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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

Page 20

by Lora Ann

  She gave a half-smile. “Thanks.”

  “Oh, gosh, sorry. I really thought you’d lost too much blood, but that’s not the case. These lacerations are not deep enough to need sutures. Although, I do find that odd. You said the cuts are from a hunting knife?” Speculation laced her voice and was visible in lines of her forehead.

  “Weird, huh?” Keeley’s voice sounded distant even to her.

  “You saw something.” More appraisal than accusation in those three words.

  Keeley angled her head. “Maybe.”

  Christy patted her knee. “Nothing surprises me anymore. But if that were my man in the room with that hussy, I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to me.”

  She hopped off the table. “You’re right,” Keeley called out behind her.

  A few dodges were necessary to avoid running anyone over before she took off down the hall. Heaven help that bitch if she put her paws on Tar. He was her man.


  He sat perfectly still inside the wall, noticing that if he could slide over just a little more, there was a bigger space. But the bad man was on to his hiding place, so Cole eased further down the other way and tucked himself tight. Watching. Waiting.

  The bad man wiggled through the opening and reached out. Cole was far enough away to remain safe. For how long, he didn’t know. His focus laser sharp when he spied another one of those metal covers on the wall.

  Braxton could hear the voices in the other room. For the time being, he forgot about the boy and angled his body, discovering a larger opening. His awkward shimmy was rewarded with not just more space, but also a door knob. Careful not to make any noise, he cracked open the door. Surprise filled him when he realized who he saw from his vantage point of the closet. Lisa was attempting to use her womanly powers on the man who lay there as a captive audience. He wished there was popcorn to watch her use that succulent cunt to win Tar’s affections.

  Cole worked the little grate free and eased out into the room. Ducking behind a curtain, he sat quietly in the corner.


  They didn’t hear anything else out of the ordinary. But Tar knew something wasn’t quite right. His mission with Lisa needed to move swifter. He curled his fingers around hers, luring her gaze back to his. “Let me help you,” he dared to skate just on the edge of truth.

  Her lips parted to draw in more air. “How so?”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers one by one. “I’ve missed you,” he lied. But the effect was working, he noted, as she leaned closer to him.

  “Tell me more,” she demanded. Her warm breath shot across his cheek.

  He swallowed back the revulsion rising inside him. His heart demanded he toss her off him. His body wanted a scalding hot shower and a gallon of mouthwash. The repulsion only grew stronger as she crawled astride him. Fucking. God. He could not do this. Her hips began to move as he fought to keep his dick flaccid. “Lisa,” he groaned, not out of pleasure but disgust.

  She only knew one thing. To get a man’s compliance in anything she wanted from him, she must entice his cock. Once she held that captive, she controlled him. From the time she was Cole’s age, she knew this to be true. Her father and his brothers, so many men at her disposal. She was the Mistress of Manipulation. And Tar did not stand a chance against her. “I want to make you feel good, baby.” She raked her nails down his torso and leaned forward. Her mouth now at the corner of his.

  Tar’s hands were on her hips to throw her the hell off. His head angled to get away from her questing lips. He needed to drag this out a little longer but couldn’t stand the feel of her on him. His inhalation was deep as he nipped along her jaw. “Were you afraid I would forget you?”

  She was lost to the sensations coursing through her body. “Yes,” she admitted, moving her fingers to his scalp. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  His teeth biting down on her chin. “I fell. That wasn’t your fault.”

  She moaned as his hands flexed on her hips. “I needed you for myself. I had to make sure she couldn’t take you away.” The confession rolled off her tongue as he continued to tease with his mouth and hands.

  Never did Tar let himself go to any of her hot spots. His intention was to drive her mad with desire so she would confess everything. And it was working. But when she cocked her head for a full-on kiss, he knew he couldn’t do it. “You protected me by causing an infection?”

  “You always understood me,” she panted.

  “What about Chase?” he moaned, pretending to be as into it as she was.

  “He wants us happy.” She moved again to bring them mouth to mouth.

