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The Sheikh's Christmas Baby

Page 11

by Leslie North

  Tangling her fingers in his hair, she lifted her leg and draped it over his hip using her calf to pull him closer. Her body trembled with the need to be as close to him as possible, especially if this was goodbye. She couldn’t stop the sob in the back of her throat and he tightened his arms around her, holding her close as if he knew that’s what she needed.

  Her hands skimmed down his body, tugging his shirt out of his waistband so she could touch his skin. Breaking the kiss, she leaned against his chest, taking in long, deep breaths to memorize his smell.

  He stroked his hands across her body and Kristy felt as though each touch would be their last. With a sob, she tightened her hold on him, lifting her head to kiss him again. When she deepened the kiss, she heard him moan but to her ears, it sounded more like a sob.

  Was this really goodbye?

  Trying to focus on the present, she tugged at his shirt and waiting impatiently for him to pull it up and off, before she smoothed her hands over his skin and relished the feeling of his muscles shuddering under her touch. He was hard where she was soft. His skin was so hot that she felt that she’d get burned if she kept her hand in one place too long, but she couldn’t stop touching him.

  There was something quietly desperate in his eyes and in his actions. The more they caressed and fondled, the more intense the expression on his face. By the time he pulled her pants down, he practically yanked them down her legs.

  When he stretched out between her legs, he cupped her chin and stared at her without moving. “I wish to hell that I could, but I can’t stop. I need you to know that.”

  Stop what? Hating her? Needing her? What did he mean? Before she could ask, he thrust inside her and chased away all her questions. In that moment, there was no past and no future. There was only him and the way he felt inside her.

  Their moans intertwined in the darkness, and when he clasped his hands in hers and held her down as he drove into her, she thought that the bed would catch fire. They’d burn the world to the ground with all the things that were left unspoken between them.

  “Stay with me,” he muttered darkly. “I’m going to come, Kristy, and I need you to stay with me. Even if it’s the last time. Please.”

  His urgent confession was her undoing. Shuddering under him, the quiet orgasm gently broke her apart, and with it came his own release. Anchoring inside her, he pressed her into the mattress as he moaned her name and spilled himself inside her.

  Finally, he rolled over on his back, carrying her with him. She was tired. Tired from his love making, tired from crying, tired from needing and loving a man that she couldn’t make stay, but she wouldn’t sleep. She wanted to commit every second of tonight to memory.

  Especially if it was the last.

  “I tried to leave,” he finally said hoarsely. “But I couldn’t. I couldn’t walk away from you again.”

  “I’m sorry that I lied to you,” she whispered as she curled around his warm body. “I thought I was protecting Arella, but I was so wrong.”

  “We’ve made such a mess of things,” he said with a small chuckle. “I do understand why you did it. You’ve had years of thinking that I’m a bad guy, and I know that it can be hard to let go. I’ve spent all this time thinking that you didn’t care, and when I realized that you’d hidden Arella from me, I thought it was because you thought I’d be a horrible father. That hurt.”

  “You’re going to be a wonderful father, Kash. Arella is a lucky little girl.”

  “Not as lucky as I am.” He reached down and lifted her chin. “I love you, Kristy. I’m not saying that because of Arella. I’m saying it because it’s true. I could not imagine my life without you. I can’t imagine the kind of man that I would be without you. I know I’ve said some horrible things…”

  Her heart nearly burst with joy. Putting a finger over his lips, she stopped him from saying anything else. “If you can forgive me for what I’ve done, I can forgive you. I love you too, Kash. No one else has ever made me feel the way that you do.”

  “I have something else to confess. I spoke to Julia yesterday morning when you weren’t here, and she told me what you did.”

  “Putting the farm up for sale? I didn’t have a choice.”

  “I know you didn’t. That’s why I’m giving it to you.”

  Confused, she stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I bought it, Kristy. I told you before that I wanted to help you, and I meant it.”

