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Submission (Surrender Book 1)

Page 2

by Tina Donahue

  She wreathed her arms around his shoulders, wanting him as a shelter against doubt and everything bad.

  Holding her in a firm but gentle embrace, he angled his mouth for greater penetration, his passion as deep as Lucius’s, yet also carefree. As if necking with her here was the most natural thing in the world, even though she’d kept her distance when they’d worked together. Not once sharing a meal unless they bumped into each other at lunch in the employee break room.

  Those times had prepared her for now, their intimacy exciting yet comfortable and necessary.

  Unable to resist, she pushed his tongue from her mouth and filled his instead.

  Rather than protest, he allowed her to enjoy his clean flavor and suckled her deep.

  She hadn’t expected anything less from him. Tav took life as it came, greeting whatever was in his path. For the moment, she was his sole focus and wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

  He eased her closer, his strength impressive yet subdued. His effort at containing it making him tremble.

  She wanted him as unleashed as Lucius would be.

  And Cody.

  He separated her from Tav.

  “Hey, I wasn’t finished.” Tav shot him a look.

  Cody shrugged. “You are now.” He grasped her wrist.

  Surely, he wasn’t going to kiss it. He’d never seemed the romantic type to her.

  And wasn’t now.

  After he’d trapped her against the wall, he held her wrists above her head and cupped her breast.

  Her nipples peaked, straining against her suit jacket.

  He thumbed one rigid tip, his lime fragrance and sweet breath stoking her desire.

  She wrapped her leg around his and pressed her cunt to his rock-hard cock.

  His grin spoke volumes. “Bad girl.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.” He brushed his lips over hers, their softness and heat striking, his smooth cheeks a balm, his tantalizing foreplay increasing her excitement.

  Whoever thought wild monkey sex was the only way to go for a good time hadn’t experienced this.

  Impatient for his tongue, she parted her lips, welcoming him inside.

  Forever a maverick in their group, he declined her invite and licked her lower lip then kissed her chin, cheeks, nose, and eyelids.

  Impassioned lovemaking couldn’t have pleased her more than his tenderness. Scarcely able to breathe, she yielded, willing to give him whatever the hell he wanted and then some.

  Pleased sounds poured from him, as arousing as his husky voice. He claimed her mouth, his hard, deep kiss a surprise. Similar to the dazzling plunge awaiting riders once they’d reached the highest point on a rollercoaster—or the thrills he enjoyed during extreme sports. Tranquil moments interspersed by stunning ones.

  Their tongues danced. Hell, they boogied for all they were worth, his taste different from Tav and Lucius, indescribable yet glorious.

  She tightened her leg around his.

  He tried to pluck her nipple through too much fabric and succeeded.

  Her skin tingled, and her heart caught. Much more of this and she’d be a goner, unable to think, reason, or protect herself from inevitable heartache.

  Another lesson she’d learned from her mother’s countless missteps with men.

  Alarms sounded in Bree’s head.

  Cody’s kiss intensified, insisting on everything she had to give.

  No, no, no. Not yet. Certainly not here with Jacquie outside, her ear likely pressed to the door, so she could listen and enjoy.

  Needing some control, Bree tore her mouth from his.

  He blinked slowly, his eyes unfocused, and then he stepped back, surprise and disappointment on his face since she hadn’t resisted the others.

  She didn’t want to do so with him either, but Tav and Lucius had already plowed through her defenses, leaving her few options except to beg them all to do her right here and now. After which…

  No way did she want to consider her sexual hangover. It would happen soon enough.

  Lucius shouldered past Cody to reach her.

  She sidled away, a second turn so soon with him and the others not in the cards. To keep him from following, she held out her hand.

  Now he wore a wounded-puppy look.

  Men. They simply didn’t get it unless a woman spelled out everything. “As I said, we need to set some ground rules first.”

  Tav nodded agreeably and rocked on his tennies.

  She stopped herself from smiling.

  Lucius planted his hands on his narrow hips. “I take it you know what you want.”

