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Sinfully Rich: A Steamy Billionaire Box Set

Page 48

by Vivian Wood

  My cheeks are stained bright pink. “No, sir. This is the only place that I’ve applied.” I gulp. “I just found out about the program this week, though.”

  He cocks a brow. “Ahh. So you ran out of other options, then.”

  God, kill me now. “I prefer not to think of it that way, Mr. Byrne.”

  Daniel’s gaze is heavy on me for a moment, then he rocks back in his chair again. “I think that kind of attitude will get you a long way, Miss Leone.” He looks down at my file again, sucking at his teeth. “Mercy West has never steered us wrong yet. I’ll just need you to fill out a million papers saying that you won’t sue us if anything goes wrong.”

  “That’s it?” I ask, surprised. I start to stand up because he does, but he waves me back down.

  “Yep. As long as you are qualified, we’ll take you. I just need to bring my son in to meet you. He captains most of the charters that we take out so he’ll be your direct boss.”

  Relief floods me. “Oh, thank you Mr. Byrne!”

  Daniel gives me a hooded smile. “We’ll see if you’re still thanking me when you’re actually out at sea, with waves rolling below deck and no land in sight.”

  My eyes widen, but he heads out of the office. I used to spend every summer on my parent’s yacht when I was a kid… but it’s been fifteen years since then.

  Do most of the medical staff that this place hires deal with seasickness, then?

  “Dad, I really don’t have time for this,” a gruff voice says.

  For some reason, every hair on my body stands on end at that voice. I don’t know why it sounds familiar though.

  I hear Daniel answer. “Just poke your head in, Gabe.”

  I turn my head just in time to see a decades-younger version of Daniel appear. He’s probably only thirty, more muscular and fit than his father. His hair is jet black, like the t-shirt he’s wearing. But his eyes…

  He looks at me with eyes the exact color of seagrass, that faint blue-green shade.

  How could I ever forget those eyes?

  It’s been six months since I got drunk and hooked up with a stranger in Vegas for my birthday. We didn’t use names and he left before I could ask for his number…

  But I will never, ever forget those eyes. Or the things that his calloused hands made me feel that night… He made me scream his name four different times… then he vanished while I was drowsing.

  Gabriel. Saying his name inside of my head excites me. I can feel my pupils begin to dilate.

  “I—” he begins.

  “You—” I start.

  We both stop. My heart is suddenly beating hard enough to hear it in my ears.

  “Gabe, don’t stop in the middle of the damned doorway,” his father chides. “Come on now.”

  Gabe looks at me, a silent plea on his face. He clears his throat.

  “I don’t think we should hire a girl,” he says loudly. “Remember the last one we brought on? She didn’t even make it for two hours before we had to turn around and drop her off. Women aren’t cut out for the life.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

  Daniel doesn’t seem to notice the tension between his son and me. “That was eight years ago, Gabe. Get with it. Women can do anything they want to do now.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You look familiar, Gabe.”

  He actually blushes. “No, I don’t think so. I don’t see any reason I would. You must be confused.”

  My brow hunches. From his guilty tone, I can guess that he’s flat-out lying. I don’t know why, though.

  “Gabe, I just wanted to introduce Miss Leone to you.” Daniel looks at his watch. “Would you two excuse me for a moment? I need to take my pill and I think I left the bottle in my car.” He turns and heads out. “I’ll be right back!”

  Gabe and I are left there, staring each other down.

  “What the heck is going on?” I ask.

  Gabe slides his gaze out the door, then whispers his answer to me. “You should not work here, little girl.”

  I make an offended noise. “Uhh! I should work anywhere I want to, Gabriel.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Seriously. You should get out of here. I don’t have time or attention for someone… someone like you.”

  I huff. “That’s funny. I think that you don’t want Mr. Byrne to know that you slept with me. Why would that be?”

  Gabe reddens. “Get. OUT!”

