Whichever way, you can’t deny the effect it had upon you. I’d never seen you so out of control. I tried to stop you, but you wouldn’t have it. You’d never wanked me off like that. You were desperate to see me come. The look on your face when I finally did. It was as if you’d never seen a cock spurting spunk before. You tugged my foreskin back as I sprayed the cobbled street, then,’ Alan grinned, ‘some must have splashed onto your fingers, because you lifted your hand up to your mouth and licked it off.’

  ‘No I didn’t,’ she denied.

  ‘Yes, you did. And after I’d cleaned myself up, you said...’

  ‘Please don’t repeat it.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it’s embarrassing; because I don’t feel that way about you now.’

  ‘Ah, but you did back then. ‘I want you to take me from behind,’ that was what you said.’

  Kate was feeling hot and flushed. Her mind was in turmoil as she recalled the steamy night in Venice all those years ago. She glanced at her watch. Time was ticking away, but she was unsure she would be able to stand up to the onslaught of memories for much longer. To her shame, she had started to feel aroused all over again as Alan had described the scene on the bridge. The night hadn’t ended there though, as he was about to remind her.

  ‘When we arrived back here, I half wondered what had happened to my sweet, innocent girlfriend. I hardly recognised the fiery temptress who ordered me to strip. I didn’t dare say no, so I tore my clothes off and stood in front of you naked. I expected you to reciprocate, you didn’t though, did you? You sank to your knees, took my cock in your mouth and sucked at me until I had a fierce hard on. Leaving me standing there, you disappeared into the bathroom. I wondered what you were up to. Should I stay there? Should I follow you? I really wasn’t sure what to do. Then, when you re-emerged, I understood why. My eyes latched onto the packet of condoms in your hand. The way you teased that packet open, I’ll never forget it. Tearing the wrapper off with your teeth, you crossed over towards me and peeled the condom onto my prick. I grabbed at you, but you skipped away from me, over to this window where we’re standing now. You kicked off your shoes, then you turned around and leant on the window sill. Still you wouldn’t let me join you, not until you had removed the thong you were wearing and lifted your dress around your waist. Then, you whispered...’

  ‘Take me,’ she said.

  ‘Is that a request or a memory?’ he asked.

  Kate blushed. ‘A memory, of course.’

  ‘Just checking.’ He paused. ‘Only I’d love to fuck you again, if you felt like it.’ His hands lifted the dress that she was wearing around her waist. Kate grabbed them and stopped them from going any further.

  ‘You weren’t so coy that night when I came up behind you and kissed the cheeks of your arse. When I tickled your pussy I couldn’t believe how wet you were. Whilst toying with your clit I licked around your bottom then, using a little saliva, I massaged your crack, to make sure that it was lubricated. You parted your legs a little wider, to allow me easier access, then I positioned the tip of my cock at the crack of your arse and slowly eased inside you.’

  As he continued to describe the scene from the past his hands began to explore her body in the present. She couldn’t help but lean back against him. When she did so, she experienced a shock, for she realised that he was naked. As her bottom pressed against his groin she felt that his cock was every bit as hard as it was in the scene that he was describing. Kate tried her best to pull away from him, but it wasn’t easy. Whereas she knew the consequences if she didn’t, it was difficult to deny her senses. Her pussy ached to be pleasured. Would it really hurt if he touched her, just the once? If he ran the tip of his finger around her swollen lips until just a little juice began to flow? She wondered what constituted her giving in to the situation and tried her best to recall the small print of the contract. She really should have taken more notice. She knew, now, that she should have clarified matters before entering the dream scenario, but it was too late. Biting her bottom lip Kate did her best to calm herself, but it was far from easy as Alan described what happened next.

  ‘I thought you were going to come instantly, the way that your legs started to tremble. I’d never seen you so turned on. I must confess, I’d never felt so turned on myself. It was all I could do not to take my cock
out of your bum, whip that condom off you, sink it into your pussy and fuck you senseless, but that wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted me to pleasure you in the way that you’d specified, and pleasure you I did.’ He paused. ‘I’m not sure what inspired me to do what I did next, only before I shagged you, I reached around your waist and started to stroke your pussy, remember?’

  Kate nodded as she felt his hand snake around her waist in search of her again. She grabbed it just in time as she felt his fingertips brush against her pubes.

  ‘You were so wet. The instant my fingers came into contact with you, they were coated. I thought that you’d come already. I brought them up to my lips in order to taste you. Then, when I stroked your pussy once more, you took my hand and guided it to your mouth and licked your own juice off.’ He paused momentarily. ‘You bad girl.’

  Kate nodded. She was a bad girl. She was a very bad girl, who was desperate to be... NO! She mustn’t give in to temptation.

  ‘Why not?’ he whispered in her ear. She released his hand. Free of her grip he stroked her inner thighs. ‘I can tell that you want me.’

  Kate shook her head, vehemently.

  ‘Are you sure? You certainly wanted me that night. You guided my hand back between your legs and then we rubbed your pussy together. As our fingers intertwined it must have been difficult for you to tell which was which. Was that your finger that brushed against your clit or was it mine? It was definitely mine that parted your lips and snaked inside you. That was the moment you came for the first time that night. With my cock in your arse and one of my fingers in your cunt.’

  Kate felt her pussy growing ever wetter, just as it had done in the tale that Alan was relaying.

  ‘If I hadn’t held onto you tightly, like this,’ he clutched her with his left arm. ‘You’d have lost your balance, I’m sure of it.’

  She tried to deny it, but in her heart of hearts she knew what he was saying to be true.

  ‘Then, and only then, did I start to fuck you. I remember you being surprised at how easily my cock glided in and out of your arse. I tried to explain it was because you were so turned on. I don’t think you cared anymore. You certainly didn’t seem to the way that you tore your dress off and threw it aside.’


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