  Surprised, she pushed herself up on her elbows. “You bought it? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I needed to know how you felt about me. I didn’t want you to think that I was holding the farm as leverage. If you didn’t love me, I’d simply give the farm back to you at no cost, but since you do, I’m hoping you’ll want to keep it in the family.”

  Her heart began to beat faster. What was he about to do?

  “Come to Al-Harmid with me for Christmas. You and Arella. I know we don’t really celebrate Christmas. We haven’t in a long time, but I’m sure we can put up a tree for Arella. I want my father to meet her. I want us to be a family this Christmas. I want you to marry me.”

  “Marry you?” she breathed. “Kash, you’re royalty. I’m a farm owner.”

  “Habibti, you are so much more than that. You’re the smartest, kindest, most beautiful woman that I know. You’re the most talented dog trainer I’ve ever met, and you’re not bad with horses either, although your goat training could use some work. And Kristy, you’re the mother of my child and the love of my life. I knew it four years ago. You have no idea how hard I tried to forget you, and nothing worked. I didn’t come back for the damn race. I came back because I was going mad not knowing what happened to you. I have no intention of that happening again. I want you and Arella by my side every day.”

  Sliding up his body, she kissed him gently. “I could not imagine a better gift for Christmas,” she admitted finally when she was able to pull herself away.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, Kash. I want to be your wife. And since you’ve drilled it in her head that she’s a princess, Arella will think it’s the best Christmas ever.”

  “She is a princess, and you are my queen. I went into town yesterday to get you a ring, but none of them were good enough. You deserve only the best.”

  “I don’t need a ring, Kash. I only need you.”

  Drawing her back up for a kiss, he traced down her naked sides with his fingers, and she shivered. Spreading her fingers across his chest, she stroked his skin until he moaned.

  “Again?” she teased as she pressed a hot, wet kiss to his nipple.

  “Haven’t you figured it out by now, Kristy? I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured. “But, wait here.”

  “Wait? What?” She watched as he slid out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and peeked out before she heard his footsteps jogging down the hall.

  He was back within moments and smiling at her, he brushed his lips across hers before grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around her. Reaching under her, he scooped her and the sheet up, whistling as he carried her down the hall to the bathroom. Pushing the door to the bathroom open with his foot, he set her down in front of the bathtub.

  Kristy stood on the bathmat looking around at the candle lit room, which was rapidly filling with steam from the hot water filling the tub for a bubble bath. When Kash had first grabbed her, she’d been too shocked to say anything and now she stared bemused at the tub.

  She looked up surprised when he tugged on the sheet that she was still clutching around her. The splash of water when he climbed into the tub finally forced her to focus as she dropped the sheet and took his hand as he helped her into the tub. Sitting down, she rested her back against his chest and they both moaned as the hot water sloshed around them.

  Kashif ran his hands through her hair before pulling it up into a loose knot on the back of her head. Picking up a washcloth, he dipped it into the water and began to rub it over her body. This time, Kristy
moaned in pleasure, settling her head on his shoulder. Kashif took that opportunity to nuzzle her neck before nipping at her earlobe.

  Lifting her arm, Kash draped it over his neck as he continued to rub the towel over her body.

  “Oh, Kash,” Kristy finally murmured. “I’m so sorry things happened the way they did. I don’t know…maybe I didn’t try hard enough to reach you but it all seemed so fruitless after a while. And then when you showed up here, I had no idea what to think.”

  Setting the towel on the rim of the tub, he turned her around so she lay sprawled across her chest.

  “I think I started falling in love with you from the moment I first saw you and despite everything, my love only grew stronger. I admit I was upset when I found out about Arella. I had missed out on her first steps. Her first word.”

  Kristy chuckled, “It was pup-pup.”

  Nodding his head and smiling at her, “Why does that not surprise me? She is definitely her mother’s daughter and I cannot wait to watch her grow up.”

  Sliding his hands down to her hips, he lifted Kristy up so she was straddling his legs. “Now, enough talk about our daughter and on to more important things. Because, as I said earlier, Kristy Cohen, I can’t get enough of you.”

