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The Virgin Diaries: The Complete Series

Page 15

by Lauren Landish

  She’s bucking her hips against the air, searching for something she doesn’t understand yet. Suddenly, she freezes and narrows her eyes at me. “And the secretary job?”

  Smart girl. Good girl.

  Her brains turn me on even more than her body, if that’s possible. I take her chin in my hand, forcing her eyes to mine so she sees me clearly. I growl, “This has nothing to do with that. You are not a whore, Arianna, and I never thought you were. I think we both know that job was yours when you walked in the door this morning. And this—us, one way or the other—doesn’t change that for you.” I want her to come to me freely, to want me and want what I can do to her, not want what I can do for her career. She seems to feel the same way and is soothed by my blunt words.

  “Yes, Liam . . . sir. Please.” Her sweet surrender, the breathy sigh of her acquiescence, is music to my ears and dynamite to my lust.

  I drop my hands to the hem of her skirt, lifting it so it bunches around her waist. The first sight of her panty-covered pussy has my cock throbbing so hard I have to squeeze it to stop myself from coming. She’s soaked through, red lacy panties that are so naughty . . . but I know what’s underneath is untouched. Reaching up, I hook her waistband while staring in her eyes. “Let me see your pretty little pussy.”

  She reaches down, taking my hands in hers for a moment before submitting and letting me tug her panties down. I push them down her sexy thighs and beyond her knees before they fall to the floor and she steps out of them. I fight the urge to drop to my knees to taste her, knowing that it’d be too much, too soon, but thankfully, the sweet, musky scent of her arousal envelops me and I’m drawn to seek out the source.

  I slide my knee between hers, forcing her legs to spread wide and expose her pussy to the cool air of the room. She gasps, arching, and I hear the wet sound of her drenched lips spreading for me.

  I let my finger skim her pussy again, from opening to clit and back around, making loops around her sensitive core but never staying exactly where she wants me. I want to drive her wild with desire, so much so that she forgets her self-imposed rules and gives in to what we both want so badly. She moans, and I remind her, hot breath in her ear, “Shh . . . quiet. We don’t want people outside to hear your pleasure. That’s mine . . . yours . . . ours.”

  She bites her lip, trying hard to obey. I give in too, focusing my attention on her hard clit, feeling her heartbeat pulsing as she gets higher and higher, closer to coming on my hand. “Is this where you want me? Right here on your little clit, rubbing it hard and fast to get you off like a naughty girl in my office against the door?”

  “Fuck, Liam, I’m close. It’s different . . .feels so good . . .had no idea . . .” She rambles and my ego swells at the mess I’m making of her. Arianna Hunnington coming undone is one of the most spectacularly beautiful sights I’ve ever had the pleasure to witness.

  Needing to see the full breadth of her undoing, I order her, “That’s it, doll. Come for me. Let that pretty virgin pussy come all over my fingers and coat me with your sweet-girl cum.”

  She shudders, crying out, and I cover her lips with a kiss. She’s not aware enough to kiss me back, but I keep kissing her open mouth, muffling her sexy noises. I can feel the throbbing pull as her pussy clenches emptily, wanting to be filled, but I let her ride out her orgasm with my fingers still blurring on her clit, drawing as much pleasure as I can out of her body. “Oh, God,” she moans, coming back to Earth.

  I slow my attention to her clit, then lift my fingers to my mouth, sucking them clean and finally getting to taste her. “Fuck, you taste like candy, doll. I want to eat you up.”

  She can see that I’m considering dropping to my knees to do just that, and she stops me, a bit of awkwardness taking her body. “Mr. Blackstone. Uhm . . . Liam?”

  I grin. “Arianna, I think you can call me Liam, considering what we just did.”

  She smirks, fire returning to her eyes as the haze of lust clears. “Fair enough, sir,” she says, sassing me with the name I told her to call me as we began. I nod, letting her know that works too, and her smile grows exponentially. “Liam, that was . . . wow.”

  “That was only the beginning, a perfect start to more.” I cup her face in my hands, giving her a series of soft kisses to soften her up. “Come work for me as my secretary. Let me teach you the business side you want to know, and let me show you the wonders your body is capable of.”

