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Submission (Surrender Book 1)

Page 13

by Tina Donahue

  It churned.

  Purse and keys in hand, she left for the club at her usual time, yesterday an anomaly since she never stayed until closing.

  Despite the early hour, a valet was already on duty, a perk so staff didn’t have to park their cars in the distant lot and walk back.

  Smiling at the young woman, Bree left the BMW in her care. Moist wind tugged Bree’s collar and whipped her pants, the temperature surprisingly steamy for Malibu. June gloom having made another appearance even though the calendar said August. Ashy clouds blanketed the sky, obscuring the sun that was trying its damnedest to burn through. Some days it took until late afternoon before the sky cleared and then night fell, like it did in San Francisco.

  She preferred the Los Angeles basin. She had been surprised the guys had also moved here. Since they added to their millions and billions by investing, they could have worked from anywhere, even another country, yet they’d chosen this locale.

  Speculating as to their reasons was a fool’s game. It had nothing to do with her.

  Before reaching Jacquie’s desk, Bree prepared herself for the onslaught. Countless questions as to what happened, if she enjoyed herself, if they had, and what would happen next.

  Work, work, and more work. The only thing she found comfortable and easy to handle.

  She rounded a corner, her heels tapping the floor.

  Jacquie’s head jerked up. She spun around in her chair, eyes wide, the aquamarine stud in her nose sparkling. Hands pressed to her chest, she grinned.

  Bree didn’t. “I have a busy day.”

  “You bet you do.”

  She stopped at her door but didn’t open it. “Excuse me?”

  Jacquie sped to her. “Oh my God, last night must have been so amazing.”

  Bree’s blood ran cold. She shouldn’t have taken off the mask and let the voyeurs see her. “Did a staffer or a guest say something?” Crap. She crowded Jacquie, forcing her to step back.

  She bumped into a chair. It wheeled away. “No. Why? Should they have?” She cupped her mouth. “What did you do?”

  Nothing she’d ever tell Jacquie about. Remembering to breathe, Bree fought irritation. “Did someone make an appointment? Have I forgotten one already on my calendar?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Because you indicated I was going to have a busy day.”

  Jacquie nodded quickly, her bangs jumping. “You are. Opening everything will take time.”


  “The stuff’s been arriving all afternoon. I put it in your office.” She swung the door in. “Look.”

  Floral arrangements and gift packages covered every empty space and those already filled. “Who did this?”

  “I didn’t read the cards, but I’m guessing your guys.”

  Chapter 8

  Fragrant scents drew Bree to the flowers, along with something else she just noticed.

  Heels clicked from behind, Jacquie following.

  She was too open and naïve for her own good. Bree looked over, keeping her mood and voice kind. “That will be all.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks flushed. “Sure. Call if you need me.” She departed and closed the door.

  Bree pressed her face to the pink and purple carnations first, the shades darker on the ends, outlining the blossoms. Identical to what she’d had on her desk in her early years at Mortganson. Prior to earning big bucks, she hadn’t wanted to spend much on anything. The flowers had been the one indulgence she’d allowed. When her finances improved, she’d added roses, jasmine, and honeysuckle to the mix. Even chocolate cosmos. Those babies had actually smelled like her favorite sweet.

  Each bloom she treasured was here, several cards bearing a simple L for Lucius or Tav’s name as the sender, no other message.

  They’d remembered her preferences during the time they’d worked together. She hadn’t realized anyone noticed what she did, especially them.

  Tenderness filled her at their sweet gesture, followed by unease. She shouldn’t think about the past or let their thoughtfulness wow her. It was best to give the flowers to nursing homes or hospitals for their patients.

  She’d have Jacquie call around.

  Although Bree touched the intercom button, she didn’t depress it. Smelling the flowers for a few more minutes wouldn’t matter.

