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Hold on to Her (Only Her Series Book 2)

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by Olivia Stephen

“You know, he’s only ever been nice to you. I just don’t see the harm in seeing where things go with him. He’s clearly into you, and I can tell by the anger I see in your eyes when you watch him with Cole’s harem, that you’re a little into him too.”

  “Don’t. Just don’t. I’m not going there with you tonight. To be honest, you shouldn’t go there any night. I don’t need to be reminded of how screwed up my luck is with men.”

  “Then I won’t say a word. However, I will tell you this. Not all men are Daniel.”

  Daniel. Just mention of his name and my blood boils. You’d think I’d be over it all by now. But no. I seem to have this burning desire to hang on to all the shit from my past like a reality show hoarder. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to let it go because I’m not so sure I can think of anything more devastating than walking in on your boyfriend doing a little naked mattress dancing with your sister. On my mattress. That image is burned in my brain forever. So, let another guy get close to me? No fucking thank you. Men are good for one thing, and if I thought I wouldn’t hurt Liam getting it, I’d be all over him. He is obviously too good of a guy to tap once or twice then kick to the curb. He deserves better than that. I’m not at all sure I could stop at once or twice with him anyway. That man is built to please.

  “I’m not having this conversation. End of.”

  “Sarah, I’m just trying to help. You know that,” she says apologetically.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need help. I just need to finish this water and get out of here.” I empty the glass and grab my purse and jacket. After giving Raina a hug, I walk briskly to the main entrance and stop, my hand gripping the door handle like a vice, listening to Liam and Cole on stage. My head turns without my permission. He sits on his stool, fingers gently strumming the strings, looking directly at me, directly into my soul, as he sings Keith Urban’s “Break on Me.”

  I won’t let him get to me. I’m doing just fine without a man.

  And I’ll just keep telling myself that.

  Over and over and over again.

  Maybe one day, I’ll actually believe it.

  Chapter Three



  So damn stubborn.

  Too stubborn, or maybe afraid, to see that I want her. I’ve seen that look in my older sister’s eyes before, when she was dumped by some douche who cheated on her. Sarah’s been hurt and just the thought of that makes me want to hunt someone down and beat the shit out of him.

  The bar is closing up, and because it’s late, I’ve already sent Zane home with Raina so they can spend some time together. It’s tough when she teaches during the day and he works in the evenings. But hey, I’m a stand-up guy like that.

  I take one last walk around the bar, checking to see that everything’s closed down, then stop at the barstool where Sarah had parked her fine ass earlier this evening. It’s hard not to replay the scene with her on this stool just a few hours ago. The closer I got, the more nervous she became. Her body physically shivered which made me smile. There is an attraction there, I know it. I feel it because it’s strong. One brush of my thumb across her smooth and delicate bare back had her so tense, and it had me so damn hard, I nearly came in my jeans like some teenage boy seeing a naked woman for the first time.

  She’s gun-shy.

  But I’m a very patient man.

  Looking down, I notice a slight glare of something on the floor. Reaching for it, I realize it’s a driver’s license, so I grab it to put behind the bar, knowing someone will be in after it tomorrow.

  However, it appears, ladies and gentlemen, that I am in luck. Looking at the card, I see it belongs to one Sarah Witten. So, remember earlier when I mentioned that I’m a stand-up guy? Well, I need to get this back to Sarah tonight. After all, I’m part-owner and I want to keep my customers happy.

  Quickly, I lock the back door and make my way to my muscle car, which sits in its usual spot behind the bar. I start it up, backing it out of the space, and head in the direction of Sarah’s small house. Not leaving her house till morning is all I have on my mind right now. Pretty Miss Sarah...I’m coming for you. Perhaps literally.

  Slowing down to pull in her driveway, I take a minute to think about how I’d like this late evening to play out. Sarah’s place is a quaint little house that looks exactly what I picture her living in. The small front porch light shines like a beacon and lights up her narrow driveway. There is a dim light on in what I think is her living room, so I knock gently on the wooden door adorned with a colorful wreath.

