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Falls Creek Western Romance Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3

Page 11

by Woods, Emily

  “No, my love. You don’t have to think about him. You have a number of choices that don’t require you to think about him at all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kate continued to stroke her hair. “You can tell him that you’re not in the right place right now, or, if you’re very sure, you can tell him that you’re not interested in him. Or you can even tell him that you’re too young.”

  Maddie made a bit of a face at the last option. “You weren’t much older than I am when you married my father.”

  “Yes, and you know how that went.”

  Kate had told her daughter that her first marriage was a trial, but they didn’t dwell on that. Instead, she talked about how God had blessed her with a wonderful second husband.

  “You think that was because you were too young?”

  “Maybe, but mostly because I was foolish.”

  “Like me,” Maddie said miserably. “Do you know I tried to investigate Cole? I thought he had some ulterior motives for coming here. He did, but he already told Daddy about them and he doesn’t seem to think they’re too bad.”

  “Yes, he told me. Every young man who comes out west dreams of owning his own ranch, but it seems that it’s actually possible for Cole.”

  “When I found out about it, I was angry. That’s why I left him with the laundry yesterday. I took off in a fit like a child.”

  Kate nodded and looked thoughtful. “Well, he doesn’t seem to be terribly upset about it, not if he’s confessing feelings for you the very next day.”

  “Maybe not, but that confuses me even more! How can he care for me after everything I did to him?”

  Chuckling a little, Kate shrugged. “Feelings are unwieldy things. We can’t control them, and when we least expect them, they show up. Dear girl, if you’ll allow me to give you a little advice?”

  Maddie nodded, and Kate continued. “Dry your eyes and come downstairs. Spend a little time with your family. When we put the younger ones to bed, we can pray and ask for guidance in this and all things. God has a plan for your life. I don’t know if that includes Cole or not, but you certainly don’t have to have it all figured out by next week.”

  Sniffling a little, Maddie nodded, then looked at her mother a little suspiciously. “You don’t seem too surprised by all this.”

  “No, I’m not. I was the one who told your father to talk to Cole. When I saw the two of you together yesterday, I sensed something. Your anger wasn’t really directed at him, but was a result of something else. You’ll have to figure out what that is, but in the meantime, don’t worry about it too much, my dear. Now, take a little more time to calm yourself. Pray about your situation, and when you’re ready, come down. You’ll feel better than if you hide away in your room for the rest of the night.”

  Maddie did as her mother advised and wasn’t too surprised to find she was right. She did feel a little better, and after spending some time having her mother and father pray over her, peace entered her heart, and she felt confident that whatever the next day brought, she would be able to handle it.

  * * *

  Cole wasn’t too sure what to do the next day, so he decided to give Maddie some space. Just like the filly that he’d been working with, he knew that too much pressure too soon would scare her away.

  A slight grin stole over his face as he realized that Maddie would likely balk at the comparison, so he decided to keep it to himself.

  “What’s the joke?” he heard Thomas ask. “Something interesting, I hope.”

  “Ah, well, I don’t know yet. It might be, or it might be nothing at all.”

  Thomas quirked an eyebrow. “Now I’m curious.”

  But Cole wasn’t ready to share. “Nah. I’ve got to see how things go first, and then I’ll tell you.” Looking at the new horse in the paddock, he asked, “So, did Luke tell you anything about me yesterday?”

  “Oh, you mean about how you’re going to put us all out of business? Yeah, he mentioned something.”

  Cole felt a quick stab of worry before he caught the grin on Thomas’s face. “Not quite. And I only want a small homestead, nothing like Triple Range.”

  “Sounds good. I wish you all the best.”

  The day wore on and the new filly learned to trust him. By the end of the day, she was wearing a blanket and letting him put a little pressure on her back with his hands when he stood on the middle rail of the fence.

  “Wish every female could be won over so easily,” he grumbled, but without heat. He knew that women were different, and he’d have to be patient. That was fine with him. He still had months, if not years, on Triple Range before he struck out on his own.

  “Talking to yourself?”

  He practically fell off the rail at the sound of Maddie’s voice. She was standing there, as fresh as a new morning, and regarding him with a bit of amusement.

  “Uh, not exactly. I was talking to…well, um, yeah, maybe.”

  The corners of her mouth turned up and his heart hammered in response. How had she woven a spell over him so quickly? His resolve to be patient suddenly went up in smoke.

  “I’m sorry for upsetting you yesterday. I spoke too soon, I guess.”

  She nodded a little to show she heard him, but didn’t respond right away. Instead, she walked over to the fence and extended a carrot to the filly. Hesitant, the horse didn’t go for the treat right away, but pranced this way and that before finally nipping it out of Maddie’s hand.

  “Did you remember what I said yesterday about realizing that I needed to change my view about the world?”

  He nodded, but didn’t move or speak for fear of spooking her.

