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Pendragon's Princess

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by Kara Griffin


  Mystic Maidens of Britain - Book One



  Mystic Maidens of Britain - Book One

  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright © 2019 Kara Griffin

  Cover Photo © 2019 All rights reserved – to be used with permission.

  Cover design by Sheri L. McGathy -

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental or used in historical view or context.

  This book contains adult material, reader discretion is advised.


  ISBN-13: 9781098988609


  SKS may you always be adventurous and love books.

  If the sky could dream, it would dream of dragons.

  LLONA ANDREWS, Fate's Edge


  Mystic Maidens of Britain - Book One

  To win a woman’s heart, one must have a dragon…

  He is the last of his kind. King Rhydderch Pendragon guards his secret: that he rules the last dragon in the kingdom. But when his dragon falls ill, he cannot figure out what ails her. As Rhyder’s wedding day draws near, he’s apprehensive about retrieving his betrothed. And with the recent murders in his kingdom, there’s no time to woo his princess.

  As the youngest daughter of King Raedwald Baldach, Katriona is the only one who can save their kingdom from embarrassment. When her sister runs away rather than wed the dragon prince, Katriona is substituted as Pendragon’s bride. Now grown and with druid blood in her, Katriona accepts her destiny, especially when his forlorn emotions beckon her heart.

  Rhyder vaguely remembers meeting Katriona at their betrothal, but their reunion sparks unexpected passion. When Katriona reveals a secret of her own, she does more than claim his heart. Is love the answer to his dragon’s plight and PENDRAGON’S PRINCESS’ acceptance?


  Kingdom of Deverdoeu

  In the early age of Anglo-Saxon Britain…

  The dragon is coming! The dragon is coming!

  “They say the dragon prince eats his foes and that he breathes fire and burns entire villages with just a sigh. When he turns into a dragon, he flaps his mighty wings and uses his sharp talons to pluck people from the ground and gobbles them up.”

  Katriona slunk down in the seat, fearful at her sister’s words. Tears gathered in her eyes and she stifled a whimper. She didn’t want to get eaten.

  “Aye, and when he takes his fill, he feeds the remains to his beloved dragon friend. All except the eyes. Eyes are his favorite.”

  Katriona stood upon the chair and screamed with a force from her toes to her mouth. The screech called her mother’s attention.

  “Sweet Goddess Friege, save me. Cease giving your sister a fright, Mali. She’ll wet her clothes again and I’ve just changed her.” Mama scolded her sister before turning back to the chore of readying the keep for their imminent company.

  Mali made a teasing face at her, stuck out her tongue, and laughed. Her sister always told scary stories of the dragon king and his son. Katriona always believed her too. Her sister was wise being she was twelve summers, seven more than she.

  “Eat your morning fare, Katriona. We must make haste this day. If the Goddess Friege aids me, I shall get all readied in time.”

  But Katriona didn’t want to hurry. Fear kept her from eating. Their guests would soon arrive, and she swore she’d be on her best behavior. She promised Papa, and she always tried to keep her promises to him. Papa was the biggest, meanest, bravest warrior in the kingdom. Everyone had to obey him and that included her four brothers and three sisters. Even Mama didn’t usually disobey him.

  Being the youngest of King Raedwald’s brood, Katriona often went unnoticed. That was well and good since she liked to listen to the adults. She heard Papa say Heloise, who was supposed to wed the dragon prince, did something atrocious. Not that she understood what atrocious meant. She felt sorry for her sister because Heloise was sent away. Many said she was the prettiest of her father’s daughters, but also the wickedest.

  One day Katriona would be a lady and she wanted to be as graceful as Heloise, but she would never be as pretty for Mali told her so many times.

  Katriona slunk lower in the chair when the massive door of their keep opened with its loud creak. Papa returned. She held her breath and took a quick peek to see if their guests arrived. Mali told her the dragon prince had a scaly face and horns on the top of his head. Although she’d like to see that, the thought of it frightened her.

