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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 5

by J. Thiele

  Rick returned to the fence and noticed the hole. ‘For the love of God! Will that bitch ever listen to orders? I’ll have her badge in the morning. Screw you Bob, my debt is paid in full.’ He tried to squeeze through but became frustrated that he was too big and still needed to cut a little more to accommodate his larger frame.

  Casey and Ray heard the landing of the glass on the concrete floor inside, and raced in the direction of the windows. They found Amanda trying to scale the brick wall to gain entry. Ray reached up and pulled her back down to ground zero.

  In a loud whisper Casey asked, “What the fuck are you thinking?”

  “I found the window; I was trying to get inside to have a look, until bozo here pulled me down.” She answered defiantly, shoving Ray.

  Rick had just shown up as well, and got the gist of what had just gone down “Detective, I’m sorry, I turned my back for a minute to get wire cutters…”

  “Forget it! This goes no further tonight, and as of tomorrow, princess here is off my case.” Casey decided.

  “Now you just wait a minute. My father is...”

  Casey spun and slapped her as hard as she could, landing her on her arse. “I don’t give a frig flying fuck who your father is, this is my case, and you just put yourself at risk attempting to enter an unsecured premises without backup, without a radio and without my word. In short, Daddy can’t protect you this time.” Casey walked off. “Let’s get out of here. I want her as far away from this place as possible, and if I catch her anywhere near my investigation again I’ll have her arrested for obstruction.”

  Rick reached down to give her a hand up; she slapped it out of her way. He shook his head and said, “You blew it this time. I’ll wait for you in the car.” he turned his back and walked away.

  Rick met up with Casey and Ray back at the front of the building, Casey was putting her card in the door, not thinking anyone would retrieve it, but more of an act of protocol.

  “Well, that went well.” Ray said in an attempt to ease Rick’s embarrassment.

  The three talked amongst themselves while waiting for Amanda to show herself. Rick looked at his watch, “I wonder what’s keeping her? I might go back around and get her, I think you made your point, she's probably realised that she was out of line and is licking her wounds.”

  “We’ll come too; I hope she didn’t go in alone anyway.” Casey said as she nudged her head at Ray to follow.

  “Lewis, are you back here?” Rick called out. There was no response, but something lay on the ground below the window. The three raced up to investigate. It was Amanda, her body was limp, her face distorted. She looked as if she’d seen a ghost; her eyes were wide open and her face frozen in a scream. She was dead. It appeared her neck was broken.

  “What the fuck?” asked Ray.

  “My guess is she had another attempt to gain entry.” Casey concluded. “She slipped and fell, breaking her neck on impact. Call it in.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry Rick. I know she was your partner and all.” Ray tried to find some words to fill the air.

  “She took a risk, this time it didn’t pay off. We weren’t close. But I know her father, the hardest thing is going to be telling him.” Rick told them.

  Ray pulled his radio from his belt and called for a bus.

  “Captain’s going to have a field day.” Casey said as she sat on the concrete leaning against the fence waiting for the meat wagon.

  The two men sat either side of her; Rick reached into his jacket pocket and took out a packet of cigarettes. He lit one up taking a deep drag of the nicotine, then offered his packet over. Neither Casey nor Ray smoked, but they both accepted one anyway, and shared a flame to light up.

  Chapter Nine

  It was daylight before they had all finished there incident reports, debriefing and meeting with the victim’s father. Casey didn’t want to admit it but she felt sorry for the old man. His daughter was his life. He knew she could be ‘gung ho’ as he put it, he always knew she would have trouble following orders. He was always worried she’d end up taking a bullet or something, never for one second did her think she’d go out from a six foot fall. The man was in shock, “Amanda was very athletic, she loved ballet, always wore her little Tutu around the house. But she could be a tomboy too.” He went on, “climbing trees with the boys.” he looked down at his aging hands as they shook. “She was top of her class in gymnastics.” He looked up with tear filled eyes. “Still it only takes one slip up, and I guess this is the result.”

  Casey expressed her condolences and apologised for his loss. But at the back of her mind she was relieved to have her off the case, though she’d never allow herself to speak the words out loud.

  No-one considered it a crime scene; there were no suspects, no reason to suspect foul play, just a misguided young detective, still wet behind the ears, trying to prove herself but made a fatal mistake in not following orders.

  His sorrow made Casey consider her estranged relationship she had with her own father. They’d barely spoken since Casey came out during her college years, being an only child to a widowed man, left him disappointed on many levels. Her mother died from cancer when she was a toddler. Her father never remarried, never had the son he desperately hoped for and to top it off, his daughter would never produce grandchildren. Not even a son-in-law that he could take fishing during summer holidays. Captain Pearce was now the closest thing to a real father/daughter relationship she had, but she would never tell the cranky old bastard how she felt about him. He would most likely use it against her every time he tried he got the chance.

  * * * * *

  Casey went home for a few of hours’ sleep before returning to the station that evening. She showered then fell into her empty bed. She’d been so involved with the case she hadn’t had time to focus on how lonely she’d been. Today of all days she missed Jen the most. She would normally have come home to her welcoming arms, have a quick debrief of emotion then fall into bed for some good, hard old fashioned stress relief.