  Normally I would leave. My mother always taught me that a woman should only be in places where it was clear that she was wanted. Desired, even.

  This is definitely not one of those situations.

  But if I don’t take this internship, I’m out of options. And I’m damned sure that Gabriel isn’t going to stand in the way of me getting a good rotation when school starts again.

  I fix him with my gaze. “No. You probably don’t know this, but the school looks at these next few months when they are determining who gets what position next year. This internship is my last chance not to end up at the bottom of the pile.”

  Gabe leans back against the wall, peering outside again. “I don’t care.”

  “Well, you should.” Grasping at straws, I pull out my only ammunition. “Otherwise I… I will tell your father about the drunken night we spent together.”

  The corner of his mouth turns down. “So?”

  Oh, fudge. I start to sweat, even in the air-conditioned office.

  “I think you care what he thinks,” I accuse. “If not, I’ll just… I’ll march out of here and tell him!”

  Gabriel studies me, not too different from the measuring gaze his father gave me earlier. Then he shifts his stance.

  “Fine,” he says, gritting his teeth. “Just keep your mouth shut, all right?”

  That actually worked? He’s just… letting me work here?

  “Okay,” I agree hastily. “You have my word.”

  He snorts. “You’ve already blackmailed me. Do you really think your word is worth anything to me?”

  Gabriel pushes himself off of the wall, heading out of the tiny office. I look at him as he goes, feeling a weird ripple of guilt.

  “Wait!” I call.

  He pauses, already out the door. “What?”

  Swallowing, I try to think of what to say. Surely I can reassure him somehow. Explain that I’m really a good person, I just need this job.

  He starts to move away, shaking his head. So I blurt out the first thing I think of.

  “You… you won’t be sorry,” I manage.

  Gabe turns his head, disgust written plain on his features. “I already am.”

  What does that even mean?

  Then he’s gone, lumbering down the hall. I jump when I hear him slam a nearby door. Standing and clutching my medical bag, I swallow.

  I got the internship, yes.

  But at what cost?

  I fidget with the silver bangles on my wrist, thinking of how angry Gabriel was.

  How did he get like that?

  And what do I have to do with anything?

  Daniel soon returns, ushering me to sit. But I’m left churning those same questions over and over again in my head.

  And remembering those steely sea glass eyes…

  Grab it right now!


  Thank you for reading Hot Enemy Rules. I know that if you liked this, you’ll love Sinful Boss… It’s Luca and Cate’s story.

  Rules For Dealing With Your (Drool-worthy) Hot Boss

  1. Don’t have a wild one night stand the night before your first day at work

  2. Do keep your ish together when you realize your hot hookup is now your boss 3. Do your best to avoid him even though you’re trapped together on a yacht

  4. Don’t give in to your urge to kiss him again, no matter how you’re tempted

  5. Definitely, definitely don’t fall in love with your hot boss

  Grab Sinful Boss FREE in KU!


  Meet Stellan and Margot!!

  Heavy is the
head that wears the crown.

  I’m handsome, obscenely wealthy, and strait-laced. Duty and honor come before what I want. I already have a list of wealthy, beautiful girls that are ready to marry me. When I meet pretty, pink haired, punk-rock Margot, I make myself a deal. I can take her... but only for one earth shattering night.

  Proud, rebellious, a perfect body made for sin. Margot is my weakness; it’s too bad that she’s also a journalist. When she shows up again in Copenhagen, she is tasked with doing a story about me and the future of the royal line.

  And me? I can look at Margot all I want... but never ever touch her. So instead I throw up my walls, insisting that our night together was a mistake. It sparks a fire, a growing tension between us.

  Every time our hands brush, every single lustful glance, every damn time she bites her lip... Eventually, even my strong will can’t overcome temptation. Though it’s wrong, though my life is already all plotted out, I can't resist her.

  I need her, in my bed and in my life.

