Book Read Free

Between You and I

Page 3

by Beth D. Carter

  “Oh, all right,” she teased, making sure to inflect a little long suffering sigh into the words. “I suppose I can take you home.”

  Immediately, he brightened up.

  “Oh, thank you, dear lady! It’s just that I’m so far from home…”

  “If you’re hoping for an Academy Award, you might not want to quit your day job,” she teased.

  He took hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I already got my award.”

  As they walked to the self-parking section of the garage, Hunter linked their fingers. Butterflies danced through her belly, reminding her that it’d been a long time since she had been so attracted to someone.

  “Where do you live?” she asked once they reached her sedan.

  “Off Silverado,” he said. “The Mustang Apartments.”

  Madeline nodded and a few minutes later she was driving out of the parking garage, easing into traffic to head toward his home. The entire time she was acutely aware of his presence in her car, the warmth that his body generated inside the small confines. Or maybe she was simply hot and bothered.

  All too soon she pulled in front of the gate that sealed off his apartment complex, and then slipped into an empty slot designated for future residents. She put the car in park and turned off the engine. For a moment neither one moved. She simply sat there, with her hands on the steering wheel, her heart pounding, and every nerve ending standing at attention. Waiting. Anticipating. He shifted and she felt his gaze on her, so slowly she turned. The overhead parking lights illuminated his face through the front window, highlighting his chiseled good looks. Suddenly the small confines of her car seemed hot. A bit overwhelming.

  “I had a great time,” Hunter murmured.

  Madeline wet her dry lips with her tongue. His head moved fractionally closer.

  “Me…” She had to clear her throat from the huskiness coming through. “Me too.”

  He smiled and their gazes met. Locked. She had this sense of free falling, just plunging head first into an unknown abyss. Had she ever felt like this with Kevin? With him everything had been easy. Simplistic. Nothing like what she was feeling now, with Hunter. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek, and she leaned into it, absorbing his heat. His eyelids narrowed a bit and his attention shifted to her mouth. All sorts of delicious tingles spread through her body because she knew he was going to kiss her. God! She wanted to kiss him back so much it was an ache deep in her gut. His head descended and her eyes fluttered shut just as the first touch of his mouth on hers brushed her lips. So gentle, like the dewy wisp of butterfly wings, and she wondered if he had kissed her at all.

  She opened her eyes. The desire pooling in his blue eyes brought a gasp to her lips. His head descended again and this time, he held nothing back. Wild. Erotic. He slid his tongue over hers, tangling, dancing, and sending delicious sensations vibrating over all her nerve endings. Hot and smooth, tasting of everything dark and velvety. She’d never experienced a kiss quite like it before.

  And she wanted more.

  “I want to so desperately to invite you up to my apartment,” he murmured against her lips. “But the practical side of my brain is telling me we just met.”

  “If you continue to kiss me like that I’m going to throw that practical side of yours out the window,” she replied.

  He chuckled, kissed her once more, way too quickly, and then pulled away. Immediately she missed the warmth of his embrace.

  “I’ll talk to you soon. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” she murmured. “Okay.”

  “Merry Christmas, Madeline.”

  “Merry Christmas, Hunter.”

  He opened the door and exited the car, leaving her blinking at the sudden blaring brightness of the overhead light. She watched his retreating back as he opened the community gate with a key, waved at her, and disappeared inside.

  His kiss had set her blood on fire and now she felt … deflated. Horny and completely frustrated. With a long suffering sigh, she started her car and drove to her home, knowing a date with her vibrator was in her very near future.

  Chapter Five

  Good morning! It’s Hunter.

  Madeline, wrapped in her bathrobe with hair dripping wet, stared at the text. It was the end of the week, and she knew she was running behind, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from her cell phone. Christmas had come and gone in a slow melt of the day, spent with Portia and holiday movies on the television. Madeline had begun to think her date with Hunter had been part of her imagination.

  Jason gave me your number.

  Of course he did. Jason saw no harm in giving out her number to people. “How did Hunter know I was wondering that?” she mused out loud.

  Figured it would be the first question you’d think of.

  Whoa. That was weird. Surreptitiously, she looked around her bedroom and then felt silly for doing that.

  Good morning, she texted back.

  I’m on my way to work but wanted to touch base and say hello.

  That was nice of him. Madeline smiled and texted back.

  Have a great day!

  You too, Madeline. Talk to you later!


  The day was hectic. Patients were trying to get as much medical stuff done as possible before the New Year turned over new deductibles, leaving her little room to catch a breath. Finally, she snuck out to take lunch and found Hunter had sent her a picture of a sandwich.

  What is that? she asked him.

  We work too far apart to have lunch together so I thought this way we could share our time together.

  Madeline couldn’t help it and laughed out loud, the stress of the day melting away. She took a picture of her frozen dinner lunch of ziti with marinara sauce. With a smiley face emoji attached, she sent it to him.

  He responded with a winking emoji.


  Good night, Madeline.