  Not only was she lonely, but she was fucking horny as well. Since the shooting she hadn’t thought about sex much. She’d been either too tired or too sore.

  She slid her hand down her naked body to her aching pussy. Opening her lips with her index and ring fingers she circled her swollen clit with her middle finger. She poked it into her entrance to gather some moisture allowing her finger to glide over her nub with ease. She’d almost reached a small orgasm when she stopped and reached into her drawer, pulling out her dildo that had been tucked in its sleeve since before Jen left. She pressed it against her clit then angled it at the mouth of her cave ready for its invasion. Spreading her wet lips with one hand she fed the dildo into the opened mouth of her snatch. She’d forgotten how much a good fuck could relieve stress and tension. She began to withdraw the artificial cock but slammed it back inside herself before it escaped fully. Her eyes rolled when it ricocheted off her cervix and she repeated the motion, continually massaging her clit while the foreigner was rammed back and forth into her cunt. Suddenly a gush of hot juices flowed from her cave, cascading over the dildo into a puddle beneath her. ‘Fuck! I needed that.’ She thought as she pulled out the intruder and tossed to one side. She rolled over not completely satisfied, but at least enough to take the edge of until she had more energy. She rolled over and drifted off to sleep. Her final thoughts were of how good that could have been if Jen had have been there to assist.

  * * * * *

  Casey woke up with the same nagging feeling that someone was watching her. It was already dark, she’d over slept. She raced into the shower to wash away the sticky dry cum feeling before dressing to return to the station. She looked at her phone, there were three text messages from Ray.

  Another massacre.

  Tried calling but no response

  Pearce having a fit.

  The next message read.

  Where the fuck are you,

  Are you okay?

  The final one said
r />   Pearce taken to hospital.

  Collapsed at his desk. Taken to the general. Was asking for you.

  Her heart skipped a beat; she pressed Ray’s number on speed dial. He answered quickly.

  “Yeah, where are you?”

  “On my way to general; what happened?” she asked.

  “Another fucking massacre, in a brothel down town. Four of the escorts were torn apart, and wait for it, the owner was killed as well. Two puncture wounds to the side of his throat, his body completely drained of blood.” He paused, “Pearce was on the phone to head of state when we got the news. Next thing he was clutching his chest then fell to the floor. Ambos were quick to respond, they think he’s going to be okay, but hurry, he’s been shouting Mary hell ever since we got here, demanding your presence.”

  “We? You’re with him at the hospital?”

  “Yeah I rode with him in the bus, I was on the scene when he went down, he was still conscious and it didn’t seem right to let him ride alone.”

  “Thanks, tell him I’m on my way, I’ll be there soon.” Casey hung up, grateful that Ray was with him but jealous and disappointed, it should have been her at his side. It was a bitter sweet consolation that he was calling for her.

  * * * * *

  Casey arrived at the emergency department; she’d barely made it to the reception desk when she heard a familiar voice bellowing from behind one of the curtain.

  “For Christ’s sake stop poking at me, I’m not a fucking remote!”

  Casey looked at the nervous looking nurse behind the counter “Never mind, I just found who I’m looking for.” She told her before heading toward the cubical making all the fuss.

  She pulled the curtain back and peeked around to see Pearce in a hospital gown with tubes and wires attached all over him. Ray sat in a chair to one side, keeping quiet trying not to raise his blood pressure any higher. Grateful to see her, he stood and welcomed her in to the confined space.

  “Well it’s about time you showed up.” He snorted at Casey as she squeezed in past the nurse.

  “I’m sorry captain, I over slept.”

  “WHAT? A man’s half dead in the hospital and a psychopath is out there killing innocent people in our fine city, but you ‘OVER SLEEP’ glad you’re well rested, now get me the fuck out of here.” His voice was elevating even louder than when Casey had arrived.

  “You’re not going anywhere sir. At least not until the Doctor gives the all clear.” Said the middle aged, dark skinned nurse, who was trying to take his observations to put on his chart.

  “I wasn’t asking you. Do you know who I am? I’m the…”

  The nurse glared down at him, giving a death stare and holding her hand up to silence him. Her face had suddenly lost compassion and was now taking back control of her wing.

  “Right now you’re my patient, and I’m fast losing mine.” She bent down to whisper in his ear. “If you don’t keep quiet on my floor, I have a 6mm syringe on my trolley filled with enough sedative to keep you quiet for at least eight hours. Now, SHUT UP.” She demanded.

  The big man sank back into his pillow, and allowed her to carry out her duties.

  Casey and Ray looked at each other unsure of whether they should laugh or cry at the big guy being shut down by a woman in a dress.

  Ray filled Casey in on the murders at the brothel while the captain kept trying to sit up and add his opinion. The nurse kept pushing him back down as they exchanged dirty looks challenging each other for authority, eventually the nurse spoke up. “Excuse me? But this man has had a suspected heart attack; his blood pressure is through the God damn roof, and probably due to the nature of his work. Now I appreciate the work you good people do for our great city, but do it in your office not mine. I can’t get his blood pressure stabilised if you two keep getting him all excited. Please leave so he can rest…NOW!” she ordered.

