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Sinfully Rich: A Steamy Billionaire Box Set

Page 86

by Vivian Wood

  Grayson turns around a bend and there is the base camp, looking like absolute heaven to me. I spy Nate on the front porch of the mess hall. He squints and then waves casually. I wave back.

  “I’m going to head for my cabin,” I tell Grayson.

  Grayson glances back at me and then shrugs. “Sure. For the next forty-eight hours, you and I aren’t responsible for each other. I don’t expect to see much of you.”

  Then with that, he veers off away from the mess hall, back toward the ropes course. Feeling foolish, I head to my cabin. I’m tied up in knots, feeling angry at Grayson and then at the same time already feeling something missing when he’s not here. I swear, I just want to make it through the next few days unscathed and relax, but it’s not easy when I’m obsessing over Grayson.

  As soon as I get to my cabin I drop my pack and head for the solar showers. I change into fresh clothing, wrinkling my nose as I pile up all my laundry.

  God, I didn’t even realize how dirty I was. But I definitely do now. Doing some laundry is high up on my to do list for sure.

  I sit on the bed, trying to decide what I should do first. Should I go eat? Should I seek out some companionship?

  My gaze falls to the cell phone sitting on my bedside table.

  Oh, god. There are probably a thousand messages and emails waiting for me.

  Gritting my teeth, I reach over and power it on. I was right; there are a ton of ‘Rachel where r u?’ texts and a lot of emails requiring an urgent response. But the emails sort of trailed off a week ago and I don’t care about ninety five percent of the texts.

  It’s invigorating, in a way. I spend about twenty minutes sorting through my emails and responding to the few that required responses. Then I lay back on the camp bed. It’s a lot softer than I remember it being, although a lot of that has to do with sleeping on a cot during my time away from here. Not knowing quite what to do with myself, I allow my eyes to close.

  When a knock comes on my door, my eyes open. The sun has moved, slanting to indicate that it is the late afternoon.

  “Yes?” I call, wiping sleep from my eyes.

  “Rachel?” A young woman’s voice calls, sounding very familiar. I can’t place it, though.

  I get up and open the door. Standing there is Olivia Sellwood, Grayson’s little sister. She’s just a few years younger than I am. Dark-haired, taller than me, and lovely, she’s a blast from the past for sure.

  “Olivia!” I say, my eyebrows raising. Seeing her is a little disorienting. On one hand, I want to go hug her. But I don’t, because I know the truth now. My lips press together tightly.

  She smiles, flashing me a dimple. “I heard you were here so…”

  That brings reality crashing down on me. Olivia has known that Grayson was here the whole time. Five years ago, she lied to me a number of times when I reached out to see if she had heard anything. And stupid me, I was too wrapped up in my grief to even notice whether she was acting strange.

  Crossing my arms, I cock my hip. “Yes. I found your brother by accident, it seems.”

  Olivia has the same eyes as her brother, a royal blue. They fill with a kind of concern.

  “I’m sorry, Rachel. Really I am. I thought that Grayson was dead just like you did for almost a year, though. And he made me swear not to tell you once Aiden contacted me to tell me my brother was alive.”

  I narrow my eyes, as if I can glare the truth out of her. But after a second it seems like Olivia’s being honest. I blow out a breath.

  “Do you want to take a walk?” I ask her. “It’s so nice out today. There are some picnic tables over by the mess hall that have been calling my name.”

  She perks up. “Sure. That would be great.”

  Slipping on a pair of ballet flats, I head out into the main area of camp with Olivia. We’re mostly quiet on the way to the picnic tables. Olivia is still looking up at the canopy above with something like wonder.

  Then again, the canopy is worth remarking on. “The trees that form the ceiling must be old. I mean, to have a roots system that allows them to be so far away.”

  She smiles softly. “It’s a pretty magical place.”

  I nod. “Are you in school somewhere?”

  She laughs. “I just graduated from Kean University. I was in the top of my class, which means absolutely nothing.”


