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The Playful Prince

Page 18

by Playful Prince(lit)

  Tori and Vitto had been raised in a home where love was so openly spoken that she’d grown to take it for granted. She’d been sitting around, waiting for Quinn to openly say how he felt for her, to just come out and tell her. Remembering the queen’s words, she sighed. Ulyssa had told her that sometimes it takes a knock to the head to get the Var men to confess anything. She’d told her to ask Quinn straight out what he felt for her. Why hadn’t she listened to her advice? Who better to know than a woman who managed to break through Attor’s demented teachings?

  “Vitto, I have to go,” Tori whispered. She handed him her equipment. Almost in a daze, she backed away. “I have to go.”

  “Wait, Tori, you can’t leave yet,” Vitto said, stepping after her.

  She froze, looking at him in question. “But, you just said I should ... I have to tell him how I feel.”

  “Um, that’s great, Tor,” Vitto said. “But, as a man, can I give you one little bit more advice?”

  “What? Anything?” Tori’s round eyes looked up at him as he came to her. His eyes moved briefly over her clothes.

  Vitto grinned, a mischievous glint in his brotherly eyes. “Take a bath first and get cleaned up. You smell like a pig sty.”

  Tori’s mouth fell open and she glanced down at her muddied clothes. She did look a frightful mess. Vitto’s hand lifted to her face and he pushed her mouth shut with one finger.

  “Water’s that way,” he said, pointing to where the water container sat in one of the tents. “I’ll get the camp packed up while you get cleaned up.”

  * * * *

  Tori’s whole body jolted with nervous excitement. The walk back to the palace seemed like it took forever. She stayed quiet, lost in thought as she rehearsed what she would say in her head. She hardly paid attention to the large trees or the red earthen path. Several times she began to walk off course, deep in thought. Vitto or Grant would reach out and pull her back, not bothering to say a word to her about it as they shot her impish grins. The men chatted next to her, going back and forth with their Var escorts.

  Her heart pounded furiously as she neared the palace. She was sure her face was flooded with the heat of her nervousness. Tori swallowed, trying to still her shaking limbs. Suddenly, she stopped. Turning to Vitto, she whispered, “What if he says nothing?”

  “Trust me, Tori. He’ll say something.” Vitto took her gently by the arm and almost had to drag her to get her to move forward. “If you don’t take the chance, you’ll never forgive yourself. At least this way, you’ll know for sure how he feels.”

  Tori thought about Vitto’s words and before she realized it, he’d dragged her to the banquet hall. A few Var soldiers sat about the tables, drinking and joking. Half eaten plates of food were set before them. At their entrance, the noise lessened as several turned to look at the newly returned scientists.

  “Hey, guys, I’m going to take a bath and find Linzi. I’ll see you later,” Grant said, glancing into the hall but not entering it. “Elliot, I expect a full report.”

  Tori nodded weakly, barely hearing the man. She looked around, ignoring the stares. At the head table was Quinn. He sat next to his brothers. When her eyes found his, she didn’t see anything else. She stared for a long moment. She felt faint. She couldn’t do it.

  Turning to Vitto, who still held her arm, she whispered, “There are too many people here. I can’t do this!”

  “You can,” Vitto answered, placing two hands on her shoulders. “I know he cares for you, Tori. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”


  “No buts,” Vitto ordered. “Or I’ll kick you in yours.”

  Tori chuckled softly at the look he gave her. He was right. It was time to tell Quinn how she felt about him, how much she loved him, how she never wanted to take another breath without him by her side.

  * * * *

  Quinn watched Tori walk into the hall with Vitto. He had to blink several times to make sure the vision was real. They hadn’t been expecting them back so soon. The guards that had escorted them walked into the hall, going immediately to the tables to join their comrades. Grant poked his head in, said something to Tori and Vitto and then disappeared.

  He watched through narrowed eyes as Vitto grabbed Tori by the shoulders. His hand gripped tightly around his goblet in jealousy. When Tori laughed, a rage ripped through him and he couldn’t contain his anger any longer. Slamming down the goblet, he stood. All eyes turned to him.

