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Code Black (Paranormal Crimes Division Book 1)

Page 28

by Tina Moss

  “Well, actually, Sera helped me, but she is no less correct.” Strife danced in front of them, far faster than any vampire he’d seen before. “I am not the enemy.”

  “Can we discuss it outside?” The fires leapt at their backs and the smoke threatened to engulf them once more.

  “If I’m granted a pardon.” She smiled, revealing long white fangs. “It’s time your PCD recognized the true threat. Don’t you think?”

  “Holy hell, vamp, I said outside.” He took another breath as the air fell under a black haze.

  “As you wish,” Strife sang in her rainstorm voice that floated down the stairs.

  “She grows on you,” Sera whispered in his ear, then laughed. Tugging on his hand, she quickened their pace.

  The journey down stretched on as the smoke engulfed every free breath of air. The fires licked the steps, heating the soles of their shoes and threatening to climb up their legs. An eternity passed before the light of morning rushed at them from the exit door.

  As they tasted freedom, Talon ran his hands over Sera, ensuring she remained unharmed. She did the same, touching the bite mark on his shoulder and frowning. “Does this hurt,” she asked. Worry lines wrinkled over her forehead.

  He grinned. “Not at all.”

  “Good.” She stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Tucking her tight against his side, he walked the perimeter of the building to take stock of his team. Slick’s breaths came in shallow gasps and he leaned on Bull, but he assured Talon that only fatigue ailed him from the multiple shifts. Talon raised a brow. Slick’s half-shifter, half-human background meant shifts hit him a whole helluva lot harder.

  Bull snorted and said, “Don’t worry. I got him, boss.”

  Jame sat with her legs stretched out and Drake kneeling beside her. She gave Talon a thumbs up as he passed, looking tired but no worse for wear. Drake nodded and moved closer to her.

  Shooter and Val guarded the exit door on either side about ten feet away to avoid the fires. Phage ran from the building, arms flailing, howling and screeching an inhuman sound. As Talon and Sera watched from a safe distance, Strife floated up behind them and whispered, “Watch.”

  A horror show ensued when the morning light hit the escaping phage. The sun ignited their skin, peeling and cracking the delicate layer like crumbled tissue paper. Their screams burrowed into Talon’s ears. He resisted the urge to raise his hands and block the offending noise. His body stiffened as he watched them burn. They died fast, not even the telltale ashes remained from when Sera’s fire had attacked them.

  “I thought fire couldn’t kill them,” Sera said, burying her face into his shoulder.

  “Fire alone, no. But light rays, yes. And new phage are like new vampires,” Strife said with a note of raindrops in her voice. “They cannot stand the sun.” The corners of her mouth curved downward. Her eyes held age behind her appearance. “When first made, phage and vampires alike possess much of their maker’s essence, and as Sera has learned, this essence is pure light. Thus, the addition of the sun’s rays overwhelms their young bodies and transforms the core of them into a death trap.”

  “Too much light,” Sera murmured. Her hand rested over his heart. “It burns them inside out.”

  “Yes.” A soft rose scent wafted in the air. Strife’s words dropped to a low tenor. “When they have lived five decades or longer the light fades enough for them to see the sun.” She chuckled, a sinister chorus that grated his ears. “When they become consumed by darkness, it is then they can see the light. Ironic, no?”

  “Sad,” Sera said.

  “I suppose so.” Strife walked around to stand in front of them. “Now, onto more important matters. How are you planning to capture the phage queen’s general, Adriana?”

  As Talon began to respond, bricks crashed from the building. Pieces of the structure started to crumble under the heavy weight of the fires. In the same instant, a helicopter’s blades churned the air. They all looked up to see the chopper taking off, escaping the inferno. Fire truck sirens pierced the skies, but they would arrive too late.

  “She leaves her children to die.” Strife spat. “The phage queen will kill her for such insolence, if we don’t get to her first.”

  Val and Shooter moved further from the burning apartment complex to stand with them. Val brushed stray hairs from her face. “Looks like we’re not getting our bad guy.”