  I see a flash in her eyes, so fast I’m not sure if I imagined it. “And what if I only want the business lessons? Only want those experiences to further my career?”

  My heart stops as my eyes lock on hers, wide with shock. Really? After coming like a damn freight train on my hand, she thinks to deny that? Deny herself and me of that pleasure, all for some Prince Charming fantasy she dreamed up as a child?

  I hate the thought of it and honestly don’t know if I can handle being in an office every day with her without touching her, but I’m a gentleman on occasion, and this is one of the situations that requires that of me. I step back, mourning the loss of contact. “If that’s what you want, Arianna.”

  She follows my steps, matching me and pressing her curves against mine once again as she wraps her arms around my neck. “That’s not what I want, but I needed to be sure.”

  I look at her in confusion for a second and then her smile and words click. “It was a test? You’re testing me.” She looks a bit abashed but nods. “Doll, I’ll let that one pass because I understand why, but do not test me again. I’ll keep that in mind when we begin your lessons tomorrow.” I let her wonder if I mean business or physical, but honestly, I plan on testing her limits for both. “You have two weeks left of your internship, during which you need to impress me enough to procure an offer of fall employment. If you were to work for me, you’d learn more at my side than your university would teach you in years, so I’d think you’d want that opportunity. I have two weeks to impress you too, enough to get between those sweet thighs and fill that untouched pussy with my cock. I know that would be an experience neither of us would ever forget, so I definitely want that honor. The two are not mutually inclusive or exclusive but exist as co-goals for us both. Understood?”

  She smiles back, a full grin that lets me know the game is on. Luckily for me, I’m a damn good player and I’m not afraid to cheat if it wins me what I want . . . her. Body, mind, and soul. “Deal,” she says, sealing her fate and making a deal with the devil.

  “Okay, Ms. Hunnington,” I say, emphasizing her name to let her know we’re working in the professional realm now. “Please check in with Jacob on the way out. He can give you the appropriate contracts to sign for working at this level. I trust you can go over the contracts yourself?”

  She nods. “Yes, Mr. Blackstone. Of course.”

  “Good. Then spend the afternoon with Jacob doing that and whatever else he needs. I’m afraid I’m out of the office this afternoon so I won’t be able to hold your hand as you adjust to your new role.” Every word is clipped and professional, but my cocky grin is full of mischief.

  And the clock begins on what promises to be an interesting two weeks.


  Dear Diary,

  When I was twelve, I had butter for the first time. Oh, sure, my mother had put plenty of yellow stuff on top of bread, mashed potatoes, all that. But it was margarine or some other substitute.

  But for my twelfth birthday, Grandpa took me to a nice restaurant, and I felt so grown up. It was the summer after Grandma died, and looking back, I think he knew it would be the last big dinner he and I had together. We sat down at the table, and I remember he ordered shrimp scampi for himself and lobster for me. “But Grandpa, I hate seafood,” I complained, and he shushed me, murmuring something about frozen fish sticks not being real seafood, but that was all I’d ever had.

  “Arianna, you’re going to change your mind with this.”

  When the food came . . . oh, my God, it was delicious! Even the bread tasted different, and afte
r I mowed through the whole meal like I hadn’t eaten in a week, I asked Grandpa why. He smiled, looking a little sad as he set his knife down. “Honey, sometimes, having the real thing is worth what you have to pay for it. Sometimes, it’s a financial cost, like butter. Sometimes, it’s something else. But you have to decide whether the reward is worth the cost.”

  Those words were running around my head all last night as I thought about what Liam and I did in his office. Holy fuck, was it intense. I have never experienced something so raw. And I think the reality of his fingers on my clit instead of my own or a toy was well worth the price I had to pay . . . some painful, embarrassing honesty and one appropriately-pitched temper tantrum at his abrupt jump into the deep end.

  I think we both came out of that office with a better idea of who I am. And though I might’ve been called a whore before, I refuse to actually be one. But I am a hard worker, a fast learner, and a sure bet to use this opportunity to make the best future for myself that I can. Professionally, not on my knees.