  Lifting herself up, Kristy slowly sank down onto Kashif’s erection and they both groaned lustily when she was firmly seated on top of him.

  Slowly lifting herself up and down, she began to ride him. Her head had fallen back and she closed her eyes as she clutched at his shoulders.

  Still gripping her hips, he adjusted her movements and she opened her eyes in surprise when each forward movement bumped against her clit.

  “Oh. Yes. Like that, Kash. Oh, please don’t stop.”

  Moving her hips faster, they both began to spiral higher and higher as Kristy felt herself getting dizzy at the speed her orgasm was approaching. With a small cry, she leaned forward to kiss him, putting all of her love and her angst into that one kiss.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Kash lifted himself and began to thrust into her in earnest as Kristy felt another orgasm riding the wave of her first one. Calling out his name, she came again just as Kash thrust up one last time.

  Sagging against his chest, she kept her arms wrapped around his neck and idly licked his chin. “You know, Kash Shadid, I can’t get enough of you either.”


  Kashif blinked and stared at the sight before him.

  “Pretty!” Arella said in wonderment. She immediately lunged forward, but Kristy had a firm grip.

  “Hold on, baby.” Kristy muttered. “Kash, I thought you said your family doesn’t do Christmas.”

  “We don’t,” he said with a frown. “I can’t even begin to explain any of this.”

  The normally polished and clean foyer was covered in Christmas decorations. Blue and silver balls hung from the massive chandelier, and an ornate garland swung from the bannister. Standing at the base of the staircase was an ancient looking stuffed Santa holding a candy bowl. Kashif reached out and gripped Kristy’s hand.

  “My mother,” he breathed. “These are my mother’s decorations. How in the world?”

  Unable to contain her excitement anymore, Arella broke free and went racing through the palace shrieking with glee. Kristy’s eyes widened in horror, and she went to take off after her, but Kashif held her back.

  “It’s okay,” he said with a smile. “This is her home too, and she should learn to enjoy it.”

  “She’s liable to break something expensive,” Kristy protested. “I thought that maybe we’d wrap everything up in bubble wrap before we turned her loose.”

  Kashif shook his head and kissed her. There was nothing in the palace that was worth more than his daughter’s happiness. “I don’t know what is going on, but I’m glad that you’re here with me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “These are my mother’s Christmas decorations. I haven’t seen them since she died twenty years ago. I remember father giving a strict order to give them all away. You’d be hard pressed to convince me that he did this, but I don’t know who else would have managed to get them all back. Or how they even got them all back.”

  Suddenly, a familiar voice boomed down the hallway. “Does anyone know who this monkey belongs to? I think she’s trying to climb the Christmas tree.”

  “Oh, God,” Kristy gasped and took off. “Arella! You come back here this instant!”

  “Pretty,” the little girl shrieked.

  “Jarik?” Kashif asked as he followed after her. Turning the corner into the main room, he stopped short. Arella was squirming in his younger brother’s arms, but what was even more surprising was that Samir was there as well, frozen by the tree with an ornament in his hand. Standing by his side, helping, were a pretty blonde and an equally pretty brunette. Everyone had a huge smile on their face.

  “Kashif?” Samir said uncertainly. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “I was about to say the same thing,” he said as he shook his head. “I should have known. No one but you would be able to find all of mother’s things.”

  “These were at the safe house,” Samir explained.

  “And why were you at the safe house?”

  “That’s a story for another time,” he said quickly. “Kashif, I’d like you to meet Poppy Milenne, the love of my life.”

  “Really?” Kashif asked with a raised eyebrow. He would have been skeptical had he not seen the look on Samir’s face when he took the blonde’s hand.

  “Pleasure to meet you. Jarik and Samir have been swopping stories about past Christmas’s, and I have to say, you don’t look like a bully at all.”

  Kashif laughed while Samir frowned. “Who’s side are you on?” he mumbled as he kissed her cheek.