  “Get your hands off of her!” Quinn demanded, glaring at Vitto.

  Several of the men gasped, turning to look at Vitto and Tori. Vitto slowly let her go. Kirill hid his grin behind his hand. Ulyssa did the same.

  “What are you doing?” Reid hissed, trying to get Quinn’s attention.

  “Quiet, Reid,” the bandaged Falke ordered at his side. Reid blinked in annoyance at the command, but said no more.

  Tori’s eyes finally left his and she glanced around the quiet hall. Quinn could see her hands tremble from his place at the head table. He hadn’t meant to scare her. Coming around the platform, he marched forward.

  “Prince Quinn,” Vitto said. “Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding.”

  “I choose Tori as mine. You are not to touch her.” Quinn announced. His words were so tense that they echoed harshly over the banquet hall for all to hear. There were several more gasps and a loud murmur of excited whispers.

  “What?” Tori whispered, her eyes round in disbelief. “What?”

  “Do not deny that you are mine,” he growled, not caring who heard. “Everyone here can see how you want me. My scent is all over you. You belong to me.”

  Tori paled, not sure if she should be mortified or not by the bold statement. On a base level she felt pleasure in his possessive words. She glanced at Vitto and then at Quinn. Her mouth opened but no sound came out, as she desperately looked around the hall for help. Slowly, as if in a fog, she saw Kirill stand up and begin to move toward them.

  “Quinn,” the king said softly, gently touching his brother’s stiff arm. “Why don’t you take Dr. Elliot for a walk? You’re making a scene.”

  Quinn didn’t even look at him. He stalked forward, grabbed Tori’s arm, and dragged her from the hall without stopping to ask her if she wanted to go. Tori stumbled in stunned silence as he led her to his wing of the palace. He tossed her inside his home and slammed the door shut. Her feet slid across the smooth tile floor, nearly tripping on the raised platform holding the couch. Slowly, she righted herself. She glanced around, getting her bearings. Her eyes moved over the tall decorative arches of his home, and finally landed on the thick wall of glass guarding the bathroom.

  She shivered. There was no where to run if things turned for the worse. Quinn was acting strange. Very carefully, she turned to study him. He made a move to touch her and she jerked back.

  “Quinn?” Tori panted. His show of fury aroused her, but she held back from him, not understanding. “You’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

  “I thought I could handle your and,” he paused, his face contorting in disgust as he spat, “Vitto’s relationship, but I can’t. You have to choose, Tori. Him or me. You can’t have both.”


  The word barely escaped her lips when Quinn pounced forward to grab her arms. He shook her lightly, not hurting her. “Damn it, Tori! You don’t love him. You ... can’t love him.”

  “Wait,” Tori panted, shaking her head. “I do love him, of course I love him. He’s--”

  Quinn let her go and slowly backed away shaking his head in denial. His heart felt as if it was being ripped from his chest. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to control himself. “You’d better leave then, quickly.”

  “Quinn, listen--”

  “Leave!” he shouted. “Go!”

  Tori began to move toward the door and stopped. Her voice rising, she turned back to him and growled, “No, you just shut up for a second! I’ve got something to say and so help me if you don’t let me s
ay it I’ll-I’ll....”

  Quinn’s brow lifted, impatiently urging her to get on with it. His chest heaved as he fought to control himself. Tori wasn’t scared, she was frustrated.

  “I’ll hit you over the head until you see reason or get knocked unconscious!” Tori yelled. Quinn didn’t move. His lips twitched at the corner as if he would smile at her threat. “Damn it. I had this speech all prepared. It was perfect. But then you had to go act like a meathead so I can’t remember what I was going to say. We’re adults and we’re acting like children or was it that we’re being children. Give me a second. I know it was something like that.”

  “Meathead?” Quinn broke into her thoughts. “Did you actually call me a meathead?

