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The Cartel

Page 15

by E G Manetti

  Lilian rises to meet each thrust, shifting and rotating her hips until milord is stroking over that perfect spot inside her. Wave by wave, stroke by stroke, the heavy tension builds until it crests and pleasure take them, first Lilian then milord.

  They have shifted position again. Milord is once more reclining, Lilian curled against milord’s side. Her skirt settled back in place, bra disordered. Milord’s hands trace lazy patterns on her skin.

  “Lilian, the red ear gems are a sound notion. When you find yourself again in such a situation, use them,” milord instructs.

  Surprised by the instruction, Lilian lifts her gaze to milord’s face. “Why does milord believe such an event will occur?”

  With a smile, milord replies, “Master Nickolas has been with me for three years and not once has needed to report out of the cycle. You have managed to need to do so twice within a month. I believe I can rely upon it.”

  Chapter 10: Synthetics

  Sevenday 5, Day 7

  As anarchy threatened to destroy the last vestiges of civilization, the Third System boasted three habitable planets out of seven. At the time Socraide and Rimon were establishing dominance of the First and Second Systems, Jonathan Metricelli, the Fourth Warrior, was bringing order to the second and third planets of the Third System.

  Jonathan controlled the most valuable substance in the Three Systems: Vistrite. Then, as in the modern era, Vistrite was the cornerstone of all advanced technology.

  By all accountings, Jonathan was the greatest warrior in strictly martial terms. To preserve the Vistrite and the one billion inhabitants of the Vistrite planets, the Fourth Warrior armed a militia of one hundred thousand. This elite corps stood against the other eight billion inhabitants of the Three Systems willing to do anything to maintain their access to the precious commodity. For three decades, Jonathan dominated the two planets. He maintained order and fought off wave after wave of invaders who would rather conquer than trade. At no point did the two planets cease to mine and refine Vistrite. ~excerpt from The Origins of the Five Warriors, a scholarly treatise.

  Releasing Katleen’s foot, Lilian rinses away the debris of her ministrations. The sisters are within one of the bathing chambers of Katleen’s house. Unlike the modern showers located in the freshening closets, the bathing chamber is of archaic design. It is a relic of a different time, when personal grooming was a leisurely activity supported by personal servitors.

  Located at the back of the house, the sisters occupy one of two chambers. Common to the design a century gone, the two square tubs are separated by a tile half wall topped with carved shutters that can be opened or closed depending upon the intimacy of the occupants.

  Since the family’s return from Socraide Prime in the First System, the shutters are closed. Only one tub is maintained and it is used infrequently. The window facing the garden is open to a mild breeze. Katleen is seated on a stool in a round tile basin.

  Eighth bell after midday chimes as the last of the rinse water descends into the drain. Lilian collects the buffing tools and begins to polish her sister’s nails. When she has completed the task, Katleen will return the favor.

  Once, this task would have been performed by their mother’s personal servitor. When Lilian attended the university, she patronized the better rejuvenation facilities. This day, the sisters tend to each other.

  “...the scholars are insistent in this, Lilian. I did not expect the Universalists to respect the Five Warriors. I find it odd that they are considered Agents of Balance.” After six sevendays, Katleen’s studies have progressed to the point where she is discovering the difference in perspective between the dominant Warrior Society and the tenets of the Balance Way.

  Carefully buffing Katleen’s nails, Lilian does not look up as she responds, “The Universalists hold the Anarchy in the same horror as warriors. They consider it a validation of the laws of Universal Balance that the universe brought forth a powerful Agent of Balance in the Five Warriors. All recognize how near to destruction society came before the Five Warriors intervened.”

  Regarding her sister’s nails with satisfaction, Lilian releases one foot and collects the other.

  “Only now they reject warrior society as an affront to balance?” Katleen inquires. “That does not seem logical.”

  There is no question in Lilian’s mind that Katleen would have voiced her views to the scholars. Raising her face from her task to regard Katleen, Lilian asks, “How did the scholars respond to your inquiry in this?”

