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Praetorian Rising

Page 18

by J. McSpadden

  "How do you have the ability to feed everyone here?"

  "You saw topside, didn't you?" Charlie answered as Theo chewed on a huge chunk of buttered bread. His cheeks bulged out on either side making him look like a squirrel hoarding nuts.

  Camille nodded, doing everything she could to avoid looking at Charlie's gorgeous heart-shaped face and pearly white teeth. The girl was insanely beautiful, not much older than seventeen and very aware of how everyone in the vicinity saw her. Charlie didn't just sit at the table as Camille was, she perched almost regally, her back straight and her chin held high. Confidence oozed off her like a perfume, a scent not to be ignored.

  "The High King doesn't know about the compound; he assumes what we have topside is all there is, but there's actually a large farm beneath our kitchens. Giving the Moon Tax collector our 'best goods' is quite a fun game to play." Charlie chuckled to herself, convinced she'd made the most amusing joke.

  Eggs, sausage, and toast curdled in her stomach as she glared at Charlie. "'Game?'" Camille spat. "You think giving everything you have to the High King is a game?"

  "She didn't mean it like that, Camille," Theo jumped in after finally swallowing the bread he'd been chewing.

  "Oh?" Camille challenged, her eye line zipping between their faces.

  Theo didn't give into Camille's sharpness. "Just because we've found a way around the High King's demands doesn't mean we're not suffering down here too. And, don’t take it out on Charlie; she's endured plenty."

  Camille snorted in disgust. "Oh, yeah, it's hilarious to dupe the High King and leave your compound filled to the brim with food that other starving villages would kill for. So. Very. Funny."

  "Cam," Theo said, his voice tender with concern. "It's not like that."

  Camille squinted at him, her anger boiling beneath the surface. Not wanting to face the truth of why she felt so much frustration when she looked at him, Camille instead zeroed in on a large breadcrumb clinging to Theo's bottom lip. She grasped her napkin and tossed it in his face.

  "You should wipe your face off, not that it would really help matters," Camille snapped out, in hopes of lightening the mood and pulling it away from the sharp edge of her words.

  Theo clutched the napkin she tossed at him before deftly wiping his face clean. He didn't give her the satisfaction of laughing at her off-hand joke; in fact, he ignored it completely.

  "Romeo Village isn't the bad guy here Cam, it's not their fault that—" Theo started, but Camille cut him off with a penetrating glare. She knew Romeo Village wasn't to blame for the poor, decrepit quality of life the Sierra Villagers suffered through, but it felt wrong not to speak up about the injustice.

  "Is this seat taken?" sounded out a familiar voice just behind Camille, cutting through the tension. She turned to see General Phillip beside their table, a food tray in his hands, his eyes locked on Charlie's display of intimacy toward Theo. Theo coughed, shifting in his seat away from Charlie before shaking her hands off his person. Camille immediately felt her body relax at the purposeful motion and made note that despite what was going on between Theo and Charlie, the General obviously disapproved.

  The General resembled a medium-sized mountain bear, with close-cropped brown hair and eyes the color of liquid chocolate. Despite the thick cords of muscle in his arms and his stern expression, he exuded a kindness that Camille trusted. His skin tone was darker than Charlie's, yet still a warm caramel that made the dark depths of his eyes pop out in sharp contrast. She wondered what Charlie's mother looked like—Phillip and Charlie's complexions and appearances being so similar and yet completely different.

  "By all means, General," Camille said, indicating to the spot beside her.

  "Hi Daddy," Charlie said, her lip pouting slightly at Theo's divisive separation.

  "General," Theo said in welcome, averting his eyes and slowly shifting further away from Charlie.

  "Daughter, Theodore, Camille," Phillip said in turn, never taking his eyes from Theo's obviously purposeful blank expression. "I don't mean to intrude on your conversation, but I feel we have some topics to discuss."

  Camille smiled mischievously and mouthed the name 'Theodore' to Theo in jest. He glared daggers back at her, obviously annoyed the General had used his first name in front of her. She hadn't known his name wasn't Theo but was glad for the nugget of knowledge. Anything that annoyed Theo she would tuck into her back pocket for future use.