  Tar’s hands came up to her hair, holding her prisoner. “You don’t think he’ll be angry when he returns?”

  “No.” Her hair pulling as she shook her head. The pain bringing a loud cry from her.

  He wanted to rip it out from the roots. His blood set to boil. He drew in a deep breath through his clenched teeth. “I would be pissed,” he growled, unable to keep his fury in check.

  God, he was so fucking sexy when he got angry. Sex with him had been the best when his rage was at full throttle. “That’s because you are mine.” Her head came forward as hair was left in his hands, her lips connecting with his.

  She was midair before her tongue could invade. “No, bitch. He belongs to me!”

  “Keeley!” Tar shouted.

  But all she saw was red. How dare that vile slut try and seduce her man. “You have a husband. A child. An enchanted life.” She circled Lisa and swiped her feet out from under her. “Money. Prestige. And yet, you still want more.”

  Lisa wobbled to her feet, playing the victim card. “Please don’t hurt me,” she screamed.

  Keeley’s left jab was fierce, shutting her cries with rapid speed. “Oh, I’ve just begun.” An uppercut making Lisa’s teeth crunch. “You hurt everyone in your path. You steal. You seduce. You take without any regard for another.” A quick side kick had Lisa stooped over, moaning.

  “Tar,” Lisa screeched. “Stop her!”

  But he stood there in awe. Keeley was fascinating to watch in action. Poetry in motion as she kicked and punched with precision, grace of a trained fighter. God help him, he wanted to pin her against the wall and fuck her senseless. Get your head in the game, McNeil! “No. I don’t think I will.”

  Keeley brought them around the room. “Tell him about Chase,” she grit, throwing another right cross, as Lisa’s head flung back.

  She wiped the blood from her lip with a sadistic grin on her face. Keeley paused, recognizing the look of an addict. Her hands dropped to her sides. “What do you want me to say?” Lisa taunted.

  “Tell him the truth about his brother,” Keeley insisted.

  Her eyes darted between the two of them. Tar noticed hers weren’t quite focused. Fuck. She was going, “Down,” he roared as the closet door flew open and Keeley was knocked off her feet.

  Everything became a blur of motion.

  Braxton yanked Keeley up by her hair, bringing a horrifying scream from her.

  Tar spotted the scalpel lying in Lisa’s hand, wondering how he missed it before.

  A child’s sleepy cry drew all eyes to the corner.

  Kian had put Cole in a deep sleep. But when his attention was pulled into the melee happening, the boy began to wake up.

  Braxton wrapped his large hand around Keeley’s throat, his fingers pushing in against her wind pipe.

  Tar moved faster than he should have been able to due to his size and the injuries he was still recovering from. The scalpel turned end over end. Keeley’s eyes wide as saucers as she fought to breathe, knowing the sharp tool was going to make contact. She tugged her head forward, leaning into the chokehold. The move gave the instrument a point of entry. Braxton’s eyes widened and his hand went to the shiny metal embedded in his jugular. He collapsed dead before Tar could take a step. Keeley was crushed underneath.

  Cole moved to see what was going on. Kian could not le
t the child see his mother covered in blood or the dead man. The angel made a decision that would most likely cost him everything. He stood in the hall outside the room. Lars mocked, “You didn’t win this one after all.”

  He glared at the fallen angel. “Really? All of mine are alive.”

  The demon roared in laughter. “You think I wanted mine to live. That’s fucking priceless.”

  “Well, one of them did,” Kian pointed out as his finger directed Lars’ gaze.

  Lisa sat against the wall. “Then she’s still of use to me.” He sauntered into the room.

  Tar was busy pulling Keeley free of the dead man who held her prisoner. She was freed just in time to see Lisa stand behind Tar ready to swing the IV pole like a bat. Her reflexes quick due to her tiny size as she kicked his feet out from under him, causing him to stumble back into Lisa. They fell with a resounding thump. She scrambled to make sure his head was okay.