  She was suddenly plucked from the bench and lifted high. Her squeal sounded only until she saw Papa’s face.

  “My wee Katriona. Why are ye hiding beneath the tablecloth?”

  She pressed her small hand on his whiskered chin and giggled at the tickle. Mali snickered from the other end of the table.

  Her mother saved her from having to answer, “Mali’s been telling her frightful stories again. Mali, you shouldn’t scare her. Now finish your meal and keep silent.”

  Papa gave her sister a look of disapproval. Katriona set her arms around Papa’s neck and smiled because Mali would get what was coming to her. Papa always punished her sister when she teased her. She hoped he’d send her to bed this night without supper. That would serve her well.

  But he said nothing. Katriona let out a small sigh of disappointment.

  “Papa, why do I get the gift and Mali doesn’t? Is it because she’s bad?” She’d heard Mama and Papa talking, and they spoke about a gift she would receive. Yet they didn’t give her anything and she wondered what it was. Perchance it was a new doll stuffed with Master Elman’s hay. He had the softest hay of all the farms near Papa’s lands. Or perhaps the gift was what she’d asked Mama for, a pup of her own.

  Papa laughed boisterously. “Oh, my sweet wee one, the gift isn’t something we give you. It’s something you’re born with. Aye, ye have the gift for I see it in your eyes. Your grandmother would be pleased for ye got the gift from her for you have her mark. Mama will give you the pouch and explain when you’re older.” He kissed her forehead and smiled.

  Katriona rubbed the leaf-shaped mark on her wrist. It bothered her not, but she was glad to be the only one bestowed with Grandmother’s mark. She was more interested in the gift. “But can’t I have it now, Papa? I want the gift now. What’s in the pouch?”

  “Not yet, my sweet. We have no time to discuss this. Our guests are arriving. They’re coming up the last incline. We should prepare.” He pressed her face back with a forceful kiss on her cheek. “Ah, wee princess, are you excited to meet your betrothed?”

  She wasn’t at all excited. The dragon prince would eat her. Yet she wouldn’t disappoint Papa and nodded. If she was a good lass, maybe he’d give her the gift now instead of waiting until she was older. Mayhap the dragon prince wasn’t hungry. And perhaps he wouldn’t eat her.

  “Do I gots to meet him? Can I see him on the morrow?”

  Papa let out a bellowing laugh. “Aye, my wee, Katy. This day you will meet your husband. He shall be pleased with ye because you are the most beautiful lass in the kingdom.”

  Katriona couldn’t hold back her smile because Papa said that about all his daughters. Only
Papa praised her beauty though. Mama always chastised him too, because she said his compliments would turn her head. She didn’t know what Mama meant and so she kept her head still and her gaze on her handsome papa’s face.

  “Let us hope Lord Pryce accepts her. I am disheartened, my love, at Heloise’s behavior. The lass fled with only a note of her abhorrence of the prince. What an embarrassment. I am gladdened we remedied the tragedy.”

  Mama folded a cover and set it aside. “We must hold hope they accept Katriona. I worry for Heloise for there’s been no word of her whereabouts. I fear something dreadful happened to her. Do you deem she wedded the man she professed to love?”

  Papa frowned. “She is no longer a daughter of my heart. Och, she likely seduced the lad and did it on purpose so she wouldn’t have to wed King Pryce’s son. Her man should’ve come and gained our approval before she hailed off with him. If I ever find out who he is, I will lay him through for defiling our daughter. She did it just to be spiteful.”

  “Heloise did no such thing. She wrote that she is in love. You know how foolish one can be when love is involved. I wish I knew she was safe and well. My darling, let us not speak of such matters in front of the children. All will be well. Besides, we didn’t name which daughter we offered in the treaty. Katriona is the only one unattached, for Mali’s betrothal is well placed. Graciously, the prince is only a half-a-score older than Katriona.”

