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Hold on to Her (Only Her Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Olivia Stephen

  I consider that this will be the first time Liam will meet my family. My mom and dad don’t even know I’m dating again, although Mom finds a way to weave the dating subject into the short conversations we do have occasionally. I was so broken after what happened that I barely make a phone call or two every few weeks to check in. I’ve never asked about Sydnee, and I sure as hell never asked about Daniel. The only reason I don’t wish for his demise is because of my niece, Londyn. She needs a mother and a father so I feel somewhat bad plotting his death. Well, that’s a tad dramatic, but you know what I mean. I’ve only ever been with her when she’s been at Mom and Dad’s, when both Daniel and Sydnee were working. My God, parts of my life are a mess.

  “Right now, I feel like shit for not going to see Mom and Dad more often. I always felt like they overlooked all the shit Sydnee did to me because they see her, Daniel, and Londyn all the time. It’s like it made no difference to them at all. I guess I’m mostly feeling guilty, though.” I turn my head to look out the window, watching headlights and signs and other cars we pass on the way to Raleigh. “Jesus, I hope we make it there in time before anything happens,” I whisper, holding back the stinging tears in my eyes.

  “Everything is gonna be fine, darlin’. We’ll be there before you know it. You need to relax and put the other two out of your mind. You’re going there for your dad, not to see them.”

  I lean my head back against the headrest in Liam’s car and close my eyes, trying to shut out visions of the worst possible scenario playing out when I get there. Deep breaths in through my nose, out through my mouth.

  “Keep breathing, babe. Keep yourself calm.”

  “You know, it’s much easier to breathe when I’m with you, Liam. Just by being here with me you make me feel so much better.”

  A squeeze to my hand, a wink and a smile does more for my nerves that nearly anything else.

  It isn’t long at all before we arrive at the hospital, and I’m dropped off at the emergency entrance while Liam scours the parking lot for a space. The doors to the ER glide open instantly as I rush in, seeing my mom sitting in the waiting room, head down, resting it in her hands.


  She’s up from her chair, her motherly arms wrapping me in a hug. Initially, I think of how much I’ve missed this. Mom and I were close once. I guess we all were, all four of us. As Sydnee got older, Mom seemed to pay more attention to her and all the drama she’d engage in. It was like Mom got sucked into it all, leaving me to fend for myself. Right now, though, I need to put all that aside.

  “How is he? Has the doctor been out?”

  “Not yet. They took him back immediately. They hooked him up to do an EKG or something like that. I don’t know anything more.”

  “He’s in good hands here, Mom. He’s gonna be okay. He’s stubborn, you know.” It’s hard trying to integrate some humor in such a serious situation, but if it helps Mom feel more at ease, I’ll do whatever I need to.

  “That he is, Sarah. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Oh, Mom. Where else would I be? It’s Dad.”

  “I know, sweetie. But you don’t come around much. Dad misses you. I miss you.” Her eyes are rimmed red and she looks pale. I’ve got to do better. I can’t have them worry like this.

  “Let’s just focus on getting Daddy better. We’ll deal with everything else later.”

  Just as Mom and I are sitting down, Liam comes through the automatic doors, walking toward us. He looks tired, but I know there is nowhere else he’d be right now. I stand, taking his hand, pulling him toward me.

  “What’s happening now, babe?”

  “The doctors are running tests right now. That’s all we know.”

  “Sarah, who’s this?” I hear my mom’s voice from behind me.

  “Mom, this is Liam. Liam, this is my mom.”

  He reaches for her hand, only my mom doesn’t take it. Instead, she pulls him in for a hug.

  “Thank you for bringing our Sarah.” She’s a good eight inches shorter than Liam and reaches up with her hand, patting his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “No problem, Mrs. Witten. I hope everything’s okay.”

  Before Mom can answer, Sydnee walks around the corner with drinks from the cafeteria. She stops when she looks up and sees me with Liam and Mom. After a moment’s pause, she comes over to us, handing Mom her drink.

  “You’re” She stumbles through those three words like I’m a stranger.