  “While we’re making introductions, this is Maria Walken. She’s the owner of Christmas Crates, a wonderful charity that donates toys to refugee children,” Jarik said proudly. “She’s also going to be my bride.”

  “We haven’t discussed that yet,” the brunette said hastily. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You two have been busy,” Kashif said with a twinkle in his eye. “Very well, I guess I should explain my beauty as well. Samir, Jarik, I’d like you to meet Kristy Cohen, she is the dog sled trainer. We’re moving her operation to our side of things,” he said with a grin.

  “Dog sledding in Al-Harmid?” Jarik said slowly. “I’m not sure that’s going to go very well.”

  “We’re thinking sand sledding. I first met Kristy four years ago at Mistywood Farm when I tried to enter the Iditarod race the first time.”

  “That’s right,” Jarik muttered. “I thought the farm sounded familiar.”

  “I’d also like to introduce Arella Cohen, our daughter.”

  The room went silent as everyone stared at the little girl. She seemed to know that she was the center of attention, and she immediately stopped squirming. Kashif knew that they were taking in her blonde hair and dark blue eyes. They glanced at him, Kristy, and back to Arella again.

  Kneeling down, Kashif opened his arms, and the little girl lunged into them. “Arella,” he said softly in her ear. “I’d like you to meet your Uncle Samir and Uncle Jarik. And I suppose you should start calling these lovely ladies Aunt Poppy and Aunt Maria.”

  Arella slowly repeated the names with a huge smile on her face. She clearly liked the idea of a family. Jarik kissed the top of her head and straightened. He expected everyone to start asking questions, but everyone just stared behind him.

  “Maybe you should introduce her to her grandfather,” Jibreel boomed behind him.

  “Pop-pop?” Arella said with a frown as she peeked around Kashif’s body. He turned and kept a tight grip on the little girl. Leaning heavily against a carved mahogany cane, Jibreel Shadid, Crowned Sheikh of Al-Harmid, stared at them with glittering eyes.

  “So,” Jibreel muttered. “I haven’t been able to get the three of you under the same roof for five years, and n
ow you all show with fiancées, and one of you has a child?”

  No one said a word. Kashif examined his father closely but couldn’t see any signs of emotion on the old man’s face. Were they all about to get lectured? Was he going to order them to take the decorations down and leave the palace?

  “It’s about damn time,” he boomed and smiled. “Let me greet my grandchild, and then I want to know exactly how this happened!”

  Arella didn’t even bother to wait as she ran to the older man. Jibreel took her by the hand and led her to the couch where he sat down heavily. She immediately climbed into his lap and began telling him all about her favorite dogs and what she wanted from Santa.

  Apparently, she wanted booties to protect the dogs’ feet from the hot sand so they could live here with her since she was a princess.

  The Sheikh laughed, and Kashif wrapped an arm around Kristy’s waist. “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.

  “And I love you. Every day of my life.”

  They all gathered around and each retold the tales of their adventure. When Samir recounted what Melka had done, Kashif explained that Melka had also interfered three years ago when Arella was born. Jibreel’s face hardened in anger, and he profusely apologized to Kristy.

  “I think everything worked out the way that it was supposed to,” she said with a smile.

  Jarik told them that Kivi wasn’t getting released, something that their father was only too happy to hear. When he mentioned Maria’s charity, Jibreel said that the palace would be more than happy to donate whatever she needed to next year’s adventures.

  “I don’t understand,” Samir said finally. “Did you want us all to spend Christmas together?”

  Their father sighed. “It’s my fault. When your mother died, I shut down. I didn’t even think about how her love for Christmas would affect you boys. I just didn’t think I could handle the reminder. Over the years, I saw you three drift farther and farther apart, and I realized that the last time that we were all truly happy was when we were here, sitting around that ridiculous tree and drinking her awful eggnog. But pride kept me from admitting that I’d made a mistake. I had hoped to at least get you three together for the end of the year, but this is so much better. What prompted all of you to return home?”


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