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Falls Creek Western Romance Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3

Page 21

by Woods, Emily

  Putting down the letter, she folded her hands and bowed her head, seeking direction from her Heavenly Father. When she imagined moving to America, her heart sped up and a sense of certainty formed in her mind.

  “If this is Your will, precious Jesus, please open the doors.”

  She prayed the same prayer for the next two weeks, and although she expected a barrage of protests from her siblings at the idea of her leaving, they supported her for the most part.

  “You can always come back,” Sofia assured her. “And if you feel this is God's leading, you must follow.”

  Lorenzo was the only one who raised any objections, but she supposed that was due to their close relationship. In the end, he also was persuaded that she should go.

  “Elizabetta will be so pleased to see you,” he conceded. “And we still have each other, so I suppose I should not be so selfish. Go with my blessing, and I will give you whatever help I can.”

  And so, four weeks later after the sale of the house and a letter sent to Great Falls, Montana, Rosa boarded a ship and left the country of her birth with the confidence that she was following God's path for her future.

  * * *

  Jacob Bowman was trying to find the right moment to tell his brother that he was leaving. Carl had been so good to him, giving him a job when he needed it and showing him everything there was to know about ranching, that it felt hugely disloyal to now repay all his kindness by striking out on his own, but that was what he had to do. Nearly thirty-one years old, Jacob knew it was time to leave his brother's house. He might have done so earlier if he'd had the funds, but it had taken him over ten years to save the amount necessary to buy a small piece of land just north of Triple Range Ranch, the homestead of which his brother was part owner.

  The parcel of land he had his eye on was dubbed Falls Creek because of its proximity to the waterfall and nearby river. He'd long thought it was the prettiest piece of land in the vicinity.

  “Could I have a moment of your time, brother?” he asked after the dinner dishes were cleared away. Both Carl and his wife Amanda looked at him curiously, and he immediately regretted his formal turn of phrase. “Uh, it's just that there's something on my mind. Can we talk in private for a minute?”

  After glancing at his wife, Carl rose and motioned to the door. The only privacy they were likely to get would be had outside, but that was fine. The evening was warm enough to sit on the front porch, even though it was only April.

  Once they were seated, Carl leaned back in the rocker and folded his hands over his midsection, which had grown a little in the years since his marriage. “What's on your mind, Jacob?” he asked casually, but his face reflected concern. “Everything alright?”

  Jacob first cleared his throat, then swallowed hard. “Uh, well, see, it's like this.” He cleared his throat again and clasped his hands in front of him so hard that his knuckles turned white. “This is what it is.”

  Carl chuckled a little. “Just spit it out. I can't imagine anything so bad that you can't tell me.”

  Giving a little nod, he tried again. “I want to start my own ranch.”

  The rocking chair halted. “Oh, I see.” There was silence for a minute. “Where?”

  Jacob glanced at his brother and tried to gauge his reaction, but his face was neutral. “Uh, over by Falls Creek. There's nice piece of land there that would perfect for raising horses. I, uh, did a bit of research when we went to town last, and it seems the military is looking for Thoroughbreds. I thought I could buy about twenty, breed them and then sell them.” The words all came out in a rush, but now that they had been said, Jacob felt some relief.

  Carl had yet to comment, but his brow lowered a little and he resumed rocking.

  “It wouldn't interfere with Triple Range's business. You guys are mostly cattle and horse-breaking.” Jacob desperately hoped his brother wouldn’t see it as a betrayal.

  A nod was the only response at first. Then Carl gave him a slight smile. “I guess I should've seen this coming. You couldn't be content to live with us forever. Every man longs for his own place, his own land.”

  “Yeah, something like that,” Jacob replied, his whole body relaxing at his brother's sympathetic response. “I, uh, haven't done all the figuring, but I think I have enough set by. Will you, um, help me figure it out? I know I don't have a right to ask, leaving you in a lurch and all.”

