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The Playful Prince

Page 4

by Playful Prince(lit)

  “Mm, briallen, is this place not nice?” Quinn’s voice neared an agonizingly mischievous pout. He came before her, taking a bold step as he lifted his hand to brush over her neck. “And, believe me, what I have in mind to do will be a very nice thing to do. I promise that you’ll enjoy yourself so much that you’ll be screaming out my name for more.”

  His touch was warm, his eyes just as much so. Heat, pure and intense, washed over her from his glancing fingers. Her lips parted for breath. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, as he held her transfixed with his bright blue eyes. He was really a handsome man with a kind, laughing face. His features weren’t too hard and defined--not like his brothers, but neither were they too soft. His body, on the other hand, was defined, toned, and gorgeous. It moved with relaxed grace and she could easily see him lounging before a fire, as warm and comfortable to snuggle into as a thick blanket.

  “Let me pleasure you, Dr. Elliot. Say yes to me. Let me make love to you right here on this bed.” His mouth drew closer. “Or the bath, the floor, the couch, wherever and however you wish it.”

  “No,” she whispered, weak. His mouth hovered close to hers for a moment. Her eyes began to drift closed, waiting in anticipation for that contact.

  “Oh, very well, Dr. Elliot.” Quinn moved his hand away and stepped back. She didn’t close her eyes, as she stood before him, panting for breath. A heavy sigh left him. “Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow. We can discuss this more then.”

  A small sound of strangled disappointment came from the back of her throat. Her lips moved in protest, but he was already turned around and walking toward the door. She couldn’t help it as her eyes dipped over the strong line of his spine to his hard butt. This man was just too much.

  “There’s nothing to discuss, your ... prince-liness,” she shot after a long pause--too long a pause.

  “Good night, Doctor. Sweet dreams and may they be of me--naked and thrusting above you.” Quinn’s fingers lifted to wave at her and he chuckled softly. Without a backward glance, he left her alone.

  “Oh my,” Tori said softly, feeling as if her body was on fire. She was almost too afraid to move so she stood frozen to her spot. His touch had done something to her, something that made her body tighten and throb in all the right places. Her breasts tingled and ached. The muscles of her sex clenched together. One brush of his fingers and she was brought close to orgasming. Breathless, she panted, “Oh, my. What in the world was that?”

  Tori slowly crawled onto the bed. The silk felt good on her skin and before she stopped to think, she’d stripped down naked on top of it. Her fingers roamed over her body, tweaking and pinching her overly responsive length. Closing her eyes, she thought of Quinn. His sexy blue gaze danced before her, and she couldn’t help but conjure the image of his tight body above hers, thrusting inside her, as she tweaked her fingers over her nipples. She held onto the image of him, reaching between her thighs to stroke her tender flesh.

  With little help from her fingers, she came to climax against her hand. Her head turned and she bit the pillow next to her to keep from crying out. Even though she’d met release, she felt empty deep inside and wanting of more--much more. When the tremors subsided and her body lay temporarily sated, all she could think to whisper was, “Oh, my.”

  * * * *

  “Excuse me, what do you mean they canceled our trip into the forest?” Tori placed her hands on her hip and looked at the guard. This day wasn’t going as planned. “Has something happened? The king told us we could leave today. We are ready to leave today. I don’t understand. If there has been an accident, I need to get out there to contain it.”

  Tori frowned at the guard. She’d spent only one night in the palace and the whole of the morning packing her supplies, doing her best not to run into Prince Quinn before she left. She didn’t wish to “discuss” anything with him. That man was more complication than any woman needed--especially a woman like her who had more than two brain cells in her head.

  To her shame, she dreamt of the prince the night before and it hadn’t been completely innocent. Okay, there was nothing innocent about what they’d been doing in her mind--or in what positions they’d been doing them in. Tori swallowed down the blush the memory brought to her cheeks. She was never, ever, ever telling a soul about that one. Some things were better left taken to the grave.

  “I’ve got all of my supplies readied,” she said needlessly, motioning to the crates behind her.

