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Sam's Little Girl (Soldier Daddies)

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by Pepper North

  Sam's Little Girl

  Pepper North


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Books of the Soldier Daddies Series

  More Stormy Night Books by Pepper North

  Pepper North Links

  Copyright © 2021 by Stormy Night Publications and Pepper North

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  North, Pepper

  Sam’s Little Girl

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Shutterstock/Lightfield Studios, Shutterstock/Kaya, Shutterstock/Roman Samborskyi, and Shutterstock/Africa Studio

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Chapter 1

  “You’re going to end up with a tummy ache, little girl,” a deep voice drawled from the side of the midway.

  Hope looked up to meet the gaze of an incredibly fit man lounging against one of the ticket booths. Unable to stop herself, she traced his form from his closely cropped hair to scuffed hiking boots. Military? Has to be!

  To give herself a bit of time, she tore off another bite of the brilliant blue cotton candy and placed it on her tongue. She hoped the gesture was both rebellious and sexy.

  “Then what would make me so sweet?” she asked daringly.

  “I have a feeling you’re delicious on your own. Tell me your name,” he demanded.

  He didn’t move from his relaxed position, so she didn’t feel intimidated. Daringly, she perused the complete package he presented. The man was scrumptious. His strawberry blond hair cut military short revealed incredibly masculine features. His chiseled cheekbones and jawline made her fingers itch to touch him.

  “I’m Hope. Hope Anderson. I guess you must be from the base?”

  “I am. Walking around the fair isn’t fun by yourself. I don’t suppose you’d take pity on me and show me around?” he suggested.

  “Oh, I’m here with my friends. I can’t leave them.” Hope gestured to a group of three young women huddled together a short distance apart, watching their interaction closely.

  “Ladies, would you mind if I steal Miss Hope Anderson away?” the attractive stranger requested gallantly.

  “How do we know you’re not a mass murderer?” one challenged.

  “I don’t even know your name,” Hope protested.

  “Sam Memphis,” he drawled, pulling out the syllables with a southern accent that went straight to her low abdomen. Straightening, he reached into his back pocket and withdrew his wallet. Pulling his military ID from the leather, he requested, “Take a picture of this and message it to your friends.” He held the card in a steady hand as Hope fumbled to maneuver her phone for a picture.

  “Here, let me hold that.” He took the cotton candy from her hand and held it while she used both hands to take the picture.

  Quickly, she sent it on to her friends and blushed as they called advice like, “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do” and “Don’t have too much fun, you two” as they disappeared, giggling, into the growing crowd.

  Hope looked down at the picture on her phone, hoping that she wasn’t making a fool out of herself.

  “I’m going to take good care of you, little girl.” His deep voice soothed her.


  “Forever and ever.”

  “That’s a long time, Sam Memphis,” Hope said skeptically.

  “That’s not quite the right name I want to hear you call me, but we’ve got nothing but time. Come on, little girl. I feel we should go ride the Ferris wheel.” Sam pointed to the large contraption looming to the west. He held out his hand, inviting her touch.

  “I love that ride. It’s almost as fun as a slide.” Making her decision, Hope meshed her fingers with Sam’s. “You’re on.”

  No one would ever ride the large wheel with her. She tugged him forward and looked back over her shoulder to make sure everything was okay. Sam smiled from ear to ear. Holding her hand did not bother him in the least.

  In a snap, they arrived to take a place in line. Most of the riders ahead of them were moms and dads with small children, obvious lovers looking for a remote place to kiss, and teenagers debating how many they could pile into one seat. Dropping his hand as she turned toward him, Hope looked awkwardly up at Sam. She didn’t know what to say to this virtual stranger.

  “So, what do you do in the military?” That seemed like a safe conversational gambit.

  “The higher-ups thought I could contribute to a team. I’m a navigator. You know, I give everyone directions.”

  “You never get lost?” Hope asked, tilting her head slightly to avoid the glare of the late afternoon sun behind him.

  “I never get lost. My team depends on me.”

  Without saying anything or making a gallant move, Sam guided her into his place so she didn’t have to blink into the light. “Thanks, Sam. That sounds like an enormous responsibility. I hate maps.”

  “Lots of people do. I have a built-in sense of direction. It doesn’t hurt that I memorize images quickly.”

  She liked how Sam talked to her. He was upfront and seemed to be telling the truth. Wait! Could he be fooling me? Wouldn’t every soldier claim to be part of a special team? But he hadn’t bragged about anything, just answered her questions. Hope decided to test him.

  “What direction am I facing?” she challenged.

  “You’re facing east-southeast,” he supplied immediately as if he’d expected her to ask.

  “Not just east? My back’s to the sun,” she pointed out.

