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Lodging the Alpha’s Omega_M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance

Page 9

by Emma Knox

  The Omega sucked his teeth and lunged at us, whipping out a knife from his belt .

  My father lunged back with his claws bearing at him. The Omega took the opportunity to jump up and over my father .

  I jumped back because he landed too close to me. If it weren’t for this belly weighing me down I could’ve made it to the top of the tall dressers .

  “There’s a way to dodge war,” he said, running at full speed toward me. “Give me you and your baby’s blood!” he screamed .

  The double doors to the room exploded open and Drake in his shifted form came barreling inside, tackling that Omega who was only inches from shredding me apart .

  They rolled onto the floor in a clash of claws and knives .

  “You’ve fucked with the wrong person,” Drake growled before ripping his claws through the Omega’s neck .

  All that blood. That metallic scent .

  The room spun around me as if I were on a carousel, and I hit the floor .

  I fluttered my eyelids, waking up to the same room again. I smelled Drake’s scent right beside me, he was worried. That last scene played in my mind, making sure I didn’t forget what happened .

  That was what a mate did; come out of nowhere to protect you. How could I leave him when he did that ?

  “Drake…” I said, scraping some energy together .

  “Steven, how are you?” He turned in his chair and grasped my hands .

  “You’re asking me? You’re the one that fought that Omega with a knife. Are you hurt ?”

  I searched his body and to no avail did I find any cuts. Thank God. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if he had gotten hurt .

  “I’m fine. An Alpha is supposed to fight for his mate.” He dropped his head low. After all, I did say I was going to leave him when the baby was born …

  “I’m not going anywhere. But you need to be truthful with me. What if someone was after me and I didn’t tell you ?”

  Drake lifted his head and sighed. “I’d be upset, worried, and disappointed that you didn’t trust me as your mate …”

  “Exactly. Now tell me what I need to know .”

  “The Omega that attacked you was from the Reluson pack. They’re known for having bad criminals in their family. They love trouble and messing with other packs,” Drake explained, leaning back in his chair, his eyes trained on me .

  “That Omega was the one who told me about the war. He was supposed to mate you? Why, so they didn’t start up more shit ?”

  “Yes. They swung some heavy threats around…” Drake trailed off .

  “I see .”

  I sat up in the bed and took off my covers. Drake jumped up and tucked them back where they were .

  “You’re supposed to be resting !”

  I swatted his hands off of the white sheets and slipped out the bed. “Haven’t you heard that Purrs are stubborn ?”


  There was loud knocking at the door. Drake turned around, sniffing loudly. I even picked up on the scent. It was Tom .

  “Come in, Tom,” he ordered .

  Tom tumbled through the doors, sweating and in a panicked mess. “They’re here. Drake, they don’t look too happy either .”

  “It’s the Reluson family, isn’t it?” I guessed .

  Tom looked at me wide eyed, then looked back at Drake .

  “Steven, stay — ”

  “Bull shit,” I cut Drake off and stomped out the bed. “Move out of my way, Tom !”

  Tom stumbled to the side wisely .

  Drake marched right behind me. “Steven, stop this! I don’t need you in the line of fire .”

  “Too late .”

  Drake and I met the same stride and arrived at the front entrance of the Gryther Manor that was separate from the two hotels. The Reluson pack and the Gryther pack stood face to face, ready to break out into a fight .

  But they were holding back …

  No one was going to make a move unless the Alphas said so. My family was on the Gryther side, ready to help any way they could .

  The Alpha of the Reluson pack saw us coming and grunted. His son, the Omega that got knocked out by Drake was there by his side. He had gauze around his neck from that nasty slash Drake gave him .

  Yeah, bitch, I hope it still aches like hell .

  “Drake,” Alpha Reluson rasped out, there was murder in his voice .

  “Trevor…what brings you to my humble abode?” Drake held his stance, keeping himself a few steps before me .