  The gaily-wrapped packages attracted her next, most small, one large, others similar to shirt boxes. She shook several, unable to determine what might be inside. Guessing underwear or sex toys, she chose the tiniest one first, predicting a thong or handcuffs. Its shiny red paper and bow matched the color on the vinyl catsuit. Another L graced the attached card. She took care in opening the gift to avoid tearing the beautiful paper then stilled at what she’d uncovered: candy from Cariola, a boutique chocolatier a short walk from Mortganson. She’d spent many lunches buying the treats. This box contained applesauce truffles drenched in white chocolate, chopped nuts sprinkled on top. During the fall, she’d always had several pieces on her desk.

  Lucius remembered her doing so.

  She went weak and wanting, though not for long.

  Dismissing her reaction, she gathered other small boxes from him and opened each finding additional Cariola selections: chocolate covered strawberries and cherries, mocha brownie truffles, caramel filled chocolates. Although he could have had them placed in a single large container, he hadn’t, because she preferred this.

  Not that she’d ever told him.

  The information was in a holiday promotion Mortganson had put out to give the company a human face rather than the cutthroat reputation it had. They’d asked her and other employees to share their best Christmas stories. She’d been vague about her indigent past, but she did say she liked numerous gifts as a child, no matter how little was in each box. Opening them and anticipating was better than whatever lay inside.

  Lucius must have read the piece.

  Tears pricked her eyes.

  She blinked them away and pushed the candies aside. Accepting them from a man she shouldn’t want, but did far too much, was insane. She’d give them to her staff.

  Again, her finger hovered above the intercom button without pressing it for Jacquie.

  Maybe one applesauce truffle wouldn’t hurt.

  After enjoying it, she tried a chocolate covered cherry. Then everything else. While she gorged, she opened his other packages and laughed at the DVDs he’d bought: Friends with Benefits, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, After Sex, Moving McAllister—each a Mila Kunis chick flick. Easy A, Aloha, La La Land, and Crazy, Stupid, Love starred Emma Stone. What Bree had mentioned at dinner when asked what she wanted.

  Despite his lust, Lucius had actually listened and taken her seriously.

  She wasn’t certain whether to smile or weep, so she finally ate more candy.

  High on sugar, she found Tav’s gifts, each bearing his signature on the accompanying card but nothing else. Once she’d unwrapped the largest box, she eased back tissue paper, uncovering a paperback, its mustard-colored cover bearing the title Histoire d’O. Story of O. The thing looked damned old, age yellowing its pages. Taking care not to hurt it, she looked at the copyright statement. Nineteen fifty-four. A freaking original copy.

  Beneath more tissue paper lay a yellow box—Rosetta Stone to learn French, a sticky note attached to it.

  To help you enjoy the story as it was originally written. A lot can get lost in translation.


  She giggled and plowed through his other presents. Each box held an erotic tale. The classic ones included Roth’s Sabbath’s Theatre, Winterson’s Written on the Body, Amis’s The Rachel Papers, and Minot’s Lust. The contemporary paperbacks hailed from leading erotic authors and publishers.

  Like Lucius, Tav had each gift wrapped separately.

  Disquiet pressed close, but that didn’t stop her from further exploration.

  Cody had sent only two packages: the largest box and a smaller one. On each card, he’d written Enjoy and CP, his initia

  She chose the littlest container first. Inside lay black lace stockings identical to the ones she’d worn yesterday. The note inside read: Sorry for messing yours up. My palms are too rough.

  Touched by his apology, she pressed the note to her chest. Poor guy thought he’d been responsible for the runs. Bree vaguely remembered clawing her thighs when the guys denied her release, making her crazy.

  With one last box facing her, she took her time opening it, delaying the pleasure.

  Dawdling helped build her excitement, which wasn’t needed. The virtual reality headset floored her. She sank to her chair and read Cody’s note.

  Watch this, then you’ll know why this stuff’s so great.