  "It's Theo, General, if you don't mind."

  "I do mind," Phillip replied smartly as he took a seat next to Camille. Theo swallowed audibly, scooting still further away from Charlie.

  The General faced Camille then, seemingly satisfied with Theo's reaction and immediate response. "I see you've met my daughter and Second Lieutenant of Romeo Village; that's good. I apologize for being so short with you yesterday, but we were under orders to retrieve you as quickly as possible."

  Phillip glanced around the hall, appearing to assess his surroundings. It was a bizarre thing to do within the comfort of his own home; if this beast of a man and leader of the compound was uneasy, that wasn't a good sign. "Obviously we all know what's headed our way because of a rat in the compound."

  "Do the Asperians here know about the leak?" Camille asked her whispered tone poignant and direct. "Are they getting prepared for the Equestrian attack?"

  Phillip shook his head. "No—they'll only be notified when absolutely necessary."

  "They don't know?" Camille asked, her mouth hanging open in shock. The General didn't seem the type to omit truths from anyone. "That seems a bit unorthodox. Why the secrecy?"

  "That information is classified," Phillip replied, his voice sharp and filled with authority. "It's for their protection and yours."

  Camille was sure this was Vesyon's doing—and it meant there was more to the story than what he'd told her.

  "I would never pretend to understand the ways of a Praetorian, and I'd hope you could do the same in regard to my responsibilities." Phillip kept his eyes on Camille's, and a sense of uneasiness bloomed in his irises. "I can see why Vesyon believes you to be different, but to the villagers here you're just another Rogue soldier who will leave when the time comes. I prefer that their perception of you remains that way. I'm a friend of Vesyon's, and therefore a friend of all Praetorians—but please understand that we, for the moment, must continue to believe Aspera is no place for a Praetorian anymore."

  She did understand then, with crystal clarity. Vesyon was a captain, Theo, a soldier. Even in the safety of Romeo Village, they weren't Praetorians, at least not openly. She'd need to play along as well.

  "I'm surprised you were able to stay in one place for so long without being noticed for what you are," Phillip said, his eyes squinted to see past the illusion of her Asperian front. He appeared satisfied with her straight spine and soldier’s clothing—having only clean Romeo garb to wear—but his eyes narrowed as he assessed her face and hair. He not only seemed perturbed by the glowing radiance of her auburn locks, but appeared to detest its existence, full and flowing in wild waves down her back. "Your secrets will not be your own for long, here or anywhere else, I'm afraid. You, my dear, have quite the target on your back with the Equestrian army on their way, and unless you're willing to face your demons, you'll always be running from them."

  "You think I should leave?" Camille snapped much more harshly than she'd intended.

  Phillip's expression didn't change, though his eyes softened slightly. "No, no. Leaving is not the option; I meant only to find a way to blend in with your fellow Asperians. Peter is a known rebel against the crown, but also considered a heathen for his beliefs. Despite what some say, I, too, believe in the old ways, but prefer this knowledge to remain private. Following in the practice of the holy King Faeder isn't just a belief within Aspera, but a law—one that must be followed to the letter."

  Nodding in understanding, Camille bit her lower lip, keeping her tongue from spilling the words sliding around her mouth. Peter wasn't the o
nly one she knew that followed the teaching of Ma'Nada. For the first time, Camille saw how dangerous it was to admit one's belief if it challenged the Munera. Phillip didn't just appear serious in stature, his expression said it all. There was fear wrapped around his beliefs having spent a lifetime in the spotlight of his peers.

  "I say this as a warning—be careful who you trust," Phillip continued. "Once word gets out of who you are, and who you are connected to, there aren't many who'll be your friend."

  "Thank you for your concern, General," Camille responded tightly.

  Phillip bobbed his head up and down. "I hope Vesyon knows what he was doing bringing you here." After finishing his last bit of eggs and downing the dregs of his tea, the General stood with his tray and left, walking toward the kitchens as though he'd never joined them to begin with.

  "Don't mind his brusque nature, Camille," Charlie said, buttering a piece of toast and taking a hefty bite before placing it on Theo's plate. "He worries the most out of all of us, but it's only because he cares so much. Sometimes he gets a little carried away with his sense of responsibilities."

