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The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Rebecca Joyce

  The Men of Treasure Cove 14

  The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change

  It’s not every day Tristan Summerfield manages to piss off two towns, his best friend, and have his plane hijacked by a crazy woman, but the last couple of months have been hell on him. When he finally thinks he’s in the clear, a beautiful stowaway puts a kink in all of his plans.

  As the owner of Seattle’s most exclusive BDSM club, The Den, Sasha Merrick has waited years to seek revenge on the people who harmed his sister. When his best friend offers him a chance to enact his revenge, Sasha is ready to play, that is, until he meets the beautiful flower of Treasure Cove.

  In the aftermath of the mine collapse, the residents of Treasure Cove want answers. As past sins come tumbling forward for some of the residents, one unsuspecting woman might just be the key to save them all. That is, if they can find her and find the courage to change.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 85,134 words




  The Men of Treasure Cove 14

  Rebecca Joyce


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Rebecca Joyce

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-181-4

  First E-book Publication: April 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For the longest time, I have tried to think of ways to extend the Treasure Cove Series, but nothing seemed to work. I was afraid that the series would end, leaving many stories untold. Then one day, Tristan Wallace Summerfield popped into my head with his ostentatious attitude. Tristan was nothing like I’ve written before. He was crass, manipulative, and for all intense and purposes, a bad guy. Nevertheless, beneath his rough exterior and thousand-dollar suits, I saw a man of constant sorrow. He too was lost, desperately begging me to write his story. It took a lot of late nights plotting, planning, and manipulating everything for Tristan to get his story and for me to be able to continue the Treasure Cove Series. I am still not sure how it all worked out, but I know one thing…Treasure Cove would not be able to continue on if it weren’t for Tristan Summerfield.

  I would also like to thank Tara Rose and Honor James for helping me to plan and plot. You ladies are amazing authors and I will be forever grateful for all the help and support you gave me.

  Thank you to my readers for falling in love with The Men of Treasure Cove, without you, this series would never have been possible.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  About the Author




  The Men of Treasure Cove 14


  Copyright © 2015


  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

  Living one day at a time. Enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.

  Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will. That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him, Forever in the next.

  Chapter One

  Violet felt ridiculous. She was underdressed and overly aware of how much makeup was on her face. She looked like a damned sparkly vampire. Only vampires weren’t supposed to sparkle. God, she felt as if she were ready for some teen romance movie. She looked ridiculous.

  “Come on, Vi,” Charlotte said. “It’s just us. So move your ass.”

  “It’ll be fun,” Macie added. “You need more fun in your life.”

  “It’ll be good for you,” Kelly added. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to.”

  Famous last words, Violet thought, as she looked at herself in the mirror. “Suck it up, buttercup. You have to get out of that dark dungeon of despair you’v
e condemned yourself to,” she said to herself.

  So there she was. Awesome. Catching a passing reflection of herself in one of her apartment windows. She half expected the specter of a long-dead schoolmarm, or some other keeper of all things femininely proper and sacred, to appear and scold her for her scantily clad form that left little to the imagination. She couldn’t help tugging at the hem of her dark crimson skirt as she mentally reminded herself not to bend over.

  “Stop fidgeting, you look great,” Kelly whispered, elbowing her in the ribs like they’d been friends from birth. The reality was that she wouldn’t have been here if it weren’t for Kelly and the rest of the women in the room with her. Just standing next to them was a miracle in itself.

  For the last five years, Violet had been in therapy, trying to undo what someone had done to her. It wasn’t an easy road, but over time and with a lot of patience, Kelly helped her move past the nightmare that was once her life. Of course, Kelly wasn’t the only one. She had Gabriel and Matthias to thank for stepping in and saving her in the first place.

  “Seriously, Violet, you look freaking fabulous. Who would have known you had that body under those hideous clothes you insist on wearing 24/7?” Macie added.

  “Besides, no one will know who you are, that’s why it’s called a masquerade! You get to wear a mask!” Charlotte enthusiastically crowed, gleefully tapping her own bejeweled and feathered mask. “It’s almost liberating. You can be anyone you want. I am leaning toward Superwoman. She can kick some major ass.”

  Macie snorted, shaking her head. “I thought it was so you didn’t know who you were taking home for the night!” She jiggled her sequined booty for emphasis.

  “Like Matthew and Doc would let you go home with anyone else but them. Those men are scary when they’re in their leathers.” Kelly smiled.

  “Everyone knows me.” Charlotte sighed. “Apparently my cheery disposition is too much for any regular man. So, I’m stuck with Braxton and Jordan, whom I tolerate on occasion because I have to. But if they ruin my thunder tonight, I am going to use my infrared vision to scorch their asses.”

  Everyone busted out in peals of laughter. The look on poor Charlotte’s face was to die for. There wasn’t a man around these parts who would even consider taking a second look at Charlotte Connelly. It wasn’t because she wasn’t beautiful, because she was. It was because the woman was a pain in the ass and a handful to boot. She was outspoken, crass, and meaner than a rattlesnake when riled. But she was sweet and Violet counted her as one of her best friends.

  “Violet, don’t worry. Micah and Daniel have offered to watch over you tonight. Nothing is going to happen,” Kelly said as the laughter died down.

  “My men will help, too,” Macie added.

  “And you’ve got me, babe.” Charlotte winked. Violet knew they all meant well. She agreed with Kelly that she needed to start living again. She just wasn’t sure this was the right way. It was the annual masquerade at the Pleasure Cave and everyone was attending. People came from all over to join the festivities. The club was packed and the house Doms were already working overtime to ensure that everyone had a safe but good time. She should know, she checked in every single occupant. As the receptionist of the Pleasure Cave, she enjoyed her job. She was good at it. But lately she wanted more. She knew she couldn’t hide out in the club forever, even though Gabriel told her she could. She wanted to see the world. Experience other cultures and new things, and she couldn’t do that if she stayed in Treasure Cove.