  “What do you think?” Trevor growled. “You hurt my son. This is it. We gave you time, and now we want blood. Not just any blood either,” he said, turning his glare to me .

  I returned it .

  “Well, fuck you too,” I spat .

  “There will be no blood spilling. Your son should’ve stayed out of my home .”

  Drake folded his arms tightly, a low growl rumbled from him. God, looking at him from the back like this, he was undeniably sexy .

  I took another glance over his pack. There was something off .

  Not one of them were mated …

  Fuck. It hit me .

  “Alpha Reluson,” I said stepping up front. I put my hand up to dismiss Drake from interrupting. “I think I know what’s happening. And I think there’s some way you and your whole pack can heal .”

  “Heal? You’ve chosen interesting words, Omega. Speak,” he said, lifting his chin like an evil villain .

  “Your whole pack, or what it looks like, is all here. Not one of you are mated… That has to be tough .”

  “Go on …”

  “Let’s work together. No more screwing around. No more threats or criminal activity. We’re going to party !”

  “What?” he said, cocking an eyebrow. “Are you mocking the seriousness of this?” he asked, his voice rising to a dangerous icy level .

  “No, not at all. Let’s schedule a few. Bring your pack, and Drake will bring his, so will I. I mean, we’re felines, but we can mix it up too. You need mates, and I think this will help .”

  His face softened. I touched a soft spot somewhere in this creepy Alpha. He looked down at his son who placed his hand on the gauze around his neck .

  “Please? You can’t heal by constantly picking at your wounds. That’s what you and your family is doing …”

  Alpha Reluson walked over to me. I could feel Drake’s inner wolf ready to go if need be .

  “A Purr stopping a great war? How funny. We’ll play this your way, and if it doesn’t work, then we’ll play dirty. Agreed ?”

  “Agreed. We’ll talk more soon once we get things together. Relax, I got you .”

  Alpha Reluson’s mouth dropped, and he picked it up. Guess he had to keep up his scary bad ass persona .

  “We’ll see, Omega Gryther .”

  Huh, guess that is my new name now ?

  We shook hands, and he walked away with his pack in tow .

  Chapter 12


  I t was nearing his delivery date. Weeks had passed since we spoke with the Reluson pack, and every time I thought about how he handled that day, I feel proud. Steven was working on creating a better program for the hotel .

  Our child was bound to be gifted with a strong will and determination along with a quick mind .

  Steven was knitting a blanket by the open balcony window. He would glance up at the empty space that was made for our new baby on the way .

  “Steven, I see you looking at the nursery, love .”

  He sighed and continued knitting the pastel pink blanket. “It’s just so empty .”

  “We’re going to fix that. I had the nursery store, Madame Leblu’s, closed to other customers today. We can go there in a few minutes and furnish our child’s nursery .”

  “Good, but did you really have to have it squared off for only us ?”

  “Of course, dear Steven .”

  Steven’s skin glowed under the sunlight that entered through the large glass panels. Eyes tha
t were full of wisdom, wit and love, and lips so pink it was unrealistic. He set down his unfinished blanket and got out of his large plush chair to stretch .

  “Mmmm, let’s go. I’ll nap the rest of the day away when we get back .”

  “Don’t forget to eat,” I reminded him .

  “Do you think it’s possible to forget eating with my crazy appetite ?”

  “You never know,” I said, winking .


  M adame Leblu was a Beta herself. She was waiting at the front of her store for our arrival. When she saw my mate and I, she opened the doors and fawned over my mate .

  “It’s about time you found someone, Alpha Drake!” she exclaimed. “Now come, I think I have the perfect area for you to start looking at .”

  “Are there gold embellishments?” Steven asked .

  “Yes, I knew you’d like it, Omega Gryther !”

  Steven lifted up his hand to protest. “Call me, Steven .”

  We walked over and saw many cribs and beds. Someone knocked at the door, and Steven looked to see who it was .

  “Just a second .”

