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The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Sasha, please don’t hurt her.”

  “I love her, Gabriel. I would rather die than hurt her.”

  “If you love her, bring her home. If you can’t, then I will come get her.”

  “We’re only in New York until the day after tomorrow. We are planning on taking her to Radio City Music Hall. She’s never been.”

  “I know. She has a poster of that place on her wall in her apartment. Sasha, listen to me. Violet can’t be what you want. She isn’t like other submissives. She’s been hurt before.”

  “That’s why I’m calling you. Look, Gabriel, I’m going to be honest with you. I didn’t just come to Treasure Cove to buy your building and renew our old acquaintance. I came to destroy you. For a long time, I’ve wanted to take your life apart and squash it like you did my sister.”

  “I don’t know your sister,” Gabriel shouted.

  Sasha sighed and simply said, “Lisset Benoit.”

  “Dear God.” Gabriel gasped, then instantly his demeanor changed. Sasha knew it would, so he wasn’t surprised when Gabriel got very angry with him. “I’ll kill you, Sasha. I swear it on my baby girl’s life. If you harm on hair on Violet’s head, I will kill you.”

  “Calm yourself. I knew when I met Violet that I could never do to her what you did to my sister. I just wanted you to know that I forgive you. If I want a life with Violet, I can’t be at odds with her brothers. So, as far as I am concerned, there is no bad blood between us.”

  “Sasha, it’s not what you think, Alex and I…”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. I just wanted to be honest with you and give you the courtesy that you never gave me. Violet will be back in Treasure Cove in two days. Until then, trust her with me. I give you my word, she won’t be hurt.”

  Gabriel sighed, then surrendered. “Please just bring her home.”

  “In two days,” Sasha said before hanging up. There, he’d done it. He let go of his past as he watched his future laugh as Tristan twirled her around the ballroom. He meant what he said when he promised Gabriel. Nothing would hurt Violet. He was going to make sure of that.

  Sasha scanned the room while Tristan danced with Violet. He was a bit jealous of his friend, he had to admit, but the smile on Violet’s face was soothing enough. Looking around as everyone congregated, Sasha wasn’t so sure this was a good idea. He hated these things. If his name weren’t on the letterhead, he wouldn’t have come. Just being in the company of unsavory characters churned his stomach. He knew these people more than they knew themselves. He’d already spotted several businessmen who would give anything to get their hands on a sweet innocent like Violet. Then as if that wasn’t enough, Sasha spotted several social vipers that wanted nothing but to be the future Mrs. Summerfield.

  This night had disaster written all over it and he was right when in walked Morgana Eveline Santos, Tristan’s ex-fiancée. The evil troll bitch walked into the large ballroom like she belonged, spotting Tristan immediately. Sasha never liked the woman, even when Tristan was head over heels. Tristan was too damn blind to see that Morgana had ulterior motives, and they included Tristan’s massive fortune. Thankfully, the bitch showed her true colors and the relationship ended, but that didn’t stop Morgana from disrupting Tristan’s life from time to time. She still wanted Tristan and made no excuses for it. She was determined to be the first Mrs. Summerfield, and she was more than happy to destroy anyone who stood in her way.

  Sasha moved quickly through the throngs of people as he tried to head off Morgana. It wasn’t easy, as the place was packed. Of course, every move he made he came face to face with some businessman who just had to have five minutes of his time. All he wanted to do was shout at everyone to get the fuck away from him.

  “Merrick!” a bulbous man shouted, extending his hand.

  “Later, Gallaher, I’m busy,” Sasha retorted more cruelly than he wanted, but couldn’t stop. God only knows what vile and vicious words would emanate out of Morgana’s mouth, and Sasha feared that it would be centered at Violet. His little flower couldn’t defend herself against a woman like Morgana. Violet was too sweet and innocent. Morgana would eat her alive.

  As Sasha broke through the crowd, he was too late. Morgana had reached her destination.

  Tristan cringed when he felt the cold hand of the cunt who almost ruined him. Turning slowly, he gently stepped in front of Violet, protecting her as best he could. Whatever was about to go down, he wanted to shield her from it as much as possible. There wasn’t much he could do, being in public, but he was going to make damn sure he took the full brute force that was about to come their way.

