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Alien Healer

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by Sadie Carter

  Alien Healer

  Sadie Carter

  Sadie Carter

  Alien Healer

  © 2019, Sadie Carter

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Cover Design: Sweet n Spicy Designs

  Editor: Christie Giraud: EbookEditingPro

  Proofreader: BZHercules

  Created with Vellum


  Books by Sadie Carter

  Let’s keep in touch!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Excerpt from Nax

  Books by Sadie Carter

  Zerconian Warriors Series

  Alien Warrior

  Alien Lover

  Alien Mate

  Sweet Alien Savage

  Alien Savior

  Alien Morsels

  Alien Mine

  All I Want for Christmas is my Alien

  Alien Sacrifice

  An Alien to Die For

  Alien Commander

  A Christmas Most Alien

  Alien Explosions

  Alien Retribution

  Alien Charmer

  Alien Healer

  Joyadan Mates


  Sky Warriors



  A Sky Warrior Christmas novella



  Fairy Godmother Gone Bad

  Let’s keep in touch!

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  Sadie Carter Reader Warriors


  This would be so much easier if she was ill.

  Not really ill. But you know, something that might make her sick enough to get his attention.

  She shook her head. Okay, that thought was just sad. Was that really the best she could come up with? She racked her brain for any other ideas that didn’t contain nudity, violence or having a t-shirt printed up that said: Take me big guy.

  Yeah, even that probably wouldn’t work.

  She smiled and waved as she walked past a couple of Joyadan women watching their children play. One had a smaller baby in a wrap held close to her body. A sharp pang of longing filled her. All she’d ever wanted was a family. People to take care of. A home. Kids running around, causing chaos. A man who came home each night and looked at her like she was special.

  And for some reason she wanted that man to be a certain clueless, hunky healer.

  All she needed was something to get his attention.

  And the best I can come up with is wishing I were sick?

  It was a terrible idea. Falling ill to get a guy to notice her had to be about the stupidest play in the book.

  But Ellie was fast running out of ideas. How did she get his attention when he seemed to spend every God given hour working? Did he even sleep? He often didn’t remember to eat. She guessed he found some time to shower, since she’d never noticed that he smelled bad.

  In fact, he smelled very, very good.

  Ellie felt a little silly, like a teenage girl with a crush.

  She wasn’t sure what it was about him that made him so irresistible to her. Yes, he was gorgeous, but Ellie wasn’t so shallow that she could be smitten by someone’s looks. And besides, she was on a planet filled with the sexiest males alive.

  Nope, it wasn’t his looks. Or not just his looks.

  And it certainly wasn’t his personality. Oh, he could be charming and kind. When he put his mind to it. But he was dedicated to his work and sometimes he forgot about social niceties. And manners. In fact, he seemed to forget about everything else but what his work to the point where if she were a violent person, she might have already given him a slap around the head to wake him up.

  It was just her luck to fall for someone like him. It felt like Racar was the only Zerconian warrior not interested in finding a mate. Not that she knew she was his mate. But she had certainly never been attracted to anyone the way she was to him.

  She reached the medical clinic and pressed a button before waiting to be admitted. The research lab where Racar currently worked was inside the clinic. She’d been bringing in something sweet for the patients and healers who worked here a few times a week, all in the hopes of catching sight of Racar.

  She looked down at the basket of goodies in her arms. She’d brought cupcakes, muffins and in an insulated container was a meal for Racar. She’d spent many hours adapting her Earth recipes so she could make them with ingredients found on Zerconia. If her mother’s lemon squares didn’t get his attention, well, she might just have to start researching ways to fake an illness.

  Oh God, was she really that desperate?

  Yep, seemed maybe she was. She banged her head gently against the door. Idiot. Idiot. The door swooshed open just as she pressed her head against it and she lost her balance, falling forward.

  Acan, one of the healers, caught her against him. She liked Acan. He was a bit bossy and intense but he’d always been nice to her. She kind of wished she felt something for him. It would be easier.

  But since when was her life ever easy?

  “Ellie! Are you well? What is wrong?” he asked worriedly, setting her on her feet.

  She felt herself blush. She was such a dork.

  “I’m fine. Sorry. Lost my balance.”

  He stared down at her incredulously. She got it. She was a klutz in a world filled with gorgeous, elegant beings. Not that the Zerconian warriors would probably appreciate being called elegant. But they moved with a kind of poise and confidence she could only dream of.

  “You tripped over something?” He looked over her shoulder, searching for the imaginary object.