  The girl at the door looked over at us and smiled, waving and jumping up and down .

  “Hey, I remember her,” Steven said, waddling behind Madame Leblu .


  “Her. Penny!” Steven pointed .

  When Madame opened the door, this Penny character slipped in and squealed .

  “Oh my god, look at you! All knocked up! I told you he was a good Alpha !”

  “Penny?” Madame cut in, “The package ?”

  “Oh, here. Sorry.” She gave the small box to Madame and turned to Steven. “So, how soon do you think you are to delivering ?”

  He rubbed his protruding belly. “Any day now. We’re shopping for the nursery .”

  “How adorable,” she said, holding her cheeks .

  Steven’s phone buzzed in his pocket and he reached into his pocket .

  “It’s my dad. Excuse me,” Steven said, throwing me a glance. That meant me too .

  He slinked off toward the front door and left the store, staying where I could see him. His hand returned to his belly and rubbed it. The way he lit up on the phone told me he was speaking with his father .

  “Did you know that he was against the mate thing when he first got into town?” Penny said .

  “Really?” I wasn’t surprised .

  “Yep. Glad to see he’s settled down with you, Alpha Gryther. I knew he’d like you, but not like this.” She winked and laughed. “Well, I got to go. Happy shopping !”

  She skipped out of the store and gave Steven a hug before disappearing around the corner .

  “Alpha Gryther,” Madame Leblu said from behind me. “Would you like to continue looking while your mate is on the phone ?”

  I met her glance and shook my head. “I’ll wait for him .”

  I looked back over to where Steven was standing, and he wasn’t there. He wasn’t on the other side either .

  Calm down, I thought to myself. He didn’t leave you. He wouldn’t. But where is he? He knows I can’t help but get worried .

  I started to the front door and peeked outside. He wasn’t down either side of the block. My inner wolf didn’t like this .

  “Steven? Steven, where are you ?”

  No answer .

  Penny came around the corner, bolting on her heels. “Alpha Gryther!” she yelled. “Alpha! Steven was taken, he was pulled into a truck!” she cried .


  “He was right at this corner, about to walk past the front of the store. He was like, pacing, I guess, and a truck just stopped at the corner and pulled him in back !”

  Penny fanned herself, her face flushed from the sudden action. “Oh my god, who’d do that ?”

  I went over to where I saw him last and sniffed around. Penny stood behind me, her knees knocking together from the worry that shook her to the core .

  “This scent…it’s familiar. Did you say a white truck ?”


  I followed the scent as it led me down the street. I didn’t know why, but Penny was trying to follow along as well .

  Shifting into my wolf form, I continued to track down his scent. The uneven cobblestone battered my paws, but nothing could slow me down .

  Penny wasn’t a shifter, but damn did she have fast legs .

  “Penny, stay behind this could get dangerous!” I said .

  “No, you need me !”


  I stopped. The scent, the scent of them just disappeared .

  “Because of that .”

  “What? The scent? It disappeared. Impossible. Scents don’t vanish so abruptly…unless .”

  “Yeah, he must’ve used a scent blocker .”

  Penny threw her hands on her hips and huffed .

  “That’s right,” Penny agreed, digging into her small purse. “But this is why you need me, because I have this.” She pulled out a mid-sized spray bottle. “You didn’t see me with this by the way,” she said as she spritzed the ground where the scent disappeared .

  A glowing blue smoke began to rise, creating a path .

  “Well, point proven,” I said, darting off on the path the smoke created .

  We followed it all the way until I smelled smoke .

  “Do you smell that ?”

  “You mean that burning smell? Yeah, there’s smoke up ahead !”

  My heart began to beat against my ribs as if it were trying to escape and outrun my own body. My mate couldn’t—he couldn’t be hurt. No !

  An image of a wrecked white truck faded into view, obscured by the ribbons of smoke that wafted around it .

  “Steven!” I roared, hoping to every god out there that he’d answer .