  “Your back is to the afternoon sun. It will move slightly as the Earth completes its orbit.” Sam smiled. “I can do two hundred sit-ups in ten minutes. Want me to demonstrate that or have I earned the benefit of the doubt?”

  Automatically, Hope looked down at the dusty fairgrounds. She shuddered at the thought of lying down where everyone had walked. “No. I’ll take your word. Two hundred, huh?” She struggled to keep her gaze on his face. The temptation to eye his muscled abs almost won.

  “The team leader keeps us in great shape.” Sam lifted his hand to brush a few wisps of Hope’s hair from the corner of her mouth.

  “Sorry! My hair won’t ever stay in my ponytail.” Her nervous chatter ceased as his thumb stroked across her cheek and down her jaw. His gaze focused on her lips, and she knew he was thinking about kissing her.

  Impulsively, Hope rose onto her toes and pressed her mouth to his in a light peck. Sam swiftly wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her back to him to halt her automatic movement away. His lips captured hers in a much different kiss. He kissed her as if this were the last first kiss he planned to have. All thoughts fled from her mind as he pulled her close.

  “Come on, lovebirds. You’re next!” The stranger’s voice made her dart backward.

  “Thank you, sir,” Sam answered, steering her onto
the bench seat and pulling the restraining bar down over their heads.

  Hope stared at the ground as the man tested the lock of the safety device holding them securely inside. Her face flamed hot. Mind-blown by the power of his kiss that had captured her complete attention, she wondered what else she’d missed. Her hand reached between them to make sure her phone and money were still in her back pocket. Hope blew out a relieved sigh as the wheel rotated so that the next couple could climb onto the ride.

  “Nothing bad will happen while I’m with you,” Sam reassured her.

  “You can’t promise that,” she answered, looking at him in surprise.

  “I can,” he confirmed confidently. “Now, tell me about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”


  Chapter 2

  Hope rolled over the next morning to look at the clock. It was almost nine o’clock. “He’ll be here in an hour!” she thought and felt herself smile in anticipation.

  Time to get up and dress. The fair had been so much fun with him. Her fingers traced her lips as she remembered the goodnight kiss Sam had given her after walking her to her car.

  “Hope! Get out of bed! You’re wasting time,” her father yelled down the hall.

  “Yes, Dad!” Hope promised, closing her eyes to focus on that kiss one more time. She knew she wouldn’t have much time once he wanted her up. Lollygagging in bed didn’t happen in her military upbringing.

  Her father was a career man who’d served in many leadership roles. He’d just retired from the service to spend time with her mother. They’d been apart too often over the years. Babies hadn’t seemed possible for the two until Hope was born when her mother was forty-five. She’d been a miracle baby for the older couple, and she’d gotten her name from her grandmother. It had just seemed fitting.

  “Hope! Up! Mom’s pouring you a cup of coffee,” he tempted her. “Bingo, go help your sister get out of bed.”

  “No, Dad. Don’t sic Bingo on me!” Hope jumped out of bed just as the mini dynamo playfully attacked her feet.

  “No, Bingo. Don’t lick my toes,” she protested, giggling as the Jack Russell terrier lavished kisses on her. She snatched the blue dolphin Sam had won for her in the ring toss off the floor and set it on her pillows.

  “No, Bingo. Mine.”

  When she shook her finger at him warningly, Bingo yipped a protest back before scurrying under the bed to search for monsters, toys, or lost socks. You never knew with Bingo. He always had a purpose—usually one that involved the destruction of precious mementos or just random objects.

  She dashed into the bathroom across the hall. After using the toilet, she splashed water over her face. Opening the door, Hope spied the playful dog with his latest victim trapped in his teeth. Without a second thought, she bolted after the beast dragging one special furry sea creature down the hall.

  “No, Bingo, that’s mine. Sam won it for me.” She cornered the playful dog in the kitchen and wrestled the stuffie from Bingo.

  “Good morning, Hope,” her father greeted her from the table. “Who’s Sam?”

  “Just some guy I met at the fair,” she answered as she settled into her normal seat at the table. Seconds later, her mom placed an oversized cup in front of her.

  “Thanks, Mom. Coffee! Just what I need,” she celebrated, taking a large sip.

  “Someone from school?” her father targeted her with precision.

  “No. A military guy.” She waved her hands to ward off her father’s warning. “I know, watch out for a ‘good time’ soldier!” Her fingers hooked the quotes in the air. This was not the first warning she had heard.

  “Tell me his name and I’ll have him checked out.” This was not a request.

  “He had me take a picture of his military ID. It’s on my phone. I’ll go get it.” Hope stood and started to leave the kitchen, only to turn after a few steps and pick up the coffee mug.

  Her mother and father returned to their favorite activity—completing the crossword puzzle as they finished their coffee. Her mom had always held on to the puzzles they started when her father was deployed or sent to work temporarily on a different base. It had been her insurance that he’d come back to help her finish it.