  “Well, you are. Oh, never mind that. I’m trying to...” A small sound of aggravation left her throat. She couldn’t remember what she was going to say. Then, unable to keep it in any longer, she blurted, “I’m in love with you.”

  Quinn didn’t move. His eyes brightened slightly as he studied her. His mouth opened but nothing came out.

  “Okay? That’s what I wanted to tell you. I’m in love with you and,” she hesitated, unsure whether she wanted to throw her arms around him or run for the door screaming. Nothing came out the way she meant it. She wanted to say other things--give him a long list of why she loved him, of why they could work together, of why he should give them a chance. All those reasons left her as she looked at him. How could she explain everything she felt? Instead, she whispered, “I love you, Quinn. I love you.”

  She shrugged helplessly, waiting for him to speak. Every inch of her shook, as she waited for his reaction. If he didn’t return her love, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to survive it.

  “You can’t have us both,” he answered softly. The very look of him took her breath away and stole her heart. “I can’t share you, Tori. Please, don’t ask me to.”

  “What?” Tori whispered, confused. “What are you...?”

  “Vitto. You can’t have us both.” Quinn stepped for her. His hand lifted to gently touch her cheek. He caressed her with his strong fingers, sending chills over her flesh.

  “What are you talking about?” Tori took heart in the fact that he was touching her. That was a good sign, wasn’t it? His hand felt warm against her skin, making her tremble to be in his arms. “Quinn, Vitto’s my younger brother. We were both named after our father. When I say I love him, it’s because he’s my family. Of course I love him. He’s Vitto Elliot. I’m Vittoria Elliot. We don’t really announce the fact that we’re related because we have to work together and it’s caused problems for us in the past. So he’s Dr. Vitto and I’m Dr. Elliot. Did you really think that he was my...?”

  Tori began to laugh, unable to even say the words out loud. She knew he’d thought Vitto was a threat to her at one point, but she really thought he’d gotten over it. I mean, even if he wasn’t her brother, it was Vitto.

  “He’s your brother?” Quinn asked, needlessly. His face darkened.

  “I just assumed you’d been told,” Tori answered. “Naturally, the king--”

  “Kirill knew?” Quinn demanded, his expression darkening even more in his annoyance.

  “Of course he did,” Tori said. “He was told when we arrived. He had our records. I thought everyone knew. Reid, Falke--”

  “They know as well?” Quinn interrupted. He frowned. Trust his brothers to watch him squirm. Damn Kirill! When Quinn had told him that he suspected Tori and Vitto were lovers, the king had sat there grinning at him like a fool--saying nothing.

  “It came up in the forest on our way to Myrddin’s. We were telling childhood stories while you were on your walk. They wanted to know why Vitto and I seemed to know each other so well.” Tori shrugged. Her hand lifted to touch his solid chest, running the tips of her fingers lightly over the muscular folds. Then, licking her lips, her eyes lit with hope, as she asked, “Does this mean you were jealous over me?”

  Quinn pulled her into his arms, his bright blue eyes piercing down into hers. Tori lifted her arms up around his neck. She offered her lips to him.

  “Yes,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her softly. His lips brushed along hers. “I was jealous over you, woman.”

  Tori sighed, her whole being filled with emotion and anticipation. She twined her fingers through his light brown hair, studying it intently for a moment. “And does this mean you maybe care for me just a little?”

  Quinn rubbed his nose along hers, pulling her so close she could feel his arousal pressing into her stomach. When he spoke, his lips moved along hers. “Yes, how can you not know that I love you? I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you. There hasn’t been anyone else since I met you. I confess, at one point I tried to get you out of my system, when I didn’t think you cared. But, I couldn’t do it. No other woman can hold a candle to you, Tori. I love you.”

  Tori panted. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her. Her eyes dipped to the side, shy. “And does this mean you maybe want me to stay here with you?”

  “It would be strange for a wife to leave her husband,” Quinn murmured.