  “There’s no accident,” the guard said in a low tone. He smiled at her, causing her frown to deepen. Every time one of the Var men looked at her, she felt like a piece of meat about to be pounced upon. “Today is a day of celebration, not work. No one will be traveling from the palace until tomorrow, perhaps the next day if the celebration is done right. A guard cannot be spared to guide you.”

  “What celebration?” Tori asked.

  “I heard the king is getting married,” Simon offered at her side.

  Dr. Grant and Dr. Vitto came up behind the older scientist. They didn’t look ready to go. It was clear someone had already told them of the change of plans. Tori bit her lip in irritation. She was in charge, not these bozos! She would definitely be having a talk with someone to point that little fact out. Shivering, she realized that someone was probably Quinn.

  “Yeah, all guests are expected to attend the feast.” Grant rubbed his hands together, throwing out a careless, pretty boy smile at her. It’s how he looked at everyone, so she ignored it. Turning to Vitto, he chuckled, “I heard they have a harem full of beautiful women who’ll be attending.”

  Vitto grinned, but said nothing. Tori turned to glare at him.

  “What?” Vitto demanded, lifting his hands up like a scolded kid. His lip jutting out in a pout, he asked, “What did I do? Grant said it.”

  “Hey,” Grant pushed Vitto in the side. Then shrugging, he laughed, “It’s true though. They do have a harem. They said the women are lonely since the old king died and are looking for ... er ... manly comfort.”

  Vitto laughed. Even Simon’s ears seemed to perk up.

  Tori sighed. Under her breath, she muttered to the ceiling, “They’ve sent me children. I asked for scientists and they gave me children.”

  “Hey, we’re all adults,” Grant said, knowing Tori only teased them. They’d spent a lot of time together and felt more like siblings than colleagues. “Listen, I’ve been frozen in an ice block for only God remembers how many months with only you guys.” Tori lifted a brow and he quickly added, “Sorry, Elliot, but you don’t count ’cause you turned me down. Now, I’m counting you as a guy because of it. Unless of course you’d like to reconsider my very tempting offer?”

  Tori made a gagging motion at him and he shrugged. Vitto slugged him lightly in the shoulder.

  “Your loss, babycakes,” Grant answered, unhampered.

  “I know you didn’t just call me babycakes,” Tori grimaced, trying to hide her laughter.

  “What? Me? No, sweetcheeks, I’d never be so disrespectful. You’re lead scientist on this expedition and we all know that order must be maintained at all times, right, love button?” Grant grinned. Her mouth opened and he hurried before she could interject. “We’ve been working really hard and we all deserve a little S and M, Dr. Elliot, sir, ma’am. I know I could use some.”

  “Don’t you mean R and R?” Vitto asked, chuckling.

  “Oh, yeah,” Grant laughed good-naturedly and shrugged. “That’s the one. So easy to get them confused. But, I’m sure Elliot here knows all about that, don’t ya, Elliot?”

  “R and R?”

  Tori froze. Prince Quinn would have to show himself at that moment. She glanced around, wondering if she could duck out gracefully before he saw her. Too late. His eyes were directly on her face. She colored slightly.

  “Prince Quinn,” Tori acknowledge politely, professionally, when he didn’t look away from her.

  “Dr. Elliot,” Quinn returned, not so professional.

p; A strange silence came over the group as he stared. Her mind chose that moment to recall the vividness of her dreams and the details of his naked chest as he knelt playfully on her bed. Her cheeks tried to flame with embarrassment, but she swallowed it down, doing her best to remain professional and calm. Her heart sped in her chest, racing to be free. What was it about this man that sent her senses over the edge? She cleared her throat uncomfortably. Vitto stepped next to her, standing a little too close.

  “R and R. Rest and relaxation,” Vitto offered with a smile. “It’s what we say when we need a much deserved break from work.”

  “Ah, and S and M?” Quinn inquired, glancing back to Tori.

  “Sleep and m...” Tori faltered. She couldn’t think of anything. She looked desperately to Grant, but he just shrugged and offered no help. “Ma-massages.”

  Quinn’s mouth opened. Vitto shot his hand forward in offering.

