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Bad Boy (Invertary Book 5)

Page 20

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

To his surprise, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his chest.

  “I’m so scared,” she told him.

  “I know.” He held her tight as he watched the beauty of the Highlands just gently be in front of him.

  “I have secrets,” she said as they relaxed into the breeze.

  “We all have secrets.”

  “I’ve done things. Terrible things.” She looked up at him, the absolute agony in her eyes utterly heartbreaking. “Things that will make Abby hate me if she finds out about them. It’s too risky to stay here. She might discover my secrets.”

  “Every chance to be happy, to be free, comes with risk. And Abby is a very forgiving woman.”

  “I don’t see how she could forgive me when I can’t forgive myself.” A lone silent tear rolled down her cheek and crushed his heart.

  Lawrence pulled her tight against him. There were no words for her pain, but he offered what comfort and reassurance he could with the strength of his arms and his silent belief she was able to face the future by his side. No matter what the future held.


  “I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel.”

  Stuart Pearce, former England national player

  “I didn’t sleep with her.” Flynn’s voice sliced through the darkness surrounding Abby as she sat on the porch outside her kitchen door. The sun had long ago disappeared and the cool dark of the night had wrapped her in its intimate cocoon. Flynn sat down on the step near her, not looking at her, instead staring out into the black night. “I didn’t father her kid.”

  Abby didn’t speak. Really, what was there to say? Flynn looked up at her as she sat huddled in the corner of the old swing seat, a thin, but soft blanket covering her knees—more as reassurance than for warmth.

  “It doesn’t mean there aren’t other women out there,” Flynn said tightly. “It doesn’t mean there haven’t been mistakes. There might be children. I don’t know.”

  Abby cleared her throat. “And if there are children?”

  “Then I claim ownership. If I have kids, I want to be part of their lives. I don’t want to run from them, Abby.”

  “They aren’t dogs, Flynn. You don’t own children.”

  “You know what I mean. I wouldn’t turn my back on my kids, no matter how they came into being. This woman, though, she’s lying. Her kid doesn’t belong to me.”

  “I know.” Abby let out a sigh. “Jena called and filled me in on the family meeting.”

  Flynn looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. “I have a past. It’s not one I’m particularly proud of, it isn’t one I regret either. It just is. I know my past is never going to go away. There will always be fallout from the choices I’ve made. If not this woman, then another. I thought I was careful, but you just don’t know.” He ran a hand through his hair, making it stand on end. “It isn’t just the women. I was a he-slut. I get it. Those choices are bound to bite me in the arse. It’s the rest of it, too. My career options are limited because of how I behaved. The weasel over there is out to get me because he thinks I deserve it.” He laughed without mirth. “I probably do deserve it.”

  Abby didn’t rush to reassure him. They were about the same age, and while she’d been worrying over the consequences of every decision she made, he’d been doing things without thought for the future. It was almost humorous. She’d grown up before her time, whereas he’d taken too long to grow up.

  “I didn’t care,” Flynn said, breaking the silence. “I didn’t care about the future, or if anything I did affected anyone else.”

  “And now you do?”

  “I care what you think.”

  She felt like she’d been hit by lightning. The swing swayed as she leaned towards him, wishing he was closer so she could pet him. The man called to her on a visceral level, making it difficult to shut him out.

  “We all make mistakes,” she said. “We all have pasts that made us who we are now. It’s up to you whether you let your past dictate your future, or whether you learn from it and change.”

  “You mean, stop screwing up and deal with the consequences like an adult. Be responsible. Be boring.” He ran a hand over his face. “I know. You’re right. I get it. But it sounds so bloody dull.”

  “I can’t help you there. I only know how to be boring and responsible. I don’t know how to have fun while I’m being a grownup.”

  His eyes sparkled in the low light coming from the kitchen. “Maybe we can help each other. You teach me to be responsible. I’ll teach you how to have fun.”

