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Hold on to Her (Only Her Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Olivia Stephen

  “Wow. It’s just, you two have been hanging out like best friends. I didn’t realize. Should have said something.”

  “S’all good, man. She’s just different, you know.”

  “Okay, then. So, no just banging. You’re a good man, bro, so I hope she knows what a catch you are,” he huffs.

  After a few moments of silence, Cole breaks it in typical Cole fashion.

  “Well, are we gonna sit around braiding each other’s fuckin’ hair and doin’ nails, or are we gonna practice?”

  “Fuck you, man,” I say, laughing. “Let’s get it then.”

  Our practice session lasts until well after lunchtime. We’ve got these new songs nailed down and we’re ready for tonight. My sister called early this morning to let me know she and her new man are coming to hear us play. I’m excited about that since Sarah will get to finally meet some of my family. Add to that, the new boyfriend is also a musician and his old man is part owner of a recording label.

  After Cole and I bought into Sam’s with Zane, I was content to run the finances of the bar and play music with Cole when we could. The business degree I had earned would help me with my new role as part-owner, and with the new business we’ve been getting, and the improvements we’re making to the pub, I figured I’d settle here and make a life.

  Mom and Dad always encouraged my sisters and me to live the life we wanted and do what we loved to do. They were both musicians, as Dad taught music at NC State and Mom coordinated the choral program at the high school I attended. I have music in my blood, I guess you could say. There are many fond memories of the five of us sitting around the backyard fire pit on comfortable fall evenings and listening to Dad strum the acoustic while Mom sang her sweet tunes.

  Now, knowing some of our performance tonight could possibly end up being put in the hands of a record exec, I’m not certain about anything. Throw Sarah into the mix and I feel as confused as hell. Mom always told me things tend to work out for the best, so I’m going to go with the flow and see what happens. No sense in borrowing trouble.

  Sarah isn’t quite ready to go when I get to her place at eight, although she could wear baggie sweats and a tee and look beautiful. Hearing her cuss and rant about her hair in the bathroom makes me laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” And there she stands, hands on hips, tapping the toe, mad as a pissed off hornet.

  “Babe, you look fine.”

  Oh shit. I said it. Here it comes.

  “Just fine? Fine isn’t good enough, Liam, if I’m meeting your sister tonight. Fine isn’t good enough.”

  She’s still standing there, on the brink of tears, when I reach for her and pull her close. I place both my hands on her pink cheeks, tipping her head back and planting a kiss on her lips that will make her forget she even has hair. Her hands come to my biceps and she squeezes as her tongue swirls around, twirling and battling with mine. Kissing her like this can literally bring me to my knees. Her hips are in close proximity to my dick when she goes up on the tips of her toes, and I’m nearly undone.

  The kiss ends, not by my choice, and she stares at me, a hint of a smile passes over her lips.

  “You messed up my lipstick.”

  “Better your lipstick than your mascara, babe. Go reapply and let’s get going. You’re beautiful, so don’t make me tell you twice.”

  “Yes, sir. Whatever you say,” she whispers and winks as she turns to walk away.

  Holy. Shit.

  Not more than two minutes later, she emerges from the bathroom, plump red lips redone, and we’re ready to put on coats to head to Sam’s.

  My sister and her man, Roman, are walking into the bar just as we get there, so we all walk in together. It’s not as busy as a weekend night, but the crowd is still somewhat noisy.

  “Sarah, this is Tatum, my sister, and her boyfriend, Roman. Guys, this is Sarah.”

  “It’s so great to finally meet you. Liam talks a lot about you,” my sister says, smiling and leaning over for a hug. No handshakes here.

  “Is that right?” she asks, smiling at me, grabbing my elbow. “Well, Liam and I have been friends for a while. I’m glad to meet you both, and I’ll be anxious to hear some funny baby Liam stories while you’re here.”

  Tatum pipes up, “Oh, there are plenty,” and both girls giggle at my expense.

  “Roman, let’s get drinks at the bar.”

  “Good idea,” he says, rolling his eyes at the two grown women who cackle like teenagers.