  “I’m here.” My response is clipped, short. I don’t have energy for her right now.

  Just then, the ER doors open and a doctor heads our way. At first glance, he shows no expression. Not pity, worry, or anything that would indicate my dad is in serious trouble. It’s oddly comforting.

  “Mrs. Witten.”

  Mom turns around and I find her taking a step, nearly collapsing. The doctor grabs for her, helping her to the chair. She’s exhausted and worried, and rightly so. This is nothing short of overwhelming for her. Dad is never sick, so I’m sure she’s nearly at her wits’ end.

  “Oh my. I’m so sorry. Turned around too fast, is all. Is he okay?”

  “We need to be sure you’re okay. Give yourself a second.”

  “Oh, goodness. I’m just worried. That’s all.” Mom tries to make light, waving her hand around, implying we’re not to worry about her.

  “If you want to be checked out, you’re in the right place.”

  “I’m fine. But I need to know about my husband. Is he going to be okay?”

  “Well, right now, he is alert and based on the information from the EKG, it appears he’s had a heart attack.”

  “Oh, God.” Terror makes its way into Mom’s voice. I’ve not ever heard it before.

  “Mrs. Witten, he’s stable. We’re going to take him to the cath lab right now for a cardiac catheterization. It’s going to allow us to see the coronary arteries better to determine where the blockages are.”

  “Blockages. That’s why he couldn’t breathe, right? And the chest pain too,” Mom interrupts.

  “Yes. We’ll handle this one of two ways. Either he’ll require coronary artery bypass, or we may be able to treat with stents. Once we get all the information we need, I’ll be back to let you know, okay?”

  “Dr. Donovan, please take care of him.” My mom weeps, holding onto Sydnee’s arm and taking my hand.

  “Mrs. Witten, he’s getting the best possible care. Why don’t you all go up to the family waiting room on the fifth floor. That’s where we’ll be bringing your husband once he’s out of the cath lab.”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you.”

  Dr. Donovan turns to leave but hesitates a moment. “Mrs. Witten, you need to rest once you get upstairs, okay?”

  “We’ll see that she does,” I reply.

  Mom turns to me with a sad smile. “I’m so glad you’re here, sweetheart.”

  “Let’s go up to the waiting room. We can get some coffee there, and I’m sure the chairs are more comfortable. These seats are hard on the ass.”

  “Oh, Sarah, your language,” Mom says with half a laugh.

  We gather our things, ready to head to the elevators. Looking toward the doors when I hear the swoosh of them opening, my knees nearly buckle, and I fall, probably not so gracefully, back in the chair when I see Daniel come inside. It’s been well over a year since I’ve seen him, and I feel as though the wind has literally been knocked from my lungs. All the memories come crashing back like a tidal wave. Unwanted and damaging. Sydnee walks toward him, and he takes hold of her, wrapping her in a hug, comforting her like he used to do for me. It’s when he pulls away from her that he catches sight of me, and the glare when he sees me is filled with anger and regret. He’s angry? Why should he be angry? He got exactly what he wanted. Well, fuck him. And fuck Sydnee. She can have him.

  And why the hell can’t I breathe again? It’s really a simple process.

  It doesn’t take Liam but a minute to realize
this is Daniel because, before I can make another move, Liam is at my side, arm around my back, looking at me and telling me with his eyes that I’m okay. That he’s got me. His hand comes to my face, and the touch alone not only calms my anxious nerves, but also shows Daniel that I am Liam’s.

  “He’s not your problem anymore, sweetheart. Let it go,” he whispers, so no one else can hear the words that bring me peace. This man is so much more than Daniel will ever be.

  Together, we all make our way to the elevators and up to the family waiting room in the heart unit of the hospital. The elevator ride is silent, tense, and I can feel Liam’s agitation at being this close to Daniel. Fortunately, we find much more comfortable chairs when we reach the room, which makes me glad that Mom will have an easier time resting here. The jitters I feel every time I look at Daniel only worsen when I sit still for too long, yet pacing around the waiting room, trying to ignore his presence, is making me weary. I’m too anxious.