  There was a spark of yellow, and the truck exploded before we could get any closer .

  “Down!” I yelled, jumping on top of Penny. Debris and pieces of trees were blown all around us. Scraps of metal even littered the ground .

  The smoke was heavy in the air, making it hard to breathe. Penny coughed, covering her mouth and nose from the black smoke .

  When everything settled down and no more debris was falling, I ran to the charred remains to sniff around. Penny got up and approached behind me .

  The man who was Steven’s boss was still in the truck, his remains were torched from the explosion .

  “Oh, eww, oh my god!” Penny cried, covering her mouth .

  But there was no sign of Steven. He must’ve gotten away. His feline instincts probably got him to a safe place .

  I shifted into my human form. “Penny, I need your phone .”

  She yanked it out of her purse and shoved it in my hand. I remembered Steven’s number by heart .

  The phone rang .

  Each ring made my heart beat .




  Three rings later… “Hello ?”

  “Steven! Are you okay? Tell me where you are !”

  Hearing his voice made my muscles relax to the point that I nearly collapsed from the release of tension .

  “Drake, I’m so glad you called, I tried to call you, but — ”

  “Penny said you were kidnapped, I shifted and I guess it fell .”

  Penny clasped her hands together, happy that Steven was okay. “How’d you escape? That man’s truck crashed into a tree and exploded. I was scared to death that …”

  Steven sighed. “I know. I cut his face and pulled his emergency break. That piece of shit tried to run me over when I got out, but you see how that turned out. I’m not too familiar with Wrendall Town, so I think I’m lost. But there’s a huge buffet where I’m at right now. I’d love it if you came…with money preferably, because that buffet is calling my name .”

  “I know exactly where you are, and…” I glanced over at Penny, “I hope you don’t mind me bringing your friend along. She helped a lot .”

  “Penny? Sure. Hope she
doesn’t mind seeing me eat like a hog though .”

  “I doubt she will .”

  I hung up and placed the phone back in Penny’s hands. “Thank you again. Consider yourself a part of my pack. I appreciate your dedication to Steven .”

  “No problem. He’s tough as nails. He even tried to get a tazer the first day he stepped into the store because of all the heat crazed Alphas and Omegas running around. So where are we off to now?” she asked, tucking her phone back in her bag .

  “To the Lin-Ying Buffet Palace .”

  Chapter 13


  I sat on the bench outside of the buffet, my stomach rumbling for the delicious food that waited inside. I could already envision stuffing my face with some ribs, onion rings, and ice cream. My baby kicked, letting me know he approved of the odd combination .

  “Nasty little eaters, aren’t we?” I asked my baby who was nestled safely inside me .

  A car sped up and slammed into a parking space. The windows were tinted, but with that kind of driving, I already knew who it was .

  My mate, Drake. He stumbled out of the car and jogged over to me, almost hitting another car as he ran through the parking lot with Penny following along behind him .

  I stood up and waved .

  “Steven!” He grasped my arms and inspected my body for any possible damage .

  “I’m fine,” I told Drake, patting his chest .

  “Hey, Steven, nice to see you’re intact. Not surprised that you are though,” Penny added in, cocking her hip to the side with a triumphant smile .

  “Thanks, Penny. Come, join us for lunch, I’m starving,” I said, tugging Drake’s arm .

  “Yes, mate. Let’s eat.” He nuzzled the top of my head and we began to walk inside .

  The inside of this buffet was grand. Gold was on the ceilings and on the rims of the chairs. Now, it couldn’t have been all real gold, but holy shit was it amazing .

  I almost forgot about dashing off to the buffet aisles before my baby gave me another loving thump on the stomach to remind me .

  “So, what’re you gonna get?” Penny asked. We circled around some of the steaming dishes and picked a few pieces of meat and dumplings. My plate was bound to look like a train wreck of food .

  “We’ll, I’m gonna add some ribs and some salad on top with ranch and caramel dressing .”


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