  I am nowhere near prepared for what I see when the door opens.


  Sweet, sexy, Sarah in a long, sleek pink robe, and she’s clutching a book with a half-naked man and woman on the front. My little spitfire is a romance novel lover. Why am I not surprised?

  She’s holding the top of her robe tightly around a full set of tits as she opens the door, eyes wide open in surprise at seeing me here at two thirty in the morning. She’s surprised and I’m in complete shock. Jesus, she’s gorgeous. No make-up, and hair pulled high in her head, giving me a glimpse of the soft, satiny skin on her neck that I’d like to be sucking right now. And licking. And peppering with kisses.

  “Um, hey. So...” I’m fumbling over my words like a moron.

  Pull your shit together.

  “Liam. What are you doing here so late?” she asks in a gentle and quiet voice, laying the book down on the stand by the doorway. She opens the door further, allowing the cool night air to creep in, and I get a full-on view of this woman, draped in pink satin and sex.

  Shit. I’m in big trouble.

  “Um. You, uh, must have dropped your driver’s license on the floor of the bar. I found it when I was cleaning up. Guess you’ll need it, huh.” I manage to get all that out without sounding like too much of an idiot. I reach into my pocket and hand her the card, my fingers lightly grazing over hers as she takes it from me.

  Sarah’s deep, green eyes meet mine and I feel as though I could fall right in, lost forever. She smiles, showing me the sexiest little dimples on both cheeks. There is no doubt about it...this woman will be the death of me. I need a taste. Just one taste, like a man in the desert searching for just one sip of life-saving water. Desperate.

  “Could I come in for a few minutes?”

  “Liam, it’s late. I was just getting ready to head up to bed. Maybe another time.”

  Shit. No, not another time. Now.

  “Just for a few minutes. I have something I need to say, or ask, rather.” She looks back inside the house for a brief moment and turns to face me again.

  “Okay. Just for a minute, though. I have to get up early to run some errands.” She hesitates, but steps back, allowing me inside.

  It’s unnerving how comfortable I feel in her home. Her style of decorating gives it a very relaxed and calming atmosphere. Dim lighting, soft colors, and a large overstuffed sofa and chair sit gracefully in front of a small gas fireplace that is throwing off some pretty good heat. In front of the fireplace, a soft, white cushioned rug adds to the cozy feel of her place.

  “So, what’s up?” she questions.

  “I’m just gonna cut to the chase because I’m tired of waiting. I really like you, Sarah, and I think you know that. We have a lot of fun hanging out together.”

  “You’re a really great friend, Liam. Of course, I like you.” She offers a slight smile but her eyes turn away and her arms move to hug around herself.

  “But...” I say, because I know it’s coming.

  “No buts. I just think we’re better as friends. That’s all.” She’s a shit liar. Her eyes are shifting, looking all around. They look everywhere but at me. She couldn’t be any more transparent if she tried. Instead of dropping this whole conversation like I should, I push forward. My feet move slowly, allowing me a chance to see her reaction the closer I get.

  I love what I see. Sarah’s tits are pushed up with her arms wrapped around her waist and I can see her
hardened nipples right through the smoothness of her robe. I reach out my hand slowly so I don’t scare her away. Her beautiful green eyes widen and her breathing quickens in desperation as my hand makes contact with her skin. My thumb rubs small circles around her warm, pink cheeks, and her eyes close for a moment, her head tilting into my touch. A small moan escapes her mouth and when that sounds hits my ears, I am rock-fucking-hard.

  “Just friends?” I whisper, leaning in to brush my lips against her neck, against the softest skin I’ve ever had the pleasure of touching. The only scent I can detect is a hint of lavender, not only from the small candle she has burning, but from the body wash she must use as well. It’s addicting, and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.

  “You sure about that, babe?”

  “I’m...uh. I don’t know. You’re too close.”

  “Am I? Is that a bad thing?”

  “Just, you know...” Her eyes close as she unwraps her arms from her mid-section, bringing her hands up slowly along my chest.


