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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

Page 7

by Lora Ann

  “I guess.” He gave a little shrug.

  She’d known him since high school. Did his memory only go back to childhood? “Do you have memories from adulthood?”

  His gaze caught hers. He was well-aware he knew her in the Biblical sense. His body was giving off plenty of signals. What he didn’t know was if they were still together in that way. If not, why? And for the love of all that was holy, what was her name?! “We have a past,” he gauged, studying her reactions. Her pulse fluttered and her lips parted so she could draw in more air. Oh, she most definitely wanted him. But there was something else.

  “We do, yes,” she admitted.

  “Lovers?” Again, he watched intently for her body to give him answers. Her fingers tapped along her curvy bell. Was she a mother? And why the hell would he think that?

  What was his angle? “Yes,” she gasped. His eyes were devouring her, not in a good way. He was fishing.

  A sudden image of a little boy, that looked an awful lot like him, came to the forefront. “You have a young son.”

  Not a question, she acknowledged. Her eyes averted, not liking this turn in questions. “Cole.”

  He closed his eyes as visions of Cole filled them. “My son?”

  Yes was on the tip of her tongue, and she was about to breathe life into the lie, when there was a commotion outside his room. In ran the child in question, hollering way too loud for a hospital. “Uncle Taaaaaaaaaaar!”

  He held on to the boy as he hugged him tight, feeling a familiarity. His memory might not provide details, but his heart seemed to. “Not mine. But he looks like me…Chase’s son?” He glanced up at the woman, noticing her fingers flexing at her side. Anger.

  “You ‘member me?”

  The child’s inquisitive look told Tar he knew about what happened to his head. What else did he know? “I don’t here.” He pointed to his temple. “But I do here.” His hand now patting over his heart.

  The boy’s head angled as he shot a glance over to his mother. “Does this,” reaching his chubby hand to place over Tar’s, “know mommy too?”

  He gazed up at the woman in question, then back to his nephew. “I think so, yes.”

  A sad frown replaced the huge grin that’d been there only seconds before. “And daddy?”

  He smoothed the crinkles on his nephew’s forehead. “Of course I know my brother.”

  A finger touched Tar’s head. “Here?”

  He guided the boy’s hand to his heart. “And here.”

  “Mommy’s here too,” not a question, the child knew.

  “That’s right.”

  Light green eyes traveled Tar until they were looking just over his. “But not there.” Again, his nephew had exceptional insight.

  “Yes,” he whispered in awe.

  “Cole,” agitation in her voice, “we need to let your uncle rest.”

  Cole…he examined the name in his head, mentally turning it this way and that. She’d just told him that was the name of her son. But for the life of him, he couldn’t remember. His head was throbbing from all the mental calisthenics. “I’ll try hard to remember,” he reassured his nephew, who was still visibly upset.

  The light green gaze boring into his. “Keeley?”

  A sharp intake of breath drew both sets of eyes to Cole’s mother. “We need to go.” She held out her hand.

  He didn’t miss how his pulse sped up. The question now demanding an exit was halted by hers. “You don’t remember her either?”

  He shook his head in answer bringing a flash of bright light. The woman and child were now blurry shadows, and he could hear their voices, the alarm in them, but couldn’t make out the words, as if they stood at the other end of a long tunnel. Then a lancing pain took over and Tar welcomed the blessed darkness that now cocooned him.

  Lisa watched as her son ran to get help. Her feet stuck to the floor. If Tar remembered fully, she was back to square one. Partially, she had a chance. But if it were fully gone, she eyed his head. What if…

  The nurse from earlier ordered, “You both need to leave,” before a doctor came in.

  “I need to know what’s going on.”

  The doctor’s gaze met hers. “Are you his spouse?”


  “Then you need to wait outside while I examine him.”

  She glanced back over, wondering what he’d be like when he came to again.

  “Lisa can stay,” he mumbled as the doctor poked and prodded.