  She favors me with a sarcastic glance. “No. It’s not like I graduated from Princeton or something. Hardly anyone showed up for the graduation of my class, including the class members themselves.”

  We reach the picnic benches and sit down on top of one.

  “I’m guessing from your tone that Grayson and your mom were not there to cheer you on.”

  She laughs again. “Umm, that would be correct. Grayson sent roses. Mom fell off the map a few months ago. I don't even know if she’s alive.”

  I know that feeling all too well. Although I knew that their mom was an erratic drug addict, I honestly never stopped to consider how it affected Olivia or Grayson. “I’m so sorry, Olivia.”

  She flashes me a bright smile. “Don’t be. I’m making it just fine.”

  “That doesn’t make me any less sorry.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Tell me about how hiking with my brother has been. I’m guessing it is something of a challenge, being that Grayson can be such a jerk.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh.

  “It’s been fifteen days. Longer than I thought Grayson and I would make it without killing each other. So high five for that.”

  I hold my hand up and she gives me a surprisingly strong high five.

  “Thank you for not killing him. Trust me, I know it must be difficult.”

  “It really is.” I sigh. “But also this working vacation is going by way too quickly. When it’s over, I have to go back to New York.”

  Back to living my restrictive life. Back to feeling like I’m forever the pawn in my father’s schemes. It makes me want to curl up in a ball and wither away.

  “Yeah.” Olivia scrunches up her face. “Real life sucks. I suppose the alternative is to become some sort of hobo and live in the woods like some people we know.”

  I think of Grayson, who is living his life on his own terms. He didn’t like his life. So he left and did something different. Well, there is a lot more to it than that, but that’s what it boils down to.

  “The idea of living out here appeals to me sometimes.”

  Well, if I’m being honest, it’s more than that. Grayson appeals to me.

  Olivia lifts her eyebrows.

  “Really? How could you decide to leave everything that is back in New York behind for this? I understand why he did it, I guess. But you… you have everything.”

  I let out a bark of laughter. “So my family likes to remind me.”

  She just shrugs. My attention is pulled away from the conversation by the arrival of a big, mud-covered Jeep. It stops short on the other side of camp. Aiden climbs out of the driver’s seat, running his hand through his dark hair.

  I turn to say something to Olivia, only to find her gaze glued on Aiden. She has this intense look of longing on her face, just the same way I’ve often felt about Grayson.

  “Oh my god. Are you into Aiden?” I blurt out.

  She immediately blushes as red as fire. “What?”

  “You are!” I accuse her. “You’re totally head over heels in love with Aiden.”

  She pushes a lock of her dark hair behind her ear. “No. Definitely not.”

  I grin. “You are!”

  She gives me a withering glare. “And you’re not still hung up on my brother? Why else would any sane person still be here when their ex turned up?”

  My cheeks turn pink. “If I protested too hard, my father would make sure that I was on the very next plane back to Manhattan.”

  “Yeah right. You have it bad for Grayson. You always have. It’s almost gross if it wasn’t kinda sweet.”

  I favor her with a frown. Is s
he right? Do I still have feelings for Grayson?

  I think of the other night, when he held me in his arms and made me moan his name over and over again. My cheeks color.

  God, Olivia could be right.

  “I’m not sure that I’m glad you are here, Olivia,” I inform her.

  She gives me a devilish smile. “I won’t say anything to my brother if you don't tell Aiden all the crazy things you’ve been saying. Deal?”

  I roll my eyes. “Deal.”

  “Speaking of Grayson…” She nods her head. I see Grayson and Aiden clasp hands. They turn towards the mess hall.

  Wrinkling my nose, I slide off the table. “They have a pretty good idea. The mess hall should be serving dinner about now.”

  Olivia stands up, dusting herself off. “That sounds delightful, actually.”

  “I have to grab a jacket out of my cabin. I’ll meet you there?”

  She’s staring at Aiden again, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She sucks in a breath. “Sure, yeah. See you there.”