  “Tristan, my love,” Morgana slurred, making him want to vomit. When she stepped forward to kiss his cheek, Tristan did the first thing that came into his mind.

  He barked liked a dog and loudly, attracting others in their vicinity. It wasn’t the best-laid plan, but whatever worked, he thought. The look on Morgana’s face was worth the scene he’d just caused. He would relish this night fondly forever.

  Gasping, the cunt asked, “Are you all right?”

  Tristan couldn’t help himself and barked again, louder.

  “Tristan?” Violet whispered, stepping around him. He tried to halt her movements, but she slipped around him. Now in front of him, she looked up at him and asked, “Why are you barking like a dog?”

  Tristan took her hands and simply said, “I believe it’s time to go.”

  “What’s the rush, my love? I just got here.” Morgana smiled evilly.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Tristan?” Violet asked and Tristan, never taking his eyes off Morgana, replied, “No.”

  “He’s just making his mark, my dear. I am Morgana Eveline Santos, Tristan’s fiancée.”

  “Ex-fiancée,” Tristan growled.

  “He’s just a little upset with me.” Morgana chuckled, waving her hand in the air with the damn rock he gave her, for all to see.

  “Go fuck yourself, Morgana.”

  Morgana laughed. “Is this how you’re going to speak to me when we get married? I must say it’s bad enough finding you in the arms of one of your whores, but darling, must you bring your frivolities out in public? This one isn’t worth your time. I mean look at her. She’s mousey and commonly. You could do better with a Brooklyn prostitute. Come, let’s go before you create a bigger scene than you already have.”

  “Get the fuck away from me, you devious cunt.”

  “Tristan,” Violet whispered, her hands slipping from his. “I want to go.”

  Tristan turned and wrapped his arms protectively around Violet. She was shaking from head to toe. This was a mistake. He should have never brought her. She wasn’t ready for this and she sure as hell wasn’t strong enough for Morgana, but he was. Just as he was about to say what he’d been waiting the last year to say to Morgana, Sasha burst through the crowd.

  “We’re leaving now,” he roared, taking Violet from him. “Take care of that piece of trash before I do.”

  “Oh,” Morgana gasped loudly. “Is that what you’ve wanted? Tristan, I knew your nocturnal delights were ravenous, but really. Must you share your whores with a deviant who beats his women so he can get off?”

  “Get Violet out of here, Sasha,” Tristan ordered firmly.

  “Yes, Sasha, please take the whore home. I’m sure she can best serve you on a cross or whipping table. Do make her pay for seducing my fiancée.”

  It was at that instant Tristan realized that the music had stopped and the room was silent. Everyone had heard Morgana clearly. Tristan said nothing until he saw Sasha had removed Violet from the room as they headed for the car. Turning his attention back to the bitch before he stepped closer to her, he smiled cunningly.

  “You think you’ve won, have you? Well, you haven’t. Let me be as plain as I can be,” he said, grabbing Morgana’s left hand roughly. When she cried out, he ignored her, knowing the bitch liked the pain. He removed the ring he’d placed on her finger over a year ago, dropped it on th
e floor of the ballroom, and stomped on it as hard as he could. When he heard the crunch of the diamond, he looked up into her shocked face and smiled. “We’re done. Contact me again in any way and I will bring harassment charges on you. Come within fifty feet of any of my buildings, and I will have you arrested for trespassing and stalking. Speak to Violet ever again and I will make you wish you were never born.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Violet was having the time of her life. She felt like Cinderella at the ball, only she had two handsome princes instead of one. It was a dream, one she never thought possible. She couldn’t believe all the beautiful people and the excitement of the room. She felt giddy and alive for the first time in her life, and prayed that the night would never end.

  But it did, with a resounding face-plant back to reality.

  Sitting in the limousine, she still held Sasha’s hand. She could feel the anger and rage emanating from him in waves. Generally being in such close proximity to a man in this state would have her running for cover. Yet, the longer she held his hand, the more she felt compelled to soothe him. Only she didn’t know how. She’d never not been on the receiving end of a man’s anger. It was a unique feeling, one that she would have to revisit later.