  “Mom, Liam and I are going for a drink. Do you need anything?” Liam takes his cue and gets up from his chair to walk with me, thankful, I’m sure, to escape some of the tension. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he’s furious, and the longer he sits there, the angrier he gets. His fists clench, and there’s a storm in his dark eyes.

  “No, sweetheart. I’m fine. Maybe check with Sydnee or Daniel to see if they need something, though.”

  “With all due respect, Mrs. Witten, I think Daniel and Sydnee are capable of getting what they need. Are you sure you don’t need anything?”

  “I’m fine, honey.”

  “Come on, Sarah. You need a break.” Liam’s voice cracks in frustration.

  Liam’s comment doesn’t even register with Mom. Snide, off-the-cuff comments I’ve made about Daniel and Sydnee being together after he dumped me when I was pregnant never have.

  As we turn to walk out of the family waiting room, Sydnee jumps from her chair and reaches for my elbow, trying to stop me, as Daniel calls out for me to wait.

  Liam quickly interrupts, “I said Sarah needs a break. Did you not hear me? Was that not clear enough for you?”

  “Liam, it’s okay. Let’s go. They’re not worth the trouble,” I say, taking his hand to usher him out into the hallway. He’s overly-protective right now, and as sexy as that is, he needs to back off because I know Daniel, and he will instigate and add fuel to an already burning fire.

  We walk down the long corridor to the lounge area where we find soda and snack machines. Before I can tell him what I’d like, he spins me around, taking my face in his hands. He tilts his head to the side, and kisses me with a softness and gentleness that calms my racing heart. Our lips fit perfectly together, like mine were always made for kissing his.

  ‘Thank you,” I whisper. “No one has ever taken up for me like that before.” Our lips are a hair’s breadth apart.

  “I won’t let them hurt you again, sweetheart. Ever.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you really? Do you know I would go to the ends of the earth to protect you?”

  Without hesitating, I reply, “Yes. Yes, I do. And I lo...I mean, I’m truly grateful for that.”

  Shit. That almost came out. I can’t tell him I love him. I mean, I think I do, but it’s too soon. He’ll feel like he has to say it back and what if he doesn’t really feel that way yet? Maybe he never will. Although, after what he just did for me back there, I’m inclined to believe that maybe he does. But, no. I’m not ready to go there. Not after how emotional this evening has been. So, I just let it go and push those feelings to the back of my conscience where they belong. They can’t be out in the open yet.

  “That was a whole lot of thinking going on in those few seconds of silence, Sarah. Care to fill me in?”

  “I’m just glad that you’re here.” My hand reaches up to his, grasping his wrists. “I couldn’t have faced that alone, not with the way my emotions are all over the place right now.”

  “You owe Daniel and Sydnee nothing. Concentrate on your dad and mom. Focus your efforts there and let everyone else around you do what they need to do for themselves. You’re gonna be okay, babe. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah. I’m starting to believe that. The initial shock of seeing him was difficult, but it’s over now. He and Sydnee are still together, and they have Londyn. So now, it’s a matter of keeping it in the past where it belongs. I’ve got to be strong for Mom. She’s the one who needs me. Not them.”

  I’m decidedly better off now than I was just a few short minutes ago. I’m back in control, and when I have to face them again, which will happen multiple times over with Dad in the hospital, I can think back to this moment right here with Liam and feel the strength inside of me to handle it.

  “Let’s get some drinks and head back. The doctor should be coming in to let us know your dad’s condition and I know you’ll want to hear all that. Your mom’s going to need someone to help her understand everything and to make any decisions she might need to make.”

  We exit the small lounge, and before we make it to the waiting room, Liam stops me.

  “He gets nothing else, sweetheart. He had you once and didn’t care enough to see what an amazing woman you were, still are, and he let you go. He gets nothing understand? Not a tear, not a whimper, nothing.”

  A barrage of emotions hits me right then, but all I can do is smile. “Nothing,” I repeat. “It’s just you.”