  “We already have the blackmailer,” Shooter said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  Talon touched Sera’s cheek with tender fingers. “We have what’s important. Let her go. She can’t run forever.”

  “If the bigwigs in the PCD don’t let us go after phage leaders, she may not need to run.” Val’s hands crossed over her chest.

  He turned to Strife, a smirk pulling at his mouth. “That’s why we have friends. So, they can go where we can’t.”

  Strife’s eyes widened, but she smiled back. “I take it Veritas will be off the radar for a while?”

  “Who’s Veritas?” Talon slanted his gaze toward Val. “Never heard of them.”

  Val grinned. “Me neither.”

  “Then, I take my leave, and will be in touch.” She nodded her goodbyes and took off, but shouted over her shoulder one word, “Soon.”

  The rest of the team made their way over. Drake clapped Talon on the shoulder. “So, I take it I’m off the hook too?”

  “Oh no.” Talon knocked the vamp’s hand away and grabbed him by the upper arm. “I’ve got something special planned for you.” He lowered his head and whispered in Sera’s ear. “For both of you actually, if you’re interested.”

  She nipped his neck. “Bring it on.”


  The Jukebox, Downtown Phoenix, Arizona

  Ten months later…

  “Keep the drinks coming, Coco. This agent is thirsty.” Sera held up her empty glass to her friend, the diner’s owner and chief barista. “We’re having a party.”

  “You got it, honey,” Coco called from the black and white checkered counter.

  Gossip mag flunkie to special agent. Who would have thought it, pet? Guy’s taunts teased across her mind, but he couldn’t spoil today.

  Don’t forget who lets you hang around. She bit back.

  Face it, pet. You don’t want to get rid of me.

  She smiled, knowing he was right. She didn’t want to lose him. He was her link to the Luminarium, her family, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy drowning him out. She cranked up Queen’s champion tune to royally piss him off, then turned all her attention to the yummy shifter next to her. His ocean blue eyes sparkled with pride all for her, well her, and the vampire. She supposed Talon harbored some pride in him too.

  Drake sat across from them in the booth while Bull utilized a specially designed seat to their right. When she’d first introduced the team to her favorite Phoenix hotspot months ago, Coco took one look at the large Texas vamp and ordered a custom chair. Bull had been a regular patron of the diner almost every day since.

  “To the newest members of the PCD, Sera and Drake.” Talon raised his cup and held it in the center of the table. “May your academy training suit you well.” He laughed, then added, “And may you ditch it when more important things than duty calls.”

  “Here. Here!” The rousing course went around the table. They all clinked glasses and drank.

  “Still can’t believe ya all got through it in ten months.” Bull leaned back in his chair.

  “Well, it was the fast track program.” Sera smiled. “With Drake’s background as your liaison, and my...” She twirled her fingers in the air, looking for the word.

  Talon chimed in. “Talents?”

  “Yeah, talents.” She snuggled closer to him. “They bypassed a lot of the new recruit stuff.”

  Drake clasped his hands behind his head. “No ‘How to Control Your Abilities 101’ or ‘History of Supernatural Creatures’ for us.” He sunk into the booth, purring like a content cat. “
Heck, Sera would have to teach them the real Luminari history, anyway. Wouldn’t you, Brightlight?”

  He let out a bark as Sera felt Talon’s leg kick the vampire under the table. She laughed. “What did I tell you about that nickname?”

  “Sorry, sorry.” He waved his hand at Sera, then rounded on Talon. “No reason to get your hackles up. I’ve got my own Kitty to worry about.” His brow rose. “Speaking of which—”

  “I told you I’d bring Slick back to us and send you to Jame as soon as you completed training.” Talon spun his glass.

  “How’s the little lass doing in District One?” Bull sat upright and rested his elbows on the table.

  “So far, so good. But I wish she would have stuck around longer before taking up a leader position.” He sighed. “She’s got a lot to learn.”

  “Don’t worry, chief. Once I’m there and the pup is gone, I’ll look after her.” Drake’s fangs extended from his lips, putting Sera on guard.

  “Drake,” she said. “She’s going to be your boss. Don’t forget.”