  “Well, I think that maybe God planned for you to come to this particular ranch for more reasons than one. You came with the intention of learning how to be a good rancher, but having you here helped me come to realize who I am. You didn’t do it directly, but God used you anyway.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  “And, well, as to the other thing, I can’t think about that…yet.”

  He released the breath he’d been holding. “Yet?” There was a world of hope in that small word. Silently, he gave thanks to God.

  She nodded and smiled. “I have a lot to figure out about the world and my place in it, and I think maybe you do too, but I hope you won’t leave too quickly. I’d, um, like to get to know you a little better.”

  Her sudden shyness was so endearing that he wanted to jump over the fence and scoop her up into his arms, but he restrained himself.

  “I’d like that too,” he said instead, keeping his eyes lowered so she wouldn’t see the intense emotion he was sure was reflected there. “And I’m not going anywhere for a good long while. Your dad said he expects that it’ll be a few years before I’m ready to even think about going out on my own. But he’s going to help me purchase some land nearby and maybe we’ll even use it for Triple Range for a while.”

  A tiny smile appeared on her face. “I’m glad to hear that. Very glad.”


  A few months later, as summer rolled into fall, Cole and Maddie were on another one of their meandering walks.

  “The colors here are really bright in fall,” Cole commented, his eyes turned up to the mountains, which were showing off their gold and deep reds. “I’m constantly amazed by God’s artwork.”

  Maddie grinned at him. “That’s very poetic of you,” she teased.

  The two of them had spent the summer talking in every spare moment they’d had. They shared laughter and their hopes for the future. They’d also spent time with Maddie’s parents, learning more about a forgiving and generous God who was personally involved in their lives. Little by little, the walls came down on both sides and they had learned to trust one another and their Heavenly Father.

  “I can’t believe how much I’ve learned over the summer,” Cole enthused. “Your father is a great teacher.”

  She nodded. “He said you’re a good student too, and that he won’t be surprised if
you get to move onto your land before too long.”

  Her voice had hitched a little and he moved closer, focusing on her face. “I won’t be too far away, you know. It only takes about twenty minutes by horseback.”

  “But you won’t be here, a five-minute walk away from the house.” Her voice wasn’t petulant or whining, but wistful.

  “No, but the time apart might give us a chance to think about what we want in the future.”

  Maddie blinked a couple of times. “You mean, give me a chance to think.”

  Out of the two of them, she’d been the most reluctant to move their relationship from friendship to something more.

  “Maybe.” His voice was kind, patient. He hadn’t pushed her or ever asked her for anything more than she was willing to give. The few times he’d tried to take her hand or kiss her, she’d moved away ever so slightly, but then apologized, asking him for more time. Now he was talking about leaving.

  “I don’t need time,” she blurted. “I-I know what I want now.”

  It was hard to say whose face reflected more surprise, Cole’s or Maddie’s.

  “Uh, you do?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She took two steps toward him, closing the distance between them, and took his hand in hers. Shyly, she looked up into his face and gave him a tentative smile.

  “You,” she whispered. “I want you.”

  Without a second’s hesitation, Cole swept her into his arms and twirled her around, whooping the whole time and scaring the livestock so badly that they mooed and scattered. But the people didn’t notice or care.

  “Maddie Winston, you have just made me the happiest man alive. I don’t think there’s a single thing I could wish for now.”

  Turning her face up toward his, she gave him a mischievous look. “Nothing at all?”

  He saw the real question in her eyes and set her down on the ground. “Well, maybe one little thing,” he murmured, his voice going soft. “If you’ll allow me.”

  Her heart trembled in her chest, but she nodded, sure of her feelings.

  With her permission, Cole very slowly lowered his head and placed the lightest of kisses on her lips. When he felt her respond, he deepened the kiss for a moment before pulling away. They both sighed at the same time and then grinned.

  “Well, if that’s a taste of what’s to come, I’m really going to be a happy man indeed.” His eyes were bright with hope and wonder.

  “I know what you mean,” she whispered back, reaching up to push a wayward lock off his forehead. “And I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”

  * * *

  Lessons of Love

  Chapter 1

  After climbing aboard the train, Paul Alexander Rochester quickly found a seat and sought out his grandparents, who had seen him to the station. He wondered if they could sense the guilt weighing him down. He'd spun a web of deceit so complex that he could barely keep track of his lies.

  There, the two of them stood regally on the platform, scanning the windows for his face. When they spotted him, their normally austere expressions lit slightly with approval, which only served to increase the burden he felt at his deception.

  They'd raised him practically from infancy and given him all they could in the way of education, and now they believed he was on his way to Stanford University, clear across the continent. They'd questioned him at length about his choice of school, and he'd managed to convince them that he wanted an adventure along with a higher education. It had taken significant persuasion, since he was the only son of their long-deceased daughter, but in the end, they relented.

  “I have a brother living in San Francisco,” his grandfather had informed him gravely. “You can call on him if need be. I'll let him know you're coming.”

