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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 1

by J. Thiele







  Blood Runs Deep

  Copyright 2014 J. Thiele

  Published by J. Thiele at Amazon

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places and events are either the

  product of the Author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments,

  events or locations are entirely coincidental.

  Amazon Edition License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  The following eBooks contains Adult (18+) Themes, including graphic sexual scenes and language that may offend or disturb some readers.

  All characters are fictional and portrayed as mature adults 18 years old and over.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Book Two - Bloodties


  Melissa Bell ~ you asked me to write you a story about vampires, and here it is.

  This book was written and dedicated to you with love.

  Chapter One

  Casey sat at home like she did most nights lately. Her latest fling had ended during the week and she was in no hurry to step back into the dating scene just yet. Being a detective’s partner/lover wasn’t easy, and Casey was in no mood to put another woman through what Jen had just been through.

  She’d been working on a case that had her go under cover for several weeks, trying to shut down a major drug ring.

  On the last day of her investigation she'd been instructed to go to the old abandoned warehouse, that had sat empty for the past five years—next to the railway crossing on the west side of town. Everybody knew the location and most knew to stay away. There was something creepy about that place, perhaps they should have pulled it down when it was first abandoned.

  The owner slash manager was murdered there, in a bizarre way that no-one liked to talk about. But it was common knowledge that his body was entirely drained of blood. People believed his soul was still inside the warehouse...searching for salvation. He was an evil bastard to work for, but everyone agreed that no-one deserved to die like that. The place was closed down and abandoned shortly after. No-one wanted to go back there. The air had shifted and his evil presence was said to be still lurking high in the overheads watching over everyone, as usual waiting to pounce on every slip up.

  Even the demolisher’s were too afraid to get close enough to destroy the structure. His assailant was never found, never brought to justice, and many questions remained unanswered.

  It was a perfect hide out for the drug runners who thought they were above the law, above fear. They had their guns and were more often than not, too wasted to know fear, even when it had them by the throat.

  * * * * *

  Casey arrived a little after two-thirty pm. She walked up to the open door of the warehouse, already suspicious. It was unlike the gang to call her for a meeting out of the blue and on such short notice. She had her earpiece in and had already called for backup. She had an uncanny knack of knowing when something wasn’t right.

  “I’m almost at the door, is everybody in position?” she spoke softly, barley more than a whisper.

  “Roger that sergeant. Will approach on your word.” Came a voice in her ear, which she recognised as Lieutenant Ray Powell. A young officer that had been backup on several other cases that she’d previously led.

  “Ah, Lieutenant Powell, glad you could join us,” she responded. “Keep them back until I give the order. I don’t want any heroes, nor do I want a body count.”

  “You got it,” responded the young voice. Cheerful that she trusted him with that responsibility. He’d grown fond of Casey over the past two years. He admired and respected her, and though he would never admit it nor act on it, he had a slight crush on the well-known lesbian detective.

  * * * * *

  She stepped out of the sunlight and into the darkness of the warehouse, her piece tucked into the back of her jeans. She felt her heart rate quicken, when from somewhere in the shadows she heard Tyson’s raspy voice. “Ahh Rachel you’re here, come in, come in.” there was something cynical about his tone.

  Someone came from nowhere on her left side and patted her down, retrieving her weapon. He held it up by the butt dangling it in his fingers. He walked toward Tyson pushing her sideways as he passed.

  “What’s with the pistol, Rachel? Do you think you need protection? From us maybe? Come closer Rachel…. or should I say, Detective Casey Marks?”

  Casey glared at him as he approached her with her own handgun pointing directly at her. “Did you think you could outsmart me detective?” he asked through his half smart grin.

  “Did you think I’d be stupid enough to come alone?” she snapped back at him.

  They heard a rustle and some commotion from the overhead beams behind them. “Don’t just stand there you idiots! Go check it out,” he bellowed at his comrades. Three of his men scattered inside the warehouse to find the source, but returned minutes later empty handed.

  “Must be rats or something, there’s nothing up there.” said Wes, the youngest and shortest of the trio explained.

  A moment later they heard it again. “I told you I wasn’t alone,” Casey repeated. Trying to trigger their nerves and convince them the noises coming from inside were her guys closing in.

  “Well your guys are a little too late.” Tyson told her as he squeezed the trigger firing a bullet into her stomach. Casey clutched at her wound as blood seeped through her fingers and she fell to the ground. Tyson stepped closer to her until he was towering over her. She dragged herself toward the sunlight that was beaming through the open door.