  Tori moaned, barely hearing his words as his mouth continued to do delicious things to her senses. His kiss deepened, as his tongue moved forward to explore deeper. She felt him all the way to her toes. It was perfect and she knew she belonged forever in his arms. Then, as what he said sunk in, she pulled back. “Did you say wife? Are you asking me to life mate with you?”

  “No, not asking,” Quinn answered, leaning forward to steal her breath as his hand roamed down over her body. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter, Dr. Elliot. You are my wife.”

  “Is that a royal command, Prince Quinn?” she teased, feeling giddy and so very happy. His body felt so right against hers. “Are you saying I have no choice but to marry you?”

  “Ah, yeah, well not really,” Quinn chuckled. “I can’t ask you to do what has already been done.”

  “What do you mean?” Tori stiffened in his arms, her throat dry. She didn’t dare move.

  “Our souls mated the first night we were together,” Quinn answered. His hand grew bolder and she let go of a small moan. Slowly, he peeled back her clothing, baring her body to him. “It just took our heads and our hearts a little while to catch up.”

  “But, how is that possible?” Tori sighed, her eyes closing as he kissed her neck.

  Tori, listen to me, she heard whispered in her brain. It was Quinn’s voice and it tugged at her memory. You are mine.

  Mmmm, all right Quinn, yours, she vaguely recalled herself to answer him.

  The memory was like a distant dream, Quinn telling her that she was his and she agreeing. Looking up at him, she saw he was remembering it to. At the time, she’d thought he meant sexually, as a conquest. Now, she finally understood. How could she not have realized it sooner? His words and her sleepy agreement to them had sealed them forever. That is why neither one of them had felt whole since. They were two pieces of the same being. He was her husband, her mate, her entire life. The beauty of its simplicity washed through her. “I didn’t know you. I--”

  “I told you once before,” Quinn murmured into her flesh. His breathing became hard pants as he began to slowly make love to her. He bit her earlobe, causing her to whimper. “The Var don’t put much stock in ceremony. All it takes is the will of two people and it is done. We couldn’t have mated if we both didn’t want it. You are mine, Tori, and I am yours. Forever.”

  Tori grabbed his face in her hands and pulled his mouth hard to hers. Nothing else mattered. She was finally home. Quinn lifted her up in his arms and walked her to the long pillows thrown across the floor before the fireplace. Setting her on the floor, he stripped her completely of her clothing.

  His eyes roamed down over her skin, stopping to look at her large breasts. Soon his clothes were also tossed aside. Loudly, he commanded, “Fire.”

  A fire lit in the fireplace. Quinn picked up their clothes and threw them
in. Tori gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “I figure if you don’t have anything to wear, you can’t escape me. Tomorrow, when I wake up, you’re going to be right by my side.” Quinn swept forward, only to lower her down to the long pillows on the floor. His body pressed into hers, rocking the heavy mass between his legs with slow intent along her naked hip. With a devilish glint in his eyes, he whispered, “So, when you said, ‘saddle up cowboy’ what did this mean? I admit to being very curious about it.”

  Tori turned a light shade of pink. “Cowboys are part of old earth culture. They used to ride on top of wild horses. It’s a saying now.”

  Quinn chuckled at her look. “Mm, I like this game already. Tell me more. Who will ride whom?”

  Tori just grinned, flipping him on his back. She moved to straddle his waist, lifting her ready body to accept his heavy length inside her, where he belonged. “It would be much better if I just showed you.”

  Tori lowered her body down onto his shaft, letting him fill her. Moving up and down, she saw his eyes watching her in adoration. They made love before the fire twice before moving to the bedroom. Neither one of them spoke, not needing to as their minds were joined with just one thought, you are mine ... forever.

  * * * *

  Tori sighed, looking over Quinn and her home. It had been three glorious weeks since she moved in with him and she couldn’t have been happier. Pulling the robe around her shoulders, she wished for a brief second that her husband would stop burning all her clothes. Not once had she tried to sneak out while he slept. She knew he trusted her, but just had to assume that he got some sort of masculine pleasure by keeping her naked all the time and ready for him.


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