  “Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met. Everyone calls me Vitto. This is Dr. Grant, ignore anything he says--none of it is true. We’re not actually sure he’s a real doctor, but we let him come along anyway. And this distinguished gentleman is Dr. Simon Marten.”

  Quinn nodded politely at them all, grinning at the lively introduction. “So, did I hear you gentlemen speaking of our harem?”

  Tori paled, mildly disgusted. She rolled her eyes. Worse than the harem was the fact that the prince had heard their entire conversation. She was sure she was going to be sick--right after she killed Grant.

  Grant cleared his throat, “Yeah, I’m sorry--”

  “Think nothing of it,” Quinn chuckled pleasantly. “The women are free to do as they wish. We don’t own them. Actually, I believe my brother wishes for them to find husbands, so please, feel free to take them off his hands.”

  “Your brother the king?” Grant asked. “The one whose wedding is tonight.”

  “Actually, his ... ah, wedding, as you call it, was technically yesterday. I believe they mated themselves on the side balcony.”

  “You believe?” Tori asked, frowning. Mated? Did everyone just drop their pants and mate anywhere they pleased?

  Quinn saw her look and laughed. “Mated as in got married, Dr. Elliot.”

  Tori gasped lightly. Then, since her mouth was already open, she asked, “You don’t know where your brother was married?”

  “You will find our culture isn’t so longwinded when it comes to ceremony. Once a decision is made, there is no reason to wait or put it off for later. Marriage only takes two people who wish it. They say it, it is done. Simple. Tonight is the queen’s coronation banquet. The king and queen will also be officially announcing the queen’s pregnancy. We’d love it if you’d all join us in celebrating our family’s good fortune.”

  “We’d be honored,” Simon answered for them, patting down his gray hair.

  Grant shot a meaningful look at Vitto and wiggled his eyebrows. Tori looked at them and sighed. The guys had been working as hard as she and they all deserved a break. Vitto turned to her with the “please, please, please” look begging in his eyes. Slowly, Tori nodded.

  “We’d be honored,” Tori mimicked, forcing a smile.

  “Wonderful!” Quinn exclaimed. “Now, if you would, come to the hall and dine with us. We’d love to have you--”

  “No, thank you,” Tori interjected, grabbing an electronic clipboard from the top of the crate. All eyes turned to her as she inched away. “You guys go ahead. If we’re not leaving, I have some details to work out and a report to start.”

  Tori turned to walk down the hall.

  “Ah, Dr. Elliot,” Quinn said. “One moment, please.”

  Tori stopped and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and slowly turned on her heels to face the men.

  “It would be my honor to escort you tonight to the celebration,” Prince Quinn said, unashamed that every man around them heard his offer. Tori’s cheeks stained slightly.

  “No, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m sure I can find my way to the hall just fine. Thank you,” she quipped.

  “Actually, Dr. Elliot, this would be a date,” Prince Quinn stated, smiling. Mischief sparkled in his eyes. “You know, going someplace nice to do nice things. I believe “date” is the word of your earth custom.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Grant offered, not at all helpful. “That’s the one all right.”

  Tori froze, mortified. Vitto and Grant stared at each other then at Tori with wide-eyed wonder. Or was it wide-eyed mocking? Tori’s mouth opened, then closed, opened again. The Var prince was asking her out on a date. How in the galaxy was she going to say no without risking his anger? And what in the galaxy was he going to expect to happen on this date? A weak sound left her throat as she began to shake her head. Looking desperately to Vitto, she said, “Thank you, but I think Dr. Vitto will be escorting me tonight.”

  “Not this time,” Vitto said, grinning from ear to ear and making an insolent face to her behind the prince’s back. Smirking, he said, “I already have a date. Grant’s asked me.”

  Vitto nudged Grant and grinned wider so Prince Quinn couldn’t see. Grant winked back at him. Tori grimaced, turning her pleading gaze to Grant for help. She should’ve known better. He gave her a wicked grin, blew her a kiss, and slowly shook his head in denial. Almost frantically, she leaned over to find Simon. His back was turned to them, as he pretended to examine a crate. Tori bit her lip and swallowed a curse. All three of them were going to be in so much trouble when she got a hold of them later. When she was through with them, they’d be on permanent food rations and three hour sleep shifts.