  Not given to tears, his grandmother has seen him off dry-eyed, but he knew she was anxious about his leaving, sure that they would never see him again.

  “I'll write,” he promised. And he would eventually write, but not until well after he was settled at his intended destination, a town that was over twelve hundred miles away from Stanford. He would change his ticket at the earliest opportunity and only use the money his grandparents had given him if absolutely necessary. It was his plan to get a job once he arrived and support himself.

  Finally, the train pulled away and he gave a solemn wave. His grandfather nodded, and his grandmother gave him a rare smile. Settling down, he pulled out his journal and opened it to the middle, where he'd written the details of his real journey and the exact location of the ranch where he hoped to find work.

  “Triple Range Ranch,” he murmured to himself. Even the name sounded like a dream. He'd never wanted to go to university, but had pretended for his grandfather's sake, going along with his plans, all the while making his own. Jacob Rochester believed he was sending his grandson to be educated in business, so he could take over the textile mill that Jacob owned and operated, but that was never going to happen. That was never his plan.

  Paul looked at the name at the front of the journal and put a single line through it. His reinvention of himself would begin now, starting with his name.

  From this day forth, he would be Alex Rogers, son an immigrant family brought up in the poorest part of Pennsylvania. He would allow his luggage to go missing and wear rough clothing that would allow him to look the part. He would present himself as just another young man in search of adventure in the Wild West.

  He just hoped he had the nerve to see it through. It was the fulfillment of his one dream since he was old enough to imagine it.

  Alex Rogers was on his way to meet his father.

  * * *

  Changing the ticket was easy enough, but the conductor gave him a bit of a strange look. “Kind of peculiar,” he commented, although he quickly did as Alex had asked. “You'll have to get out at the next station and get on another train.”

  That was fine with Alex, although he had to wait several hours for the right train. Once aboard the train heading west to Montana, he entered a compartment with the just two people in it, one older female and a younger. He nodded at them both, greeting them politely. The older woman responded in kind, but the younger didn’t pay him the slightest attention as her gazed was fixed out the window. It seemed to him that she’d rather be anywhere but here.

  “I've heard the view improves the closer you get to Montana,” he commented lightly, taking a seat opposite her. She was rather breathtaking, with dark curling hair caught up in what he presumed was a fashionable green hat. A few tendrils escaped to frame her face in a becoming manner. Her skin was creamy and smooth, but it was her flashing eyes that caught his attention. They were shimmering with indignation.

  “It's not the view I take issue with,” she retorted, giving him the barest of glances before resuming staring out the window. “But rather the fact that I'm being forced to move to a barbaric society.”

  “Forced? Really? By whom?” A note of humor entered his voice, but she merely scowled and chose not to answer. At that point, the older woman beside her spoke up.

  “Don't mind her highness,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “She's not real partial to places where you can breathe the air without coughing.”

  He laughed a little at that description of the city. “So, you're acquainted then?” He couldn't really see how, given the obvious disparity in their status, but curiosity compelled him to ask.

  “Well, her parents paid me a little to keep an eye on her, seeing as we're going the same direction.”

  “More like a small fortune,” the young woman muttered, keeping her eyes on the landscape. “Along with upgrading your trip to first class, and for what? To babysit me?”

  The chaperone was clearly unperturbed by the younger one’s attitude. “Maybe to make sure you didn't get off the train in the wrong stop, or perhaps to prevent unwanted attention from young men.”

  Alex suddenly felt uncomfortable. “I assure you I have no ill intentions.”

  “Aw, I can
see that right away, young man. I'm not at all worried about you. In any case, my sister is in Miss Christina's parents’ employ, and when they heard I was going out west, they thought this was a good opportunity for her to see the other side of the country.”

  “Opportunity?” Christina huffed. “More like punishment.”

  He wasn't really sure he wanted to know more about the young woman, so he turned his attention to the older woman and chatted with her a bit. However, the atmosphere in the compartment became so hostile that he finally decided to switch and hoped that he would never have to set eyes on such a miserable person again. Despite her beauty, he was repelled by her spoiled attitude.

  A few days later, after having successful avoided running into the two women again, he carried out the next part of his plan. He needed to change trains along the way and disembarked at a city many miles away from Great Falls. At the Minneapolis depot, Alex changed his clothes and allowed the train to travel on without him. It was his intention to take the next one, which would leave the following day. The clothes were intentionally rumpled as he didn’t want to cause any suspicion when he arrived. How would a man asking for work as a hand be able to afford the fine suit he’d left Pennsylvania in? The story he was going to tell wouldn't allow for such a thing.

  He walked about the town trying to break in the boots, which were still a bit too new for his liking. The town was thriving and he was able to divert himself for several hours while waiting for the next train.

  He'd kept only a few personal belongings with him, letting the rest of his bags go on ahead to Stanford. When he changed his ticket, he told the conductor that he didn't have any luggage. The lie made him sweat a little, but it was necessary to achieve his goal.


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