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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

Page 10

by Marie Higgins

  “Well, when you didn’t come home, and you weren’t answering your phone, I took a cab and had him drive me to the Adkins’ building. When I saw the cops at the accident, I stopped and asked them. They told me that you and a woman were taken to the hospital.”

  He pulled out his cell to see why he’d never gotten her calls. The battery was dead. What luck... Why hadn’t this happened when he and Nicole were in the elevator?

  “I’m sorry to have worried you, but I had a lot on my mind.”

  “Of course, you did.” She rubbed his cheek and leaned up to give him a kiss, but he turned his face away.

  “Tara, no.” He met her worried gaze. “The reason I wanted to take you to dinner tonight was to have a talk that’s been long overdue.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Tara, I’m sorry, but I’ve not been a good boyfriend. In fact, for a few months now, I haven’t had any feelings for you, but I’ve been too busy to break up with you. So,” he sighed, “I’ll do that now.”

  Her eyes grew round. “No! You can’t break up with me. I flew all the way to see you and spend time with you.”

  “Which is why I wished you would have called me first.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “But I’ll pay you back for your flight and the hotel room. But really, Tara, it’s over between us. It’s been over for at least three months now.”

  She flung her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. “No, Mick. I won’t let you go. I love you. I know you love me.” Her eyes watered, and she blinked. “We’ll see a couples’ therapist. I’ll do anything to make it work between us.”

  He peeled her arms off his neck and shook his head. “Tara, please. Show a little dignity. I’m trying to dump you in a nice and easy manner, but you’re making it hard.”

  “No. I won’t accept this. You need some rest and a clear mind. We can talk about this tomorrow. Let’s get you back to the hotel so you can—”

  “Tara, no!” He glared. “I’m staying right here until Nicole wakes up. She has become very important to me, and I’m going to be here for her.” He stepped away from Tara. “Go back home, Tara. I’m sorry, but I just don’t want to be with you anymore.”

  He headed back toward the hospital and breathed a relieved sigh. One obstacle down. The next obstacle, of course, was Nicole’s company. He prayed he’d be able to hurdle that one just as easily. But he worried his father would be stronger.


  Nicole’s body ached. Even her hair hurt. But at least she was alive. When she’d seen that black truck coming straight at her, and her swerve causing her to run off the road and roll down the ravine, she thought she was a goner. She couldn’t remember anything after the car stopped.

  But then she had a very strange dream. She remembered seeing Poppie. They were in a white room... or in the clouds. But he wore a white suit. No longer was he sick. In fact, he looked like she remembered from when she was a child. Her grandfather had been a very handsome, robust man.

  In her dream, he’d walked up to her, smiling.

  “I love you, Nikki,” he’d said. “But you no longer have to worry about me. I’ll be very happy in Heaven. So please, don’t be sad, but live your life to the fullest. Never forget, you are a wonderful person with a loving heart.”

  When he gave her a hug, she’d felt his love so intense, it brought tears to her eyes... tears of joy. There was love all around them, and it was as if the room was filled with the strong emotion. When he turned and walked away into the clouds, she knew he’d died and that he’d come to say good-bye.

  Then her dream changed. She wasn’t in a white room. Everything around her was dark like she’d closed her eyes and couldn’t open them. A pungent scent filled her head. It smelled like when she was putting fuel in her car and spilled some on her foot. Through the confusing darkness came Mick’s voice. At times his words were mumbled, and other times she heard him telling her not to worry, that he’d be there with her. Always.

  Between her grandfather’s dream, and the one with Mick, she’d felt so comfortable, and she knew everything would be all right. However, now that she was awake, she wanted to return back to her dreams where she didn’t feel anything but love.

  She struggled to open her eyes, and once she did, there was a little light in the room, coming through the closed blinds covering the window. The last she remembered it was dark. How long had she been asleep?

  Several machines were hooked to her body, one giving out a steady beep. A few of them were the same ones her grandfather had. She wasn’t wearing an oxygen mask, but the tube was still connected to her nose, and she wore a neck-brace.

  She moved her gaze around the hospital room. Mick sat in the chair asleep with his head resting against the wall. He was still wearing the same clothes as when she’d seen him last. His shirt had smears of blood, and bandages wrapped his forearms.

  Had he been in the accident with her? Or maybe the same truck that tried to run her off the road had run Mick off the road, too. Hopefully, the police could find that truck. She’d be able to give them a vivid description of what the truck looked like.

  As she stared at Mick, her heart softened. He hadn’t needed to stay here in her room, but knowing that he cared that much, made her happy. Perhaps his charming act wasn’t an act after all. And maybe the words he’d told her while they were inside the elevator actually came from his heart.

  She called out his name, but her throat was so dry and scratchy, no sound came from her throat. She tried to swallow, but it was nearly impossible. Water. She needed a drink, but her arms were hooked up to the machines, plus it hurt to move.

  She cleared her throat the best she could. “Mick,” her voice croaked, sounding more like a frog than a woman.

  He must have heard because his body jerked. Soon, he was blinking and looking around. Seconds later, his gaze jumped to hers. He sighed and smiled.