  I can’t believe I’m going to be able to pick his brain for the next two weeks! I can’t believe he wants to fuck me in the next two weeks either.

  “Hey, Super Nerd!” I gush into the phone, needing my best friend right now. Daisy Phillips is truly a nerd . . . in all the best ways, cute, with black-rimmed glasses and just a hint of shyness when she meets new people, and an intelligence for numbers most people can’t begin to fathom. Drawing her as a dorm-mate and becoming friends with her is one of the best things to ever happen to me.

  “Oh, my gosh, Ari! It’s been forever. I’ve missed you!” she gushes back.

  It hasn’t been that long since we talked, just a week or so, but for girls who are used to seeing each other daily, it seems like ages. With a sigh, I realize we won’t ever be roomies again. When I came to my internship, I took a small short-term rental for the summer to be closer to work and Daisy moved in with her boyfriend, Connor. Her boyfriend who also happens to be a math professor at the university we attend. In fact, he was her math professor. But somehow, they beat the odds, ones that Daisy or Connor could probably calculate in their heads if you wanted the real statistics, which I don’t. I just care that she’s happy, and she definitely seems to be that.

  “How’s pseudo-married life treating you?” I ask, knowing they’re not married yet.

  “So good! Seriously, I found out that Connor can cook, like actual food, not Ramen and canned beefaroni.” She laughs, knowing that those are the quintessential college kid foods and arguably some of my comfort-food favorites, a little slice of poor-kid home life away at school. “What about you? Has your internship gotten any better?”

  I take a big breath, knowing this is going to be a major chatter session. “Chica, sit down, okay? I need to brain dump a massive amount of ‘what the fuck’ on you because I could really use your advice, okay?”

  I can hear the rustling on her end as she finds a place to curl up. “Okay, hit me.”

  I give her the rundown of my delivery-turned-photoshoot, including every naughty detail of how Liam felt pressed against me, how thick and hard his cock got while the camera was clicking away, and how turned on I’d been. Luckily, she’s used to hearing dirty talk like that from me so she doesn’t so much as stutter until I tell her about my interview and the ensuing madness.

  “Uhm, what?” she exclaims. “You’re a what? Our connection must have dropped because I could’ve sworn you said you’re a virgin, Ari.” Her voice is full of confusion.

  “I did, Daisy. I know, I’m sorry for not telling you, especially when you were going through all that stuff with Connor, but you always believed the façade I put on and I didn’t know how to go back and straighten that out. Forgive me?” I beg, hoping she does because I don’t want this to be a stumble in our friendship.

  “Of course, I forgive you. It’s your body, your secret, your story, but I do hope you’ll tell me why the big act one day.” I can hear the hurt in her voice.

  “I will, I promise. But it’s water under the bridge, and I need help with where I am now. Liam offered to let me complete my internship in his office, which is basically a dream come true, with a cherry topper that if I do well, he’ll hire me part-time when school starts. No-brainer, right? But it’s all tied up in him wanting to pop my cherry, which when I’m clear-headed and not lust-addled, sounds sketchy as fuck. But Daisy, there’s something about him. I’ve never felt anything like this.”

  My brain flashes back to him crowding me against the door to finger my pussy and the way he savored my taste from his fingers. He is the Devil. And I made a deal with him. A deal for my body and my brain. Daisy interrupts my thoughts. “That sounds familiar.” I can hear the smirk in her voice.

  “I hear you, but this is different,” I argue. Glancing at the clock, I realize I need to get ready for work or I’ll be late, and that’s a definite no-no. I hustle to my closet, grabbing a pencil skirt and blouse and slipping them on awkwardly as I hold the phone to my shoulder.

  She laughs. “To-may-toe, to-mah-toe. Point is, you’ve been saving yourself for some special guy. Maybe that’s the one you marry, maybe it’s not. But it should be someone who makes you feel, someone you know will make it good, so maybe that’s Liam? If so, hit that, girl. If not, that’s okay. And you can still take advantage of the chance to learn as much as possible. You said he specifically said he’d still teach you, even if you didn’t fuck him, right?”