  Madeline stared at the text. She was already in bed, but had her e-reader out and wanted to catch up on a few pages in the book she was half-way through before going to sleep. She read every night to relax her mind.

  But now she had Hunter texting her good night. Better than the imaginary romance on the page. She turned the tablet off and picked up her phone. Her fingers hovered on the keyboard. What should she say? Something witty? Something sexy?

  Good night, Hunter.


  I had an idea this morning.

  Madeline smiled. She’d just gotten out of the shower when his text had come through.

  Just one? she teased.

  Har har. Do you have Skype on your phone?

  She frowned. No.

  Download the app. It’s free. We can have a lunch date over Skype.

  Madeline chuckled. Okay. Will do. See you at noon.


  “See! Now we can see each other,” Hunter said from her little cell phone screen. “It’s like I’m sitting right there.”

  She snickered before taking a bite of her sandwich. “Not really,” she mumbled around the food.

  “Oh that’s nice,” he said, chuckling. Then he proceeded to take a huge bite of whatever it was he was eating—a meatball sub?—before speaking some more. “Real lady like.”

  Marinara sauce dripped from his chin. Madeline laughed and drank some of her sweet tea to wash down her food.


  Good night.

  A warm feeling swept over Madeline as she read Hunter’s text. What was happening here? She had to keep focused on the fact that what she shared with Hunter was nothing more than a light, harmless flirtation.

  He made her feel … happy. Young.

  Like she was someone really special.

  Madeline quite liked those feelings, even if they were for only a little while.

  Good night, Hunter.


  What type of movies do you like?

  Madeline finished applying her eyeliner before responding. Sci-fi. Fantasy. Comedy. Pretty much anything except court roo
m dramas and gangster films.

  Excellent! We have the same tastes. Wine or beer?

  Both, she replied.

  Awesome! Still coming to Lucky’s Sports Bar tonight?

  Was he kidding? I wouldn’t miss it! Flyers are going to kick ass.

  You must be joking.

  She raised an eyebrow. Wanna bet?

  There was a slight pause in his response. Just as she walked out of her house to head to work, her phone buzzed.

  What’s on the table?

  Madeline stared at the text. If she wasn’t mistaken, the tone seemed a little more suggestive. And she knew her answer was going to be just as suggestive.


  She sent the text and waited. The cold wind blew under her coat and she shivered, but she felt like she had to wait for his answer.

  Second base when I win.

  Madeline smiled. What about when I win?

  Still second base.

  Figures. How about a private inline skating lesson?


  Chapter Six

  Lucky’s was the sports bar of the locals, off any major street, appealing only to those who liked the owner and the regulars well enough to tolerate the fact that the name referred to the hopeful chance that the beer was actually cold and the appetizers were almost appetizing. Madeline and Lacey had first met the three Js there years ago and lifelong friendships had bloomed. Brotherhood of the dive bar warriors had stuck together, their roots intertwining together on the sticky based linoleum floor. Gathering at important times, like when Jason had broken his arm or when Lacey had been in a semi-bad car accident. Or when her fiancé had dumped her while she was doped up on morphine. They’d had to restrain Jake from following Kevin and beating the shit out of him.

  Madeline shook her head in an effort to put those last thoughts out of her head. She didn’t need to think of Kevin or about how inadequate he had made her feel. In the past year without him around, she had made great strides in elevating her self-esteem. Turning his negative into something positive. He wasn’t worth any more of her time, and when her gaze landed on Hunter, his light lifted her spirit.

  Out with the old, and in with the new.

  He waved at them as she and Lacey made their way across the parking lot to the front door. The place was a dark, swanky hole-in-the-wall, but it held such a wonderfully warm atmosphere, from the scuffed leather seats on the barstools to the mismatching décor and furniture accumulated through the years.

  When she reached him, Hunter leaned down and kissed her cheek. Madeline caught Lacey’s surprised look and knew there would be embarrassing questions in the not too distant future.

  “The Js have a table,” he said, holding the door open for them.

  “Have you been out here long?” Lacey asked.

  He shook his head. “Just arrived myself. Jason texted me. With it being New Year’s Eve this place is going to fill up fast.”

  It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim interior. TV screens were all over the place, with every sport imaginable on one monitor or another. Madeline even caught sight of a cricket game and some enthusiastic fans huddled around it, anxiously watching, with the name Barmy Army in blazing letters on the back of their shirts.

  Jason, John, and Jake had managed to acquire a very good table with their own television to view. Sarah sat next to Jason, but this time Madeline didn’t feel self-conscious with the pretty blonde because when she sat down, Hunter sat across from her. He winked and his focus stayed on her.

  “Ready for the Flyers to be pulverized?”

  “Ready for the Red Wings to fly the coop?”

  “Oh, bad pun,” he said.

  Everyone laughed. Beer flowed. Fried food disappeared into hungry mouths.