  If he was referring to porn, she was already a true believer. Just in case this was Story of O on film and she got too excited, she locked the door then returned to her chair. Settled, she slipped on the device and turned it on.

  The view showed a skier sailing over the top of a fucking huge mountain then dropping bomb-like to earth.

  Jesus. Her heart jumped. She pressed into her chair, gripping the armrests.

  The skier whizzed downhill past numerous trees, boulders, and other crap, coming too close to everything.

  “Don’t!” She put out her hand to keep him—her—them from plowing into a trunk.

  At the last minute, he careened around it.

  She panted and cursed him but couldn’t stop watching. This was like coming upon a gory traffic accident and knowing it was best to glance away but being unable to do so.

  The next scene took place atop a tall bridge, a river rushing several hundred feet below.

  Uncertain as to what would happen, she leaned up even though the new position didn’t give her a better view.

  The image lurched to the right, then plummeted, the individual dropping toward the river at jet-propelled speed.

  She clutched her throat.

  Seconds before reaching the water, the person bobbed up, fell down again, then back up similar to a bouncing rubber ball—or someone bungee jumping.

  The skydiving scene had her cringing. She could barely stand the white-water rafting and plunging over a waterfall in what might have been a kayak. She pulled in her shoulders so much, they hurt. Yet a curious thrill ran through her, encouraging her to watch the scenes again.

  On each showing, she lost a bit more anxiety and got into the event.

  Her intercom buzzed.

  Bree removed the device and smoothed her hair. “Yeah?”

  “You have a call.” Jacquie spoke quietly, her breath catching. “Line one.”

  The cops couldn’t be calling to say they planned to raid the joint. Bree followed the law. “Who is it?”


  Hesitation and excitement warred within her. “Did you tell him I’m here?”

  “Uh-huh. Shouldn’t I have?”

  Bree couldn’t say, unable to make up her mind. If she looked at this the correct way, this might be a perfect opportunity to say she appreciated his gifts but couldn’t accept them because she’d never be seeing him again.

  Which would be unbelievably cold and bitchy on her part. She should at least work her way into a Dear John speech to avoid hurting his pride. “I’ll take it.” Hoping her voice wouldn’t shake, she pressed the button. “Lucius.”

  “Hey. I won’t keep you long.”

  His mellow baritone sent her heart racing, his comment from left field. She must have been more distant than she recalled when he’d left this morning and felt bad about her behavior. “You’re not keeping me.” A dumb thing to say, but she couldn’t help herself. “The flowers are beautiful. I’ve already gained five pounds from the candy.”

  “You’re eating it now?” He clucked his tongue. “You’re supposed to save it for when you’re watching the flicks.”

  Laughing softly, she sagged in her chair. “Thanks for the films too. I have enough to keep me busy for a week.”

  “I’m only asking for a day.”

  She sobered. “Huh?”

  “The weather’s supposed to be great tomorrow. I’m taking Parádeisos out and I’d like you to join me.”

  “Para what?”

  “Parádeisos. Greek for paradise. What I named my yacht.”

  He had one? “Do Tav and Cody know?”

  Silence answered her then Lucius cleared his throat. “I don’t recall telling them I have a boat.”

  If he hadn’t mentioned it then they weren’t coming along for the ride. Her pussy woke up and grew wet when it shouldn’t have. “You want to take me on your yacht.”

  The sound he made sounded like stifled laughter. “Take you? Sounds good.”

  Her face flamed. Weird since they’d done everything two people could. “I meant, drive me around in the thing.”

  “That too. Even pilot you in it.”

  She twisted her mouth at his teasing, but she liked when he did so. Something else she shouldn’t enjoy. “Okay.”

  “Great. I’ll—”

  “I meant okay to you correcting me on the term. As to the other stuff…” Tell him no. She’d never have a better time than now. Sadly, she couldn’t get the words out.

  “It’s only a day, Bree. When was the last time you took off?”