  That’s why she’d made up her mind. Tonight was going to be her last night at the Pleasure Cave. Because tomorrow she was leaving. Only she hadn’t told anyone, yet.

  “Violet, you promised,” Kelly said, her breath already laced with a pre-party kamikaze shot.

  “No more hiding from the world,” Charlotte jumped in. “No one here cares about your past. Only us know it’s you under that mask. Tonight you can be anyone you want.” She dramatically tapped her mask again with a mischievous grin.

  Macie hooked her purple, gloved arm around her black one and escorted her to the front door, their matching stilettos making loud clicking noises on wooden floorboards. “Time to return to the land of the living and leave the past in the past,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “Easier said than done,” Violet whispered under her breath.

  “Shush,” Macie replied in a heated whoosh. “Tonight you get to be anybody you want and nobody will be none the wiser tomorrow.” She slurred her words slightly and giggled as she hiccupped with her own pre-party kamikaze shot, which she’d followed up by shotgunning a beer for old-time’s sake, or so she’d said.

  Violet had never been to a party. Not even when she worked at the Pleasure Cave. Crowds were too much for her. Men glaring wantonly at her all the time made her nervous. Half of the time, she could barely stand behind the receptionist desk and do her job. If it weren’t for Matthias ordering the house Doms to look after her, well, she’d probably be holed up in her apartment every minute of the day. She avoided being around large groups of people with prying eyes and too many questions. However, it was the whispered comments murmured behind her back that stung the most. So she just avoided people in general.

  Too late now. Kelly and Charlotte flanked her and Macie giddily on either side in excited anticipation. They had been waiting for this party all year. Invites to an annual Pleasure Cave Masquerade had gone out months ago. To get an invite to the Mask was a treat. Gabriel only invited his best clientele. Without the gold invite, no one was allowed in. Gabriel catered the event himself, seeing to every detail. Nothing was too good for his best clients, but most importantly, this was going to be the first year he could truly show off his lovely wife, Antoinette. He would have done it last year, but right before the Mask, she found out she was pregnant. Since then, they had a beautiful baby girl, and all thoughts of the fun and games of the old Pleasure Cave were over…until they received their invitations. What shocked Violet the most was that Gabriel sent her one. He even personally signed it, asking her to attend.

  Violet was going to decline in person, when Kelly called her asking if she received her invite. Violet couldn’t lie to save her life, so she simply said yes, and was going to tell Kelly she wasn’t going. But she never got a chance to say the words. Before she knew it, Kelly was knocking on her apartment door and they were going through her closet.

  This year’s masquerade had a burlesque theme and, going with that, Kelly helped Violet create the perfect outfit. A red crimson silk skirt that was so short that it showed the ruffled black silk boy shorts she wore under it. Her silk black stockings with a thin line going down the back of her legs accentuated her four-inch stiletto heels. But it was the black lace corset that hugged her body so tightly, Violet feared breathing. Her full breasts were pushed so far up, Violet knew if she bent her head, she could kiss the large swells easily. Her long black tresses were pulled up high on her head in a soft chignon with a single red rose. Her arms were encased in black silk gloves that almost reached under her arms. She wore no jewelry. Not that she didn’t want to, because she didn’t have any. The only adornment was the black-and-red lace mask, with sparkling diamonds around the eyes. Matthias gifted her with a mask when she said she would attend, assuring her that she would be carefully looked after as she enjoyed her first night out in years.

  It seemed everyone was anxious for her to step out into the world of the living, all but her. All she wanted to do was run back into her apartment and hide under the covers until the sunlight peeked in behind her curtains.

  The door to the dungeon swung open in a blaze of light, laughter, and music. Violet squinted for a moment, hesitating at the threshold, contemplating a dead sprint for the elevator. Then the image of her snapping an ankle on the carpet as she tried to navigate the long hall with four-inch heels and the subsequent tangled, spread-eagle flail toward the expensive, expertly decorated lobby stilled her adrenaline. The next moment her potential for escape vanished as the g
irls ushered her through the doorway and into the party.

  * * * *

  He didn’t want to be here. Hell, he wanted to be anywhere else but here, but he was stuck for the time being. How he let Tristan talk him into this, he would never know, but he would exact his revenge somehow. He only had to bide his time and then something would come to him. In the meantime, he was stuck schmoozing with other members of the BDSM community here in Treasure Cove. Though not all of them lived in the area, he was pleasantly surprised when he saw faces he knew from his own club.

  It was nothing new for club owners to invite other club owners to certain parties they threw throughout the year, but this was the first time he’d ever received an invitation from Gabriel.

  He hadn’t heard or seen Gabriel Sexton since they graduated primary school in London. Since then they’d gone their separate ways, but one thing remained, they were both into the BDSM lifestyle. He had to hand it to his old friend, his club was unique, that was for sure, but it was nothing like his club, the Den. Where the Pleasure Cave catered to the illusion of the lifestyle, his club lived it, daily. It was harsh, commanding, unforgivable, and every aspect of the BDSM scene was permitted. His club was raw and the hottest club in Seattle.

  The Den was for the elite and über rich. His club catered to a particular type of clientele. Tucked away in the prominent Pike Place Market district, the Den, known for its ostentatious opulence and its nocturnal delights, could and would cater to any sexual appetites. Members did not just walk into the Den. No, one had to be invited. And by that, after a thorough security and background check, and a meeting with the club owner himself, then and only then, would one be allowed to visit the Den.


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