  "He isn't wrong to worry. It's my fault the High King is sending his troops here in the first place," Camille said quietly, scanning the Asperians seated nearby. All these innocent men, women, and children could be in danger because of her. The weight of this understanding pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe.

  "Cam, don't think like that. Vesyon's no amateur; if he brought you here, it's for a good reason," Theo said with finality. "Let's head up top. Vee wants to make sure you can handle yourself, and we need to take advantage of the daylight while we can."

  "Mind if I tag along?" Charlie asked politely, lifting her wide golden eyes in Theo's direction.

  Theo quirked an eyebrow in Camille's direction, the jagged scar running down the side of his face twitching pink against his otherwise unmarred skin. The blatant pass of Charlie's question into Camille's court made her want to slap him across the face. He could tell Charlie no and make it easy on Camille, but he didn't. His polite smile and casual shrug was a sign of his desire to make Camille squirm. "Not a bad idea," he said, adding a heaping dose of casual sweetness to his words. "I'd love for you to join—if it's alright with Camille."

  Camille sighed; she couldn't very well say no to the bubbliest girl in all Aspera and not appear like a jealous brat. "I guess," Camille conceded as she grabbed her tray and headed toward the dish receptacle at the end of the hall. "It's not like I care either way."

  Unfortunately, she did care. Camille held her tongue all the way down the hall, up two flights of stairs, and through several doorways to the weapons room with Theo and Charlie leading the way. Watching them walk practically hand in hand in front of her, she realized how much it bothered her. What was Theo's game plan here? It was painfully apparent, as she watched them, that Charlie was the main instigator to their flirtation. She couldn't keep her hands away from Theo, no matter how many times he smiled and shrugged her off. Always with a smirk or joke, but he didn't tell her to stop.

  Together they pushed through the iron door of the weapons room, Theo jumping through first before Charlie giggled and ambled after him.

  "Ugh," Camille sighed as she pressed a hand to the door and followed the couple into the room. Her breath caught in her throat when she took in the surroundings of the weapon's hold. There were swords, knives, daggers, bows and arrows, spears, shields, guns, bombs, chains, and ropes covering every inch of the walls and floor space. Several long tables displayed the weapons for easier access, but even more guns and blades stood at attention against the walls, as though waiting for an invasion. She mutely picked up several different weapons at random, uncertain of what she could use. Everything at her fingertips and yet she couldn't decide.

  The brilliant smile that lit her features immediately crumbled as Charlie picked at a few items, brushing her fingers against Theo's whenever possible. They bumped against each other as Charlie hovered in his space, seemingly desperate to touch him at any cost. There was a sense of normalcy to their interaction, and it was as if Camille's presence made it uncomfortable, which dug under her skin like a sharpened knife.

  Zipping over to a table laden with swords and daggers, Camille grasped several choice weapons and loaded up her belt before locating the travel packs for outdoor use. "Can we go?" Camille barked roughly when she was done, tapping her toe with impatience.

  "That anxious to fight with me, hmm?" Theo teased, sauntering across the expansive room toward her as he perused the array of weapons at his fingertips.

  A loud and very unladylike snort escaped Camille's throat. "Let's just get this over with. I'd rather be with Vesyon, anyways." The second the words escaped her lips, she regretted it. Camille felt the blazing heat of embarrassment bloom through her cheeks and spread across her skin like a flesh-eating disease, hungry to envelop the entirety of her.

  Theo's head whipped toward her so fast she thought his head might snap off. "Is that so?" he said, eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Why?"

  Her mouth popped open, her lips unwilling to say the words burning against the lining of her tongue. She wasn't sure what made her say those words, but she knew being with Vesyon was easier. The erratic jump of her heart and spike of nerve endings along the sensitive membranes of her skin didn't seem so acutely aware of Vesyon as opposed to Theo. Theo's presence came with a hefty dose of molten flame, burning through her veins at a mere glance in her direction.