  “Uh. No. Just my own feet.”

  His gaze narrowed as he studied her. “There is a red mark on your forehead.”

  Of course there was. Because her humiliation was not complete.

  “Perhaps I should examine you.”

  “No, really. I’m fine.”

  There was only one man she wanted to examine her. . .and she couldn’t believe she’d just had that thought.

  “You are very flushed. Is your pulse racing?” He reached out to take hold of her wrist.

  Okay, she needed to get things back under control before she ended up on some examination table.

  Well, she had hoped to get sick. She should be more careful what she wished for.

  “Really, I’m fine. Cupcake?” She reached into the basket and pulled one out.

  Acan’s eyes lit up, his attention completely diverted. Men. Didn’t seem to matter what race they came from, they could all be distracted by something sweet.

  Racar was no closer to an answer.

  He’d been working for months, almost day and night, trying to uncover a way to slow down the female humans’ aging process. He had been given full backing from the Emperor to undertake this research. He had a team working under hi
m and had been relieved from his other duties at the medical center so he could give this full attention.

  This was important to all Zerconian males. Humans aged at a much faster rate than they did. When one mate died, the other usually followed, which meant all the Zerconian warriors who were mated to human females would die with their mates.

  Including the Emperor.

  They’d discovered that a true mating changed a human female’s DNA over time. She became able to speak with her mate telepathically, to sense his emotions. So why didn’t it change their aging process? They were still aging at a much faster rate than Zerconians did.

  Was something preventing the bond from altering their aging process? If that was the case then if he could just locate and isolate that factor, he would solve this puzzle.

  But it was eluding him.

  He leaned back in his seat and looked around, surprised to see that he was by himself. He vaguely recalled his assistants leaving. He wasn’t sure if he’d even replied. He shrugged. They knew he had an important mission. Social niceties had never been his thing anyway.

  He walked out of the lab and towards his office. He headed to his desk and brought up his latest notes. When he was interrupted a few minutes later by a knock on the door, he growled with frustration.

  “Come in,” he snapped. He didn’t bother to look up. The smell of food filled the room and his stomach rumbled. One of his assistants must have brought him in some dinner. They did that every once in a while. He waved his hand towards the side of the desk, still not looking up.

  “Set it there. Can you go and get me an energy drink?”

  “Are you sure you want an energy drink? Won’t it keep you up all night?”

  It took a moment for him to realize that the voice was female. He stiffened in surprise, then glanced up at the short, red-haired female standing there. A human female. He had the feeling he’d met her before but he couldn’t quite remember her name.

  Her scent drifted over to him. He hadn’t caught it at first due to the smell of the food. She smelled sweet. Delicious. His body stirred, surprising him. When was the last time he’d had an attraction to a female?

  A long, long time ago.

  He was too dedicated to his work to let anything distract him, including a female that had no business being here. He glanced from her to the plate of food. Had she made him dinner? Why? What was she doing here?

  And where did he know her from?

  “Who are you?” he snapped. “How did you get in here?”

  “You know, I don’t think I have much of an ego, but if I did, you would have just dealt it a hell of a blow,” she muttered.

  “What do you speak of?” Why was she standing there speaking to him of ego?

  She sighed. Then she smiled. “I’m Ellie. I’m the person who has been bringing you food at least twice a week. I often visit and bring in baking for the patients and other doctors.”

  He stared at her blankly for a moment.

  Her smile faltered a little. “I’m Blue’s friend.”

  “Blue’s friend?” Was that how he knew her?

  “Nice to see you at least remember her,” she said wryly. “But then, everyone remembers Blue. And Keely.”

  “Keely? The dark-skinned female?”

  Her smile seemed to widen. That seemed odd. Why was she so happy?

  “Is there something funny?”

  “Nope. Nothing at all.”

  Still, she smiled.

  “Then why do you smile, female?” He knew human females had some strange habits, but he had never heard of one smiling uncontrollably.

  She blinked. He hoped she wasn’t having some sort of fit. Just as he was about to rise and go to her, she suddenly shook her head. “I didn’t realize I still did that. I learned as a child that if you wanted people to care about you, to take you home with them then you should smile. They never wanted the kids who screamed and cried. They wanted happy kids.”

  He just stared at her. “What children do you speak of? Zerconians care about all of their children.”

  “What? Yes. Of course.” She cleared her throat then stared at him. And she frowned. “Well, hell.”