  Her hands linger there and those stunning, green eyes, with sparkling flecks of gold, find mine.


  No more waiting.

  My lips frantically find hers and they take. They take what they’ve wanted for weeks now. My tongue dances eagerly with hers and our kiss becomes rushed and uninhibited. She pushes my jacket off my shoulders as I reach for the ties on her robe, pulling at the bow, leaving her toned but delicate body exposed in the absolute best kind of way. Just as my hands glide down her flawless, ivory skin towards her panties, I hear a slight whimper.

  “Wait.” She steps back, grabbing her robe and covering herself, walking toward the door. “No. We can’t do this.”

  “Sarah?” It comes out as a question. “What is it?”

  Her back is to me now, which makes gauging her reaction tough. She quickly wraps herself back up in her robe, safe, no longer exposed and vulnerable.

  “That was a mistake. need to leave. I can’t do this with you.”

  “Sarah, tell me what’s wrong.” I give her a few seconds to answer. “Who hurt you?”

  “My past isn’t any of your business. I need you to leave, please.” Her soft eyes harden and fill with anger, and a hint of fear.

  “Look,” I say as I turn her to face me, rubbing my hands up and down her arms. “That kiss wasn’t one-sided, love. You gave as good as you got. You were every bit as into it as I was. You can’t fake that. And just to be clear, I am not the guy who hurt you in the past. I’m the one who wants to be with you right now, right in this moment. Can’t you give that a chance?”

  “Who told you about him?” She backs away, out of my reach, pulling her robe tighter around her body. One single tear falls from her eyes. I feel helpless when I reach to wipe it away, only to see her flinch when I do. With the sleeve of her robe, she takes care of that tear herself. Only the stain of it remains.

  “No one told me anything, Sarah. No one had to. It’s written all over your face, and I see it in the way you act towards men in general, not just me. You’ve completely closed yourself off.”

  “Then that’s my problem, not yours.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, it is indeed my problem. You see, if that kiss didn’t do a good enough job explaining it, let me make it clear to you right now. I want you. In no uncertain terms, I want you, badly. I enjoy being with you, hearing you laugh, watching you smile. Everything. We are so much more than friends and you know it.”

  “I’ll only hurt you, Liam. I don’t do relationships because they’re too much trouble. They’re messy, and when they’re over, I’m the one who will be left to wipe up all the shit that’s spilled over to dump in the trash. I do sex. That’s it.”

  “Okay. Then we’ll just have sex. Nothing more. Friends with benefits.” I attempt a chuckle. “It’s apparently all the rage these days.”

  Jesus. What the hell am I thinking here? I know I can’t do just sex with her. This could completely ruin the friendship we’ve built so far.

  “Liam, please just go. That’s really not what you want, and I don’t want to muddy the waters any more than we muddied them tonight. Just forget that kiss ever happened.” Her mind is made up as she grabs my jacket and walks toward the door, opening it, allowing the cold winds to filter in.

  “Not likely, sweetheart. That was, hands down, the most intoxicating kiss I’ve ever shared with anyone before, and I want more,” I say to her as I tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. Leaning in, I kiss her cheek as I take my jacket from her hands. My breath whispers over her skin. “Just so you know I’m a man who gets what he wants. And I want you.”

  The front porch squeaks just a little as I hop down from the edge, landing in the grass near my car. Once inside, I glance up to see her standing at the door, her hand on her cheek where I just kissed her.

  This isn’t over by a long shot, baby.

  Chapter Four


  “Bye, Miss Witten! See ya tomorrow!” little Alyssa yells as she heads toward her bus, blissfully unaware that tomorrow is Saturday.

  “Monday, Alyssa. See you Monday, sweetheart!” I call out to her.

  “M’kay Miss Witten! See ya tomorrow!” I laugh, thinking how much most of these little kids love school. Hand to God, I think some of these kids would come to school on Saturdays if we’d let them.