  We head over to get our drinks where the new bartender, Samantha, takes our orders.

  “Thanks for bringing Tatum tonight. The drive wasn’t too bad, was it?”

  “Nah. Not at all. I’m going to get a couple videos on my phone to send to Dad, if that’s okay. Tatum says y’alls songwriting is amazing.”

  “Been writing songs for years. I love it.”

  “Sweet. I’m excited to hear them.” Roman looks over to where the girls are sitting, and we both shake our heads, laughing. “We should get back to the women, because God knows what stories they’re swapping right now.”

  “You got that right.”

  Samantha hands us our drinks, and we head back over to where the girls are sitting side by side. Sarah and Tatum are getting along perfectly, just as I knew they would. Tatum has such an outgoing personality and makes friends so easily. Since Sarah is a bit on the extroverted side as well, I had a feeling they would hit it off.

  Sarah stands when we return, knowing I need to get to the stage for tonight’s gig. The pink in her cheeks darkens when she blushes after the heated kiss and the smack on the ass she gets before I leave.

  “I’m headed up to the stage. Enjoy the music, guys.”

  “Break a leg, Liam!” my sister pipes in.

  With that, I meet up with Cole and we finish setting up amps and mics and guitars. In no time, we’re ready to go.

  Our first set sounds even better than this morning’s practice session, and I can tell Roman is impressed. He looks at Tatum often and smiles. He’s used his phone to record some of our performance, and I’d love to know when that recording will land in the hands of his father. My mind has conjured up all sorts of scenarios. All the way from you’re good, but won’t make it in the industry to you’re going to be music legends and superstars. But let’s face it, I’m inclined to believe the former since the music business is a tough nut to crack.

  I make my way back to the table after our first set and wiggle my way into a spot beside Sarah. Leaning in, I kiss her neck and whisper, “I’m so happy you’re getting along with my sister and Roman. I can tell she likes you, and that’s important to me.”

  “She and Roman are great. They’re so cute together too,” she says, hunching her shoulders and wrinkling her nose. “He looks at her like she hangs the moon.”

  “Kinda like how I look at you then?” The compliment throws her a bit, and she squirms nervously in her seat, keeping her eyes from finding mine. I’ll let that go for now. “So, what’d you all think?”

  Roman is the first to offer his opinion. “Liam, you and Cole sound amazing. The way your voices harmonize is fantastic. So in tune with each other. Best sounding duo I’ve heard, man,” he offers, holding out his hand for a handshake.

  “Nice. Thanks for that.”

  “Not blowing smoke, man. You sound perfect. Do you do any originals?” he asks, finishing off his beer, and then motioning to the server to bring us another round.

  “We absolutely have some originals, but we don’t do too much of that here, though. Mostly people like to listen to covers of their favorites.”

  “Would you mind doing one? I’d love to shoot one off to Pops, if that’s cool with you.”

  “Absolutely. We’ll rearrange the next set a bit and fit one in.”

  “Gah! I can’t wait. I’m sure your dad will love them,” Tatum says, clapping her hands and bouncing excitedly.

  Sarah looks at Roman, then back to me, confused. I decide to keep the fact that Roman’
s dad is a record exec to myself for now. The old I know someone who knows someone who knows someone in the business usually doesn’t pan out, so no sense in getting her upset about any of this right now.

  Just then, Raina and Zane head our way. Sarah stands for a hug, then pulls her down to the seat and introduces her to Tatum. Zane takes a seat next to Roman who moves closer to Tatum.

  “Tate, babe, my lap is wide open.” Roman gestures as she moves damn near right on top of him to make room for everyone.

  “No need, sis. I’ve gotta scoot back up to the stage.” I love my sister, but I do not need to see her giving her man a lap dance in the middle of my bar. Eyebrows raised, it’s apparent that fell on deaf ears since I see not only Tatum plopping down on Roman, but Raina has found Zane’s lap to be wide open as well. Sarah and I just look at each other in amusement.

  “Maybe I can get a lap dance later, babe.”