  She shook her head. “Ellie. You should remember my name since we’ve met many times before. Hell, last week, I even took away your dirty laundry, cleaned it, and brought it back for you.”

  “I think a service did that.” He would remember if she had done that, wouldn’t he?

  “Nope.” There went that smile again. It did not reach her eyes. He wondered what she would look like if she truly smiled. She was already beautiful with all that fiery red hair, her pale skin, and curvy, lush body.

  He blinked. He should not be thinking about her like that. He was worried for her mental health.

  “Just me. All me. Not that you’ve once noticed me. Or said thank you. Hell, you haven’t even looked at me. I mean nothing to you except for being Blue’s friend.” She shook her head and laughed.

  “What is funny now, female?” She was most confusing.

  She waved her hands around, her eyes bright with anger. Should he send for Blue? Or perhaps her mate, Safan. Zerconian warriors were very protective of their mates and Safan would not appreciate Racar putting his mate at risk by bringing her into this. Not that he thought the female was in any way dangerous. After all, she was so tiny, he doubted she would even reach his shoulder. Her muscles appeared to be quite puny. And she was weaponless.

  So no, not dangerous to him. But Blue was female. Even though she would argue she could take care of herself, these human females did not usually realize their limitations. And Blue could not be put at risk.

  She was too important to their race. They desperately needed female mates. They needed babies.

  He studied the female in front of him. She was wiping away tears now. Her emotional swings were very disturbing. Did they have a healer capable of dealing with human issues of the emotional and mental kind? Usually their healers dealt with physical issues. Zerconian warriors did not waste much time on emotions and feelings. There were not many Zerconian females anymore, but they tended to be quite practical. Emotion rarely came into a Zerconian-Zerconian mating.

  But these human females were very different from their females.

  “Female, is there someone I can call to come and help you?” he asked gently.

  For some reason, she glared at him. So far, she had gone from smiling to laughing to crying to scowling.

  Yes, she definitely had issues.

  “My name is Ellie,” she spat out.

  Stars, he really did not have time for this. The only reason he was speaking with her was because he was worried about her wellbeing.

  “Yes. I remember.” Was she experiencing short-term memory loss?

  “Then why do you keep calling me ‘female’?”

  “Because I have other things on my mind,” he snapped back. He hadn’t meant to speak so harshly and was unprepared for the way she took a step back, her face growing pale.

  Stars. Why had he said that? He did not want to upset her further.

  “Of course you do. Things that are far more important than me.”

  “Well, yes,” he said honestly.

  She went even whiter. To the point that he worried she might faint. He hastily moved towards her.


  “Ellie. Ellie. Ellie.”

  He blinked as she raged at him, her hands curled into fists. Was she going to get violent? He grew closer, but she held a hand up. He noted the way she shook.

  “Stay where you are,” she ordered.

  “Are you ill?” he asked quietly.

  “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  Why would he like if she were ill? “Perhaps I should take some samples of your blood, see if there is a chemical imbalance to explain the mood swings you are experiencing.”

  “A what? A chemical imbalance? Next you’ll be telling me I’m hormonal or some such

  “I know of these hormones you speak of. Yes, that could be the cause.”

  She just stared at him then to his shock, she grabbed at her hair, tugging it. So far, he had not seen anything to indicate that she was violent in any way. But this was alarming.

  “Female, stop, you will hurt yourself.”

  She just stared at him. Her breath came in sharp pants. He took in the way her body trembled. Her pulse was no doubt racing. What could possibly be wrong with her?

  “Can you speak?” he asked in concern. “Can you tell me what your symptoms are?”

  “Yes, I can talk.” She dropped her hands to her sides then closed her eyes for a moment. He grew closer to her, but she opened her eyes and held up her hand. “Stay where you are. I am not ill. I do not have symptoms. I am mad. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. I rarely lose my temper. But you’re infuriating. I get it that you don’t remember me. That you haven’t noticed all the things I’ve done for you. That you’re not interested in me at all. In fact, less than interested.”


  “Forget it.”

  Now she was deflated, her shoulders slumped, and there were tears in her eyes once more. He really did not understand what was happening here.

  “It doesn’t matter. This was stupid. Me coming here like this. I can’t make you see me, right? Look, here is your dinner. I’ll leave it here.” She reached into the basket and pulled out an insulated container that obviously held the delicious smelling food. “I’ll just go and leave you alone.”

  She sounded so defeated and lost that he had the urge to take her into his arms and soothe her. But it seemed every time he spoke, he made things worse, so he decided to remain where he was.


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