  Not even close. “I thought we’d discuss matters over dinner.” After several slugs of booze, she might be able to settle and think clearly. They’d only been here a few minutes and her brain had turned to goo, her lips felt swollen, and her cheeks stung from Tav’s beard and Lucius’s stubble. “Surrender does have a five-star restaurant.”

  Cody bumped Tav’s arm. “What do you want to bet that’s not why the other patrons are here tonight or any other night for that matter?”

  Tav laughed.

  Lucius stepped closer to her. “What happens after dinner?”

  Her stomach fluttered at his deep baritone. James Earl Jones had nothing on him.

  He cocked his head, waiting for an answer, his hair swaying.

  God, she loved that and would have given up several decades of her life to bury her face in those fragrant locks. “That’s where the ground rules come in.”

  “Yours, not ours?” Tav hooked his thumbs in his front pockets. “Do we get to veto stuff we don’t like?”

  “We do.” Lucius arched one eyebrow and spoke to her. “It’s only fair.”

  Given their lust, she figured they wouldn’t go along with watching Lifetime movies and munching on chocolate anytime soon, not that she’d prefer those treats to them. Still, she needed to keep this from going overboard too fast and focused on Tav. Like her, he’d clawed his way out of an impoverished childhood, which made him more careful than Lucius, who’d known nothing except wealth, and Cody, too, both his parents renowned physicians. Tav and she instinctively understood each other. “What would you want to veto?”

  Tav held up his hand and ticked off fingers as he spoke. “Us leaving here without you. You leaving without us. Us doing nothing except talking. Us not kissing again. Us not getting naked.” He held up his other hand. “Us not—”

  “I get it, all right?” His discretion had faded since they’d last seen each other. She rubbed her temple. “Let’s have a drink.” Several in fact. “And dinner. We can discuss the particulars then.”

  The guys exchanged frustrated glances.

  She supposed they’d expected her to greet them naked in here, a bed replacing her desk, BDSM tools hanging from the walls rather than pricey Victorian artwork and photos depicting nude women enjoying themselves as Queen Victoria had never imagined or wanted.

  If these upcoming trysts, or whatever they were, turned out well, Bree might be game for anything. At present though, she needed some guidelines and inclined her head to the door.

  Lucius strode toward it.

  Footfalls sounded outside, scampering away. Jacquie.

  Frowning, Lucius turned the knob, looked around the jam then regarded Bree from top to bottom and back up to her breasts where he lingered, his thoughts unreadable.

  She guessed they were in the gutter, the same as hers. Again, she struggled not to stare at his fly. “After you.”

  His smile was slow and sexy. “That’s not how it works.”

  Cody leaned closer. “Out of bed or in.”

  Tav chuckled and made a sweeping gesture for her to exit first.

  Following their lead would have been easier and far more satisfying. She could have drunk each one in as much as she desired without them knowing.

  Her legs had rarely felt as rubbery, her face so heated. Hopefully, no one would notice her blush.

  Jacquie pretended to work at
her computer but did look up, her eyes rounding.

  So much for no one noticing. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in Chasteté.” French for chastity, one of the few places in Surrender where guests had to remain dressed, unless they used a private dining room. Those were always popular and usually booked.

  Lucius cleared his throat.

  Jacquie’s pale cheeks pinked up, a perfect color complement to her black hair, cut Cleopatra style, and the diamond stud in her nose. Almond-shaped grey eyes gave her an exotic flair, her pouty mouth an innocent look. Quite the contradiction, especially with interest flaring on her pretty face as she regarded Lucius. Her desire didn’t abate as she next took in Cody and Tav.

  Lucius spoke to her. “What Ms. Debussey meant to say is we’ll all be in the restaurant. Right, Bree?”

  Already he’d pulled rank. It should have pissed her off royally. Instead, she got too warm, her thoughts growing fuzzy again. “Of course.”