  And she shoos me off, laughing the whole time.

  Cole and I are in the zone tonight. There’s dancing, singing along, and lots of applause when we finish for the night. By far, it’s the best we’ve sounded and we both feel relatively positive about what Roman will send to his dad.

  “Bro, it was great to see you. You sounded amazing, as usual,” Tatum announces before she and Roman head out.

  “Give Mom and Dad hugs from me when you get back. I need to visit real soon,” I say as I walk them to the entrance of the pub, giving my sis a big hug. I’m so lucky to have family like I do. “Drive safe.” Tatum and Roman take off, headed back to Durham.

  It’s sad that Sarah doesn’t have that same kind of relationship with her sister. Tatum acts like more of a sister to Sarah than her own. Maybe that kind of relationship is something she’s been missing, so I hope that meeting Tatum, and getting along so well will help her.

  Samantha and Zane have just about everything cleaned and ready to shut down for the night behind the bar, as Cole, Raina, and the rest of the servers work on the tables and sweeping the floors.

  Everyone says goodnight and we all leave the bar together. Just as Sarah and I reach my car, I pull her close to me then back her up so she’s leaning against the hood. The coolness of the night is quickly overtaken by the heat of the moment.


  “What, baby?” My nose sweeps behind her ear, and Jesus, she smells so good, her scent so sweet and subtle.

  “Um...what are you doing?”

  “If you need to ask, then I’m doin’ it all wrong,” I whisper, low and soft. “There’s no one around this late, and the streets of this small town are rolled up and put away for the night. I could lay you back on the hood of this car right now.”

  She giggles. I don’t want her giggling. I want her panting and writhing. I want her beneath me, craving my touch like nothing else she’s craved in her life. Remember when I said I was a patient man? My patience is wearing thin.

  “You know I absolutely loved tonight. You getting along so well with Tatum.” Sarah’s coffee-colored hair is soft to the touch and my hands automatically thread their way through those luscious locks. I may never get enough of her.

  She swallows hard as I use my tongue to delicately trace the sensitive skin behind her ear.

  “Li–Liam, you’re just on a high from how well you performed...ummm...tonight. I...mmmm,” she sighs, “think you should probably take me home now.”

  “I’ll take you home. But, you need to know, baby, that I want this so much with you. So much it’s nearly killing me. And I know you want me too.” My hands continue their assault on her body, my lips eagerly finding hers. I feel her breathing accelerate and when I pause to look at her, those green eyes turn dark with need. She says nothing in response, simply smiles shyly and nods.

  “Let’s go.” I take her hand and usher her as quickly as I can into the car.

  Chapter Ten


  My heart is nearly beating out of my chest. Liam has me so wound up it’s hard for it to find the right tempo to beat normally. He is dangerous with that easy smile and that gentle touch. He damn near rendered me speechless, which is tough to do because I always have a lot to say. My tongue is altogether twisted at the moment, and I can’t seem to find the words to tell him that maybe this is not a good idea. I’m getting too caught up in him, falling too fast for him.

  “Stop thinking, Sarah. I told you before, we’re seeing where this is going. If you’re not ready for me right now, that’s okay. I’m not going to push. But this,” he says, waggling his finger between us, “is happening. Sooner or later, it’s going to happen.”

  Liam pulls in the driveway, puts the car in park, and before I can make a move, he’s leaning across the console with his hand cupping my face, and that subtle touch spreads fire over my skin. He doesn’t say a word, just stares, his eyes softening as they find mine. We sit like that for a minute. A minute that quite possibly feels like a lifetime.

  “Invite me in, babe. Please, let me in.”

  “Okay,” I whisper softly. That’s the only answer there is. Okay.

  I’m letting my guard down.

  I’m letting him in.

  I’m scared to death.

  And by the look on his face, he knows it.

  “Sweetheart, I am not Daniel, and I sure as hell am not the one-night stands you’ve had since you broke up with him. If I could, I’d hunt that bastard down right now and kick his ass for what he did to you. But instead of looking for him, I’d rather look at you while we make love. I’m going to make love to you, and I want to be buried so deep inside of you that the only man’s name you’ll ever remember is mine.”