  I scoff. “Of course, or I’d have been out of there.”

  She laughs. “Exactly. You’re a smart woman, so don’t let him dictate your future. Choose for you . . . for both work and personal. And he can damn well play catch-up if he’s not next to you every step of the way, but something tells me he’s going to be right by your side or the one pulling you along.”

  I grin. “Damn, girl. When did you get so wise?”

  “Hey, I went through a bit of hell and had to chase what I wanted and fight for it too, so I’ve got some advice skills. I’m just glad you’re calling now instead of waiting like I did. Just be careful, honey.” She’s right. When Daisy finally talked to me about Connor, it’d only been because someone had forced her hand and she’d been freaking out.

  “But look how well that turned out, chica. Thanks so much, truly.” We say our goodbyes and hang up. I’m struck once again by what a great friend she is. But with that thought, I realize I need to hustle.

  I double-check my makeup and hair, slip on my nicest pair of heels, and look in the mirror one more time. I look like a powerful woman, ready to embrace her future. Whether that’s in the boardroom or the bedroom or both remains to be seen, but for now, I’m ready to roll.

  Walking into the lobby, I pass Dora on my way toward the elevator.


  I stop, going over to be polite. “Hi, Dora. Sorry you’re getting shorthanded here. Are they sending someone to help?”

  Dora shakes head. “Not yet. Seriously, is this for real? I send you upstairs and the next day you’re the boss’s secretary?”

  She looks me up and down, and I can read her thoughts as if she spoke them aloud. She’s thinking the same damn thing people always think when they only see the obvious, that I’m some ditzy floozy who gets by on her looks. They never stop to consider that maybe I succeed in spite of my looks, not because of them. I do have a brain, and I’m quite adept at using it.

  “Yes, apparently so. It’s a great opportunity and I’m looking forward to it,” I say as politely as I can, though my inner bitch wants to snark at Dora for daring to assume she knows a damn thing about me after sending me for coffee for two months.

  “Hrrmph, there is such a thing as paying your dues, Ms. Hunnington. You’d do well to know your place, especially considering you’re only going to be here for such a short period of time. Just two more weeks, right?” Her voice is saccharin, as if it’s a pity I’ll be leaving, but I know she’d be happy if I turned and left, never to return, right now.

�Speaking of knowing my place, guess I’d better get upstairs,” I reply, just as fake-sweet. And with a small wave, I head to the elevator. Kill them with kindness, I think. Play the part.

  After the elevator doors close, the nerves really set in and I wonder if I’m going to get upstairs to discover this is some elaborate ruse at my expense.

  Haha . . . gotcha. You didn’t really think I wanted you on the top floor, did you? Stupid girl.

  But I quiet the doubts and self-talk with a few slow, deep breaths, even if the other three people on the elevator look at me oddly. I don’t know if it’s because they’re wondering who I am and why I’m going upstairs or if it’s because I’m doing breathing exercises. Either way, they exit, and finally, I’m alone for the final leg of the long elevator ride.

  I really don’t know what to expect. While I was a receptionist, I wasn’t a secretary. I think I know the basics. I mean, it’s answering phones, typing stuff, probably fetching coffee . . . but something tells me that Mr. Blackstone is going to want something sweeter than sugar.

  The thought thrills me and scares me all at the same time, and before I know it, the elevator doors open and I step out. Everything looks like business as usual. Everyone knows what they’re doing . . . and they’re going about doing it.

  Yep, I think as I take a deep, nervous breath, everyone here is a total pro . . . except you.

  I push away my momentary self-doubt and remember that I’m getting a chance to get plugged directly into the brain trust, to learn from the best, and that’s like an electric charge to my spine.

  After a moment, I head toward Mr. Blackstone’s office and knock on the door.

  I wait for a moment and then peek inside. He isn’t here. Neither is Jacob.

  I glance about and realize that in the external office, another small desk has been added overnight. Mr. Wilkes’s desk remains in the same spot, but the line of chairs on the right side of the room has been replaced with an oak desk and cabinet. I walk over and see a note taped to the computer screen. It says Arianna on the front, and I flip it over.


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