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Bloodlines Trilogy

Page 31

by J. Thiele

  Kara threw the Slay onto the table.

  “It’s made from children’s bones?” she asked in horror.

  “It is the only way to be sure that the night walker was aware of her crimes when she was put to death. She would carry their fear and pain to the other side and relive it for eternity.”

  “But why did the humans call on the witches? I thought they burned you all at the stake?” Ray asked, confused by the history he’d grown up with.

  “It was not always like that. We were once thought of as great protectors and healers. However, when Amducias failed with the infallible Slay, the villagers believed the witches were behind the slayings. They turned on us, burning and torturing us. They accused us of eating their children, luring them into the woods and eating their flesh from their tiny bones.” She explained, “That is where your fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’, originated. To us, it was no fairy tale.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The sun was coming up and Kara was anxious to get back to Saligia’s hide out. Confident with the Slay now in her possession, it was time to rid the city of Saligia.

  Pearce walked in as she was about to exit. She embraced the unshaven, old man that looked like he hadn’t slept or eaten since Rose had passed away.

  “Captain, I’m so sorry. Is there anything we can do?” she asked, as she escorted him back to his desk, “You should be at home,” she added.

  “To do what? There’s nothing for me there,” he said, in a forlorn tone. He looked up at Kara, “She loved you guys, you know? All of you. You were like a second family to her. I wanna thank you for that.”

  “We loved her too sir,” Ray told him.

  “So what’s the progress? Are we any closer to getting our girl back?” he asked.

  Dominic explained the Slay to him and that Kara was on her way to the hideout now to destroy Saligia and bring Casey home; that they had waited till daylight so Saligia would be unable to resist if Kara could lure her into the sun.

  “So Kara’s going in on her own? Untrained and unaware of what or who she has hiding down there with her? And if that bitch gets the upper hand, we risk losing them both,” he groused, his face displaying his anger and disapproval at the plan.

  “We have to do something sir. Sitting around here won’t get her back.”

  “Neither will losing you,” he snapped. “I’m not losing anyone else I care about this week. I’ll die myself before I even risk it.”

  “What do you suggest then?” she asked.

  “We get Casey out of there first, then we’ll take it from there. Does she know you know where they are hiding out?” Kara shook her head. “Good, then we’ll wait till night fall. She has to feed, doesn’t she? We’ll wait till she leaves then go in for the recovery,” he instructed, then added, “And we’ll all go.”

  “When Saligia comes back she’s going to go crazy sir. The city will be in immense danger,” Kara explained. “I’ve listened to the way she talks to Casey, she trusts her. I believe she feels a bond there. She has a very addictive personality and will act out if she returns and Casey isn’t there.”

  Sarah interrupted, “Let her. We’ll form a circle around the perimeter, binding her to the cellar. She won’t be able to escape. It won’t be able to hold her for long, but it should at least hold her until the coven comes to join forces with us.”

  “Okay, but I need to go back today. I need to make sure she’s alright,” Kara pleaded, “Even if it’s just to sit by the door and listen. I want to learn as much as I can about her anyway, before I have to go into battle against her.”

  “I don’t want you anywhere near there until we’re ready,” Pearce demanded.

  “I give you my word, I won’t go in. I just need to know she’s still safe. You need to know too.”

  She looked into the old man’s weary eyes. He nodded his approval. Kara kissed his cheek and was gone before he could change his mind.


  Kara landed outside the cellar door listening for voices coming from below the surface. She could feel Casey’s presence so strongly, that in her mind she could hear her lover’s heartbeat. Since holding the Slay in her palm, her senses had been heightened to a whole new level. With her vampire senses, shifter ability and now the power of her newly discovered Slayer, Kara had to concentrate to decipher what sounds she needed to hear and other sounds that had to be toned down or be sifted out.

  She heard Casey’s heartbeat quicken. ‘I’m here babe, help is on the way.’

  Casey looked shocked.

  “What’s the matter darling? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Saligia asked.

  “Nothing. I just remembered something I wanted to ask you that’s all,” she stuttered.

  ‘What the fuck? I must be going as crazy as she is,’ she thought to herself.

  ‘Casey? Can you hear me?’ Kara was just as shocked.

  ‘Fuck! I am going crazy. What am I thinking? Yes I can hear you…fuck, now I’m answering the voices in my head,’ Casey said distracted.

  “Well? Spit it out darling, I’m not getting any younger,” Saligia laughed at herself, “I’m not getting any older either, am I darling?” she laughed again.

  ‘You’re not crazy babe, and it’s only one voice… mine. I’ll explain later. All you need to know is we’re coming to get you out. What can you see and most importantly are you okay?’

  “I’m waiting! We’ve spoken about your manners detective. Don’t you know it’s rude to keep a lady waiting? And I am a lady.”

  “What? Oh, um, I was just curious, why didn’t you ever hook up with Genesis? He was your maker after all,” Casey threw the words out in desperation to keep her distracted.

  ‘Where are you?’ she questioned.

  ‘I’m outside. Now what can you see?’