  Quinn’s bright blue gaze hadn’t moved from her face. She looked directly at him, feeling at a loss for words. The smile faded from his teasing lips, but the amusement remained in his eyes.

  No one spoke. Vitto motioned frantically at her to answer. Slowly, she nodded, “Very well, I would lov--like very much to be escorted by you.”

  Grant and Vitto tried to hide their laughter and failed miserably. They snickered like two children. She shot them a glare of warning. Simon merely grinned at the younger doctors’ antics, staying out of it as he looked up from his crate.

  “Wonderful!” Quinn exclaimed, smiling once more.

  Tori’s brows rose on her forehead. She weakly nodded and turned back around. With quick steps, she hurried away before they could stop her again. As she took the corner, a round of masculine laughter burst from the group.

  Quinn turned to look at the two laughing scientists and chuckled. “I guess I should thank you for helping me out.”

  “If you’re going after Elliot, you need all the help you can get,” Grant said, sniffing back tears of merriment.

  “Yeah, don’t thank us yet,” Vitto put forth. “She’s a handful.”

  “Ah, man, do you remember Schreoder?” Grant shook his head mournfully. “He tried to ask her out on a date for like a month--”

  “Oh, yeah, I think that poor man is still tying to recover his manhood,” Vitto interjected. He glanced slyly at Quinn who didn’t seem to notice, as the prince’s eyes were looking toward where Tori disappeared. “Man, just make sure you don’t talk about anything she might take offense to. Last scientist that she dated said he thought the ADP complex was a hoax. She publicly hung him out to dry.”

  Quinn listened to the two men, wondering at the jealousy he suddenly felt at their words. It was apparent they knew Dr. Elliot fairly well. Vitto had stood protectively close to her. He couldn’t help but wonder how well they knew her. Come to think of it, he didn’t even know her first name.

  “The key to Elliot is not to treat her too much like a lady. She likes to hold her own.” Grant looked to Vitto for confirmation.

  “Oh, yeah, definitely.” Vitto nodded. “She hates it when men take her arm, open doors, pull out chairs. It drives her crazy. She’s a real feminist.”

  “Well, thank you for the advice,” Quinn answered. He began to step away, before turning. “By the way, the ADP complex was a hoax. The man wa
s faking the disorder.”

  As Quinn walked away, Vitto and Grant’s jaws dropped. It was true. It had been a hoax, but both scientists were amazed the prince had even heard of it. When they were alone, both men began to chuckle.

  “Oh man, she is going to eat him alive,” Grant snickered. “When you called her a feminist I almost wet myself. It was too funny. Our Elliot, a feminist!”

  Chapter Four

  Tori took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Her heart raced erratically in her chest, thudding so loud she was sure it echoed outside her body. She looked at her reflection in the full size mirror and sighed. It had been a long time since she put on anything that wasn’t a lab coat and jumpsuit. She’d been surprised when the guard handed her the box from Prince Quinn with the instructions he would be by to pick her up that evening.

  The gown she wore looked much like the Var style of dress. It had a soft, glimmering black material that glistened with silver when she moved. It draped beautifully, hugging her breasts and hips. The neckline scooped down, baring a fair amount of cleavage. She blushed to think Quinn picked it out for that feature alone.

  Cross laces worked along her sides, exposing the flesh of her waist and hips. She’d tried to wear underwear with it, but she couldn’t keep the sides of her panties from showing through, so finally she took them off. She was a little uncomfortable being so exposed. The dress had built in support so a bra wasn’t necessary.

  After taking a water bath, which Tori thoroughly enjoyed, she carefully covered herself in lotion and perfume. Spending a lot of time on remote planets, she had taken a number of water baths in her lifetime and found them to be one of the ultimate pleasures.

  Hair styling was another matter altogether, but she managed to pin up the sides with what little she had to work with. The heavy brown locks dried with natural waves and she let them flow down over her shoulders instead of pulling it back into a serviceable bun. With a nod, she decided she was very pleased with her appearance.


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