  The pair looked at their commander for direction, he looked back and shrugged his shoulder in resignation, flicking his hands at them in a gesture to do as she instructed.

  “She’ll be off duty soon enough, I’ll call the station later and you can fill me in then,” he told them as they left through the curtains.

  “That syringe is still loaded.” She replied.

  * * * * *

  Casey was sitting at her desk going over the notes from the brothel massacre, when she heard Rays voice from across the room. “Detective Marks?” she looked up surprised to hear him call her that, knowing instinctively it must be official, and immediately rose from her chair. A combination of rage, fear and confusion swept over her as Ray drew nearer to her desk with a tall fair skinned stranger in close pursuit. A stranger they both recognised as the late Damon Cartwright.

  Casey extended her hand to shake his. “Mr. Cartwright, what can I do for you?” she asked a little shaken by his presence, noticing his hands were ice cold and his eyes were the colour of emerald green with specks of gold through them. “Your hands, their very cold.” She commented.

  “Ah yes, poor circulation.” He explained, “Runs in the family.” he added with a smile. “But more to the point of my visit, the question is, what can I do for you?” he asked returning the card she’d jammed in the door of the warehouse the night before. The night Amanda met her fate.

  Casey had completely forgotten about the card, but was reminded of it when it was placed back in her hand.

  “Oh, of course.” She turned to Ray, “Lieutenant will you escort Mr. Cartwright to the interview room? I’ll be along in a few minutes.” Casey needed the time to collect her thoughts. The whole theory of Cartwright being an alias for Wes was just shot down in flames. The case had more holes in it now, than a two dollar hookers pantihose. Casey would have to start from the beginning.

  Ray did as he was asked and promptly returned to Casey to see what her next move was going to be. “Who knew?” he asked. “This is way out of left field.”

  “I want proof that he is who he says he is, a licence, a passport anything that will back his story, and I want eyes on him at all times. Although he’s cleaned himself up and put on a suit, he is the man I saw the day Grey put a bullet in my belly.” Casey was not buying anything he was selling at this point.

  Casey entered the room carrying two coffees. Placing one in front of Cartwright.

  “Thanks, but I don’t drink it, it’s bad for the blood.” He rejected her offer of hospitality.

  “Thank you for coming in Mr. Cartwright.” Casey began, “I just have a few questions for you and then you’ll be free to go.”

  “Pardon me, but am I under some sort of investigation? Have I done something wrong?”

  He asked.

  “We’re not sure at this time Mr. Cartwright; can you tell me your whereabouts on Thursday the 23rd of August? At around two-thirty in the afternoon” she continued her questions.

  “That’s easy, I was in France still on business.” he replied.

  “Do you have evidence to back that up?” she was quick to bring him undone.

  “Do I need it?” he was equally quick with his responses.

  “Mr. Cartwright, we’re investigating a series of bloody murders that have occurred over the past few weeks, and unless you can give me straight answers to direct questions, I will consider you a hostile witness and detain you under suspicion.”

  “Please Detective, my aim is not to interfere with your investigations, tell me what it is you need and I shall see to it that you have it on your desk by morning. In the meantime here is my boarding pass, and passport. My address in France, as well as a number you can reach me on. Is there anything more that can’t wait?”

  “Yes, if you arrived this morning, where have you been? Why didn’t you come in sooner, why wait until now?” she wasn’t convinced.

  “Please detective, jet lag still affects me, even with all my travels abroad.” he sounded almost convincing. He was charming, too charming, Casey’s hair was on ends by his sheer presence. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but
there was something creepy yet familiar about him. And she was still convince it was him in the warehouse the day Greys gang was ripped apart, literally.

  “Sir, I have reason to believe you were in the city the day of the first massacre. That you were in fact at the scene which was in your warehouse.” Casey put her suspicions forward.

  “Ma’am that’s just not possible, please check my papers, they will confirm what I have told you.” Cartwright announced.

  “Oh I’ll be checking them Mr. Cartwright.” Casey stood with determination, pushing the table with her pelvis as she stood. The full coffee that was offered to Cartwright tipped over. Cartwright's hand moved at the speed of light, retrieving it before a single drop was spilled.

  Casey’s eyes widened. “How? How did you do that?” she asked.

  “Oh that?” he laughed, “I have trained in the arts for many years; speed is something that now comes naturally to me.”

  Casey looked suspiciously at the man, “I’ll be a minute to check these.” she said holding up his paper work, “Don’t go anywhere.”

  Cartwright held his hands high and smiled with the gesture of surrender.

  A few minutes later Casey returned with the papers, and handed them back to the suspect. “Okay Mr. Cartwright. It all checks out, you're free to go, for now. But keep your phone charged I may need to ask you some more questions later, and no more trips abroad until this matter is settled. For now, you’re grounded.”


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