  Scooting closer to him, she sat there silently, wishing she knew what to do. He’d been nothing but a gentleman with her since the airplane. Hell, if she was going to be completely honest, he was even gentle with her back in Treasure Cove. He could have taken her right there on the balcony, but he didn’t. All he did was pleasure her, and she let him. It was odd, just being the only one on the receiving end of sex. That had never happened to her before, and it had been so long since she’d felt a touch of a man’s hands.

  Five years to be exact. Yet, in that one moment, on that one specific night, Sasha had awakened something in her. Something that refused to fall back asleep. It wasn’t strong yet, but it was there, nagging at her to do something.


  “Yes,” he replied, not looking at her, but oh, how she wished he would. She needed to see his eyes. To know for sure that she hadn’t done anything wrong. To know that what he was feeling was temporary and that she might be able to help him. Before, she would have never considered this option, but it was so small considering what he and Tristan had given her so far. If she could ease his anger just a little by this simple act, then maybe, over time, she could do more.

  Reaching over, she gently placed her other hand on his face and turned him toward her. He didn’t fight her and she was thankful for that, but the second his vibrant blue eyes met hers, she froze. She’d never seen such depth of anger before. Her touch faltered. When her hand slipped from his face, Sasha caught it, holding it in place.

  “What is it, little flower?” he whispered.

  She waited silently for him to let go of her hand, so shocked by the contact that she fell forward, landing on him, knocking them back against the other side of the limousine.

  Their lips were a hairsbreadth apart. She could smell the scent of his minty toothpaste. His eyes darkened into deep pools of lust, which she was sure she could drown in. Eyes locked together, time seemed to stop. Then suddenly his eyes blazed with fire. Her body woke instantly. Her nipples hardened. Her breathing increased, and her pussy clenched. Before she knew what was happening, his hands were gently pushing her away. She started to say something when the door to the limousine opened and Tristan slid in, sitting in front of them.

  Violet stumbled to the other side quickly. Her breathing was heavy as she stole a glance at Sasha…his lustful gaze the only telltale sign. She felt a tightness in her abdomen, shocked to find her pussy aching and wet as he stared at her.

  Breathing a sigh of relief as the car started to move, she turned to look out the window, cursing herself for her carelessness, but mainly for letting another opportunity pass her by.

  The ride from the benefit to Summerfield Tower was done in silence. Violet didn’t need to ask what was wrong. Sasha was once again seething with rage while Tristan was barely containing his fury. The tension in the back of the limousine was culpable and the sooner Violet got out of the car, the better. So much angst was starting to get to her.

  The silence continued as the vehicle pulled to a stop. Both men quietly helped her out of the car and then escorted her inside. Even the ride in the elevator was met with silence. As she entered Tristan’s penthouse, both men stalked off to their respective rooms, leaving her alone in the massive room. Most of the lights were out, and though she wasn’t scared of the dark, the luminous glow of the room felt eerie. Walking over to a side table, she turned on the lamp and then reached down to remove her shoes.

  Silently heading toward the room Mrs. Prescott said was hers for her stay, Violet entered the suite, when she took a deep breath and sensed someone staring at her. Turning slowly, she lifted her eyes to meet his, as he leaned against the wall by the door, his gaze boring into her. She gasped aloud and her lips parted. She tried to contain her fear, but all she could think of was how incredible it felt to have her body pressed tightly against his earlier. She gasped aloud, her chest heaving, and she gulped in air, fidgeting with her shoes that she still gripped in her hands.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but a wretched groan was all that came out. Her lips parted as if to speak and she moaned. He reached for her hand, releasing her shoes. He pulled her closer and Violet was defenseless as she moved toward him.

  His look was hungry, intent, and ravenous. He turned abruptly and pushed her against her now-closed door. His lips found hers, her mind swam as she drowned in the velvety softness of his lips. His tongue pushed past hers as he explored her mouth and she tasted the faint remnants of his minty toothpaste.