  Everything inside of her jumped up and down with glee at the thought. She tried to squish the feeling, but it wouldn’t stay down.

  “Sometimes I feel so very old for twenty-eight,” she confessed.

  “Most days I barely feel like an adult. See, we’re a perfect fit.”

  Abby couldn’t help laughing at him. “Only in your head, Flynn, only in your head.”

  “My head is the only place that matters.”

  “And that right there is why you keep getting into trouble.”

  He got up on his knees and shuffled until he was kneeling between her thighs. She saw the wince when he manoeuvred on his injured leg and noted his weight was leaning heavily on his good leg. Silly man. He shouldn’t be kneeling at all. Flynn placed his hands on her thighs and stared into her eyes. The intrusion into her personal space was wonderfully intimate.

  “I promised myself I’d keep away from you,” she said.

  “You know what they say, promises are made to be broken.”

  “You tempt me, Flynn Boyle, but there’s more at risk here than my neglected heart.”

  “I know, but I still want to lead you astray. You’re walking temptation for me, Abby.”

  “I thought you wanted advice on behaving responsibly.” His eyes were captivating. It was impossible to look away.

  “How about I lead you astray and then you lead us back to adulthood?” He was playing with her. She knew he was teasing her, and yet a part of her wished it was real. He leaned forward, brushing his lips over hers before resting his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry about yesterday, Abby. I know you need to distance yourself from me and my mess this week. I’m sorry it landed on your doorstep. Again.”

  She couldn’t help the smile. How did he manage to be dangerously sexy one moment and innocently cute the next?

  “I’d better get back. Things are quiet right now, but who knows what’s going to happen next. I’ll stay away until your sister is gone. Like I should have done in the first place.” He stood and backed away from her, making her shiver from the loss of his heat. “Tell the terrorist we’ll carry on with her football education once this is all over.”

  Leaning over, he cupped the back of her head with his huge hand and pressed a kiss to her hair. Without another word, he turned and walked back down the steps towards his property.

  Abby felt a surge of panic as she watched him go. Before she knew what she was going to do, she shot to her feet and chased after him. She grabbed his hand in hers and held it tight. Her body trembled as she stared up at him. Confusion clear in his eyes. The war between what she wanted to do and what she needed to do raged within her. She should let him go. It was the right thing to do. The adult thing. The risks of getting involved were just too high.

  But the risks for letting him walk away were high too.

  “Stay,” she whispered.


  “Stay.” She infused the word with confidence, but was betrayed by her trembling hand.

  She wanted this. A moment stolen with Flynn. A moment when she didn’t have to be an adult. Where worry didn’t chase her every thought. She wanted him.

  She swallowed hard and waited for his answer.

  “What are you doing, Abby love?” Flynn gentled his voice, scared to spook her and make her run.

  Wide eyes looked up at him through dark lashes. A flush coloured her cheeks.

  “You said”—she licked
her lips and almost undid him—“you’d do whatever I want you to.”

  He stopped breathing. Abby took a step towards him. Her touch was tentative when she placed her hand on his chest.

  “I want you to come to bed with me, Flynn.” It was barely a whisper.

  Every muscle in his body went taut. He wanted to drag her up the stairs. He wanted her naked. He wanted her now. And yet…

  “Your sister?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “I need this. For me. Just tonight. No one will know.”

  His mouth went dry. Everything within him screamed to take what she offered before she changed her mind.

  “What about the terrorist?” Sure, the kid was a pain, but she was growing on him. He didn’t want to traumatise her.

  “She sleeps like the dead.” Abby gave him a shy smile that stopped his heart. “We’ll lock the bedroom door and take the monitor into the room. I’ll hear her if she needs me.”

  He should have been running for her bedroom, with her slung over his shoulder, ready for a no-strings-attached good time. In the past he would have been. But this was Abby. This was different. He couldn’t screw this up.

  “Are you sure?”

  Her eyes narrowed slightly in irritation. “Do you want me to beg? Because I have to tell you, Flynn, I don’t want you that much.”