  Giving my head a little shake, I head to my cabin. My brain is packed with thoughts. Mostly, I admit, impossible dreams of what life would be like if I just broke free from my family and lived like I really want to live.

  Would I end up out here?

  Living out in the forest with Grayson at my side sounds intense and wonderful at the same time. I could work as a geologist and he could figure out how to stay indoors sometimes…

  Then I have another thought. This one stops the first one in its tracks.

  He doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want me. Or he can’t handle me, either way.

  Then I get all misty eyed. I suck in a breath and blow it out. Refusing to cry in front of Grayson, in front of everyone at base camp, seems like the way to go right now.

  I tuck my head down and take a walk instead, knowing with every step that I can’t stay.



  I lean back against my seat near the fire, watching Rachel. Nate encouraged everyone to build a huge bonfire to the side of the mess hall. So we did it just as the sun was slipping from the sky. Now it’s full dark and everyone is clustered around the fire.

  Aiden is telling some story to Olivia. On the other side of them, Rachel and Nate are chatting. Her honey colored hair looks amazing by firelight, strands of it catching the light. I fantasize about plunging my hands into her mane and taking what I want from her all too ready lips. For some reason, I can’t think about anything else tonight.

  Even though I know better — even though I was the one to push Rachel away last time when she asked me for more — my thoughts keep coming back to her anyway.

  Aiden looks over to me and catches me staring at Rachel. He rolls his eyes.

  “If you want to kiss her so damn bad, then you should. I have a feeling that she would go along with it. She might even like it.”

  I jerk my gaze away from her. “No. It’s just… there is too much history there, man. So much water under the bridge. Hell, the bridge burned down and was swept off in the current.”

  “So what? If you’re game and she’s interested, what’s the harm? It’s not like you two have to get married or anything.” Aiden tips his can of beer up, emptying it of the last drops. “Just fuck already. Get her out of your system, dude.”

  I shoot him a glare. He shrugs and gets up. “I’m done for the night. I have to turn in. Gotta get an early start tomorrow.”

  By that, he means he has someone waiting for him. I see him wiggle his fingers at Leila, a pretty brunette with an hourglass figure. She blushes and waves back, jerking her head toward the cabins. He nods and she gets up, heading that way.

  “Really, what will you do when you sleep your way through the whole camp?”

  Aiden grins. “That won’t happen. I’m away for half the year. Every time I come back, there is a new crop to choose from.” He fake punches me on the arm.

  I roll my eyes. “Alright. I think we are going out again in the morning. I’ll see you when I’m back in base camp again.”

  Aiden claps me on the back and wanders in the direction of the cabins. What he said does stick with me though.

  Maybe if I just fuck her and get her out of my system, I will be able to think straight again.

  I look at Olivia, who yawns widely.

  She looks sleepy. “I think I’d better call it a night.”

  I give her a suspicious look. “You’re forever a night owl.”

  She yawns again. “Yeah, but I’m a night owl on east coast time. It’s late for me.”

  “Will you say goodbye in the morning?”

  Standing, she stretches. “You got it, boss.”

  She trails off toward the cabins too. People are starting to filter away, disappearing to their beds. Nate looks over at me.

  “Do you want me to put the fire out now? Or will you do it before you go to sleep?”

  I lean back, catching Rachel’s eye. She seems as awake and keyed up as I am.

  “I’ll do it before I go to sleep.”

  “Alright. Thanks,” Nate says. As he walks away, I hear him smothering a yawn. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Later.” I move my chair closer to Rachel. She blushes for some reason, even though I haven’t even said a word to her. I look across the fire to the few people left. Three people, two guys and a girl, their heads leaned close as they whisper to each other.

  Yeah. I’m not the only person who stayed up to be with someone that they want to bone. I lean my head down close to Rachel’s ear.

  “Those three are going to fuck later. Wanna place bets on where they do it?”

  She glances up to me, blushing furiously. “How do you know what they are intending to do?”

  Her hair is so close that I tuck a strand back behind her ear. “Just a guess. It’s human nature. Everyone knows that base camp is a prime place to find someone to warm your bed for the night.”