  “They cite our circumstances as certain evidence that the warrior society is imbalanced. That the innocent should be condemned with the guilty is a gateway to anarchy.” Katleen’s voice holds doubt. She is not certain she disagrees with the Universalists.

  It is no more than Lilian expected. It was inevitable that the Universalist teachings would have her sister questioning the Order of the Five Warriors. Setting aside her task, Lilian considers her response. Katleen is bright enough, it is time she began to grasp life’s complexities.

  “The scholars offer modern warrior society too little credit for striving for balance,” Lillian begins. “In the era of the Fourth Warrior, Remus Gariten would be declared traitor the same as in this era.”

  At her sister’s nod, Lilian delivers her point, “The balanced order of Jonathan Metricelli would have seen Remus Gariten impaled in the courtyard of the Fourth’s stronghold. His majority age family members alongside him.”

  Returning to the task, Lilian again grasps Katleen’s foot, “As wearisome as we find the lack of servants, I assure you, I find it preferable to the notion of impalement.”

  “The Final Draught is preferable to impalement,” Katleen admits and then jerks her foot as the buffer device tickles flesh instead of polishing a toenail. “Lilian!”

  “Peace sweetling, I am clumsy at this,” Lilian apologizes. In these enlightened times, sanctioned execution is delivered with a vial of poison rather than evisceration. Lilian has no more desire to drink poison than she does to be impaled.

  “It is I who is clumsy,” Katleen mumbles. “I should not have voiced that.”

  Releasing the buffer for a moment, Lilian raises her face to Katleen. The awkward topic was bound to surface and will again before the three years of Lilian’s bond complete. “Katleen, you over think the matter. Monsignor Lucius lacks not commerce judgment. Monsignor will see his investment in an apprentice prove.”

  There is no value in asserting Lilian’s commitment to proving her bond. Katleen is far more likely to rely on the notion that having provided Lilian’s bond price, Lucius Mercio will insist on a good return. Such will not occur does Lilian fail in her trial and be forced to the Final Draught.

  “Nor should you consider our reduced circumstances an imbalance,” Lilian pursues, actively seeking to alter the subject. “We could be attempting this chore with naught but candlelight for illumination. How well would that please you?”

  As Lilian releases her foot, Katleen jumps from the stool and says, “Candlelight Lilian? What say you?”

  The chamber is bright with Vistrite controlled lamps.

  Lilian settles on the stool, pleased her distraction has succeeded. “I have it on good authority that in the secondary systems, Vistrite controlled lights are too expensive for many. They rely on candlelight and employ bolts to secure their homes. Dare you imagine our situation if we relied upon bolts and not Vistrite clamps to secure the shutters?”

  “Truly, Lilian? That must be a trial. Cannot the Vistrite be made less expensively?” Katleen inquires as she cleans and shapes Lilian’s nails.

  “Not unless you have knowledge of a means to magic it from the ground,” Lilian returns. “It is the distance from the crevasse that causes the price. I know of no means to move the crevasse or magically produce one…”

  Move the crevasse. Magic it from the ground. Close to the secondary systems. Genji.

  With a start, Lilian is pulled from her reverie by tickling from the buffer. “Katle

  “Lilian, I beg your pardon, I slipped,” Katleen apologizes. “I am sorry I interrupted. Have you discovered what you sought?”

  Surprised by her sister’s chagrin, Lilian reassures her, “It is well sweetling. I was but startled.”

  “Did you discover what you were seeking?” Katleen insists.

  “What say you, Katleen?” Lilian focuses on her sister.

  Setting aside the buffer, Katleen offers a grin. “You were seeking. I finished both feet with the buffer and you noted it not. Did you discover it?”

  Stepping off the stool, Lilian gathers Katleen in a brief embrace. “Yes Katleen, I did. You ask the most brilliant questions. Do not cease.”

  Sevenday 6, Day 3

  “If milord pleases?” The routine of the eighth bell status is complete and there are a few minutes lacking until the end of the period. It has been five days since Lilian’s revelation about working counterfeits. Trevelyan is expected back at Crevasse City by the next First Day. He sent one message, two days gone. I have them all.