  ‘Not much, it’s pretty dark down here. Only a few candles. And besides I’m tied spread-eagle to a table.’

  ‘Did she hurt you?’

  ‘I’m fine. Now when are you going to get me out?’

  ‘Soon baby. I have to wait till she goes on her next hunt. The others will be here too by then. I can’t tell you much right now, but I need to know how often she’s going out to feed?’

  ‘Every night. It’s like a bottomless pit.’ Casey told her.

  “Are you listening to me detective?”

  A voice snapped her back to her surroundings. “I have a sense that you are not paying attention to me, and you know how I despise being ignored.”

  “Yes I know, I’m sorry. Please go on,” Casey insisted her.

  “Well, Genesis thought he was too good for me, didn’t he? After he rescued me and turned me into his prodigy, he abandoned me. He said he’d made a mistake, that he should have let me perish when he had the chance. Do you know he told me I was an abomination? Me?”

  “Well, that’s just ludicrous,” Casey told her.

  “I know right? Me, an abomination,” she laughed, “He said I was riddled with the disease of deviants. He could cure my body of the disease, but my heart and mind were already the devils. Can you believe that?”

  “No, no I can’t believe it,” Casey remarked.

  “But its true detective, are you calling me a liar?”

  “What? NO! I was just saying I think he was cruel and insensitive.”

  “Yes, yes he was,” Saligia confirmed.

  “You deserved better,” Casey consoled her.

  ‘Of course! She had syphilis. It was untreatable back then, that’s why she’s crazy. It went to her brain before she was turned.’

  Kara studied the signs when she was doing her medical degree and was frustrated that she didn’t make the connection earlier.

  ‘Casey, I have to go baby, but you hang in there, I’m coming back for you okay?’

  ‘Okay, but be careful, this bitch is nuts!’

  ‘I know.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kara returned to headquarters and told them what she could about Casey’s wellbeing
and Saligia’s feeding habits. She told them she got the information from Casey.

  “I told you not to go down there!” Pearce shouted.

  ‘I didn’t sir, she told me like this. Can everybody hear me?’ she asked.

  “How the fuck are you doing that?” Rick asked in amazement.

  ‘I don’t know, but I think it will come in handy at some point in time. I can hear your thoughts too, so you don’t have to open your mouth to speak, unless you want everybody else to hear what’s on your mind.’

  “You have inherited the powers of Genesis. The power to communicate through thought. This is a great power. You must use it wisely and with respect,” Clarisse told her.

  Kara understood immediately, and knew she could turn it off whenever she had the need to and re-engage it when necessary.

  “So, are you ready to get her out tonight? Casey said she feeds every night. It’s getting late. I‘d like to be ready as soon as she leaves her alone tonight,” Kara asked everyone.

  “We’ll be ready to roll when you are,” Pearce said, “What about you Miss Clarisse?”

  Andreas came in carrying large sacks of salt. “We are now,” she responded.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Ray asked.

  “I’ll go on ahead and keep watch. You guys follow, but stay back. The second she leaves, I’ll go in and get our girl out. She’ll be weak, so don’t be too far away. As soon as she’s out, Clarisse, Andreas and Chelsea will do their containment spells, so when she gets back to find Casey missing, she won’t be able to escape again to look for her. That should hold her until the rest of the coven arrives to reinforce the circle. Then I will go in and finish this once and for all.”

  “Why not just go in tonight when she gets back”

  “Fool!” Clarisse bit, “We can only hold her for so long. Our walls will be fragile. If she breaks it down in her rage, we are all doomed. Patience is a virtue.”

  Ray realised the old woman was right and remained quiet waiting for further instructions.

  “Ray, Brandy and I will follow Saligia. We will do what we can to protect the city from her, and hopefully she will return on an empty stomach,” Dominic told him.

  Ray was relieved to hear he still had a purpose. He’d begun to feel somewhat obsolete.

  “I’ll be hiding at the edge of the woodland. I’ll have hot coffee and pizza waiting for her,” Pearce announced. He looked over at Clarisse, “They’re her favourites.”

  Clarisse smiled at the old man, well aware that he couldn’t know her any better if he were the woman’s father.

  “I will place a protection spell over you. Won’t matter if you were standing right in front of her, she will not even know you are there. As soon as Casey is safe, you must return here and stay inside.”

  “Don’t you worry ‘bout that sista. As soon as I have her in the car with me, the wheels will be spinning. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “Good. As soon as you are out of danger, we will proceed with the containment spell.”

  They left just as the sun was beginning to set. Everyone was in position for when Saligia made her move.

  Kara found a perch in a nearby tree where she could see the entrance clearly.

  ‘Sir? Can you hear me?’ she asked the captain in her head.

  ‘Loud and clear kiddo. What’s happening in there?’

  ‘I think she’s making a move. She’s standing on the outside now. No sign of Casey.’

  Kara used her eagle eye precision to hone in on the woman that had held her captive, and who was now holding her lover below ground. Rage was building inside her.

  ‘Steady child,’ Clarisse’s voice entered her head, ‘do not be foolish. Now is not the time to strike.’