  Sighing, Hope wished for a love like her folks had. She’d dated guys in high school and college. She’d even dated a few military guys who been brave enough to come to her father’s front door. Nothing had ever come close to equaling the attraction her parents still felt for each other.

  A blinking light on her phone signaled that she had a message. Opening the app, Hope stared at a picture of the two of them—her and Sam. They’d just come from the roller coaster and her hair flew in every direction. Hope hadn’t realized Sam was taking a picture until he said, “Smile.”

  She looked happy. Really happy.

  “See you soon, little girl,” rolled over her screen as the second message arrived.

  Hope looked at the blue box on her bookshelf. By design, it looked so innocent but held so many secrets. “He can’t know, can he?” she whispered aloud.

  Chapter 3

  Unable to wait inside, Hope walked out into the backyard. She had a few minutes until he arrived. Strolling along the newly planted flowerbeds, she checked out her mom’s latest display to keep busy. Just in case, she checked her phone for another text.

  “I’ve missed you, Hope,” he greeted her.

  The deep voice behind her made the young woman look over her shoulder to see him walk out on the back deck. “Hi, Sam. I’m glad to see you, too.”

  “Your father told me to share the message, ‘four letters down.’ I trust that means something to you?”

  Her eyes widened as Sam shared the message. She nodded quickly. “Yes. That means you impressed my father. I’m sorry he interrogated you.”

  “I understand about being protective,” he assured her with a smile. Sam stepped forward, watching her face as he approached. Her head tilted back automatically to receive his kiss. Sam rewarded her.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Sam pulled her close to press her soft curves against him as he brushed his lips across hers. When she wrapped her arms around him, he deepened the kiss. He tasted her sweet flavor as he dipped his tongue into her mouth. Her whisper-quiet moan went straight to his cock.

  Sam slid his hand down her lower spine to rest at the swell of her bottom. Pressing her against his growing erection, Sam allowed a bit of his passion to weave into his exploration of her mouth. He ripped his mouth away from hers when she responded immediately by wiggling against his shaft.

  “Temptress,” he growled as he stepped slightly away from her to run a hand over his lower body, shifting his thickening erection.

  “Sorry?” she offered with a daring smirk.

  He tightened the fingers that rested on her buttocks. “This bottom will be red often.”

  “You’d beat me?” she replied. A shocked expression replaced a quick flash of interest.

  “Spank you. There’s a big difference. Whether you’re spanked or not is your decision.”

  “I choose no,” she replied with a laugh.

  Sam knew she was trying to disguise her genuine desires. “Little girls who behave receive rewards. Those who are naughty receive consequences. All Littles choose poorly from time to time,” he assured her.

  How long would it take for her to ask?

  “I thought maybe we could go to the park? You know to talk?” Hope suggested.

  “I think that’s a great idea.” Sam took her hand and led her around the house to the sidewalk.

  From time to time, Hope peeked up at him as they walked the short distance in silence. Each time, she found Sam watching her with a smile. Finally as they entered the park, she was brave enough to ask the question looming in her mind.

  “You keep calling me a little girl.” Hope paused and swallowed. “Why?”

  “Being Little is a way of life. It’s an adult kink. There are those who know they ar
e Big—Daddies or Mommies. And there are others who are drawn to being Little.”

  “Adult kink?” she repeated as she visibly tried to digest his words. Then, in a panic, she looked around to make sure no one was listening.

  “Let’s go sit down, Hope.” Sam took her hand and led her to a quiet bench in the almost deserted park. It had been her idea to meet there. Sam had arrived an hour early. He hadn’t spent a lot of time in the civilian areas of town, but he’d questioned the safety of a young woman alone in the park as it started getting dark.

  Sitting on the bench, Sam guided Hope onto his lap. When she struggled to shift off his thighs, Sam held her securely, wrapping his hands around her ribcage.

  “Let me hold you, Hope.”

  Her gaze searched his face. She must have seen that he easily supported her weight on his body. “I’m too heavy,” she protested weakly as she relaxed against him.

  “I could carry you for miles, little one. Rely on my strength. Okay?”

  Hope paused and nodded. She melted against him, laying her head down on his shoulder. Sam treasured the feel of her body against him. He slowly stroked the length of her back to soothe his Little. Allowing her to ask questions when she was ready, Sam waited.

  A full minute later, Hope whispered, “How do you know that I’m Little? I’m not sure that I’m Little.”

  “Let me guess. You’ve always looked for something in men and boys you dated that you didn’t find. They were missing the most important trait. They weren’t Daddies.”

  When her breath caught in her throat, Sam added, “How do I know you’re Little? Something inside you calls to me. When I first saw you at the fair, I watched you for a while before I approached. You enjoyed the fair with a sense of joy and wonder that many adults lost as they grew up.”


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