  He knew her name. That was something different. But when they helped him sit up, the look that he leveled on her told her something wasn’t just different, something was very, very wrong.


  Keeley still couldn’t get over the shock of seeing herself in a mirror. She glanced over at Mitch. He was an attractive redhead. She noticed Shelby staring at him, noting she needed to figure out a way to get the two of them on a date. There wasn’t a question in her mind that if they found time alone, sparks would fly. Using the mirror as her aid, she watched Leith. He still had a long road ahead, but the fact he was there, willing to help, said a lot. He was a soldier through and through. Another mental note she made, get to know Layla, for she would be the key to his full recovery. His eyes caught her watching them. “Stop playing voyeur and march your little ass over here. We’ve got a plan.”

  She turned around, drawing all attention to her. A nervous tick was in the motion to smooth out the form fitting T-shirt resting over her skinny jeans. Her teeth sinking into her bottom lip so hard she almost drew blood. “Well?” she whispered.

  Shelby couldn’t help but giggle at the men’s reaction. “Look at their jaws on the ground. That should be your answer.”

  Mitch spoke up, “Girl, I’ve always thought of you as a pixie, but now…”

  “You’re an imp,” Leith spouted out, “one very wicked, naughty looking one.”

  She couldn’t stop the grin and glanced back at her reflection. She did have that you-sure-you-know-how-to-handle-this thing going on. And she didn’t stop herself from saying out loud, “Careful what you ask for.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Clark sat in the chair staring down at the titian head bobbing between his legs. Dr. Thompson gave a mighty fine blow job, he thought, forcing himself to the back of her throat. He held her there as he squeezed her neck. The voice coming from behind him added to his dilemma. “You know you want to. A little more pressure and her life is gone. Yes,” it hissed, “look at her eyes now full of tears. Oh, even better, she’s going to fight.”

  Her hands came up to push against him. Or, so he thought. Carla had other ideas. She dug in with her nails underneath his balls with one hand. The other, pushing hard just above his cock. There was no way in hell the motherfucker was going to kill her. But she did make an interesting observation, her fight was exciting him. Against every instinct she had in her, she went statue still.

  He grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her off him. She was gasping for air but not making a big production out of it. “I almost killed you.”

  She sputtered, “B-b-but you didn’t.”

  “I wanted to.”

  Yeah, that message was still burning her throat. “Have you ever?”

  “Careful,” he warned, “or I will in a less gratifying way.”

  She gazed up at him. Why was she so drawn to this type of man? Her brain providing what she conveniently tried to avoid: you enjoy fucking the devil. The truth of it right there before her, standing in the shadows. The demon stepping forward so she could see him clearly. And she knew he was the one behind Clark’s deadly desires. “Would you like for me to bring you someone?”

  He stood zipping his slacks. “No. Your job is here.”

  She straightened her clothes but stayed in a kneeling position. “Chase is recovering quite well. Is that what you wanted?”

  He began to pace. “I can’t decide.”

  “Until you do, I’ll continue his physical therapy.”

  “Admit it,” he ba
rked out, “you want to fuck him.”

  No sense lying to the man. “Beside the point.” Her disrespect earned her an up close and personal.

  He hauled her to her feet. “Never be flippant with me.”

  His unforgiving fingers pressed so hard into her jaw they were leaving bruises. Great. They’d match the ones she knew were on her neck. His eyes became wild. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  A war waged inside him. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep the need to rip and tear, along with all kinds of other horrors, at bay. He never should’ve read those journals. They brought out a sickness in him he’d fought so hard to keep locked away. Again, the whisper at his ear, “Monsters don’t stay locked in a box forever. They become hungry and need to be fed.”

  She noticed how precarious his predicament was on the edge of that chasm, as she waited to see if he would fall before her eyes.

  He released her with a threat, “Don’t you. Ever. Forget. I own you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she forced out, though inside she was flipping him off. Who the hell did he think he was? He didn’t own her. Never would.