  He pinned her arms above her head with one hand while his other encircled her neck, caressing downward, leaving a trail of fire from his fingertips. His fingers walked until they met the buttons of her dress. He fumbled, unable to get them undone, and with a growl he ripped her dress from her body, the silky fabric pooling at her feet. The sound of the fabric tearing made her heart jump, as he pressed his hard cock against her. Violet moaned into his open mouth.

  “Dear God, you’re wearing garters.” He moaned as his hands trailed down her sides to her thigh, lifting one leg up around his hip. She could hardly breathe. This man had brought her back to life. The dormant feelings she once kept hidden were now unleashed in the blink of an eye. He was holding her hands, but she had no desire to move.

  Her sex was spasming, pulsing with a life of its own as it poured sweet stickiness onto her thighs. Unaware of her surroundings, it was only him as he kissed her neck, teeth tearing at her flesh, his hard cock rubbing against her inner thighs. His mouth lowered as he teased her nipples from her bra, sucking each in turn until her cries of desire become so loud that he growled and dragged her to her bed.

  “Tell me to stop,” Sasha groaned, licking the underside of her neck. “Beg me, please, Violet.”

  “I thought you were going to court me.” She panted when he nipped at her earlobe.

  “I am,” he growled, grinding his hard cock into her hip. Oh dear lord, he wasn’t going to stop unless she said the words. He asked her to tell him. Pleaded with her. All Violet had to do was say the word stop.

  Instead, she whispered, “Don’t hurt me.”

  Sasha leaned over her and pushed back her long, wavy hair. “Never,” he said before taking her mouth. Claimed, he claimed her mouth like he was claiming her body. She was helpless to stop him, nor did she want to. She had his hands on her once before, and she ignited under his touch.

  She wanted that again.

  She wanted to feel alive once more.

  Sasha sighed. “Are you sure about this, Violet?”

  “No, but I trust you.”

  “Good enough for me,” he said, struggling with his pants, finally popping his own button and tearing at his zipper, freeing his raging cock. He pushed it between her thighs, his moans telling her of his desire. />
  As he tore his shirt free, Violet thought that she might come right there, just the sound of ripping fabric rocked her to her very core. Her legs trembled with the force of her desire. Her breasts heaved, barely held in by her lacy bra.

  Pushing her backward onto the bed, Sasha spread her legs wide, ripped her panties from her body, and attacked her pussy with his mouth. It was an all-out assault. His tongue stabbed at her exposed clit, his teeth tore at her pussy lips. He glanced up and Violet tried to stem her entire body from quivering. He was relentless, determined, a man on a mission. Hunger was in his eyes and the only thing on the menu was her. He was about to consume her.

  Sasha renewed his siege on her pussy, delving deep into her wet slit with his fingers. He pushed two inside her, curling them upward, and pressed them as he thrusted hard, his tongue a constant drumming on her clit.

  She could not believe how her body was responding to him. For so long she avoided men, and yet this man, with one touch, lit a fire deep within her and had been stoking her flames ever since. The depth of her arousal, the height to which he was driving her, made the room spin, colors blur until she heard someone screaming. The scream echoed in the room, and suddenly she realized it was her. Shocked, she opened her eyes and looked at him, his head buried in her steaming slit, his tongue causing her entire body to quiver as her orgasm continued to roll through her. She reached out to tangle her fingers in his hair, lifting her hips, pushing on him from above and below. She could feel the vibrations on her clit as he moaned.

  Violet was so aroused by the feel and sound of him. Hunger she’d never felt before rose within her. She wanted this man. She needed him to show her what it could be like. She’d never had someone pay so much attention to her needs before. Hell, she didn’t know men did this. Yet, when she watched him, he seemed to enjoy it, growling and taking more than what her body offered. He was attentive but aggressive. He was patient but insistent. He was gentle but demanding. He was confusing her. She liked it. No longer fearing what could happen, she needed to know what was going to happen. The desire he lavished on her was enthralling as he grabbed her body and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed. He spread her legs wide and stared open-mouthed at her as if he was beholding a treasure before him. Her juices dripped from her pulsing sex.


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