  “You’re awake.”

  She nodded. “I’m thirsty.” Once again, the frog in her throat wouldn’t allow her to talk normally.

  He rushed to the table and poured her a drink from the plastic pitcher. He placed a straw in it before lifting it to her lips. One of his hands carefully moved underneath her neck to try and lift her. She sipped the water from the straw, enjoying the coolness gliding down her throat.

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  Being just as gentle, he pulled his hand out from underneath her. He stroked her cheek.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I ache all over.”

  “The doctor says you’re going to be fine. You have a gash on your forehead, but he didn’t use stitches, just glue.”

  “Oh, good.” She licked her dry lips. “How are you? Did that black truck run you off the road, too?”

  “It almost did.”

  She switched her focus to his bandaged arms. “Then what happened to your arms?”

  “Nothing to worry about, sweetheart. I just got scratched up a bit when I crawled into your car to get you out.”

  Her heart flipped. He did what? “You... you saved me?”

  “I guess you can say that, but I mainly pulled you out of the car to see if you were all right.” He stroked her cheek again. “You were unconscious. I was really worried about you.”

  Nicole noticed that his voice tightened a little. Her heart flipped again. “Oh, Mick. Thank you for caring.”

  “It’s hard not to care about you.” He winked.

  “I... don’t know what to say.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t have to say anything. However, once we get you out of this hospital, I want to take you somewhere special. It’s your treat. Anywhere you want to go. Italy. Paris... wherever.”

  “You’re too sweet, Mick, but I think there are more important matters we need to worry about first.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Adkins Dev-Tech.”

  “Mick? I... I think my grandfather died. Did he?”

  His eyes watered over. “Yes. It was
around the same time as your accident.”

  Her heart hurt, and yet, she’d been privileged to have him come to her in a dream to tell her good-bye. “I know. He came to tell me.”

  Mick’s lips quivered as if he was trying to hold back from crying. He ran his hand along her leg softly.

  “The funeral is in two days.”

  “The doctors better let me out by then.”

  “I’m sure they will.” He sighed. “So, now that I know you’re awake, I’ll go back to the hotel and change so that I can talk to the bank about the loan.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s two o’clock, I think.” He looked up at the wall for the clock. “Yes, it’s two-twenty. I’ll want to get in there before they close at five.”

  “Mick,” she shook her head, “please don’t worry about that today. You need your rest. I don’t know how charming you’ll be with your words if you can’t think straight.”

  His smile softened. “You’re right.”

  “Please promise me you’ll wait.”

  “Do you still want to go with me?”

  “I do, but...” She glanced at the wires in her arms. “Unless they let me out tomorrow, that’s the only way I’ll be able to do it with you.”

  He leaned closer, holding her stare. “Tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. You’re the one in charge. Not me.”

  If only she could grab his face and kiss him right now. “We are both in charge. We’ll be great together.”

  He nodded. “I like that. I like that a lot, in fact.”

  Butterflies danced in her belly. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Or was she just overthinking right now? Maybe it was Nicole that needed to rest in order to clear her head.

  “I like it, too,” she whispered.

  His gaze dipped to her mouth. Why did she have to be in a hospital bed right now?

  “Do you want me to get you anything before I leave?”

  “Yes. The nurse.”

  His expression changed to worry. “Why? Are you in pain?”

  She smiled. “No. It’s a... womanly problem.”

  He sighed. “Okay. I’ll get the nurse. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before pulling away.

  As he left the room, she wanted to call him back so that he’d give her a better kiss. She wanted to tell him of the thoughts zipping through her mind right now, especially about her feelings for him. But she held her tongue. It was probably the painkillers the hospital was giving her. Why else would she think she was in love?

  NICOLE COULDN’T WAIT to get out of the hospital bed and into her own bed. The only thing making her stiff and sore now was the horrible old hospital mattress. Thankfully, the doctor promised he’d release her before the funeral started.

  Mary had come to help her get dressed. Of course, Nicole didn’t need any help, but it was nice to have her friend here, anyway. For the past two days, everyone walked around her like they were stepping on eggshells because of Poppie’s death. She wished they’d stop. Her grandfather wasn’t in any more pain, and that made her happy. She’d miss him, but she had so many memories to cherish in her heart.

  She was anxious to see Mick again. He promised he’d meet her at the gravesite. The family purposely postponed the funeral until she was out of the hospital.

  As she sat on the edge of the hospital bed, Mary jabbered on about the argument she and Kent were having at the moment, as she applied Nicole’s make-up. She prayed her friend didn’t cake on the eyeliner and lipstick. She didn’t want to look like Mary.

  “It’s like he doesn’t care about me anymore.” Mary’s voice shook.

  “That can’t be right,” Nicole said. “The two of you have been going out for three months now. He wouldn’t still be with you if he didn’t care.”

  Mary released a heavy sigh, Frowning, she straightened, keeping hold of Nicole’s gaze.

  “I hope you’re right. The past few days – even before your accident – he was acting distant. I think he’s looking elsewhere for a girlfriend.”

