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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

Page 15

by Marie Higgins

  Mick nodded. “Who, of course, works for my father.”

  “At least I now have grounds to fire Jerry, but not until he leaks the information to your father about the fake website.”

  She took a deep breath and slowly released it. “Now I need to call the shareholders and explain that email.” She shrugged. “It’s time for them to pick a side. Me, or Carl Remington.”

  Mick bunched his hands into fists. “But there is no way my father will get this company now.”

  “I know, but what if the shareholders don’t want part of the company anymore because of these pictures?” She frowned.

  “Then I’ll buy them out.” Mick took wide strides over to her and wrapped her in his arms. “Nicole, I made a promise to you, and I’m not backing down. There is no way my father is getting this company.”

  Sighing, she nodded. “I’m sure this email will leak out to the community, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Peaking finds out about it and backs down.”

  He cupped her face. “They won’t. I’ll make sure of that.” He sighed. “Sweetheart, the company is yours no matter what.”

  “But I don’t want your money.”

  “You have no other choice.” He smiled. “Because I love you, and if you love me, that means you have to deal with my money.”

  This time her laugh didn’t sound sad, but as soon as it was over, she frowned again. “Oh, Mick. I do really appreciate all the help you’ve given me. Thank you for staying by my side through my mood swings and... the scandal.”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be.”

  He kissed her lips, tenderly, and meaningfully. When he pulled away, he gave her a sharp nod. “However, it’s now time for paybacks. We need to get Jerry to that website as soon as possible.”

  Suddenly, her eyes widened, and her face lit up with excitement. “I know just the person who can do it.”

  “Mary?” He arched an eyebrow.

  She laughed heartily, which melted his heart.

  “How did you know?”

  “Get her on the phone. I want this over and done with, so I can watch the police arrest my father.”

  NICOLE’S NERVES WERE shot, but she stayed by her computer and kept her phone close. Mick was so wonderful and waited with her in her office.

  After the apologetic Mary had dried her eyes and splashed water on her face so it didn’t look so puffy, she’d given Nicole a hug and left the room. She was grateful that Mary didn’t have anything to do with it. Unfortunately, both Nicole and Mary suspected that Kent had been paid off by none other than Carl Remington, because just recently, Kent broke up with Mary.

  Coincidental? Nicole didn’t think so.

  The plan was simple, and Mary had pulled it off perfectly. She had acted like she was on the phone talking to Nicole as she slowly walked by Jerry’s desk. Mary spoke on the cell as though she was consoling Nicole because of the irresponsible email that was sent out, but then Mary would pretend like Nicole didn’t care because sales had jumped through the roof in just the past forty-eight hours.

  Once Mary returned to her room, she called Nicole and gave her the good news. Jerry had been eavesdropping. And as soon as she walked away from his desk, she peeked around the corner, spying on Jerry. Immediately, he was on the phone and his fingers flew over the keyboard. Mary could see the website that popped up on his computer, and it was the one the security guard had created for the purpose of arresting two people who were trying to embezzle.

  So far, their plan was working. Nicole prayed that nothing would stop it this time.

  The ringing of her desk phone made her jump. Her heartbeat quickened as she reached for the receiver. She met Mick’s gaze and he smiled, giving her the reassurance she needed.

  “Adkins Dev-Tech, this is Nicole,” she answered, just as she had always answered the phone.

  “Miss Adkins, this is Deputy Todd Howell of the CSPD. We have all of the information we need to arrest Carl Remington. We would like you and Mick Remington to meet us at the hotel for when we arrest him.”

  Tears stung her eyes as gratitude filled her heart. Thank you, Lord.

  She blew out a relieved sigh. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. But what about Jerry?”

  “I have sent a unit out to Adkins Dev-Tech, and he’ll be arrested on the spot.”

  “Thank you, Deputy Howell. Mick and I will be right there.”

  The second she set the receiver on the hook, Mick swept her in his arms and twirled her around. They laughed and hugged each other.

  “Oh, Mick. This is really going to happen.”

  “I’ve been waiting for this day for a while.” He set her down and tenderly took her hand. “Let’s go watch the fireworks, now.”


  Mick told Deputy Howell that he’d meet his father in the hotel’s bar and, in front of the early evening crowd, the officers could arrest Carl Remington for embezzlement... and attempted murder.

  The longer he waited in the bar for his father to join him, the more he paced the floor. His nerves were at an all-time high. He’d never felt so excited in his life. Well... except for the times he was being passionate with Nicole, but that was a different kind of excitement.

  Finally, Carl strolled in the bar like he owned the place. Of course, Mick wouldn’t be surprised if he did, but it made him happy to know he’d get to see the Remington empire fall. Arrogance surrounded the older man by the way he carried himself and the way his chin was lifted a notch higher.

  When Carl’s gaze met Mick’s the old man’s grin widened. Mick bunched his hands and reminded himself he was not going to strike his father. Seeing the look on his face when the police arrested him would be payback enough.

  “Son,” he said cheerfully. “I’m surprised you wanted to meet me.”