  Thankfully, she’s the last one in the class to leave, which leaves me alone for a few minutes to catch my breath. Some days, most days, seven-year-olds have too much energy. I am exhausted and ready to go home and relax. My eyes are closed as I sit in my chair for a moment’s peace. I have my bottle of wine in the fridge and about eight chapters to finish in my book. That’s the extent of my agenda for tonight. Just me, wine, and a book, that is.

  That thought has my mind circling back around to Liam, again. He has consumed my thoughts ever since he left my house six nights ago. He’s gone silent, though, and I don’t know what to make of that. He was so adamant that he wanted to be with me, that there was something between us. And God help me, I know there is, but I can’t let my heart go there, especially not with Liam.

  So, I watched the man who I knew would completely rock my world, and leave me with the most earth-shattering orgasm ever, walk out my door. The man who would play my body like the guitar he strums so rhythmically onstage at Sam’s. The man who is too dangerous for my heart. Too smooth. Too charismatic.

  It’s totally not fair to think, and completely unreasonable to expect, but I guess I just assumed he’d be around more. I even went to Sam’s last night with Raina because Zane was tending bar, but he was nowhere to be found. Cole found us, then found his harem of bimbos that followed him around like some lost puppy. However, much to my dismay, no Liam.

  I walk from the school to my car, my mind still reeling over the events of this past week. Starting up my clunker of a car is always a crapshoot, but it revs up just fine this afternoon and I take off toward home. As usual, the ride is uneventful, and I’m thankful I don’t live too far from the school so the commute isn’t a long one. Just as I pull into the driveway, my cell phone buzzes. It’s Raina.

  Shit. I forgot to wait for her.

  “Hey, chick!” she shrieks. “You left school without me, and you were supposed to give me a ride. Were you even listening to me at lunch today?”

  So, my mind’s been on other...things right now. Things that are turning me into some kind of hot mess. Getting my shit together is way easier said than done.

  “God, I’m sorry. I’m turning around right now. On my way!”

  I click the end call button on my steering wheel and make my way back to school. Raina is waiting there, teacher totes in hand, when I arrive. Pulling up next to the curb, I ready myself for the tongue-lashing I know I deserve. I’d like to say if looks could kill, but she looks more amused than anything. Some days, I think she’s too damn happy.

  The door opens and in bounces my best frie
nd. She seriously bounces.

  “You look as happy as a loon standing there. Why do you always have to smile?”

  “Smiling’s my favorite!” she screams, eyes wide, mimicking the character from our favorite Christmas movie. Both of us laugh as I pull the car away from the school and onto the road home.

  “My car is still in the shop, babe, so can you pick me up and go with me to Sam’s tonight? Zane has to tend bar again. I wish they’d hire someone soon because all the nights away from each other are starting to wear on me a bit.”

  I feel like a poor you, boo-hoo reply is totally in order, but then she’d go in for the kill. I’d hear all about how wonderful life is with a man around. Sex on the regular, cuddling on cold winter nights, and all the romantic, lovey-dovey crap I don’t need to hear right now. Then she’d start on how I need to make room in my life for Liam, like she did with Zane. How she gave him a chance and they found their happy ever after, so I should find my mine, too. It’s like she shits rainbows and farts glitter. I love her, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t need to be reminded daily of what people think my life is missing without a man.

  “I’ve got a bottle of wine with my name on it, sweets, but I’ll take you over and drop you off, if that’s okay?”

  “Liam and Cole are playing tonight,” she replies in a sing-song voice, like the first graders she teaches.

  “Goodie for Liam and Cole. I’m sure Cole’s brood of bimbos will be hanging around, so maybe they’ll both get lucky.” Even as these words leave my mouth, I can feel my stomach tighten with anger thinking of him with someone else. What in the ever-loving-hell is happening to me?

  I need to keep driving, get Raina home so she can get ready to go out, and keep my mouth shut.

  After a few hours at home to grab a bite to eat and a warm bath, I’m out the door again. I pick up Raina, only a few minutes late, and we head to Sam’s. There’s an empty parking space available, which is unusual for a Friday night, so I pull up to the bar, leaving the car running.


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