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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 24

by J. Thiele

  “What else?” He wanted to know exactly what he was in for.

  “Your body will reject food as you know it. As vampires we do not waste our intake, we burn it off.”


  “That is something for you to discover.” Damon told him.

  “Most other things you should already know by our association.”

  “Yeah, yeah, no sterling silver, no more sunbaking at the beach, no more ball games. Gee not much of anything is there?” Ray decided.

  “It is not all bad Ray. Your speed is like no other, your eyesight will see further than ever before, you will witness things and inventions in your existence that mankind now can only dream about.”


  “Why what Ray?”

  “Why didn’t you let me die?”

  * * * * *

  Damon lay in his bed that night, thinking about his brother and the forbidden love between him and the witch Sarah.

  “What troubles you tonight my love?” Beth asked.

  “I am concerned about Dominic, and his love for the witch.” He confessed.

  “Why are you allowing this to interrupt your thoughts? They have managed it without your help or Victor’s for over fifty years, why must you intervene? These are new times, we must move with them mustn’t we?”

  “Beth, do you not understand? She is a witch, an abomination.”

  “And she saved one of ours.” Beth interrupted.

  “It is a forbidden love.” he continued to argue his point.

  “As was ours once; yet here we are.”

  “They are of mixed breed.”

  “BREED? You talk of them as if they are animals! You call Sarah an abomination, yet we ourselves until recent times were considered the same thing. You talk of great change, yet you are too stubborn to take the first step to set them in motion. ‘Treat your spouse as equal’ you said. Yet you look at your brothers chosen one as though she were no more than a rodent. You are a hypocrite Damon. I will not lie with a man who is not true to himself and his followers.” Beth went down to be with Casey, knowing that she’d been beating herself up since Rick blasted her.

  * * * * *

  Rick went up to check on Ray who had been returned to his cell, “Ray, are you awake buddy?” he asked sheepishly.

  “Yeah, I’m awake.” He stood and went to the cell bars, Rick stood back.

  “Hey, I know what happened, I’m sorry okay, I wasn’t myself.” Ray told him.

  “I know buddy, do you remember anything?”

  “Not really, except one thing. You. You promised to stand by me no matter what, and you did. Thanks.”

  “Don’t sweat it, are ya ready to get out of here and come down to the land of the…” Ray looked at him in defeat “Fuck man, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything.”

  “Relax, I’ve changed, no need for you to. But your bloods will be worth bottling if you get me out of her, I’m starting to get cabin fever.”

  Rick looked at him suspiciously and Ray returned a cheeky grin.

  They past Brandy’s cell on the way, Ray stopped, “Hey Rick, how about it? She’s no threat to anyone, and she was only here as a guest in the first place.”

  Rick hesitated for a moment then checked his weapon was in its holster; he unlocked the door and allowed her to leave her cell.

  “Ray, I’m sorry, I never would have hurt you.” she said as she stepped out into the hall.

  “I know Bran. What’s done is done. You have an eternity to make it up to me.”

  Rick rolled his eyes and took them down to the rest of the team.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Damon came down from his loft and was face to face with Dominic. “Brother, I have judged you poorly; your right to choose your life partner has been stolen from you for too long. It is with an open heart that I,” he paused. “That we, welcome the witch Sarah into the family.”

  Dominic reached out and pulled Damon into his embrace. “Thank you Damon. I am indebted to you.”

  “Tis I that is indebted to you Dominic, you have taught me much. In my ignorance and confusion I lost sight of the change we are striving for. Bring forth your beloved; I would like to thank her for saving the life of Ray.”

  Ray stepped forward. “I’d like to thank her too, Dominic.”

  * * * * *

  They were all anxiously waiting for the arrival of Sarah, Damon took a few minutes to meditate before she came.

  He’d not long closed his eyes when the voice revisited him. “Make your peace Damon, for a day is but a life time, and your day is almost upon you. Secure your lines and choose your command.” His eyes flashed open again. He knew his time was growing near, he didn’t know what was going to happen or where it would lead him, but it was close and he needed to put some wheels in motion. He went down stairs to greet his Dominic’s woman and make some announcements.

  * * * * *

  “Greetings my brother, and welcome Sarah, please come in and make you selves comfortable. We have much to discuss.”

  Casey made Sarah some green tea while she, Pearce and Kara indulged in a cold beer.

  “I would like to start by thanking you Sarah for all you have done to help Raymond. He is the first of our rogue to be saved. This gives me great hope for the future.”

  “Wait a minute, I helped as a favour to Dominic, I have no intentions of making a career out of becoming any vampire exorcist, there is no ‘future’.” Sarah said boldly.

  Damon smiled, “Perhaps Sarah, but please allow me to finish.” he went on.

  “We have much to be thankful for, but there is still a lot of work ahead of us. We work toward a new world, where colonies combine and rejoice. It is our position to prove we are no longer a threat to the humans, or the witches. The walls have been up for far too long, it is time they came crashing down.”

  “Why do we have to do the work Damon? What of the humans that have hunted us like animals?”