  When pneumonia landed her in the emergency room at eleven. Even then, she fought to get back to school to make something of herself. Her time with him and the guys had been the longest she’d ever played. “Are we talking twenty-four hours here?”

  “I’ll use a stopwatch if you’d like.”

  She pinched her nose at her moronic behavior, keeping him hanging, interrogating him, drawing this out. Tell. Him. No. “When?”

  “I can have my pilot pick you up tonight. You have a helipad on the grounds, right?”

  She did for clients who bought aircraft more easily than most people purchased bikes and cars. “Uh-huh.”

  “Can you leave tonight so we have a full day tomorrow?”

  Wasn’t possible. Her work had piled up yesterday before he and the others arrived. Until they’d strode into her office, she hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything except them. “I can cut out at eight. No wait, seven.” A few hours from now.

  “Wonderful.” Delight rang in his voice, surprise too. “I’ll tell the pilot. Can’t wait to see you. No need to bring anything. Whatever you require will be on the boat.”

  Except good sense and fresh clothes for tomorrow. Bree didn’t expect to be wearing her current ones long. If he didn’t rip them off her, she would. Somehow, that didn’t trouble her. She’d make this her last goodbye to him, the pleasure he gave her the sole thing she’d have for her lonely days ahead.

  Maybe they’d get enough of each other and, once sated, their parting wouldn’t be too hard. Clinging to hope, she gripped the receiver. “See you in a while.”

  With the call ended, she collapsed in her chair.

  The intercom buzzed.

  What now? “Yes.”

  “Tav’s on the line.”


  “Yeah.” Jacquie was as breathless now as when she’d announced Lucius’s call. “He told me his name and everything. Are you available to speak to him?”

  Bree couldn’t brush him off after speaking to Lucius. As friends, they talked and her rejection would hurt Tav. “I’ll take it.” She pressed the button. “Hey.”


  She giggled. “I can’t believe you actually snagged an original copy of that book. Did you rob an erotic museum?”

  “Didn’t have to. Found it in LA. Everything’s here.”

  He was—along with Lucius and Cody—the only thing that counted. “It’s something. The other books too, especially the classics. I haven’t read some and the last time I cracked the others I was in high school.”

  “You must have been a wild child.”

  She’d been sad and yearning even then but hadn’t allowed herself to get close to any boy, not wanting to end up l
ike her mom. “I was a real terror in glee club.”

  His laughter raced across the lines, warming her heart. “I bet you were. You ever read by firelight?”

  Numerous times. When her mom couldn’t afford to pay the electric bill, they’d lit candles. Bree suspected Tav had experienced the same, given his background. “Not exactly.”

  “It’s great. Nothing better than the sky and stars above you, the world kept at bay, the only sounds you hear from nature, not people.”

  “Must be amazing.”

  “It will be. How about Thursday?”

  She leaned up in her chair. “What?”

  “I’m going on another trip, returning late Friday. I’d like you to go with me.”

  Nearly the same words Lucius had used, except for the scenario. “Camping?”

  “Don’t freak. Have you ever been?”

  She rarely spent time in her backyard. “No.”

  “Consider it an adventure. We can learn French together and enjoy smut beneath the stars.”

  Before her laughter broke free, she pressed her fingers to her mouth.

  His breathing filled the silence. “You still there?”

  She shouldn’t be, but didn’t want to end the conversation, enjoying speaking to him as much as she had to Lucius. To have them both call her for a date seemed too odd for a coincidence. “Yeah, I’m here. I don’t know squat about camping.”

  “I do. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  He couldn’t have been more wrong, considering her heart was as much at risk with him as Lucius. However, she couldn’t say no. Once she and Tav were alone, she’d offer her goodbye in the kindest way possible. “What should I wear?”

  “Jeans, a tee, hoodie if you have one, socks, and sneakers.”

  “No underwear?”

  “Not for me.”

  Uh-huh. “Do I meet you there?”


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