  At that, the three stragglers get up, the woman holding hands with one of the men. They all look like they anticipate having a fun time. That leaves Rachel and me as the only people sitting by the fire.

  She shivers and I instinctually move closer, putting my arm around her. Her shoulders are under my arm, her chest pressed against mine. I’m close enough that I can actually hear her breath catch.

  She brushes back her hair and looks up at me, her brown eyes glowing. “What are you doing to me, Grayson?”

  One corner of my mouth hitches up. “Getting you out of my system, Rach. The only way that I can think of to do it.”

  I can’t miss the way that she draws her breath in, making her chest rise, and looks down to my mouth. I cup her cheek, angling her mouth up. Pressing my lips to hers, I feel a current that flows from her lips to mine. Needing more, I immediately bow her head backward and deepen the kiss.

  She feeds into it, making these little ‘mmm’ sounds as soon as I trail my mouth along her jawline and drive my teeth into her neck. She goes wild for that; apparently the lovely Rachel likes a little pain mixed with her pleasure.

  That fact only makes me harder for her. When I slide her out of her chair and onto my lap, straddling me, she thrusts her breasts forward. I fall on them like a starving man on a scrap of bread, licking and sucking everywhere that isn’t covered with clothing.

  She rides my lap like a heathen, grinding against my cock like there’s no tomorrow. I groan, wanting desperately to just lay her down right here and fuck out her brains out. My need has ballooned since the last time that she let me touch her. It’s driving me insane right now.

  “Grayson?” she whispers. Her cheeks heat. “Would you — umm — I like it when you talk to me while we’re… doing stuff.”

  “God yes,” I say. “I’ll talk dirty to you as soon as I get you to your cabin.”

  I push her off my lap, stand up, and sweep her up into my arms. Carrying her towards her cabin, I lock lips with her again.

  Then there is nothing gentle about the way that I gr
ab her, hauling her up against me. I’m already hard for her, imagining the sweet satisfaction that I’m about to find at the apex of her thighs. My tongue seeks hers and she opens her mouth to me, urging me on.

  Rachel makes this sound, a mewling sound, but more guttural. The sound makes the fine hair on the back of my neck stand up and my whole body tingles for a second. I pull her body up against mine, rubbing her tits across my chest. She moans and wraps her legs around my torso.

  Fuck, she feels so good. I hurry toward her cabin, making it so far as the mess hall before I have to stop. She starts to kiss my neck, sucking hard on my earlobe. My eyes roll into the back of my head for the briefest moment and I stumble. Rachel seems totally unworried about our surroundings.

  Maybe she’s completely oblivious to my thought process about how I can fuck her the fastest. But when I get to her cabin, pressing her against the door, she looks up at me. Her eyes are filled with the same impatient lust as mine.

  “Take me right here, right now,” she demands, her voice low and throaty. “I need you, Grayson.”

  Lust fills my veins like lead. Her words are the balm I’ve needed for so long; it feels like it’s been aeons since I’ve been inside her, instead of the better part of a week.

  Fuck. How long have I needed to hear those words pulled from her sweet lips?

  “Yes,” she whispers in my ear. She grabs my hand, pulling it down her body, until I’m touching the front of her panties. They’re damp, soaked by her need. Her words turn pleading. “Now. I need you inside me right now.”

  At the same time, she reaches down between us, feeling the outline of my cock through my pants.

  Fuck. It’s hard to think, hard to speak. Especially when she pleads so sweetly for me to fuck her.

  “Uh uh,” I say, my eyes burning into hers. I sit back, leaving her looking at me with a note of shock on her face. She thinks I’m turning down sex, which is almost funny. “If you need it as badly as you say, get the fuck in the cabin.”

  Hey eyes widen a bit, but she hurries to open the door behind her. I don’t give her any space or time. I’m right on her heels, watching her as she sits down on the bed. I close the door behind myself, ignoring my brain’s protests.


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