  Icy fingers coiled around her throat from behind. “No. I do.”

  She swallowed past the pressure and gasped, “Caleb.”

  Clark spun around. “You know, too?”

  Her eyes were wide as Caleb relented enough so she could speak. “I worked with him, yes. But you knew that already.”

  He debated for several moments before he queried, “Have you read the journals?”

  She silently spoke to the specter holding her. You wrote it all down. Every single victim?

  “Yes,” he half-hissed.

  You left behind evidence. She growled at him.

  He squeezed so tight her lips were turning blue. “I left a fucking legacy.”

  Clark had his back to her. Clueless to what was happening until she began to cough and sputter. “What the fuck?” His steps closing the distance. He could swear there was a presence other than them standing there. “Carla, are you okay?”

  Her eyes darted to his. “Help me?” was so faint she was sure he didn’t hear her.


  The voices coming down the hall were more than familiar to Keeley, they were family. She hurried out of her chair and to the door, throwing it open. Alex and E stood there staring at her, as if they weren’t positive who she was. Sofie and Dr. Sheffield approached with smiles. But it was Lacey who burst out, “You’re a mini me!” before she snatched Keeley into her arms and hugged her.

  E closed the distance and wrapped his muscled arms around them both. “Wow, Kee. You really are.”

  She nestled into their warm embrace, thankful they were here. No matter what, she could depend on them. Though she was a little shocked by the company they brought. “I thought we said only a few of us should know.” She took a step back to look at her twin sister. “I’m glad he told you.” Hurt flashed in Lacey’s eyes. And E glanced away, telling her it came with a price. “I’m so sorry I keep getting in the way of your happiness.”

  Lacey gasped, “No, no, no. You are not to blame.”

  “Really? You and I both know that’s not true.”

  E chimed in, “You’re how we found each other, and I’m eternally grateful.” He coiled an arm snuggly around his wife’s waist and kissed the top of her head, when she leaned it on his shoulder.

  Keeley’s eyes roved over the couple, making sure they weren’t putting on a show for her sake, but what she found was love. They’d ran into some trouble but, by the looks of it, had vowed to work through it together. She only hoped that chance would be there for her and Tar when this mission was accomplished. “I love you both,” swallowing past the lump of emotion in her throat, “and am so glad you’re willing to help me, again.”

  “That’s what family does,” Alex confirmed.

  Sofie clasped her hand. “I’m still getting used to it,” then looked up at her more than handsome husband, “but they’re right. Family sticks together.”

  Mitch called out from the room they were sitting in, “Let’s go over this and make sure everyone is onboard.”

  “Mitch,” Shelby admonished. “Give them their moment.”

  He smiled at her. God, she was adorable. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She blushed and turned to welcome everyone as they took a seat around the large table, embracing Pamela. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “I hope I’ll be able to help.”

  Keeley squeezed her hand. “You will. Thank you for being here.”

  Dr. Sheffield stared at her for a long moment, taking mental notes: stronger, determined, aggressive. “You found her,” she said with not a little awe.

  Her head angled as she inquired, “Found who?”

  A collective, “You,” filled the room.

  Keeley’s gaze went to each and every person gathered around her. What she found was comradery, love, and acceptance. They were willing to risk their lives. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized she was at the head of the table. Her army awaiting her orders. She fought past all the emotions rising and got down to business. Mitch took over the details of positioning and communication while they were on the inside.

  “How do you think you’ll be approached?” E held Keeley’s gaze.

  “I’m not sure we will be as buyers. I’m thinking we’ll be brought in as…”

  “Trainers,” he finished for her.

  “That would make the most sense,” Pamela added.

  “Do you think Chase is there?” Leith queried.

  “I think he’s hidden,” Mitch confirmed, “but this is a leap of faith on that hunch.”

  They sat there solemn, taking in just what lie ahead, with more questions than answers.