  It’s inevitable. The only question is, once I give in and take what I need... will having Margot just one more time be enough?

  Start the story of Stellan and Margot… FREE in KU Right Now!

  Sinful Boss

  Thank you as always to my beta team — Patricia, Kathy, and Kym. You guys are so helpful and encouraging. If I had a heart, you would make me cry.

  Also a shout out to many members of my ARC Vixens group, who helped double triple check this manuscript before it went out. Thank you thank you thank you!



  Three months earlier

  “All the ladies on the dance floor, let me see your hands!” the DJ shouts over the baseline of the music that saturates the whole club. “You’re in Vegas for one night and I want to see you shake it!”

  A little scream ripples through the packed club. It’s hard to hear over the wub-dub-dub of the music though. The lights flash, different colored spotlights bouncing around, hitting each spot for only a second.

  I lean against the bar, taking another birthday cake shot. I’m all dressed up and here in Vegas for the weekend with my friends…

  But I’m sort of avoiding everyone I know at this point. Cate and Harper are off doing god knows what with god knows who. And my brother and his two friends are here somewhere but I just…

  I don’t know. My birthday always makes me sort of morose.

  So I take another one of the shots I’ve paid for, swaying to the music. This weekend was my idea so I’m doing my best to try to get into it.

  Alcohol may not be the best way, but it’s the easiest. I’m more than a little buzzed right now. Not exactly drunk but I’m definitely working my way toward that state.

  I stop at the edge of the dance floor, the bass beat so loud that I feel it vibrating through the thin straps of my purse. My gaze is drawn up above the raucous crowd, to a balcony that looks out over the dance floor. A solitary figure is standing there. My breath stops for a second as I wait for the lights to hit him.

  A bright purple spotlight is thrown across his face briefly. I straighten. He is handsome, with dark hair and high cheekbones.

  But it’s really his morose expression in this sea of people jacked up on endorphins… it calls to me.

  He’s in Vegas. How can he be sad?

  Before I know it, I’m weaving my way past little clusters of people dancing, heading for the stairs.

  I can’t fix most things.

  But this guy? I can fix whatever is wrong with him, if only temporarily. Plus, he’s so hot that he’s actually kind of hard to look at.

  That’s my kind of problem.

  So I climb the metal staircase with the guy in my line of vision. He’s wearing a white button up and dark, low-slung jeans. And he’s gripping a tumbler as if it was the only thing tethering him to the ground.

  Tall, dark, handsome, and brooding? Check, check, check, and check.

  When I reach the upper floor, I run my hand along the balcony rail as I approach him. He is so engrossed in staring down at the dance floor that he doesn’t even notice me at first.

  Usually I’m the center of attention at parties back home in Seattle. I’m cute, I’m blonde, and I come from a family that’s obscenely wealthy.

  So this is a change of pace for me, not being noticed by a man. I get close enough to him to be heard.

  “Mind if I stand here?” I call.

  He starts a little, looking surprised. Then he just nods. I stare at that beautiful face of his for a second, then cock my head and smirk.

  I can’t help it. I reach up to touch his face.

  “You’re handsome. You’re tall. You have the face of a model,” I tell him.

  He frowns and pulls back. “Quit that.”

  I grin at him. “No.”

  He steps close to me, his eyes narrowing on my face. He scowls but that only makes me more determined to make him have a good time.

  I reach out and snag his hand, giving him a doe-eyed look. “Dance with me, stranger.”

  Tugging his hand, I pull us toward the staircase. And to my surprise, he sets down his glass and follows.

  I head downstairs, elbowing my way into the midst of several hundred strangers. People are gyrating in time to the low beat of the music. I can feel the heat of their bodies pressed up together. I can smell their sweat mixed with perfume, too.

  I stop and turn, stepping right up against the hard line of my chosen partner’s body. I start moving with the beat, putting my hands around his neck and tipping my head back.