  “Oh, I’m quite looking forward to it.” He smiled broader with a blatant show of his fangs. “Besides, Sera, as the saying goes, wouldn’t that be the pot calling the kettle black?”

  Heat crept into her cheeks.

  “He’s got you there.” Talon squeezed her hip and kissed the top of her ear. He narrowed his gaze across the table. “But if you screw up and hurt Jame in anyway—”

  “I know. You’ll grind my bones, turn me to mush. Blah. Blah.”

  “Not if I getta hold ah ya first.” Bull’s long white fangs elongated over his dark gums. He straightened in his seat, towering over the present company.

  Drake nodded. “I understand. You have my word, she’ll be fine.” A round of grumbles went around the table. He chuckled, then clapped his hands and sighed dramatically. “So little faith.”

  “Oh yes, poor Drake.” Sera put the back of her hand to her forehead and slouched in her chair. “Woe is me.”

  They all laughed, even the vampire. He slid to the end of the booth. “I better get going.”

  “Hold on a minute.” Talon held up his hand, palm out. “What news from Strife?”

  “There may be a lead. She’s been working to track down this Adriana, but doesn’t want to say much until she’s certain. Don’t worry, the phage bitch will get what’s coming to her.” Drake stood and thrust his chin at Sera. She flinched, and he turned to Talon. “Besides this is a happy day, eh chief?”

  Talon fumbled with his drink and choked down the remaining contents. He coughed. “Right. See ya.”

  Drake left, laughing as he went. It grew quiet at the table. Bull leaned over and said, “Boss, don’t you want to show Sera the new office?”

  “Oh yeah,” Sera cried. “I’m so excited to see it. I still can’t believe Agent Bram agreed to let you move the headquarters to Phoenix.”

  “Well, with the generous donation from District Eight to fund renovations, he wasn’t exactly going to say no.” Talon smiled and laced his fingers with hers. “C-Come on. I’ll show you.”

  Sera eyed him as his hand shook in her palm, but followed him out. “You coming, Bull?”

  “Nah. I’ll catch up with y’all later.”

  “Okay.” She waved goodbye to Bull and Coco.

  Her shiny black Jeep 4X4 glistened in the bright Arizona sun. After it escaped police impound, Talon had surprised her by handing over her baby as good as new. He’d worked out the damage himself and gotten the truck a new paint job. If she hadn’t loved him before, she would have at that moment. She smiled as she climbed into the driver’s side and unlocked the passenger door.

  Flying over the streets, she reveled in the opportunity to go a tiny bit over the speed limit without fear of a ticket. “I think I’m going to like being a special agent.”

  “It suits you.” Talon tapped his fingers along the dashboard. “And as a former reporter, you’re perfect to take Jame’s spot as our press handler.”

  “No trouble there. I can take care of the piranhas.” She snickered at her own joke, but he didn’t return the smile. He stared out the passenger window. She didn’t complain and allowed him the private time, instead tuning the radio to an old rock station. Within minutes, they sat in front of the new PCD office. He hopped out of the truck and flew to the entrance, not bothering to open the door for her. That was odd. Talon always played the gentleman, except when they were training...or in bed. She blushed at the thought and walked to the entrance.

  “Wait here.” He slammed the door in her face.

  “Oh-kay.” Crossing her arms and tapping her foot, she glared at the door. A minute or two later, he cracked it open and slipped outside. She threw up her hands. “Talon, what the hell is going on?”

  He shot her a wolfish grin. “Well, I’ve been thinking about your name?”

  “My name?”

  “Yeah, Agent Benenati. It’s quite a mouthful. Don’t you think?” His eyes shone a lighter blue than she’d ever seen before. The wind blew his thick black hair from his face in a gentle breeze. The sun kissed his rich olive skin.

  “What are you getting at?” Her stomach twisted in a knot.

  “Well, I was thinking I could help you with that. Your long last name, I mean.” He held the door open and ushered her inside. The hallway housed three large offices, a tech station, sleeping quarters, a break room, conference space, and two holding cells—a vast improvement from the office’s previous closet interior. Opening the door to the tech station, he flicked on the system.