  You can’t escape Detective, it’s too late.” As he took another step his foot landed in a pool of Casey’s blood. “Fuck! I just bought these shoes too.” He aimed at Casey’s head ready to fire another bullet into her when he was interrupted by shouts and screams from his crew behind him. He turned to see what the commotion was and shouted, “What the fuck is up with you guys?” but his question was met with silence. It was dark in the warehouse; he squinted from where he was standing and tried to see what was going on with his gang. From the shadows came a figure covered in blood, a tall male had Tyson frozen on the spot. Sirens could be
heard closing in fast. The figure moved swiftly back into the shadows as squad cars came in roaring to a halt. Casey had passed out due to loss of blood. Through the dust stirred by the cars, Lieutenant Powell squatted behind the safety of his opened door with his gun pointed at Tyson’s head. “Freeze! Drop the gun and get down on your knees.”

  Tyson was already frozen, he was completely oblivious to the police cars behind him, or any instructions they were shouting out to him. Powell indicated to the other officers to come up behind him and take him by surprise.

  Tyson made no attempt to resist. He simply stared into nothingness, tears streamed down his face as he was cuffed and placed in the back of a patrol car.

  Powell raced to Casey’s side, feeling for a pulse and shouted, “We need a bus! Now!” and an ambulance was called to the scene.

  Powell looked over his shoulder to see other officers vacate the warehouse vomiting and heaving; he got to his feet and walked toward the interior drawing his flashlight and shining it into the shadows. His eyes widened with horror, there was blood and body parts strewn everywhere.

  Chapter Two

  A week later Casey was being released from hospital, she’d lost a lot of blood, but the wound was a through and through, missing all her vital organs. Tyson was in custody, charged with attempted murder of a police officer, along with several other charges, including possession and sale of illicit drugs, and the murder of his entire gang.

  Tyson wasn’t talking. In fact, he hadn’t spoken a word since he was taken into custody that day at the warehouse.

  Captain Pearce was at the hospital to escort Casey home, and fill her in on the case so far.

  “He murdered them all?” Casey asked.

  “Yep, bloody massacred the lot of em’ - Ripped them apart, limb from limb,” he replied.

  “How? He wouldn’t have had time, they were alive when he shot me and I must have been out for only a minute or two before the troops moved in.”

  “Fucked if we can work it out, but the pricks not saying a word. Just keeps staring off into space, trying to pull a section eight over us. The bastard’s crazy if he thinks any of us are buying that crazy shit” The captain said as he helped Casey into her jacket, and seated her in the wheelchair. “Ready to roll?” he asked as he started to push her out of the room and toward the lifts.

  “Get me out of here.” Casey said, “Before I’m sanctioned with a section eight.”

  * * * * *

  Casey arrived home to find Jen had cleared out. A note was left in a sealed envelope on the breakfast bar. She took a deep breath before opening it.

  Dear Casey,

  I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t live from one moment to the next wondering if you’re going to come home in one peace or if you’re even going to come home at all. I know that this is your life; it’s what you live for. I just don’t want to be around when you die for it as well. I can’t and won’t ask you to change; I know that’s asking for the impossible, but a piece of me died when you were shot and I won’t keep losing you to the job. I’d rather lose you alive than bury you dead.

  I love you always.


  “Everything okay?” Pearce asked.

  “Um yeah, she’s gone to stay with her mother for a while; it’s all getting a bit much for her.” she lied. She was gone and Casey knew she was never coming back.

  “Oh okay. You need anything, can I call someone for ya?” Pearce asked.

  “No, I’m fine thanks. But I’m tired, I think I’ll go and lie down for a while. Can you let yourself out?” Casey asked, as she headed for the bedroom.

  “Oh yeah, sure. I’d better head back to the precinct anyway. That bastard's got his snot nosed lawyer coming in today. He’s even trying to convince him that he’s lost his marbles. Fucking fruit loop.” The captain said, as he exited her unit. “Hey call if you need anything okay?” were his final words as he closed to the door to leave.

  * * * * *

  Casey was lying on her bed. Sleep eluded her. Even though she was exhausted, something was keeping her mind from resting. ‘How the fuck did Tyson manage to slaughter his gang in that time? And why would he slaughter them? What’s with the silent act? If he didn’t do it, for Christ’s sake speak out. You’re going down for drugs and attempted murder; the body count will give you the fucking death penalty.’