  Nicole grasped her friend’s hands. “Will you stop this nonsense? Kent likes you. Sometimes couples have arguments. That’s just part of life. That’s what strengthens our appreciation for the other.”

  Mary’s eyebrow arched as she cocked her head. “When did you become all knowledgeable on love relationships?”

  Nicole laughed. “I’m not. It’s just what I feel.”

  “Well, I’m done now.” Mary handed Nicole the mirror. “What do you think?”

  Hesitantly, she peeked at her reflection. Relief spread over her. It wasn’t as bad as she thought. However, the gash on her forehead was still covered by medical tape, and her face still held a few bruises from where the airbag had rapidly inflated.

  “It looks great. Thanks, Mary.” She looked past her friend toward the door. “Will you see when the doctor is coming to release me? I’m not a very patient person.”

  Mary laughed as she placed the make-up back in Nicole’s make-up bag. “You’d think he would have realized that by now.”

  “I know, right?” Nicole laughed.

  When Mary left the room, Nicole stood and slowly walked to the window and back. Her strength was returning, but she knew she had to feel a lot stronger than this before going back to work. But she would only give herself one more day, and then she had to get to work.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  Mick’s warm voice made her heart pitter-patter as she turned around toward the door. He looked so good-looking today, wearing another gray Armani suit. But it was more than his clothes that made him so handsome. It was the way his eyes sparkled when he gazed at her, and the way his smile was so sweet it made her heart melt.

  “Mick,” she sighed. “What are you doing here? Mary is taking me home.”

  “There’s been a change of plans. I’m going to take you to the funeral because afterward, we have an appointment with your grandfather’s attorney.”

  “Oh, yes. The dreaded paperwork for my inheritance.”

  He nodded and walked up to her. He took hold of her hands and brought them to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “I’ll be there with you the whole time. You won’t have to go through this alone.”

  “Mick, you have been so wonderful to me. And I haven’t been the nicest person to deal with.”

  “That’s all in the past. I don’t want to think of those bad days. We’re moving on to better days ahead.”

  She sighed, thinking about her grandfather’s company – soon to be her company – again. “I hope you’re right. I’m almost ready to give up on my inheritance.”

  “No, sweetheart. I won’t let you. You deserve everything – and much more.”

  The doctor chose that moment to walk into the room. Nicole broke away from Mick so that she could talk to the doctor. Not more than ten minutes later, she left with Mary and Mick. They reached his car, and Mary helped her inside before squeezing her hands.

  “I’ll see you at the funeral.” Mary’s eyes watered.

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  Mick climbed into his car and moved to put it in gear, but Nicole reached over and touched his hand, stopping him. “Before we go anywhere, will you do something for me?”

  “Of course. Anything your heart desires.”

  He said the sweetest words, and she loved hearing them. “I’ve been waiting for two full days for you to kiss me again, and I can’t wait another—”

  Before she could finish her sentence, he’d cupped her face and placed his mouth over hers. She moaned a sigh of satisfaction and moved her lips with his. She wanted to show him through her kiss just how much he meant to her, but here in his car wasn’t the place. At least his kiss would tide her over until later.

  He pulled away, smiling. “Thanks for asking. I’ve wanted to do that since we were in the elevator.”

  “Me, too.”

  He kissed her briefly once more before driving away from the hospital. Once h
e was on the road, his hand grasped hers, tenderly cradling it in his hand.

  “Did you go to the bank yesterday?” she asked.

  He frowned. “No, I promised I’d wait for you. However, the president of the bank came to the office, so I talked to him. He told me the bank couldn’t lower the payment. He couldn’t even rewrite the loan and lower the interest rate.”

  Disappointment filled her. “Well, that’s only strike one. Right?”

  “Right.” He winked. “We’ll just move to plan B tomorrow.”

  “What’s plan B?”

  “Talking to the wealthy investors from the nearby cities to see if they want to become top shareholders of the company.”

  “Oh, yes. I think we’ll get help there.”

  Silence filled the car for a few more moments as she stared at his gorgeous face. She would never get tired of looking at him.


  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  Her heart hammered out of control, preparing in her mind what she wanted to tell him. “I’ve wanted to say this for a few days now, and even though this isn’t the place I’d wanted to make this confession, I know I can’t hold it in any longer.”

  She swallowed hard and moistened her dry lips with her tongue. He peeked her way. His eyes brimmed with happiness.

  “Mick, I wanted to tell you... I’ve been feeling differently lately. About you. And I think I... I mean, I know in my heart... I mean...” Inwardly, she groaned. This was something she’d never told a man before, except for her grandfather. “Mick, I don’t know how to say this. But I think... I...”

  He squeezed her hand. “I love you, too, Nicole.”

  She gasped as joy overflowed inside of her. “How did you know I was going to say that?”

  “I could see it in your eyes.” He glanced her way, again. “And I love you so very much, Nicole Adkins.”

  Sighing, she rested her head on his shoulder. “Let’s have this conversation again later tonight when we’re alone.”

  “Anything you say, sweetheart.”



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