  Flynn cupped the back of her head and angled her face up towards him. “Liar,” he said before he claimed those plump lips as his own.

  Her hands slid across his chest to entwine around his neck. The press of her lush curves against the firmness of his muscle was almost too much. His fingers grabbed the clasp keeping her hair in a knot at the back of her head and unclipped it. Soft, thick waves tumbled down around her shoulders. Flynn couldn’t stop a guttural growl from escaping as he wound his fingers into the curls. He slanted his mouth over hers. His hands grasped her waist, clasping the curve of her hip, pulling her closer.

  “Never going to get enough of you, Abby,” he said against her mouth.

  His tongue found hers and the sound of desire she made ignited his passion. He was quickly degenerating into one-word thoughts. Want. Need. Take. Mine. As he deepened the kiss, she did what she did every time he’d touched her: she melted. Complete, utter submission. It was the best aphrodisiac he’d ever known. It took all of his very limited self-control to break the kiss.

  “I’d carry you up the stairs, sugar, but I’m in no fit state.”

  “Mmm,” she said against his chest.

  The sound made him squeeze her tighter. “If you want to do this in private, we need to go upstairs.” He was about thirty seconds away from revoking the offer and taking her up against the wall. Or on the swing. Or sitting on the steps. Hell, anywhere. Everywhere. He just wanted Abby.

  “Abby love.” Eyes drowsy with lust looked up at him. “I promise I’ll do the whole caveman thing when my leg gets better. Right now, if you want to do this in a bed, you’ve got to walk under your own steam.”

  She blinked at him a couple of times before his words sank in. “Oh.” Her embarrassment was delightful. “Okay, yes.” She looked around them, bit her bottom lip and stepped away from him. Her hand went to her hair and she seemed surprised to find it hanging loose.

  Damn, she was beautiful.

  “Come on, Abby love.” He held out his hand for her and she took it without hesitation.

  With a shy smile, she took the lead, walking him up the back stairs to her house. She locked the kitchen door, flipped the light switch and, without a word, led him through the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. It was across the hall from the kid’s room, and Flynn wasn’t so far gone with need that he didn’t check the door was closed. Abby gave him a knowing smile when she saw him do it.

  Without a word, she walked into her room, closing the door behind them. He stood in the middle of the room as he heard the snick of the lock. It was loud in the silence. Flynn watched as she moved to the bed, taking the decorative cushions and tossing them onto the floor.

  He stepped up behind her, his hands circling her waist as he traced a line from her shoulder to her ear with his lips.

  “Oh.” Her head fell to the side to give him more space to work.

  “Aye,” he said against her skin. It came out as a growl.

  He kissed and nipped and licked. She clutched the forgotten cushion tight against her chest as she swayed in his arms. He loved the way she lost herself in the moment.

  Flynn’s nimble fingers found the zipper at the back of her dress. He slid it down, caressing the skin it revealed, trailing fingertips over peach-coloured lingerie and silently blessing Kirsty for opening a shop in Invertary.

  “Flynn?” Abby’s voice was husky. “Can we both get naked this time?”

  He chuckled as his hands swept the dress off her shoulders. It skimmed her body and fell into a crumpled heap at her feet.

  “Aye, we’re going to be naked.” He kissed her shoulder before slipping the strap of her sexy lace bra down her arm. He repeated the move with the other strap, effectively trapping her arms at her side. Hands on her waist, he manoeuvred them so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed and Abby stood between his thighs.

  “I don’t think you need this.” He grinned at her as he took away the cushion she had clutched to her chest. She seemed surprised to find it was still in her hands.

  When it was gone, he sucked in a breath at the sight of her, all curves and softness. The blush on her cheeks spread down her throat and across her chest. He looked up to find her chewing at her bottom lip. Was she nervous? Daft woman.

  “You are so beautiful,” he told her.