  Tav scratched his beard. “About anyone needing you…”

  “Oh, don’t worry.” Jacquie’s grin showed most of her teeth. “I’ll say Ms. Debussey’s busy until further notice. Take all the time you want or need. I have your back.”

  Bree frowned.

  Tav gave Jacquie a wink.

  Cody smiled.

  Jacquie tittered.

  Understandable for a twenty-six-year-old who was getting her first taste of what sexy, powerful men were like. With any luck, she’d at least stay put during the remainder of her shift, not trying to see what was up, or going down, by repeatedly strolling into the restaurant.

  Like a good girl, Bree led the way.

  Men dressed in expensive suits and women in shimmering evening wear populated the get-acquainted areas on the ground floor, decorated to resemble a Victorian palace: the cherry wood dark and gleaming, chandeliers abundant, furniture upholstered in rose or lilac velvet, lighting subdued, the milieu decidedly erotic.

  Anyone planning to indulge in twosomes, gangbangs, and orgies had to march up one flight. For more intense activities? She’d relegated BDSM and fetishes to the third and last floor.

  Voyeur areas occupied all locations. For the shyer types, there were single rooms.

  She figured her guys—as Jacquie had dubbed them—wouldn’t opt for privacy this night or any other. Her heart skipped a beat.

  Several women stopped sipping their champagne or mixed drinks, hunger and appreciation in their eyes as they regarded them.

  She glanced back.

  The others’ attention was on Cody, Tav, and Lucius. Little wonder given their male allure.

  However, her guys didn’t notice anyone except her, instead staring at her legs, ass, and hair.

  Buoyed by their devotion, but hardly gullible, she hustled them past the other female patrons, not that she or her guys could hide in the throng. Each of her men was too good looking and she was the only female dressed in business attire, the outfit still offering sexual appeal. A deliberate decision on her part.

  Her black jacket dipped to a low V in front, the sleeves three-quarter, her slim black skirt inches above her knees, her four-inch heels sporting cut outs on the toes. Technically, businesslike yet also provocative and feminine. The holy trifecta.

  There was a reason to dress for success. Despite women clad in scanty gowns or silky jumpsuits boasting halter-tops, a few men still glanced at Bree. Mainly those who weren’t kissing or fondling females on the sofas, chairs, humongous ottomans, or against the walls, as others watched and enjoyed their drinks.

  A few patrons gathered together, the groups mostly one woman and several men. They spoke quietly, perhaps arranging a meet upstairs in the BDSM rooms.

  For those who hadn’t yet decided on their game plan, the surroundings encouraged passion—not the base kind, not yet, but rather a slow build to an exquisite evening. To set the mood, classical music played, something French and dreamy, heavy on flutes and strings. If nothing else, Surrender was about fantasy.

  A male voice called out, followed by others. Whoops and whistles joined the cries. Lucius took Bree’s hand and led her away from the restaurant toward the other sounds.

  She held back.

  He looked over. Cody and Tav eyed her too.

  Time to explain. “The restaurant’s over there.” She pointed.

  Lucius inclined his head to the newest whistles and applause. “What’s causing the ruckus?”

  Not anything she wanted them to see. “An event. It’s nothing.”

  Tav stood on tiptoes and craned his neck. “Sounds like fun to me.”

  “I’m game.” Cody took her other hand, his palm calloused from sports.

  He and Lucius led her toward the ballroom.

  Tav clasped her shoulder, making his claim.

  If anyone here thought the guys were nuts for corralling her like this, they didn’t show it, having their own seductive play to indulge in: couples, threesomes, and more, fondling, kissing, pleasuring, then racing toward the sweeping staircase to rooms they’d booked.

  Upon reaching the ballroom, Lucius and Cody stopped.

  Tav halted too late and bumped into her, his stiffened cock smacking against her butt cheeks. Rather than backing up, he pressed forward, looking past her at the stage. The same as Lucius and Cody.

  Excitement whisked through her, leaving weakness and wanting behind.

  Each gripped her fingers tightly. Not enough to harm, but she certainly couldn’t run.