  “We have behaved as such Dominic. We have feasted on them and terrorised them since the beginning. We have tarnished the witches with a brush that we ourselves should have been painted with. I dream of a world that we can exist in side by side.”

  “That’s going to take years.” Dominic told him.

  “About one thousand.” Damon responded, “But what else will you do to pass the time?”


  “Yes, I appoint you in charge, in my absence.”

  “Your absence? Where are you going?” Casey asked.

  “I have had a sign, I cannot explain it, but I fear I will leave this planet soon. I will need to leave someone I can trust at the helm in my absence.” He turned to Dominic, “I will be honoured if you will stand in my place my brother; there is no-one I trust more. I leave it up to you and your bride, to discover the path to harmony.”

  “Damon? What of me? Where do I fit into your plans” Beth asked from the balcony, upset that he hadn’t shared any of the information with her prior.

  Damon appeared in front of her, clasping her hands. “You my dear, will be by my side. Where ever I go, I trust you would be willing to follow?”

  Dominic looked around at the crew he was about to inherit and the walls that had been turned into a sanctuary for Damon. Then he turned to Sarah. “He called you my bride. That means we are bound by his grace.” She smiled then took another sip of her tea. When she pulled the mug away from her mouth, she thought it tasted a little bitter all of a sudden. She looked into the cup frowning as she swirled it around, preparing to finish the last drops.

  “I accept Damon. I would be honoured to carry on your legacy until your return.” Dominic proudly announced. Damon returned to face him and clutch his forearm in an embrace of ‘brothers in arms’ solidifying the arrangement.

  From behind them Sarah dropped her cup shattering it. “I too have had a sign. The tea leaves never lie, the fourth is coming, and someone will die.” Then she collapsed. Dominic swooped her up into his arms before she could hit the
floor landing in the debris from the broken cup.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sarah woke in Damon’s loft with Dominic keeping vigil over her.

  “What did you see my darling?” he asked her.

  “I’m not sure Dom,” She said, “but the moment you spoke your vow to take command, the tea turned bitter. When I looked into the leaves in the bottom of the cup, the number four, and death reached out to me as if warning me of impending doom.”

  “Should I decline?” he asked her, knowing the power of her readings. She was rarely wrong. In fact he couldn’t recall a single time that her premonitions hadn’t prevailed.

  “No, if you are not here to lead, all will be lost; no-one will stand a chance. They will all die.” She told him looking down to the humans below. “We have to protect them, if there is to be a brighter future for us all.”

  Ray made his way up the stairs carrying a fresh cup of tea for Sarah. “Uh-hum,” he cleared his throat making them aware of his presence, “I hope you can swallow this a little easier than the last one.” he said trying to make light of things. “I’ve been telling her for months she makes a lousy cup of tea.”

  Sarah smiled at Ray. “Thank you, you’re very kind.”

  “No, thank you, tea is the least I can do. So, what happened?” he asked.

  “There is no reason for you to be alarmed Ray.” Dominic reassured him.

  “Look, I know I’m new at this whole vampire thing, but I owe her, and if you and her are going to lead me, I’d kinda’ like to know where it is I’m being led. Besides, I’d like to serve in any way I can, I was a cop, ya know, serving is in my blood…well what’s left of it.” he smiled.

  “Before I speak, I must consult with Damon. Then we will talk again. You will serve me well Ray. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded.” He patted Ray on the shoulder then left to speak to Damon.

  * * * * *

  “What do you make of it Damon?” he asked, interrupting Damon while he meditated.

  “I’m not sure, Dominic. I will need to speak with Sarah to know exactly what she saw. How much credibility do you put into her readings?” He asked.

  “She has never been wrong brother. Who or what is the fourth? Have you ever heard mention of them?” Dominic questioned.

  “I have given it great thought; I believe it to be the fourth original from the makings of Genesis. But it doesn’t quite add up, as Victor was the fourth.”

  Sarah entered the room with her eyes wide open and glazed. Ray followed close behind. “Ah guys, I think something’s happening.” He spoke to get their attention.

  “A bitter heart, bloodlines entwine. You give away what should be mine.” Sarah shook her head, “She’s coming.”

  “Whose coming Sarah? Find a name. What does she want?” Dominic was firing questions at her.

  “I don’t know my love, but whoever she is, she’s pissed, and she’s not alone. We must prepare for a battle of epic proportions.”

  “What is she?” Damon asked.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Casey said from the background. After the shit we’ve been through, this bitch can bring it, we’ll be ready.”

  “Fucked if I’m ready to roll over now. We’ll be ready son, don’t you worry bout’ that.” Pearce joined the conversation confirming Casey’s statement.

  * * * * *

  Later that evening Sarah was deep in her sleep, when she began tossing and moaning in her slumber, Dominic sat up to try and wake her. Sweat formed in tiny beads across her brow. Suddenly she moaned the name “Saligia.”

  Damon’s eyes widened at that moment, for he too experienced the same invasion of his sleep. He promptly called a meeting of his team as well as his brood. All were gathered within the hour.