  The red on her cheeks deepened. “I have stretch marks and cellulite, and I think my boobs are beginning to droop.”

  He burst out laughing. “Thanks for the rundown, love. You have got to be the first woman I’ve had in this position who pointed out her faults.”

  Her eyes gleamed as irritation cut through desire. “Really? You’re going to compare me to your many, many other women. Really?”

  With another laugh, he bent forward and nipped the upper curve of her breast.

  “Hey!” She smacked him on the head, making him laugh harder.

  “Behave,” he told her. “You’re distracting me.”

  “From biting me?”

  “From admiring your beauty.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  He sobered. “Aye. Right. Look at you. You are so freaking gorgeous.”

  He ran a hand over the curve of her hip and round to her backside. It was lush in his grip.

  “Oh.” Abby’s face softened, her eyelids drooping.


  He reached up and tugged the cup of her bra down to expose her breast. It pushed it upwards and out towards him.

  “Doesn’t look droopy to me.”

  “Idiot.” But it lacked any rancour.

  “Mmm.” He licked around the pink areola and tightened his hold on Abby as she swayed in place.

  Nipping at the taut bud, he listened to her little mewls of delight. Her fingers curled into his shoulders, biting skin, reminding him he still had his shirt on.

  He let go of her hip long enough to pull his shirt over his head.

  “Oh yes,” she whispered as Flynn’s head dipped back to her breast.

  Abby grasped the firm muscles of Flynn’s shoulders, using his strength to hold herself upright. Her head fell forward and her breath stuttered at the erotic sight of Flynn’s lips on her breast. His eyes looked up and caught hers before he sucked hard and deep. She gasped and her knees gave way.

  With a chuckle, Flynn twisted and lowered her to the bed. She felt the clasp of her bra pop.

  “As much as I love this lingerie, I want it gone.”

  His voice was a growl. It made her burn. She loved hearing how affected he was by what they were doing. She felt deep satisfaction knowing she wasn’t alone in being swept up into this whirlwind of need.

�re in this together,” he whispered, as though reading her mind.

  “Yes,” she whispered back.

  And then he was devouring her. His lips and tongue mastering her. His touch possessive as his hands slid over her body. She felt the rasp of his jeans against her thighs. The bite of the buttons against her stomach.

  “Naked,” she demanded, but it was barely a murmur into their kiss.

  His reply was to pop the buttons of his jeans. A second later he was kissing her again and the jeans were gone. Deep, desperate kisses that gave her no space to think. Her hands grasped warm muscle. His scent engulfed her senses, blocking out everything else. There was only Flynn. His weight pressing her into the bed. His power holding her in place. His touch igniting her.

  His mouth was on her neck. Kissing. Biting. Sucking. His tongue soothing his harsher touch. Her hands clutched his hips as she tried to angle his body where she wanted it to be. He was too heavy, too strong to manoeuvre, and for some reason her frustration amped up her desire.

  “Flynn?” Her head was back, her neck exposed for his kiss.

  “What do you want? Tell me. I’ll give it to you, Abby love. Tell me.”

  Her mind was spinning. Thought was hard. There was only need. Desperate, aching need that clawed at her stomach and propelled her deeper into him.

  “You,” she gasped. “You. Need you. Now.”

  His lips were on her breast. He sucked a nipple hard and a moan ripped out of her.

  “Now,” he agreed.

  Her legs parted as his weight settled over her. “So beautiful.” His words a whisper of wonder.

  Abby’s heavy eyelids struggled to open. When they did, it was impossible to breath. He was there. In the moment with her. There was nothing else. Only Flynn. Making her desperate. He pressed into her. Her hands flew to his arms. Her nails dug in. Her back arched.

  “Abby,” he groaned.

  Every inch of her skin was on fire. She couldn’t think. All she could do was feel as he filled her. His weight heavy against her. His strength holding her in place. She wanted to taste, to smell, to feel. She wanted to lose herself in Flynn. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, buried her face in his neck and licked his salty skin.


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