  Carl's rocker stopped again. “No right? Brother, you have every right! Of course, I'll never find another man as loyal as you, but I would never hold you back. I'll do whatever I can to support you. Only...”

  “Only what?” Jacob felt his heart start thumping against his ribcage again.

  “Well, I can't quite see how you'll afford it all. I know what I've paid you, and it's probably not enough, so I wonder if you have worked out all the costs.”

  “I asked in town, at the Land Office. They told me that section is available and the price is about what I have saved up. It's possible, I think.”

  “Yeah, but what about startup costs? Thoroughbreds are mighty expensive, plus you have to build a house, a barn, fencing, and...” He trailed off, a disconcerted look on his face. “I'd like to lend, or even give you the money, but I don't think I have enough.”

  Jacob blinked a few times. “Uh, I know I haven't thought of everything, but I'd at least like to buy the land. I'll keep saving if I have to, maybe start small with just a couple of horses.”

  “Alright. Listen, I'll do whatever I can. Let's go into town and see what's what tomorrow. Then we'll have a better idea of what you can do. We'll even stop by the bank and see about getting a loan if need be. How's that sound?”

  Letting out the breath he'd been holding, Jacob looked his brother full in the face. “Thanks, Carl. That'd be great.”

  Chapter 2

  When the brothers arrived in the city of Great Falls, there were a number of people milling about on the muddy streets. It was hard to put a foot down and not be covered in filth. Even the boardwalks were slick with mud. Such was spring in this part of the country.

  There wasn't much of a line at the Land Office, so after just a ten-minute wait, Jacob stood in front of the clerk.

  “You were in a couple weeks ago asking about that property near Triple Range, weren't you?”

  For some reason, Jacob didn't like the way the man asked him that. “Uh, yeah. Don't tell me it's been bought? You had it up for sale for months!”

  “Um, that was an error, I'm afraid. It was actually bought over a year ago. I don't know what happened. I'm really sorry about that.”

  Jacob's heart sank. All his plans for the future drained away along with the blood from his face.

  “There must be something else around that's good,” Carl said encouragingly. “What have you got?”

  The clerk looked over the board for them. “Depends what you're using it for. I've got a bit over Diamond Valley, but that won't last long.”

  “Is there running water nearby?” Carl asked for his brother, who was having a hard time even standing.

  “Uh, nope. But there is on this property by the township of Gordon. What do you think of that?”

  Jacob blanched even whiter. “That's double what I've saved,” he whispered. “There's no way I can afford that, not even with a loan.”

  They stood there for a full minute. Then Carl had another question.

  “Can you tell us who bought the land?”

  “Um, yeah. It's Cole Reynolds and Alex Rochester. They purchased it together. Seems like they have plans to raise horses.”

  Jacob frowned. “I knew they were buying land, but no one said where, did they? If they did, I must not have heard.”

  Cole and Alex were working on Triple Range Ranch, the former engaged to the owner's daughter and the latter courting the sister-in-law of the ranch's horse trainer, Thomas Wells.

  “How could we not have put the pieces together sooner?” Carl murmured. “I'm sure Luke told me that at some point.”

p; “But I was just there last week and there's nothing built yet. I mean, I didn't see anything. You said they bought it a year ago?”

  The clerk pulled out a form. “Hmm, well, Cole put a down payment on the land a year ago, and Alex paid the rest about a month ago. They've started building on the eastern part of the property, two houses about a mile or so apart.”

  Now Jacob couldn't feel his legs anymore and collapsed in a nearby chair. “Well, that's it. I guess it's God's plan to keep me at your house until I die,” he mumbled, his voice laced with bitterness. If that was God's plan, so be it. Who was he to argue? But in his mind, he was furious.

  “I've got an idea,” Carl said. “Let's pay the men a visit and see what their plans are. As you said, there isn't too much going on there. The houses must be a fair bit back from where you've been looking. Maybe they'll be willing to sell you a small parcel.”