  "I'm dying to know, Cam. Tell me why you'd rather be with him than me," Theo growled, prowling closer. She instinctively backed away from him, and he paused his stalking motion, the ocean depths of his eyes searching for truth in the blank, passive expanse of her cemented features.

  "Because he's hot," Charlie said plainly from across the room. "Honestly, look at the guy, all dark and mysterious. You'd be blind not to notice."

  Theo snorted, his eyes rolling skyward at the comment, but Camille noticed a hardened line grace his lips. He didn't like the idea of Camille being attracted to Vesyon, and the realization made her lips split into a wide smile.

  "You misunderstand me," Camille whispered under her breath for only Theo to hear, eager to change the current dynamic in the room. "I only meant that if I had to choose between training with you or him, it'd be him."

  Theo's expression went dark, teeth bared in a malicious grin. "What if Charlie wasn't here? Would you still want to be with him then?"

  "I don't understand you, Theo," Camille snapped back. "Last night you stomped away from me in a huff and today you're using Charlie to get under my skin—no, don't deny it." Theo's mouth popped open as though to reply, but Camille's quick words efficiently cut him off. "What's your game here?"

  "There's no game, Cam," he said taking a step closer. His glance flicked over to Charlie, but the gentle softness sliding over his features was angled at Camille. "I'm sorry I got angry with you last night. I didn't intend to. It's just..." he paused. When the azure blue of his stare peeked up at her from beneath the sweep of his sooty lashes, Camille saw a tenderness she hadn't been expecting. "Camille, I waited for you, for eight years. Every day I waited. When I heard you were alive and in Sierra Village, I had to see you. It was a shock at first, but not so much a shock as when I realized you didn't remember me. I was determined to fix that. I thought maybe I could bring your memories back."

  The words were tender, his eyes gentle, but his actions throughout the morning didn't match up. "So, after one night, you turn to someone else?"

  Tucking his chin and slouching inward on himself, it appeared as though she'd stabbed him in the gut, her words cutting into him viciously. "That wasn’t my intention. At least not entirely," he conceded. "Though it was worth it to see you get a little jealous."

  "I'm not jealous!" Camille harshly whispered as Charlie bounced across the room toward them.

  Theo's eyebrows shot skyward. "Oh? Could have fooled me."

  "She's going to hear you, you know," Camille snor
ted in response, taking several purposeful steps away from him.

  "Her hearing is no match to ours. She can't hear us, and you didn't answer my question," Theo said with a casual air directly into her ear. Charlie was across from them picking up a few daggers and rolling the handles in her hand to assess their weight. Camille's voice caught in her throat as Theo pressed slightly into her, the heat of his body searing into her back as though urging her to speak the words he so desperately craved.

  Her stomach flipped unwillingly as she struggled to reign in control of her heart banging like a drum against the lining of her ribcage. Images of the previous night swirled through her mind, and she found herself imagining him grabbing her and kissing her like he'd done in the hall by her room, fingers threading through her hair and lips sealed to hers.

  Clamping her eyes shut and pressing the images of Theo out of her mind, Camille scooted past him and moved toward the opposite side of the table.

  "I think we have better things to do right now than discuss my personal preferences," Camille replied flatly when she was a good distance away. She plucked a menacing looking silver dagger from the wall and slipped it through the front holster of her belt, adding it to her repertoire. "What do you care anyway? You got what you want, no?" Camille's chin angled in Charlie's direction, busy fluffing her hair in the reflection of a perfectly shined glass case.

  "Cheeky," Theo said, lips twitching with humor, and she would have believed the good-natured motion if not for the dark swirl of black shifting through the icy blue. With pinched lips and squared off shoulders he was inches from her face in less than two strides.

  "You know what I want, and it has nothing to do with anyone else but you." He said it inches from her face, his breath fanning against her cheeks with the heat of his words.

  "Theo, I—" Camille started, her tongue locking uncomfortably to the roof of her mouth. What did she want to say, she was sorry? She wasn't, not really. There was something between them, undeniably, but her gut feeling wasn't enough. It wasn't fair to assume she would start where they'd left off, especially having no clue where that'd be for him. Forcing her feelings to catch up to his felt not just wrong but unnatural. She didn't want someone else telling her how to think or feel.


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