  “Here me!” He called out, “A great battle is coming. It will be a war like none other. But we will be victorious, if we stand united. A warrior of ancient times is approaching. One who believes is entitled to lead, but this was not her choice to make. In the name of Genesis I stand before you, your one true leader. I have appointed my brother Dominic to stand as my second. Should I leave before the battle is won, I am confident he will lead you all to victory. I beg for your loyalty in the times to follow.”

  A show of fangs and raised fists, showed the strength in their unity.

  * * * * *

  “Who is she Damon?” Dominic asked as soon as the crowd of anxious vamps dispersed.

  “She is Victor’s sister, one of the four original makings of Genesis. She however, is the first and not the fourth.” he replied.

  “What does she want?”

  “I’m not sure; I believe the same hunger for power that ravaged Victor’s mind may also be running through hers.” Damon told him.

  “I never heard Victor mention her, where has she been?” Dominic asked.

  “In isolation, she was outcast by Genesis when he discovered she was drinking from a village of humans. Including children.”

  “Children!” Dominic said outraged.

  “Yes, she claimed the sweet taste of their innocence was intoxicating and encouraged her nest to do the same. They were all annihilated except for her, she was sent into exile and No-one has heard from her since.

  “How do you know of this?” Dominic enquired.

  “I cannot tell you. I know that when Genesis passed on his glory, he also gifted his memories and knowledge as well.”

  “How do we fight her? She must be four thousand years old. Her power will be extraordinary.”

  “She has nothing to bargain with, and her powers would not be harnessed. She would have had no guidance over the years and she does not have the technology, the love nor the unity that we have. If she has managed to build an army, it has been built on threats and fear. The strength is in us.” Damon told him as he took Beth’s hand in his and smiled into her eyes. “You must be strong and rely on your resources.” He opened his arms indicating that all he needed was around him.

  Dominic turned his back on Damon for a moment to do a quick head count of who was present in the room and what was available to them. When he turned back around again, both Damon and Beth were gone.

  A moment of panic ran through his body that was soon overcome with peace he knew he would see his brother again. Even if the humans he was left with would not.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Casey came over with fresh tea for her and Sarah. “Where the fuck is Damon?” she asked.

  “He is gone.” Dominic replied.

  “Gone, gone where?”

  “To be with the great one.” Dominic informed her.

  “Well that’s just fucking dandy.” Pearce said when he overheard the conversation. “Couldn’t wait till the dust settled huh? Just goin’ to leave us to clean up the mess, again. Self-righteous prick!”

  “The decision was not his to make my grumpy old friend.” Dominic said with a smile.

  “Enough with the old! As if you can talk anyway ya friggin fossil. What do we need to do to stop this angry bitch in her tracks?” Pearce went on.

  “Well we need to make some changes here for starters. I’d like to keep you humans safe at night if I can.”

  “We are safe, we sleep during the God damn day like you do, part of the deal remember, we hunt at night to keep the streets clean from the rogues.”

  “You misunderstand, Mr. Pearce. The safety comes from Sarah; a protection spell.”

  “What, are you out of your fucking mind? There’s not going to be any hocus pocus over me or any of my team.” Pearce raised his voice.

  Sarah stood wide eyed in front of him. A shiver ran down his back, “Well maybe if you think it will help. I would have been happy to go with the silver cufflinks and crucifix, but one can never be too careful.” He said, sitting in the nearest chair, deciding not to argue with the latest unknown entity.

  “Good, I’m glad you’re beginning to see things my way. We must have everybody here.”

  “Yeah well Rose is on her way, and Rick will be here i
n a few minutes. What time does Kara finish her shift Case?” Pearce looked at Casey.

  “Well I was just wondering about that, she started early this morning and was pulling a double. But I was here last night so I haven’t actually spoken to her since yesterday. I haven’t been able to reach her so I assume she must be tied up.”

  The words tied up caused Sarah’s back to stiffen. “Call her! Call her now. She is in danger!”

  Casey immediately pulled her phone from her pocket and dialled Kara’s number. “Fucking voice mail.”

  “Call the hospital.” Pearce told her.

  A few minutes later Casey got off the phone, there’s just been a shift change there, they couldn’t tell me anything, only that extra staff had been called in. Fuck!” Casey was beginning to panic.

  Just then Rose entered with Rick in tow.

  “Rose thank god you’re here! Have you seen Kara today?” Casey asked, before she’d even gotten completely through the door.

  “Why no, I’ve been in I.C.U today with the cancer kiddies. God love em.” She replied.

  Casey began to feel sick as Pearce started filling Rose and Rick in what was going on.

  * * * * *

  Kara woke feeling like she’d been hit by a freight train. Her hands were secured above her head and the room she was in was dark and cold. She was still in her scrubs, but could taste her own blood in the back of her dry throat.

  It took her a few minutes to register she was tied up against some sort of cellar wall. It was damp and musty. “Help!” she called out. “Somebody help! I’m down here!” she could here sirens above, and a constant flow of traffic. ‘Where the fuck am I?’ she thought to herself.

  “HELP!” she continued to call out.


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