  Mick shrugged. “There were a few things I needed to say to you.” He motioned to an empty table. “Shall we sit?”

  Carl nodded. As they sat, a waiter hurried over to them, stopping by Carl.

  “I think we should celebrate this evening with the hotel’s finest champagne. Don’t you think, son?”

  Mick tried really hard not to show his happiness, so he gave his father a nonchalant nod. The waiter hurried away to do Carl’s bidding.

  “So, Mick,” Carl rested his forearms on the table, “I’m sorry our father and son relationship had to end the way it did. I blame myself for not taking the time to get to know you when you were younger.”

  Mick rolled his eyes. “I blame you, too. But I’ll admit that the brief time we worked together had taught me so much, I wouldn’t trade it for anything right now.” He shrugged. “I learned early on that I didn’t want to turn out like you. I didn’t want people to fear me. I wanted them to like me.”

  “Now see,” Carl waved his hand, “that’s the difference between us. To me, it’s all business. I do what I have to do in order to win the deal.”

  Mick arched an eyebrow. “Including hurting people who are close to you? Or doesn’t it matter who you hurt, as long as you win?”

  “It’s like I said, son, it’s all business.”

  Folding his arms, Mick leaned forward on the table. “And is almost killing a woman just so you can get her company, business too?”

  “Now, son, you should know I had nothing to do with Nicole’s accident.”

  “True, I should know that, but my first thought was that you were involved, and you know what? I was right.” He looked sternly at his father. “Because Nicole and I discovered who was behind that. Unfortunately, you don’t know how to pick women, because Tara couldn’t hold her tongue. She confessed all.”

  Carl scowled as he tapped his finger on the table. “It’s her word against mine, and I don’t need to tell you who will win.”

  “No, you don’t have to tell me. You will win, father. You always win, because you have the money to pay people to lie for you and do your dirty work.”

  Sighing with irritation, Carl relaxed in his chair. “Mic
k, is this really what you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “Actually, no.” Mick inhaled deeply, rebuilding his courage. “I do think we need to celebrate.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at the waiter who hurried to them with a champagne bottle and two glasses. Mick didn’t say anything while the waiter poured their drinks. Carl took a sip from his glass and then nodded to the waiter before the young man left.

  Carl lifted his champagne glass. “What are we celebrating?”

  Mick lifted his glass. “I have obtained another company.”

  “Well done, my boy.” Carl clicked his glass against Mick’s. After he took a drink, he set the glass back on the table. “Which company was it? Apple? AT&T?” Carl laughed.

  “Oh, much better than that.”

  “Really? Now I’m very interested.”

  “The company I’ve obtained just recently is Adkins Dev-Tech.”

  Confusion shown on Carl’s face briefly, before he laughed tightly. “Really? What about your girlfriend? I thought she inherited the company.” Carl lifted the glass to his mouth to take another sip.

  “No, she didn’t. James Adkins left it to me in his will.”

  Carl choked and spit out the liquid from his mouth. Mick used his linen napkin to wipe the spray from his face.

  “You... don’t say.”

  Mick shook his head. “I was shocked, too. But the old man really did leave me the company. You see,” he leaned forward on the table, “he knew I’d be able to help Nicole keep the company away from vicious men like you.”

  Carl tapped a finger on his chin as he stared at Mick. “Then you must know that I’ve bought out three of your shareholders.”

  “Actually, no. I don’t need shareholders any longer.” Mick grinned widely. “Have you forgotten, I’m a very wealthy man, myself?”

  Carl’s face turned red with anger. He took in some deep breaths and his shoulders relaxed. “Well, I’m very happy for you. I, myself, have acquired a large sum of money.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.” Mick controlled the conversation now, and he loved every minute of it. “From my company, in fact.”

  Carl laughed. “What makes you think it was from your company?”

  Mick’s mood changed quickly and he pierced Carl with a glare. “Because Nicole and I watched online as you secretly embezzled money from a dummy account that her man over security had set up just to trap you.” Mick leaned back in his chair and linked his fingers over his chest. “You know, it reminded me of that time when you went undercover at the Steele Construction company and stole money from them.” He nodded. “Yes, it was almost exactly like that time, except you didn’t go undercover this time. You paid Jerry McClain to be your fall guy.”

  Carl’s face quickly paled to an ashen hue. His broad shoulders sagged as defeat slowly etched its way across his features.

  Mick grinned. No amount of money in the world could compare to this moment. Priceless.

  He peered over Carl’s shoulder and nodded toward the two undercover policemen who had come to make the arrest. Mick quickly looked back at his father.

  “Oh, and I’d like to introduce you to two of my friends.” The two undercover cops stopped next to their table. “Carl, I’d like you to meet Detective Greer and Detective Petterson who have all the proof they need to become your really close friends.”

  Mick stood and motioned to the police.

  “Carl Remington,” Detective Greer said loudly, “you are under arrest for attempted murder and embezzlement.”