  “I am listening.” Milord’s attentive regard is relaxed. He continues to be pleased about the resolution of the Desperation fraud and the discovery of the counterfeiters. Two threats to his Cartel are answered.

  “Milord, I believe there may be advantage to Cartouche and Cartel in appropriating the synthetic Vistrite rather than destroying it and having it outlawed.”

  No longer relaxed, milord is staring at her intently. Despite the blatant outrageousness of her suggestion, milord does not halt her. Lilian continues.

  “I did not know until recently. For large expanses of the Twelve Systems, Vistrite is used only for the most advanced technology. Transport costs make it impractical for the simpler functions such as lighting and door control. I have been informed that there are areas where candles are still employed for illumination.

  “Should it prove that the synthetic version can be produced from more commonly available materials, the Cartel could set up manufacturing in some of those distant areas. The reduced costs would make the simpler functions practical. My preliminary calculations, albeit cursory, suggest a demand at almost twenty percent of Vistrite demand.”

  Milord is gazing at her, fingers in that familiar steepled position, thinking, judging. “It is an intriguing notion. The risks are considerable. A successful synthetic will breed imitation attempts. Infringement action could be difficult. Although, there might be a means…”

  Milord rises from behind the desk and strides to the reviewer screen. “Join me.”

  Seated on couch with milord, Lilian watches as view after view flickers by; media reports, numbers and charts, protocol abstracts, judgment documents. For what is milord searching? Most of the data does not even pertain to Vistrite. It relates to pharmaceuticals.

  Pharmaceuticals. Clever, devious man.

  Turning his gaze, milord demands sharply, “What think you?”

  “People died, milord,” Lilian murmurs her understanding.

  “Very good, Lilian. Yes, people did indeed die as result of some of the counterfeits. Where there is a serious threat to life or health, the Governing Council will intervene. The Pharmaceutical Cartels are very successful at using Health and Safety protocols to protect their patents and their interests.” Lucius is regarding the reviewer with approval. “Serengeti will have an even greater advantage since we will control production of both the model and the copy.”

  Working through the concept, assessing risk and return, Serengeti’s preeminence is speaking more to himself than his apprentice. Tapping notes into to his slate, milord continues, “Timing will be important. We must know that it can be done before we expend the resources to acquire the necessary Governing Council opinion. Should the synthetic prove, we will need to move quickly to acquire that opinion.”

  Even should it fail.

  “What say you, Lilian?” Startled out of his train of thought, milord regards Lilian.

  “I beg pardon, milord. Did I voice that thought?” Lilian is appalled. It is a serious infraction to speak without being addressed.

  At milord’s impatient gesture, Lilian hurries, “Should producing a viable synthetic fail, there may still be some advantage. If the Cartel is unable to make the best of counterfeiting technology viable, the Cartel will prove that counterfeits cannot be made viable. They are, however, proven dangerous to life and health.”

  To her surprise, instead of issuing a rebuke, milord takes her in a quick kiss. Looking down at her with a smile milord says, “Clever, devious woman.”


  The Associates Hall is hushed with anticipation as Master Straus approaches the podium. The prior day completed the second third of the training period

  Lilian was dismissed from Serengeti training the prior Sixth Day with milord’s qualified approval. “You not halved the standard training period. You have exceeded the Cartel record of six sevendays. It is sufficient.”

  Lilian did not attempt to mask her relief at the release. Commerce arrives in her queue thick and fast. The days are long enough without the distraction of training assignments.

  Lilian’s early release from training will have added significantly to the Blooded Dagger tally. She no longer contributes. Chrys is only three analytics and problematics interrogatives from completing training. He will be released by the end of the seven-day.

  As Rebecca predicted, the novelty of the new Cartel apprentices faded after a few sevendays. She continues to spend a dozen bells each sevenday attending the seigneurs. She has sufficient time to execute the interrogatives and perform the Cartel assignments she has begun to receive. Rebecca will not complete training ahead of schedule. She will not need to cut corners and settle for minimal scores.