  Cole dashed into the room and hugged Lisa tight. “Mommy. Are you okay?”

  Lars could do nothing with an unconscious participant and left until a better opportunity arose.

  All the commotion brought in doctors, nurses, security, and the police. The hospital room was now a crime scene.


  Interrogation was never fun. Tar handed over a copy of the voice recording he had on Lisa’s confession. He did not realize that it tied together with Keeley’s. Even little Cole provided the fill in for the blanks the adults didn’t know. The night became day became night before any of them could see one another.

  Cole sat on Tar’s lap in the bedroom of the team’s house and pulled out his blue jeans from a plastic bag. His happy gaze on Keeley’s. “Here, Auntie, this is yours. The nice lady with red hair told me to keep it safe.”

  She ruffled his wavy locks. “Thank you.”

  A pointed glance drifted between Tar and Keeley, neither knowing what was happening with Lisa or Chase. For the time being, they were Cole’s caregivers. The family reunion grew as a boisterous E entered the room. “‘Sup?”

  Followed by Lacey. “Hello.” She hugged her sister hard. Both with tears of joy as they parted. “You look like you’ve been in a fight,” she gasped.

  Keeley’s grin was sheepish. “Um…I have.”

  “Tigress, tell them,” Tar scolded in love.

  But she shook her head and bit her lip, earning her a slight smack to the butt. She turned, “That wasn’t necessary.”

  He grabbed her wrist, careful of her wounded hand, and pulled her to his side. A quick kiss on her temple followed by, “My girl, can fiiiiiiiiight.” Pride rang through his words. Evidence of it dancing in his expression.

  Lacey knew the power of having one’s husband adore you. She glanced between them, before settling on Cole, perched there like he was theirs. A strong forlornness hit her. They would never have a child that was their own flesh and blood. Half Tar, half Keeley. Somethings in life were just simply unfair. It was obvious they’d be terrific parents. But the cart shouldn’t come before the horse and she spouted out, “When are we marrying the two of you off?”

  E wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. “Everyone should have what we have, Sweetness.”

  “Exactly. “She chortled as he nuzzled into her neck.

  Cole’s gaze shifted between the two couples. He would never see that kind of happiness with his parents. He knew his daddy was safe but unable to see him yet. And his mommy was in jail for all the bad things she’d done. He snuggled into the warm arms of Tar and Keeley, wishing he, too, could have a family like theirs.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “I should’ve told you sooner,” Keeley gasped around a sob, “but I didn’t know how.” Everyone sat there and listened, not out of judgment but love. “Anyway, no matter how you all feel after this thing plays, just remember how much I love you.” Her fingers trembled as she hit play and the screen came to life. She buried her head in Tar’s arm not wanting to see Caleb’s face.

  He felt her tremors and pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t look, Beautiful.”

  But the voice from the past began to seep in and she heard Caleb’s taunting. “You’re nothing but a drug whore. He’ll never truly love a worthless piece of trash like you. Fuck you for a while, yes. But you’re not wife material. Happily-ever-after is not given to sluts like you.”

  Her hands over her ears, she hopped up and ran.

  “I knew this was a bad idea,” Tar affirmed before going after her.

  She looked so frail and scared sitting in the corner. “I thought,” he sighed, “we’d beat those bastards.” Down on his haunches in front of her, pulling her hands away from her face. “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”

  “I’m not enough. I’ll never be good enough for you.” The omission ripped out of her.

  “I see beauty rising from the depths of hell. A unique and precious thing to behold. Beauty that flourishes where most would perish. Pushing her way toward the light, fighting through the muck to survive, to shine. So rare and strong I find it hard to breathe. She’s mine to cherish, to gaze upon in wonder. A treasure for me and me alone to discover, learn, and fall in love with more and more for the rest of my life.” She gasped and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close. But he made sure he locked his soul to hers by gazing deep into those endless sable eyes. “You are beauty from ashes. A light so bright you blind me. And I am so in love with you that there is nothing. Nothing. In your past, present, or future that will ever change that. You are the rarest of gifts, and I am honored you were given to me.”