  A good move on their part considering what she hadn’t wanted them to see.

  A platform bathed in golden light dominated the stage, a nude woman displayed on it, an elaborate feathered mask hiding her face, shackles holding her arms above her head, flight and modesty impossible. The stand rotated slowly to afford the audience a view from every direction to display her breasts, pussy, and ass.

  Up there, she had no protection as she did at the Los Angeles music conglomerate she ran. As the youngest CEO in company history, she’d catapulted numerous kids to stardom in hip hop, soft rock, country, jazz, and soul. She was a one-woman American Idol and The Voice, her compensation proving it.

  Tired of bad boy rockers and good ole country stars who cheated worse than politicians, she’d approached Bree about coming here to get down and dirty, and to submit. Something she wouldn’t remotely consider during business hours. But in a dream world…

  A staffer dressed as a slave trader wielded a riding crop, using the device to part her legs and further exhibit her.

  Moisture glistened on her shaved pubes, arousal plumped her delicate folds, her nipples constricted, breathing strained.

  A tuxedoed MC stood to the side. “Opening bid is ten thousand.”

  Several shouted the amount.

  The MC scanned the crowd. “Do I hear eleven?”

  No one balked at the price. For it, the winner could do whatever he wanted with his new ‘slave’, her approval secure and complete whether the evening included indulging a fetish, BDSM, voyeurism, spanking, roll playing, or everything combined. Given those ground rules, men talked over each other, driving the price up to twenty thousand and beyond before the platform completed one revolution.

  Tav whistled through his teeth, his breath skimming Bree’s ear.

  Cody snuggled closer, their hips touching, her breast grazing his arm.

  Lucius squeezed her fingers. “Now there’s something I hadn’t thought of.”

  Before they got too frisky, she needed to make them stop. “I am not doing that. Ever.”

  “Understood when it comes to your clientele.” Lucius’s smile crinkled the corners of his eyes.

  She yearned and wilted against him but kept her head. “Not with you guys either.”

  “You’re just shy.” Cody nuzzled his face to her cheek. “You’ll get over it now that we’re here.”

  “And staying.” Tav eased her butt into his thick, hard cock. “Don’t you worry, we’re not going anywhere.”

  Lucius touched his lips to hers, steali
ng her breath. “Our games have only begun.”

  Chapter 2

  As a rule, Lucius didn’t go out on a limb with women. Truth was they usually came on to him.

  He wasn’t foolish enough to believe it was because he was the man, or epic in any way, shape, or form. His family’s name and wealth had a lot to do with his popularity in high school and college, only increasing as he’d grown older. When it came to romantic entanglements, he’d been particularly cautious, not wanting any babe to fold, spindle, or mutilate him.

  Then Bree had come along and changed everything, allowing him to take a chance for the first time in forever.

  She regarded him now, wonder and apprehension warring in her green eyes.

  His heart cramped at her concern as to what he and the guys would actually expect. When Lucius had proposed this goofy arrangement as a way for her to pay them back, he’d been kidding, wanting to see what she’d say. Being friendly at work hadn’t allowed him or the others to get close enough to risk asking for a date, since she wouldn’t deign to share a simple lunch with them unless they happened upon each other in the break room. For something as monumental as what would happen tonight, and could happen in the future, he’d predicted she’d laugh or would demand he leave, taking Cody and Tav with him. At the least, he’d expected she’d unfriend them on Facebook.

  But no, she’d agreed, and so these moments came into being, along with the possibility of more of them to come.

  His pulse ticked up at how soft and fragrant she’d been, how small yet also strong, their mouths meant to be joined, her sweet tongue caressing his as she suckled it deep.

  Lightheaded, he strained for control.

  Well-dressed men shouted their latest bids, each jockeying to get closer to the stage and the naked woman displayed there, no more than a sexual object available to strangers, rather than an individual roleplaying to excite a friend. If any guy here dared do the same to Bree, Lucius would cut off the prick’s balls. She deserved better, particularly consideration and respect from a man.


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