  The fear on Mick’s father’s face was indescribable, and yet Mick would always remember the moment Carl turned into a weakling in a matter of seconds as the detectives read Carl his rights. A voice inside Mick’s head reminded him that he was not like his father, and he never would be. Although they were related by blood, that was as far as the bond went. Mick would always remember that James Adkins was more like a father than Carl Remington ever was.

  Nicole moved beside Mick, sliding her arm around his waist. She gave Carl a victorious smile. Mick tightened his hold on her. He couldn’t be prouder of her.

  Light bulbs from cameras started flashing, alerting Mick to the paparazzi that had been here since he’d first arrived. He glanced around the room. All cameras and cell phones were recording the arrest of Carl – the man they didn’t need to fear any longer. Several journalists hurried to Carl and started asking him questions as the detectives walked their prisoner out of the hotel.

  Mick looked beyond them to the smiling face of Deputy Todd Howell. Mick gave the deputy a nod of gratitude as he followed the detectives and the prisoner out of the hotel.

  Nicole peered into Mick’s face and smiled.

  “It’s over.”

  “Finally.” He sighed. “However, if we don’t get out of here soon, we’ll be hounded by reporters as soon as Carl is put in the squad car.”

  “Oh, dear. That’s not good.” Her worried gaze swept around the room. “Where should we go?”

  In one swift movement, he lifted her in his arms and raced toward the elevators. Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Lay your head against my chest, and nobody will see you,” he said with a laugh.

  “Oh, my darling, charming man.” She kissed his lips briefly. “I don’t care who sees me now. I never want to hide my feelings for you ever again.”

  The elevator doors opened, and he hurried inside, quickly pressing the floor number. From the other end of the bar, he noticed reporters rushing toward the elevator, calling out his name. Thankfully, the doors closed before they could enter.

  Mick and Nicole laughed for a moment, and then she sighed and caressed his goatee. He loved it when she touched him so intimately and gazed at him as if... he was her hero.

  “So, Miss Adkins, what are you going to do now that you have your company and there is no threat of a takeover?”

  Her gaze softened as her eyes twinkled. “I thought about sharing the company – along with the rest of my life – with the man I love... As long as he approves, of course.”

  Mick’s heartbeat tripped over and over, causing butterflies to dance inside his chest. “You want to share your life with me?”

  She nodded. “We haven’t known each other very long, I realize, but everything we’ve shared so far has convinced me that you’re the only man for me. Mick Remington, I love you with all my heart. I want to be with you forever.”

  His mouth couldn’t form any words, only because he could think of one thing. He pressed his mouth against hers, kissing her slowly and meaningfully, but soon, the kiss deepened, and he couldn’t get enough. He never wanted to get enough. Nicole fulfilled him more than he could have ever dreamed of.

  Dizziness clouded his mind, and he felt like he was floating. It was definitely her kiss that had drugged him that first night, not the sleeping pills.

  When the elevator doors opened, he broke the kiss and smiled at her.

  “Nicole Adkins, I’ll happily share your life with you on one condition.”

  “Only one?”

  He nodded. “That you agree to marry me.”

  Her smile widened. “Agreed.”

  Never had he been so happy with one woman, and it thrilled him that he’d finally found his one true love. He carried her to his room and opened the door.

  “Oh, there is actually one other condition,” he said.

  She looked at him warily. “And what’s that?”

  “I’ll marry you as long as we can live right here in Maple Springs.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she nodded. “Yes.”

  Her mouth captured his again as he stumbled into the room, but that didn’t stop them from expressing their feelings. It didn’t even stop him from closing the door with his foot. However... he worried that it might stop him from trying to find his way in the darkened room.

  But things like that didn’t mattered any longer. Nothing matter now except... Where were they going to go for their honeymoon?
Paris or Italy?

  That was a hard decision. Perhaps they’d go to both places. That would be a great way to start their new life together.


  READ BOOK #2 – The Missing Billionaire

  Zack Greyson was in the right place at the wrong time. Now he’s the FBI’s key witness in a human trafficking case against a U.S. Senator, and the senator’s henchman are out to kill him. The FBI places Zack in protective custody and assures him they’ve sent their best agent to help guard him... Or is Agent Whitney Lawson their worst agent? Because of her, Zack is discovered and they are both forced into hiding. With stakes running high in a life or death race to the trail, Zack and Whitney find their passions racing as well. Zack knows that one way or another he’s destined for entrapment... he just hopes it’s Whitney’s and not the wrong end of a bullet.

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  Book #3 – The Irresistible Billionaire

  Book #4 – The Billionaire’s Secret

  And more to come...

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  Author’s Bio

  Marie Higgins is a best-selling author of Christian and sweet romance novels; from refined bad-boy heroes who make your heart melt to the feisty heroines who somehow manage to love them regardless of their faults. She has over 50 heartwarming on-the-edge-of-your-seat stories, and broadened her readership by writing mystery/suspense, humor, time-travel, paranormal, along with her love for historical romances. Her readers have dubbed her "Queen of Tease", because of all her twists and unexpected endings.

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