  “What’s the plan of action when and if we do locate the assemblyman?” Leith inquired, earning a nasty glare from Keeley. “What?” he asked directly, holding her scornful gaze.

  “The assemblyman has a name,” she growled.

  How had he forgotten her temper? “My apologies, ma’am,” he said around a ghost of a grin. Remembering now why Tar called her Tigress.

  Her ire apparent as she glanced back at him. “Wipe that grin off your face. This is serious.”

  “It is, yes. And I already told you I’m sorry.”

  She held up her hand to silence him. A part of her was glad to see his pain-in-the-ass self, another, wanted to smack him upside the head. Her fingers flexed in response. Lacey sat next to her on the left and held that hand in hers. The sisters exchanging a look that said, “I’ve got you. Let it go.” She turned her attention back to Mitch. “Once we gain some form of trust, should we regroup?”

  He’d been working that out in his head for a while now. The scribbles on a notebook as he spun it around for all to see. “The goal is to get Chase out alive,” pointing to the top box, “and our objective is to gain trust with someone who will lead us to him.” This time he pointed to a circle. “I’m brainstorming on the how-to’s. Here,” passing the notebook to Keeley, “write one idea down and pass it around.”

  Again, the room stayed silent as each one contemplated the seriousness, the danger, they were not just putting Keeley and Mitch in, but all of them. No one wanted to see Keeley backslide into her addiction of pain, most of them aware she was still wrestling with that demon to some extent. Also, they didn’t want Mitch and Keeley in a position to cross the line.

  Shelby twirled that thought over and over in her mind. Keeley was stunning. Why would he ever choose a woman in her thirties with a lame leg and shitload of baggage? She had no business being territorial over him. Her gaze raked over the man in question, heat filling her face when he caught her. A knowing wink met her perusal. “Will you two have to have sex to prove you’re legit?” she blurted out, uncensored.

  E responded first. “No. The community, no matter how extreme, does not expect that.”

  Keeley nodded and added, “Many are only there to fulfill their need for giving and receiving p
ain.” Her gaze had gone glassy remembering.

  Shelby couldn’t face Mitch after asking such a bold question. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I only want you.”

  Her heart beat in double-time at the confession. She turned into him, breathing heavier. “You do?”

  He fought the need to kiss her, show her, and answered with grabbing her hand.

  God, he was so close, she was breathing in his warm breath. A cough reminded her they had an audience. Forcing her attention back toward everyone sitting around the table, but not letting go of his hand, she readdressed, “How long do you think it will take to build a rapport?”

  Keeley answered, “Depends.”

  Dr. Sheffield angled her head and caught her gaze. “Question is, are you going to be able to handle such temptation?”

  Mitch straightened and assured, “She’s the Domme.”

  “Perfect,” Alex chimed in. “And I think,” he pointed to the list, “Sofie and I can help with this one.”

  His wife leaned over to get a better look. “Oh, that’s what we were working on before.”

  “Yes. And since we weren’t tied to Braxton in any way, we should be able to reestablish.”

  Keeley didn’t want to alarm her family, but the knowing look passed between her and Mitch. Braxton was out on bail and a very real threat. They would have to tip-toe around him in hopes he didn’t recognize them, fully aware, that if he did, they were dead. The danger for them was ramped up times a hundred. And while she appreciated the help they were receiving, she knew that would be the one factor which would halt their willingness to assist. She acknowledged it was best to keep that piece of information off the table, for as long as possible, hopefully forever. Her only concern, would they be able to forgive her when they learned the truth?

  Chapter Twelve

  Cole wandered the hall. His mom promised she would come get him as soon as she was sure his uncle could see him. But that was what troubled him most. Uncle Tar didn’t know him anymore. He collapsed into a ball of tears. His dad was missing. His mom was acting really weird. And now, this. His sobs echoed along with his prayers. “Please God, please bring his memory back. Please bring my daddy home. Please. I promise to be a good boy. I won’t tell on my mommy.”


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