  Papa grumbled and Katriona felt the rumble in his chest. “Aye, aye. By the time he takes Katriona to wife, he will be a man, mature, and capable of protecting her. Still, I am not pleased to be sending my baby so far from home. The lands to the west are dangerous. But we need this treaty to keep our borders secure. I will not have our lands marauded again, our people killed, or those barbarians setting foot on our soil.”

  “Be calm, my darling. Worry not, for the Pendragon’s will accept the treaty and the betrothal. Need I remind you, they want the treaty as much as we?” Mama took up the bowls on the table and said, “Mali, wash your hands and take your sister outside. We will gather to greet our guests.”

  Papa set her on her feet. She skulked by his side and held on to the hem of his tunic. Katriona didn’t want to go outside, and she didn’t want to meet the dragon prince. “Please, Papa, do I gots to meet him this day?”

  Papa smiled and caressed her face. “Aye, my sweet baby, you do. He’ll be pleased with ye too, so cease your worry. You will bring him joy and laughter, for you always make me cheerful. Now be a good lass and stay with Mali.”

  “Keep yourselves clean,” Mama called when Mali took her hand. “Stay away from the puddles for it rained earlier.”

  Katriona tried to pull away, but her sister held her hand tight.

  Outside, many gathered near the keep. Their small kingdom was home to many families. Katriona usually liked celebrations and gatherings. Mostly because her parents were often kept busy greeting people or joining in the revelry. That left her free to wander. She liked the freedom and often got into mischief. Her siblings were all older and they never played with her. She didn’t mind because she spent her time at the stables or in the barn.

  The steward spoke of a new litter of wolfhounds that were born the day before when he’d given his morning report to Papa. She was supposed to be sleeping, but she liked to rise early. Katriona often sat on the keep’s stairs and watched the bustling servants and warriors in the early morning.

  She didn’t want to meet the dragon king or his son. She didn’t want to be eaten either. What she wanted was to see the pups. If only she could sneak away when her parents were busy, but too many watched her.

  Mali squeezed her hand and hurt her fingers. She tried again to dislodge her sister’s hand, but Mali wouldn’t let go. Her eyes widened when the most beautiful horses cantered into the courtyard. Some horse’s manes were cut short and stood straight like blades of grass during a dry spell of no rain. Others had pretty ribbons weaved with laces in the long tresses of the mare’s manes. She was in awe at the ladies who sat upon the horses too. They wore exquisite garments, gowns of beautiful colors, gleaming with beads and jewels.

  Mama and Papa came out of the keep and stood at the base of the steps. Her brothers and sisters, those who still lived at home took the second step. She and Mali stood behind them on the third step. That suited her just fine because she could hide behind her siblings. Once everyone was focused on their visitors, she might sneak way. That was if she could get Mali to release her hand.

  Papa’s booming voice rose in greeting the dragon king, “Pendragon, my comrade, Lord Pryce, welcome. It is good to see you and your family. I hope the journey was uneventful for you have arrived safely.” He clapped the dragon king’s shoulder.

  “Aye, there was nothing of account on the journey, graciously. Lord Raedwald, old friend, it is good to be here and to see you again.”

  Katriona squeezed between her youngest brother, Raen, and her third brother, Eric, to see the dragon for herself. She gasped and took hold of a lock of her hair and twisted it. The dragon king was taller than Papa and he looked meaner too. He had light hair and dark eyes, as dark as a dragon’s. He didn’t appear frightening except for his size. She craned her neck, her eyes wide in amazement.

  Katriona watched the king present his family. After he introduced his wife, Queen Arrian, he turned and then the giant placed his hand on the shoulder of a lad. She held her breath, knowing he was the one she was supposed to marry–the dragon prince. Mama told her she would make him a fine wife, but Katriona didn’t understand what marry meant or what a wife did. She shook her head when the lad gawked at her.