  “God, I love you more than I ever thought possible.” Her tears blurring their connection.

  But then, so were his. He closed the gap between them and made love to her mouth. A kiss of thousands that wrapped into one and bound them irrevocably.

  The precious moment gently interrupted by Lacey’s soft voice. “Keeley?”

  She sighed against Tar’s lips and whispered, “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry. But could you both come out here, please.”


  Together they stood, walking out hand in hand. The family gathered around them. Alex spoke up, “First of all, there is no evidence that you committed any crime. Therefore, legally speaking, nothing and no one can ever charge you with being an accomplice to the murder of Caleb Reynolds.”

  Nik added, “You are family. And even if you stood before us with blood on your hands, it wouldn’t change that.”

  “Family,” E chimed in, “is more than biology or a name sake. It is love, loyalty, forgiveness and acceptance, all wrapped into something special.”

  “And you, dear sister,” Aimee affirmed, “are every bit a part of us.” Her hand rubbing lovingly over her very pregnant belly.

  Sofie stepped forward and placed Tar’s hand over Keeley’s. “We love you both and couldn’t be prouder to call you family.”

  Lacey stood there with a Bible in her hand. “Do you have the rings?”

  Keeley gasped and turned her startled gaze to Tar’s. “You knew?”

  Ari entered the circle. “I have them.” She opened her hand to reveal gothic looking bands of white gold etched in black. A knot formed in their center. “Two are stronger than one.” She placed Tar’s ring in Keeley’s hand, and Keeley’s in Tar’s.

  Lacey continued to read scripture and the vows of tradition.

  With each word Keeley said to Tar, a piece of her slipped away, forming into something wonderful, amazing, and absolutely beautiful. They walked into this room connected individuals, but she knew they would leave as one. Then her sister spoke the words she dreamed of hearing her entire life. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Had she thought the kiss they shared in the other room was the best there would ever be? Leave it to her husband to prove he was still full of incredible surprises. He took her mouth with his in a delicate union, mindful of the onlookers, yet claiming enough to prove he was proud to belong to her. They parted breathless.

  “And now let me be the first to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Tarius McNeil,” Lacey announced.

  Flower petals rained down and Keeley sucked in a long breath. “Lotus.”

  “Nothing else would do,” Tar whispered.

  “You did this?” Her head angled up at him.

  “Do you see they’re blue?”

  “Cyan. And yes,” tears ran down her cheeks, “they match my tattoo.”

  He leaned down so only she could hear. “And mine.”


  He playfully nipped her lip. “I’ll show you in a more private setting.”

  His words licking her clit.


  Several days had passed since their impromptu wedding in a circle of family. They’d had very little time to be alone since then. Court appearances, paperwork to fill out, Keeley was still mesmerized that her sister became ordained just for them. Now they stood holding Cole’s hands as Chase was brought into the room. A moment of awkward silence passed between father and son before Chase went to his knees. Cole ran into his father’s open arms.

  Keeley turned her head into Tar, wiping her eyes across his sleeve. He held her tight and waited for his turn to hug his brother.

  They sat with Mitch and learned Zak was still on the loose. Turned out he was wanted for many crimes but the most heinous, in their opinion, were the vile acts he performed on Chase. Mitch hadn’t forgotten Lexi’s warning about Zak wanting him. Now it all made perfect sense. Seemed the enemies multiplied like rabbits.

  The phone call came they’d all been waiting for. Ari along with Peyton, the girl Alex and Sofie rescued that night from the auction, took Cole into the kitchen for milk and cookies. There on the television screen was a sobbing Lisa McNeil and behind her stood a good thirty wealthy, powerful, men and women charged with running one of the nation’s largest sex slave trade rings.

  Shelby limped into the room. “Keeley, Tar, you need to hurry or you’ll miss your flight.”

  “But,” Keeley turned, “we should be here with all of you.”


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