  Sparkling lights flickered from the overhead bulbs, casting colorful shadows on the walls. The computer monitors sprang to life and broadcast pictures of Sera and Talon. Every special moment they’d shared over the last several months splashed across the screens: their trip to hike the Grand Canyon, horseback riding in Paradise Valley, skiing in Flagstaff, and that special weekend at a spa in Sedona. He’d captured it all in perfect pixel clarity. A soft melody played from the system’s speakers.

  “Talon, what is this?” She spun in a circle to take it all in.

  “It was Meg’s idea. Too cheesy?” His hands clasped behind his back.

  “Too cheesy for what?” Her heart pounded in her chest.

  He took a step forward and whispered in her ear, “To ask you to marry me.” Pulling back, he looked in her eyes. He went to one knee—ever one for tradition—and brought out the box he’d kept hidden in his pocket.

  “Wh-what?” Moisture sprang to her eyes. She let it fall. “Really?”

  “Yeah, if you’ll have me.” He opened the box to reveal a beautiful solitaire diamond.

  The word caught in her throat. Her world narrowed in an instant. She swore her heart skipped beats and threatened to explode. With a soft cry, she said, “Yes.” Springing to life, she threw herself in his arms and cried happy tears.

  He kissed her, stealing the breath from her lungs. Her heart beat so hard. She broke away with a sigh. “But I’m keeping my name.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Agent B, it is then.”

  The lights danced around them as they held each other close. Layers of clothes fell away as they made love without hurry. Never before had Sera felt so good, so right, and when Talon filled her to her very core, she cried out with unbridled joy. He joined her at the same time, sweeping them away in a wave of ecstasy.

  As they lay on the floor of the tech room hours later, Sera stared at him in wonder. His gaze met hers, two shining sapphires that looked on her with such tenderness. She melted into his embrace, the fires of her inner being blazing to the surface to capture them in warmth.

  The blissful moment ended too soon as a ringing noise sounded over the system. The computerized voice alerted them to the source. “Incoming call form District One. Agent Bradshaw. Urgent.”

  “It’s Jame.” Talon groaned. “She knew my plan to propose today. What could she want?”

  “The computer said it’s urgent.” Sera climbed to her feet and slid into her je
ans. “Let’s hope it’s just to congratulate us.”

  Talon hurried into his clothes and clicked along the keyboard. “Jame, this better be good.”

  Jame’s face appeared on the screen. The new equipment captured the video feed with perfect clarity. Red rimmed her eyes and her platinum-streaked black hair fell in tangles. “I’m sorry, Talon. I never would’ve interrupted. But this isn’t a social call.”

  Sera put a hand on his shoulder and placed her face into the view screen. A sinking feeling, cold and hollow, coursed through her blood. “What is it Jame? What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed and leaned closer to the camera. “We’re trying to keep it quiet. But I had to turn to someone.”

  “It’s all right, Jame.” Talon patted Sera’s hand at his shoulder and pulled her into his lap. “Tell us.”

  Jame’s eyes widened, the gold flecks in the hazel view dulling to a tired yellow. “It’s the Capitol,” she whispered low and shaky. “A code black.”


  Thank you for reading! Did you enjoy? Please Add Your Review! Every review helps authors and encourages readers to take a chance on a book.

  And don’t miss more in the Paranormal Crimes Division series with book two, RED ALERT, featuring Jame and Drake. Turn the page for a sneak peek!

  And join Tina Moss’ newsletter HERE for all the latest sales, releases, and giveaways!

  Sneak Peek of Red Alert

  Capitol Building, Washington, DC

  “Whoever did this has some brass balls,” Jame muttered, surveying the area with her shifter eyes. The subtle changes to her pupils and irises allowed her to view the scene with a hawk’s acute sight. Normal hazel and gold faded until only the bird’s deep yellow remained. Her gaze swept the white dome of the Capitol building. The behemoth structure rose like a colossus into the cloud-covered sky. Green lawns stretched over the eastern plaza, leading to an underground visitor center. “How are we gonna keep another code black from the press? Just look at this place.”


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