  His hopes had been crushed at the news that the land was no longer available, so Jacob was having a hard time hearing what his brother was suggesting.

  “I don't know,” he mumbled. “They probably want it all.”

  “Well, you don't know if you don't ask, right? Let's go now.”

  Even though his heart wasn't in it, Jacob went along with his brother and arrived at the main house of Triple Range Ranch midafternoon. Luke Winston came out of the house to greet them.

  “Hi there. Nothing wrong, I hope?”

  They were co-owners but ran their ranches separately and didn't meet spontaneously unless there was a problem.

  “Uh, not exactly. But we came to talk to Cole and Alex about the property they bought near Falls Creek. Are they around?”

  Luke pulled out his pocket-watch and frowned at it. “I don't expect them for another hour or so. Why don't you two come in for some coffee? Maybe I can answer your questions.”

  Once they'd settled down at the kitchen table and each had a mug in hand, Carl started with some small talk.

  “So, I didn't really expect to see you at home today. Nice to be the boss, isn't it? Just take a day off whenever you like?” he teased. “Or are you just giving the young guys all the hard work?”

  Luke laughed. “I could ask you the same.”

  “Well, we've already been to town and back, picked up some supplies along the way too. So, we haven't been completely idle.”

  Giving a slight nod, Luke twirled his cup around, saying nothing. Finally, Marge, Luke's aunt-in-law aunt, broke in.

  “Luke's been feeling poorly, truth be told. Something has been going around.”

  Jacob looked at the older man in alarm. He wasn't even fifty, but easily looked ten years younger.

  “What's the matter?” he asked, forgetting momentarily about his own problems. Luke had been like a second father to him when he first came, giving him advice and encouragement.

  “Ah, it's nothing. Just a touch of a cough, but Kate and Marge won't let me out of the house.” He grinned, and Jacob fervently hoped that was the case. “I'll be fine in a day or two. Now, tell me more about what brought you over here.”

  Quickly, Jacob explained his plans regarding the land and was surprised to see Luke's face light up.

  “Well, if this isn't an answer to prayer, I don't know what is. The three of us were just talking yesterday about what they want to do. You see, Cole and Alex have gone through much of their resources buying the land and building the houses. They still have to put up a barn, buy equipment and livestock. What would you think about going in with them, becoming a partner? I couldn't think of a better man for them to do it with.”

  Jacob felt a little stunned by the proposal.

  “Uh, well, what is it they want to raise? I was thinking horses for the Army.”

  Luke's brow furrowed slightly. “Well, I think they feel more comfortable with cattle since that's where their experience is, but I don't want to answer for them. Tell you what, how about you stay for dinner and talk to them tonight?”

  “Ah, we've been gone all day. I don't want to worry Amanda, so I'd better get back,” Carl answered. “But you can stay, Jacob. What do you think?”

  He wasn't sure if he was ready to throw over his whole idea just yet.

  “Uh, how about I give it some thought and then get back to you? Let Cole and Alex know I came by. I don't mind if you tell them why, but I need some time.”

  “Sure, I understand. Take all the time you need.”

  On the ride back to their house, Carl and Jacob talked it over.

  “I know it's not exactly what you want, but it could be a start. Once you've made some money, you can think about taking some horses on.”

  Jacob knew it was reasonable, but he had a hard time convincing himself. “I don't know. I have to think. Thanks for helping me out today.”

  “Yeah, of course. That's what brothers are for.”

  Later that night, Jacob found that sleep eluded him. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do with his life now. It seemed clear when he saw the ad for the land in the office last month. Why was it still there if he was just going to be disappointed? Annoyance crept in.

  “What was the point?” he grumbled, unsure if he was talking to God or himself. “I shouldn't have even thought about it. I'm going to be here, living with my brother, for the rest of my life. I just have to accept that and be happy.”