  Kara knew she was right and held back. A few moments later, she watched her vanish in the direction of the city. ‘She’s leaving and should be passing you anytime now.’ Just as the words entered Pearce’s mind, a flash flew past his window.

  ‘I think she just did,’ he announced, ‘Hurry kiddo, she may not be dining out. Who knows if she’s just getting take out to bring home with her.’

  ‘I’m on it, and sir…’

  “Yes kiddo.’

  ‘I’ll see ya soon.’

  ‘You’d better.’

  Kara had carried a bag into the tree with her. When she transformed into her human self again, she needed a change of clothes, especially if Saligia came back early. Kara couldn’t think of anything less dignified than women fighting naked. She corrected herself, there was one thing worse - women fighting naked in jelly.

  Once she was dressed, she leapt down from her branch and into the darkened stairwell, where she found Casey, still tied to the table, naked.

  She made short work of releasing the restraints and helping her lover to her feet. She looked around to find a bag of clothing that Saligia had brought Casey. She resented putting them on her. Unfortunately, with her own clothing torn and bloody, there weren’t any other options. Casey was weak and Kara had to carry her up the stairs. No words were spoken. They both knew there would be time for that later. At the top step, Kara looked over her shoulder into the stairwell. She leaned Casey against an old wall, and vanished back into the dungeon, returning with the bag, that just moments ago contained the clothing that Casey was now wearing. Now it had something else inside it, yet Casey didn’t dare to make a sound to ask.

  They swiftly made their way to Pearce’s waiting car. On the way, they passed Clarisse who was hiding in the shadows of a tall oak tree. Kara threw the bag to her, and as if expecting it, Clarisse allowed the bag to land in her open arms. ‘Thought this might come in handy for something,’ she told the old woman as she rushed by.

  Once the pair were safely in the back seat, Pearce’s foot stamped down hard on the gas pedal and they were gone.

  Dominic, Ray and Brandy were close behind.


  Andreas began pouring a ring of salt around the outside of the open door, while Chelsea and Sarah began to chant, hoping they would have the spell cast before the demon vampire returned. Clarisse opened the bag that Kara had tossed her and pulled out the skull of Amducias.

  “Hello my old friend,” she smiled, then she began to chant a spell all of her own.

  Chapter Twenty

  Saligia entered the outskirts of the city. She was feeling out of sorts but was unsure as to why.

  She spotted her first victim, a woman getting off of a bus near her home after a busy day at work.

  “Your money or your life?” she asked the woman in true villain form.

  “What?” the woman asked, seeing just a young girl still in her teens dressed in a costume from an earlier century, and certain she was just play acting, until Saligia drew her fangs and overpowered the woman. She was just about to puncture the side of her throat when Dominic’s voice rang out in the night.

  “Let her go, Saligia!”

  She looked over the woman’s shoulder to see her nemesis standing under a street light.

  “Oh, what do you want Derik?” she asked.

  “It’s Dominic if you don’t mind, and I want you to release the woman and return to wherever it is you came from. Now that’s not too much to ask, is it?”

  “But I’ve just sat down to dinner,” she said, as she sank her teeth into the woman’s shoulder, causing her to scream in agony.

  Dominic pounced on Saligia, forcing her to release her immediately. Ray raced to the woman’s aide. Slicing his thumb open to draw some of his blood, he wiped it across her injury, instantly healing her. He looked into the woman’s eyes, “Go home. Run all the way. You had a great day at work, but you’re too tired to talk about it. Have a shower and go straight to bed. You have a busy day tomorrow. Do you understand?”

  The woman nodded and began to run in the direction of her home.

  “You are no match for me,” she scoffed at Dominic.

  “Maybe alone, but he isn’t alone, is he Saligia?” Ray called out to her.r />
  “Oh Raymond darling, I can snap you like a twig. You are even weaker in the mind than your good friend, Rick. Even I was surprised at how easily I talked him into jumping off the roof,” she laughed, “Of course I didn’t expect your precious Kara to just stand there and watch him fall. That was an added bonus,” she said, clapping her hands together in excitement.

  “Bitch!” Ray shouted as he rushed towards her, but Dominic was too quick for him and blocked his path before he got too close.

  “No Ray, she’s not worth it,” he warned, “She’ll kill you just for the fun of it.”

  “He’s right Ray, it would be fun. However, I’m tired now. I hate to eat and run, but I have a beautiful detective at home waiting to serve me dinner. That one was just a snack, so, Ta-Ta,” she waved, before she turned and sped away in the direction from which she’d came.

  ‘Kara, can you hear me?’ Dominic asked in his mind.

  ‘Yes,’ she responded.

  ‘She’s heading back. Warn the witches.’


  Andreas had just finished closing the circle and joining in the chant when Saligia returned. Clarisse received the message, via mental telepathy, that she was on her way. The four witches waited in silence until Saligia crossed the threshold of salt and was about to go below the surface. Stopping short at the top of the steps, she briefly looked over her shoulder as though she’d heard something, or sensed someone was out there. Deciding it was nothing, she proceeded to disappear underground.


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