  Eventually the pain killers kicked in and Casey was in a deep sleep. She began thrashing slightly at first as the nightmare of that day in the warehouse revisited her in her dreams. She recalled the conversation with Tyson, and felt the bullet enter her stomach again. She saw Tyson standing over her and felt her body tingling from loss of blood. She watched as Tyson walked over to the shadows, from the darkness she saw…… She sat bolt upright. She was wet from sweat and her breathing was rapid. She tried to remember what it was that startled her awake, but everything just drew a blank.

  She got up and staggered to the kitchen for a glass of water. Then it hit her. There was someone or something else in the warehouse. She snatched up her phone and called the station.

  “Put me through to Captain Pearce. Its Detective Marks.” She ordered the switch board operator.

  “Marks, why aren’t you resting?” he blurted out.

  “Captain, I just remembered something. Tyson couldn’t have murdered his guys, there simply wasn’t the time. Especially if it was as gruesome as you say. But listen; there was something else in there that day, I remember cos he sent his guys out back to track down some noises that were coming from the overheads. They came up with nothing, but I heard the noises too. There was definitely something there,” Casey rambled.

  “Something?” Pearce sounded condescending, “Casey, look, you’ve had a rough couple of days, and you’re taking a lot of medication. They came up with nothing, because there was nothing; we’ve had our guys go over that place with a fine tooth comb, there’s nothing there but dust and cobwebs. Now will you get some rest? The case is all but closed, and fuck face is going down for murder.”

  “But Captain…”

  “But Captain nothing. REST!” he ordered as he hung up in her ear.

  Casey looked at her phone. “Really?” she said out loud. “You can be such a prick sometimes Captain Anthony Pearce, your fucking lucky I love you or Id make my way down there and pop a cap in your ass for that.” She put the hand set back in its cradle and flicked her kettle on. Still uneasy about her suspicions.

  * * * * *

  It was getting dark out, Casey decided to plant herself in front of the T.V. Jen was gone and she was on leave due to her injuries. There weren’t many options for entertainment these days.

  She turned to Channel 72 where she’d found a horror movie. Not much frightened her, she’d seen and done it all in the line of duty, so a good horror was always good to get her adrenalin flowing. About an hour into the movie she heard a noise out on her back door step. She turned the volume down to listen for it again, but heard nothing. She decided it must have been the neighbour’s cat 'Jack' who often used her plants to piss in whenever Olivia had neglected to take him to the roof tops or change his litter tray.

  She was well aware of how movies can play on the minds of women who were home alone and chose to indulge in horror films. When she was still in uniform and flat footing neighbourhoods she responded to many a false alarm calls from frightened women watching scary films alone. She refused to become one of them and returned the T.V to its original volume setting.

  An add break came on and Casey got up to stretch, she had an uneasy feeling sweep over her as if someone was watching her. But she was several floors up and the landing was inaccessible from the streets, she shared it only with her neighbour Olivia, who rarely used it except when she wanted a cigarette. She didn’t feel it was her eyes on her at all. She pulled her weapon from its holster and kept it on the bench while she made herself another coffee.

  As she turned to take it back to the comfort of her recliner, something caught her eye
from the landing. She placed the cup back on the counter and swapped it for her Glock.

  Edging her way against the wall and hidden behind the curtains she held her piece against her face ready to flash out and draw it at who or what was on her landing.

  A second later she was at the window and spun out with her arms extended with pistol ready to fire at the end of them. There was nothing there. She wondered if there was a 'Peeping Tom' laughing at her from a neighbouring building and the flash that caught her eye was nothing more than a light flicking on or off. Her mind must be playing tricks on her, perhaps her medication needed to be reduced.

  She returned to the lounge and swiftly changed the station; resigned to the fact that her adrenalin had reached its peak for one night. Now she was bordering on paranoia.

  She flicked off the television and called it a night, but not before checking and double checking her locks and making sure her Glock was loaded and tucked safely under her pillow.

  Chapter Three

  Two weeks later Casey was fit to return to duty. Pearce wanted to keep an eye on her until all her mandatory psych evaluations were complete, so he assigned her to a desk, outside his office until further notice. Casey was insulted and furious at the notion. But what could she do? It was standard procedure and he was the Captain. She only had to suck it up; she didn’t have to like it.

  “Any more on the 'Grey' case?” she asked as she seated herself at her desk.

  “What’s more to tell?” Pearce asked in return, “The bastards guilty and behind bars, just a waiting game now for the trial and sentencing.”


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