  All within the Cartel are impatient to know if Grey Spear has closed on Blooded Dagger and if Iron Hammer has pulled in front of the Cartel associates. As Straus reveals the results, pandemonium breaks out in the Associates Hall. Blooded Dagger remains well ahead of the others. Iron Hammer has gained ground and challenges Grey Spear for second position. To the surprise of all, the Cartel Associates are not far behind. It is unprecedented.

  Lilian considers the results, her mind working rapidly. It is not only that Iron Hammer has gained, Grey Spear has dropped further back. Master Martin would not have required my aid if there were any in his group who could provide it.

  This year, the Grey Spear associates are meager. Lilian also recalls that both Rebecca and Chrys entered the hall in conversation with other associates in their training group. Chrys is sharing the combined skills of the consortium with the other Blooded Dagger associates and Rebecca is doing the same with the Cartel associates.

  Seated in the last row of the Hall, Lilian, Chrys and Rebecca must wait for the others to exit before they can. As the Hall empties sufficiently for safe discourse, Lilian confirms her assessment of Chrys’ and Rebecca’s activities.

  Chrys’ smile holds a hint of predator as he explains, “It is my duty to aid the Cartouche. The more poorly Grey Spear performs by comparison, the greater Master Martin’s shame.”

  Lilian nods her agreement. Would they speak with her, Lilian would yield the same aid to others of Blooded Dagger.

  “It’s a small enough retribution for his nasty games,” Rebecca nods. After a moment she adds with more than a hint of predator, “It’s better than no retribution at all.”

  As Monsignor Sebastian’s protégé, Martin is the leader of the Grey Spear training group. The group’s success is his success. Its failure is his failure.

  As they rise to exit, Lilian remarks, “It is a pity we are not on terms with any of Iron Hammer.”

  Chapter 11: Contrition

  In the final decades of the Anarchy, the first planet in the Third system was controlled by Sinead Standingbear, the Fifth Warrior. Sinead is the only documented decedent of pre-Anarchy leadership. The Fifth Warrior succeeded to governorship upon the death her maternal uncle. She held the first planet for less than a
decade before Socraide’s success began to threaten the Third System.

  The first planet's distance from Jonathan's, and its lack of Vistrite, limited its involvement in the strife for two centuries. As the Three Systems sank deeper into anarchy, Sinead's planet became an increasingly attractive target. Its fertile agrarian lands and proximity to the Vistrite worlds made it a desirable strategic holding. It was a perfect location to collect and supply an army designed to assault the Vistrite planets. The Standingbear holdings survived the third century of the Anarchy through a combination of trade, guile, force of arms and treachery. ~excerpt from The Origins of the Five Warriors, a scholarly treatise.

  Sevenday 7, Day 1

  The pale dawn light filters into the stone courtyard as Lilian completes the final sequence in the contemplative forms of Adelaide’s Discipline. At a sound, she turns to discover Helena descending the stairs dressed for sparring. Garbed in gray to Lilian’s black, Helena’s physical resemblance to her daughter is evident. The same trim athleticism marks them both.

  “Maman, what do you here at this bell?” Lilian is both surprised and pleased by her mother’s appearance.

  “Shadows will not train you to combat solid foes. Sinead’s Discipline will challenge Adelaide’s.” With these words, Helena takes up an offensive posture in the courtyard.

  At her mother’s words and stance, Lilian experiences a wash of relief. Lilian has longed for a sparring partner to improve her skills.

  Lilian’s eager anticipation of the famed Serengeti training has met with disappointment. The classes that are suitable are either full or mysteriously cancelled. After a month, Lilian could no longer deny the truth. None of the training masters will have her as a student. Now she gratefully embraces her mother’s offer, both for the benefit to herself, and to get her mother out of her chamber and into a normal activity.

  Each of the Five Warrior’s Disciplines is based on similar principals of attack and defense with variations in technique and strategy. Adelaide’s Discipline has three movements; attack, defense and avoidance. Paired against the Sinead Discipline, it is a challenge for both women. After a period, Helena’s mastery and greater experience triumph. Lilian is dumped ignominiously onto the pavement.


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