  “You bet your sweet ass it’s just me. No one else, Sarah.” The light smack on my ass is something I’m beginning to look forward to.

  We walk hand in hand back into the waiting room, my head held a little higher, my emotions much more under control, and I’m on the arm of the most amazing man I’ve ever meet. When he says he’s got me, he really does.

  As soon as we take a seat to wait, the doctor comes into the room with more news about Dad.

  Chapter Eighteen


  As Dr. Donovan enters the waiting room, Sarah and her mom and Sydnee stand, nervous energy in their stance.

  “Good news. We’re going to be able to treat your husband with stents. Bypass surgery isn’t necessary. We’ll take care of that in the cath lab and he’ll be in a room in a few hours.”

  “Oh, thank God.” The relief is visible. Sarah lets out a huge breath, holding on to Mrs. Witten as her posture finally begins to loosen. Now, if I could just keep from punching the shit out of Daniel, well then, everything should be fine.

  “Since it’s early morning, we’ll keep him a couple days, then he should be good to go. I will say, he’ll need to take it easy for several weeks. There is a cardiac rehab program here for him as well. We can talk about all that later, once we get him to his room.”

  Sarah’s mom thanks the doctor as he leaves, then slumps in the chair, happy tears falling.

  The next two hours pass slowly as we wait for the all-clear from the doctor. Sarah’s mom is reclined in the oversized chair, eyes closed. She has to be exhausted. Sarah sits with her head on my shoulder, falling in and out of a light sleep.

  “Sweetheart, I’m going outside to text Zane, so he can let Raina know how your dad’s doing. I’ll tell her to pull your classroom plans for the substitute.”

  “That would be great. I need to talk to Mom for a few minutes anyway.” Her voice is quiet and sounds so tired. She yawns as she tries to sit up straighter in the chair.

  I look to the other side of the waiting room at Daniel and the intimidating eye contact I give him should make it clear that, in no uncertain terms, he needs to leave Sarah the hell alone. He acts like an entitled piece of shit, as if everyone owes him something. He glares for a moment, then turns away. Pussy. I can’t wait to get Sarah the hell out of here away from those two.

  “Be right back, babe,” I say, kissing her on the cheek.

  When I get outside, I take a deep breath and try to calm down. Sarah doesn’t need me losing my shit in the middle of all this, so I walk to the car to get her jacket, in case
she starts to get cold in the waiting room. Or maybe that’s an excuse to walk off some frustration, and a hell of a lot of excess energy. Energy I’d like to use to punch that asshole in the face.

  The text goes right through to Zane. A few minutes later, he texts back that he’ll update Raina on all that’s happened. Their lives are so in sync now, it’s amazing. They both deserve that kind of love, that kind of happiness, and it makes me think about Sarah and me being that close one day. A snarky smile covers my face. Yeah, it’s like that.

  My steps are a little lighter walking back into the hospital. I hit the elevator button and make my way back to Sarah. It’s when I step off the elevator that I hear loud, clipped voices, an argument of some kind, coming from the waiting room.

  I rush in to find Sarah in tears again, her mom nowhere to be found, and I nearly go fucking ballistic. What in God’s name is wrong with these people?

  “Sarah,” I call out to her. She turns to find me standing in the doorway, ready to kick someone’s ass. I walk over to her, take her in my arms, and feel her body shake with sobs.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you two?”

  “Liam, don’t. It’s okay.”

  “You’re in fucking tears, Sarah. It’s not okay, sweetheart.” Furious doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel right now, and the moment I turn to face that coward, he takes a few steps back. I hope he understands just how difficult it is for me to refrain from lighting his ass up. “I wanna know what the hell you said to her.”

  Sarah speaks up before he has a chance to answer. “Daniel, just go. You and Sydnee just go out in the hallway and wait for Mom. They’ll only let her with Dad for a little while. You’ll need to take her home.”

  “Sarah, we’re not finished this conversation. Not even close,” Daniel says, walking toward her.

  Both my hands leave Sarah and grab hold of that asshole’s shirt. Within seconds, his back is up against the wall and I’m cocked, ready to thump his ass.


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