  He had a roof over his head, food in his stomach, and people who cared about him. Why wasn't that enough?

  * * *

  The trip across the ocean had been amazing. Rosa had endured the motion of the ship without any discomfort and was in a position to help out others who did not fare so well. By the time they reached New York, she had made many friends with whom she promised to keep in contact.

  “Don't forget me,” a girl named Lucy begged. “Are you sure you can't stay in New York? I have a nice uncle.”

  “No, I am so sorry, my young friend,” Rosa replied in precise English. “I have a dear sister who needs me, but maybe one day I will visit you.” She knew that was highly unlikely, but it made Lucy smile now. The girl would forget about her in a week or so.

  Being in perfect health and speaking good English, Rosa easily passed through immigration. The official gave her a warm smile and welcomed her to America. She nodded politely and gave him a demure smile in return, but she did not want to encourage any special attention. Her brother had warned her to be as modest as possible. American men already had certain ideas about Italian women being passionate, and he wanted her to break those stereotypes.

  And so, she covered her hair with a dull green scarf and wore her loosest clothing to conceal her figure. She thought she looked plain and even older than her twenty-eight years.

  At the train station, she purchased her ticket to Great Falls and carried her two suitcases to the platform to wait. To anyone looking at her, she appeared to be a serene woman carrying on with her business in a peaceful manner, but inside her chest, her heart beat wildly at her boldness in crossing the Atlantic by herself. Now she was about to board a train that would take nearly a week to reach her sister.

  She only hoped that no one could see her fears.

  Chapter 3

  In the Porter home, Elizabetta, now Elise, fought to maintain control of her emotions. Children were crying and complaining almost nonstop these days, or so it felt. Elise took a deep breath and gripped the side of the table.

  “Anthony and Samuel, kindly stop banging on the table. Your breakfast will be ready very soon. Angelina and Laura, would you please help me?”

  Her husband, John, was in the barn, milking their three cows and tending to the chickens they'd purchased recently. He was still the foreman of Triple Range, but he'd insisted on having some of his own animals. Ordinarily, that was fine, but today, Elise was left to deal with the children on her own, and she thought she might cry. The pain her head was almost unbearable.

  “I—I'm sorry. I have to go outside. Angelina, please...take over.”

  She motioned to the frying pan that con
tained several pancakes now in danger of burning.

  Her oldest daughter rushed to the stove and rescued the pancakes just before they became inedible. Elise fled from the chaos and sought solace at the back of the house where her garden was just beginning to show the promise of new life. She sank down on the bench that John had built for her to sit on and enjoy the view, but now she saw nothing. Her eyes blurred with tears and she buried her face in her apron.

  “Oh, dear Jesus. Please, take away this pain, just enough to let me get on with my day. I can bear some discomfort, but this is too much.”

  Crying intensified the pain, so she forced herself to stop and take some deep breaths. Tilting her head towards the house, Elise expected to hear her children complaining, but there was only silence. Part of her wanted to rise and investigate, but she felt a gentle presence telling her to remain where she was.

  “Thank you, Lord, for this rest.”

  After ten minutes, she felt well enough to return to the house. Although the children were fed, dishes and food were everywhere. Angelina was doing her best to clean, but the other three, all under the age of eight, were nowhere to be found.

  “Where are the others?” Elise asked her daughter.

  “Oh! Mama, are you feeling better?”

  Elise walked over to where the girl stood at the sink scrubbing the frying pan with cold water.

  “Yes, cara. Thank you so much for your help. You may leave the cleaning for me. Go get dressed for school now.” She stroked her daughter's sweet face and thanked God for the gift he'd given her in this beautiful girl who was almost nine years old. Her family was so precious to her, especially since she had none besides them on this side of the world.

  After the children were gone to school, she finished cleaning and then lay down with a cold cloth across her forehead. She'd only planned to lie down for a moment, but when a clatter at the back door woke her, she was dismayed to see that several hours had passed.


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