  Papa called her name and Mali shoved her forward with a poke between her shoulders. Katriona tripped on the edge of her frock and fell into Eric who caught her and set her to right.

  Mama practiced what she should say and do, but she was too nervous and forgot. She fiddled with the ribbons lacing her frock and clung to Papa’s leg.

  “My sweet daughter, Princess Katriona.” He nudged her forward.

  “She has beauty and grace, Raedwald. We’re pleased with the treaty. Let us finalize the details and covenant over a drink,” the dragon king said. “I thirst for something strong, mayhap a cup of wine?”

  “Aye, we have prepared a fine feast and have plenty of wine. Our ale is not bad either. Our brewer has made the sweetest mead as well. We shall celebrate this eve and lift our cups in cheer,” Papa said and gestured toward the door.

  Katriona wanted to close her eyes. She was sure the giant king would pluck her from the ground and take a bite of her. When she peeked at the lad, she remembered… She was supposed to lift her frock and curtsey. Her small fingers clasped the edge of her hem and she raised it slightly. But she lost her footing and fell head-first toward the giant dragon king.

  She screamed loud enough to wake Freyja, her favored Goddess. Katriona knew the goddess slept during the day and wove her magical love at night. At least, that’s what Mama told her. With her eyes scrunched, she felt herself being placed on her feet. When she opened her eyes, the dragon king’s eyes glared. He wasn’t pleased with her nor was her parents. She heard their gasps of displeasure but dared not to look at them.

  The big man laughed and his large hands released her. She breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t set her near his mouth. The lad who stood with him frowned. A sob caught in her throat, but she couldn’t stop the rest. She wailed and tears streamed her cheeks. The lad glowered. She didn’t think much of him either. He had to be as old as her brother Eric who was ten summers older.

  From behind her tears, her blue eyes widened when he smiled. Well, it was as much of a smile as he would allow. The dragon king’s son was tall and his face not yet covered with whiskers like Papa’s. He had dark hair that curled. Mama told her that Papa scared her once and caused her hair to curl. She wondered what frightened the dragon prince enough to curl his hair. Maybe the dragon’s fiery breath or his wide wings knocked him down? She wanted to ask but kept quiet.

  “She’s a beautiful lass and my son will honor her. Won’t you, Rhydderch?”

  The lad didn’t appease his father or acknowledge the question with an answer until his mother prodded him. “Is she not lovely, Rhyder? Have you not a gift for her?”

  “She’ll do as well as any,” he granted. He pulled a rope with a shiny object dangling from it and approached.

  Katriona wanted to flee, but she also wanted to see what the object was. She tilted her head when he placed the rope over her head. The glint of the purple and white amethyst sparkled in her eyes.

  His father grunted in approval. “Come, we shall toast to our prince and his princess.”

  Papa walked next to the dragon king and all else left her standing on the steps alone with the young dragon prince.

  “You’re a wee thing and gawky. Aye, you will listen to me, lass.”

  “Bother you. I don’t have to listen to you unless Papa tells me to.”

  “You’ll obey me starting now. I’ll be your lord and husband. Did I not give you a gift?”

  Katriona didn’t like the way he spoke, and she pouted her lips. “Fie on you. I don’t want your gift.” As much as she wanted to keep the stone, she pulled it over her head and tossed it back to him. She wouldn’t let him make her weep, but his abruptness made her want to cry.

  She took off in a sprint and ran as fast as her little feet could carry her. Tears dampened her cheeks. The barn was just ahead. It was the perfect sanctuary. She’d hide there until the unwanted guests left which she hoped would be soon.

  When she entered the dark barn, the sound of puppy yips called to her and she rushed to their pen. She’d forgotten all about them. There, four tiny gray wolfhound pups squealed and yapped. Their mama lay, wagging her tail. She smiled gleefully and was about to reach for a pup when voices came. Katriona slunk back and hid behind a crate. They entered the barn and stood near the pen.


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