  His hands settle against my lower back, pushing his hips hard against my own. I lean closer to him, inhaling a lungful of his clean, manly scent.

  He smells absolutely delicious.

  He presses against me again, moving in time with the beat. I smile and look up at him.

  His brows are drawn down, his cheekbones so high and hard they could cut me. But his lips…

  It’s really his lips that draw me in, pale pink and plump, looking like they are begging to be kissed.

  I rise up on my tiptoes, shouting next to his ear. “Want to kiss me?”

  He pauses for a second. I look at him, look at the desire that is stamped across his face. His gaze drops down to my mouth and I wet my lips.

  I need this stranger to kiss me, right now.

  He surprises me by bending me back a little first and then brushing his lips against mine. His mouth is hot and his body tense against mine as he kisses me again, this time harder, more demanding.

  My hands sink into his short, dark hair. I pull at him.

  Needing more.

  Demanding more.

  Soon we are both out of breath. He lifts my knee and I wrap my leg around his hip. He runs a hand through my hair and then grabs a fistful of it, bending my head back.

  He runs his lips down the smooth column. I gasp.

  I need more. I need his lips on every inch of my body, and I need it now.

  I tug his head up to my ear. “I have a room upstairs. You should come with me.”

  He pulls back, his eyes scanning my face, his expression conflicted. He grips me harder for a second, indecisive.

  If I want him, and I really do, I’m going to have to be forceful.

  “Come with me.” I raise my brows at him and turn to start walking off the dance floor. He follows after a moment.

  I feel as victorious as I am drunk. Pushing open the door leading out of the nightclub and into the hotel’s sleek lobby, I smirk at him.

  “What?” he asks, looking me up and down.

  I drop his hand and head to the elevators, pressing the button. When I turn back, he’s practically on top of me, caging me in with his arms against the black marble wall. I shiver.

  He is so much bigger than I am, even with my heels he dwarfs me.

  “Are you always such a trouble maker?” he purrs, his lips finding my neck. His lips are hot and firm, warming my tits and making my panties wet.

Almost always,” I gasp. The elevators chime, announcing their arrival. He sucks at my pulse point, making me writhe.

  “Such a bad girl,” he murmurs. “I can’t wait until you’re stripped bare and on your fucking knees before me.”

  The elevator doors slide open. I can’t help but grin at his dirty mouth.

  I push at his big frame. “Then let’s go upstairs.”

  He doesn’t budge. He just cups one of my tits as his mouth moves down, exploring my collarbone. He tugs my strapless dress down in the front so I am almost about to spill out of it.

  “Patience,” he whispers. “All things in good time…”

  At the same time his hand ventures down to my hip, trailing down to my thigh. His hot fingers tease their way up my inner thigh, making me clamp my legs together.

  “Not here!” I squeak, my face growing red.

  He sucks on one particular spot on my collarbone, his fingers trailing up to touch the vee between my legs. I gasp and writhe, wanting to get away from his touch but also kind of liking it.

  “Are you sure?” he chuckles.

  His free hand moves to my face, gripping and turning my head until he kisses my ear. All the breath leaves my lungs in a whoosh as he uses the tip of his tongue just inside my ear.

  My eyelids flutter closed. My hands clench his shirt. I moan, low and long.

  I swear to god, he can take me right here and now as long as he doesn’t stop his tongue’s deft movements. I’m not sure if I can even come from having my ear licked and teased…

  But I swear, I’m going to burst into flames if he so much as touches my tits or my pussy. When he pulls back, I stare at him openmouthed and just starting to blush.

  “What did you want again?” he asks, cocking a brow.

  “I…” I swallow, gathering my thoughts. “Upstairs.”

  He laughs at how tense I am. Stepping back, he motions to the elevator. The doors have long since closed.

  My hand shakes as I move to press the button again, calling the elevator back. The doors slide open and I step inside, feeling like a fawn trying to walk as I totter in my sky high heels.


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