  Watching the game, Madeline and Hunter developed their own personal competition. When the Flyers scored early in the first period, Madeline caught his eye and blew him the sweetest kiss she could muster. After the Red Wings blocked what could have been a game-changing goal, he mouthed “I’m so sorry” to her with so much comedic smugness that she couldn't help but laugh until her cheeks burned. The Flyers ended the first period and an amazing score that doubled their lead. She stood, slowly, and gave Hunter the most demur of courtesies. He returned with a theatrical bow that was so big it left them feeling just a little foolish when they realized that the rest of the group and almost the whole rest of the bar was watching them. Laughing together, they headed for the bar to get rounds for the group before play resumed.

  Madeline honestly couldn’t remember ever enjoying a game more. The group laughed, joked, and poked fun at each other, and through it all, she was acutely aware of sky-blue eyes that made her pussy wet and her libido soar with every glance. By the time ended, she didn’t care who had won, because she’d already come to the conclusion that it was high time she let her inner sex goddess have some fun.

  The countdown for the New Year started and just before it reached zero, Hunter leaned down to murmur in her ear.

  “Guess I owe you a lesson,” Hunter said. “Happy New Year, Madeline.”

  She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “Happy New Year, Hunter. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the park.”


  The anticipation of spending the day with Hunter had not only made sleep elusive, it made her hormones rage out of control like a teenage girl. Everything she did, she did with the thought of him and the idea of where they’d end up later that day. She shaved her legs, knowing they’d be wrapped around his waist. She washed her hair with hope he would bury his fingers in the softness. Even the vanilla-scented lotion she applied on her left shoulder reminded her of when Hunter had touched her during their duet at karaoke. And when he had placed his hand on the small of her back when they’d left the Mexican restaurant the night before.

  The game was already underway as she and Portia made their way to outdoor rink, and a few spectators sat around watching when she approached. She tied Portia up under a tree so the dog had shade but still enough leash to sniff around before joining them. She spotted Hunter right away, even in his gear, flying around the concrete rink on his skates. He didn’t wear shoulder pads like a hockey player would wear, but he did have a helmet to guard against a flying puck, which came at him often. Because there were less restrictive rules than in hockey, the game was fast-paced, with only four players plus a goal on the rink. By the time the second twenty minute period was called, ending the game, all the men were sweaty, laughing, and ribbing each other. Hunter’s team had won and Madeline waited for him to leave the rink before walking over to congratulate him.

  “Great game,” she said.

  “Hey, you made it!” Despite his dripping shirt, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

  “I’m so glad I finally watched a full game,” she replied. She caressed his bulging arm muscles, not minding his sweaty body. No, Madeline thought, not at all, and gave the widest part of his shoulder a light squeeze. “Took me a while to understand the scoring.”

  “Yeah, the goal doesn't count if the puck is kicked in,” he said. “Only if it's deflected in off another player. Or if a defending player accidentally makes the goal. I love it. Are you here for your lesson?”


  “All right.” He waved behind her. “Let me say good-bye to the guys and then I’ll meet you on the rink.”

  She nodded and he walked past her. Madeline couldn’t help but take surreptitious glances at him. The graceful moves he made on his skates gave a hint of what he’d be like in bed so the covert looks only enhanced the desire simmering in her body.

  Once the last of his teammates had left, he turned and skated back to her.

  “Ready for your lesson?” he asked.

  She nodded. He opened the rink door. The area was made entirely of smooth concrete, about the size of a hockey rink. The goalie nets were able to be removed, and two players took them down while he led her to the center. She didn’t have roller blades, but
she figured for the first lesson it didn’t matter all that much.

  Hunter dropped a puck. “Inline skating starts much like ice hockey, except the puck doesn’t easily move across the concrete.”

  He took his stick and banged into the puck, sending it flying toward the men moving the goalie net.

  “Watch it!” one yelled.

  Hunter raised his hand. “Sorry!”

  He skated forward and flicked the rubber disc back toward her. It rolled on its side and fell flat next to her foot. When he came back to her, he held out his stick.

  “Try it.”

  She took it, testing its weight. Then she lined it up like she was golfing and whacked it. Hunter ducked and the puck sailed into the Plexiglas where the goal had been.

  “Impressive,” he said. “The girl has got some wicked skills.”

  “Doesn’t take much skill to hit a line drive.”

  “Too bad you don’t have roller blades. The real fun is trying to outrun your opponent.”

  “Figured I would start out small, work my way up.”

  “I like that idea,” he said. “It suggests I get to coach you more a little later on. Which translates into seeing you again.”

  “And do you? Want to see me again?”

  “Madeline, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of anything that would bring you and I together in the same universe.”

  She touched his hand. “Me too.”

  “Then how about we do something about it? Date me, Madeline.”

  “Is that an order?”

  “I’m trying really hard to be a nice guy,” he said ruefully. “A gentleman. But I think about you all damn day. And then I dream about you all damn night.”

  His honesty left her a bit breathless.

  “Shit. I probably shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, it’s okay.” Madeline cleared her throat before handing back the stick. “Thank you for the lesson.”

  “Anytime,” he replied softly.

  As he took the stick from her, their fingers touched. Lingered. Caressed. Her mouth went dry and she licked her lips in hopes of generating any type of saliva flowing so she could form words.


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