  See what I mean? Dangerous.

  I’m sitting in his car, my clothes aren’t even off, and for the second time in less than forty-eight hours, I feel exposed and vulnerable. He sees me in a way no one ever has before. My heart says I can trust him. My head tells another story altogether.

  My heart. I go with my heart. He is different, I feel it.

  “Okay. Okay, Liam,” I say, nodding my head up and down. “Please don’t make me regret trusting you.”

  The softness and reassurance I see in his eyes tells me he knows my fear, but that my heart is safe with him. This man knows me.

  In the blink of an eye, Liam is around to the passenger side of the car, opening the door, holding out his hand to me. Giving him my hand means I’m giving him my heart. We both know what’s going to happen tonight.

  Once inside, I turn on the gas fireplace to help warm the house. Liam helps me out of my jacket and takes his off, throwing it across the oversized chair. I watch those hands that so smoothly strum his guitar as they work to slowly remove my clothes. He’s going to play my body like he plays his guitar...rhythmically and in perfect tempo. My insides quiver at the thought.

  His hands drag my top over my head and my jeans down over my hips. My body lights up with desire. Desire that I never experienced with any other man before. He stands stock-still, with narrowed eyes that take in every inch of me, a seductive smile slowly spreading across his face. His hands grab mine, pulling them out to the side so that every single inch of me is available for his perusal.

  “You are exquisite.” His voice is low and strong, his eyes heavy with lust. My body tingles in anticipation of what is to come.

  He lightly runs his callused fingertips up and down my arms, leaving goose bumps along their path. Quickly, he pulls me into his hard body and in a matter of seconds, his lips are millimeters away from mine. He’s holding me perfectly still, not allowing my lips to touch his, and for a brief moment, his warm breath is mixing with mine. In a slow but deliberate motion, he gently covers my mouth with his. Sensually, erotically, our lips connect, my mouth opening to his, my tongue twisting with his, the delayed intimacy causing heat to pool between my legs. There has never been a kiss like this, so emotional, yet so consuming at the same time.

  “The light from the fireplace makes the gold flecks in your beautiful green eyes sparkle. Just gorgeous

  I tuck my chin into my neck in an attempt to stop the blush, but when I hear a deep chuckle, I know it was futile.

  “ bedroom is back this way,” I say, pointing through the back of the living room and down the hallway. I’m nervous, and he knows it, because he’s already been in my bedroom, the night he brought me home when I got trashed at Sam’s. But I can’t overthink this, or over analyze, or I’ll draw a line with Liam that I don’t think I want to.

  “And this rug in front of the fireplace is right here.” He begins removing his clothes piece by piece, and I can’t help but stare. I’m not entirely sure I’ve even blinked my eyes yet. Not that I care, really. His body is statuesque, a work of art. Strong, broad shoulders, the well-defined lines of his chest and abs, the deep, sexy V at the tops of his hips, and his long muscular legs complete this outrageously fit man.

  “Jesus,” I whisper.

  With eyebrows cocked, Liam chuckles and whispers back, “You done, babe?”


  “Well, you took your time eyeing me up, I figured I’d return the compliment. You are one handsome man, Liam Reynolds.”

  “You are one beautiful woman, Sarah Witten. And now that we’ve established a mutual respect for each other’s bodies,” he says, grabbing at my waist and pulling me down to the floor, “let me take some time and worship yours.”

  He gently lays me down near the fireplace, removing my blue lacy bra and panties, placing kiss after kiss along my shoulders and neck. He leans in for another mind-blowing kiss on my lips, and after a brief stint there, he makes his way down my body, licking, sucking, and driving me out of my mind with need. It’s when his tongue lands on my center that I’ve given up all hope of ever breathing normally again. This man will be the one I measure every intimate encounter against for the remainder of my life. I can tell, already, that no one else will compare. For a moment, I wonder if I even want there to be another man that compares to Liam. I’m falling hard and fast. I feel it.


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