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Page 2

by Peters, Damon

  Isabel chose the belt, a nice broad piece of leather thin enough to be light and flexible, something her slender arm could wield time and time again without getting too tired, or ache in the arm afterward, but heavy enough for these stubborn girls to feel it. She turned and surveyed the disrobing maid.

  Isabel, contrary to all appearances, liked Lilly. The girl was good enough at her job to want to keep her, and yet rebellious enough to have to punish her on a regular basis. She had the right type of body for punishment too, not too thin and bony, and yet not too pudgy either. She had breasts that rolled on her chest when she jerked and a proudly plump bottom that took the leather implements well, colouring nicely and fading after just a day or two, depending on how many Isabel had been inclined to award her.

  Lilly finished stepping from the pool of her uniform to step in front of her mistress, knowing the woman would want to look at her. The maid was never certain what these inspections were meant to discover. She was careful enough to ensure her lovers never left marks on her body and her puss was as clever as she in keeping its confidences and not allow a prying eye to see too much of it. A thick crop of curls attempted to obscure what the closely knit lips could not.

  Isabel nodded. "A dozen I think this time," she considered, getting to her feet and swinging the belt, just to feel the exhilaration the move brought to her.

  "A dozen!" Lilly gasped, her mouth falling open. The girl had yet to learn that the number of strikes had nothing to do with the seriousness of her offence, but everything to do with the mood her mistress was in, and at that moment, Isabel was in the mood to seriously punish someone.

  "Bend," Isabel ordered, taking up her station to one side of the slightly shorter maid. She waited, anticipation making her buzz within, and watched the girl bent slowly forward, thrusting her bottom out by dipping her back and licking her lips as she let her breasts hand from her chest, swaying slightly with the flexing of her feet.

  "Please Miss. I'll be good," Lilly begged, and winced as the first sweep of the belt landed sharply against her taut buttocks, igniting the tingling and burning of her skin.

  "Quiet!" Isabel cried, disliking it when a maid offered to do other things too quickly. They weren't meant to be so willing. The act was supposed to be a trial, a thing only done when no alternative was left, not something so rapidly and easily acceded to.

  She swung the belt round again and thrilled when it make Lilly cry out.

  Miss!" the girl sobbed.

  Isabel ignored her, laying another on top of the previous two and watching Lilly's breasts swing as the stroke made the girl rock on her toes, hands on her knees clenching as the heat rushed forward, invading her.

  "What did you do? Stroke him?" Isabel asked, swinging the belt round and watching it impact with the maid's offered bottom, grinning as the girl swept her head back to squeal with the pain.

  "Did he touch you?" she asked. "Finger you?" she wondered, swinging the belt round, feeling the shock through her arm as it landed to bring still more fire to Lilly's already fiery red bottom.

  "Miss, Miss, please!" Lilly cried, panting and whimpering, visibly shaking as she bent back into position knowing better than to try and evade her mistresses strokes. However bad Miss Isobel's spankings were, a spanking from Mr Jones was far worse, and was recorded in his little book too. Too many of those and her pay would be docked, her position put in jeopardy.

  Another landed to sear into her behind and she rocked back and forth, whimpering with the burning that followed, that invaded her and claimed her for its own.

  "Yes. Willing to do anything to have me stop yet?" Isabel asked, bringing her arm round to deliver another strike of the belt, this one low, at the base of her bottom where the skin was tenderest.

  "Yes, yes, yes!" Lilly sobbed, knowing she was not allowed to reach back and squeeze and rub her sore bottom yet, whimpering instead as the pain continued to travel within her, a burning sensation her hands wouldn't be able to reach anyway.

  "Yes? Come along then. Prove it!" Isabel called, lifting her gown to drag her French style knickers down, then turn away from the maid and lift one leg onto the seat of her dressing table. "Come along, or I'll have the stable-hand come up here and hold you down so I can deliver the rest to that soft bottom of yours!" she quipped, her cheeks burning as she allowed herself to think of how naughty she was being.

  The maid rushed forward, now gripping her burning bottom, squeezing the tender cheeks even as she fell to her knees behind her mistress to turn her head up and press her mouth ardently against the young woman's sex.

  Soft curls tickled her lower face but her tongue drove easily between the tapered labia obscuring the woman's vagina, and Lilly drew the thick moisture coating Isabel's pudendum to fill her mouth with its sweet taste.

  "Yes, you hussy!" Isabel gasped, bending forward a little further to allow the girl greater access.

  The tongue slid back, the slippery touch inflaming the woman but not drawing out another gasp until it had slid onto her anal ring, tickling and wriggling against the sensitive sphincter to cause Isabel to cry out yet again.

  "Filthy girl!" she gasped, losing her breath to the incredible sensation of having her corrugated anal ring licked by another's tongue. "Harder!" she panted, reaching back to help part her overly protective cheeks and leave herself defenceless to the girl's probing tongue.

  Lilly slid her mouth to her mistress's pussy to lap at the sweet juice seeping from her cunny, now exposed by the woman's fingers drawing her flesh apart. She licked, then pressed her face more close to her crotch to thrust her tongue into the tight little passage and draw out more sweetly flavoured oils.

  "Yes, yes. God, don't stop!" Isabel gasped, beginning to quiver as excitement rose with the sliding of the other's tongue.

  Lilly forgo squeezing her own bottom to reach up and help Isabel spread her own, the standing woman's bottom smaller and tighter than her own, but the cleft, once parted, not so deep. She palmed the cheeks and spread them, then took a moment to admire the woman's little timid anus, watching it quiver under her close scrutiny before she leant up and applied her mouth to it.

  "Oh God; you slut, you filthy slut!" Isabel cried, pushing herself back onto the tongue that wriggled into her backside.

  Unable to hold herself back any longer, she drove a hand between her legs to sob as she urgently rubbed the apex of her vulva, quickening the swell of excitement that would soon have to burst from her.

  "Yes, yes!" she all but screamed, blindly reaching back with her free hand to press the maid's head more tightly to her bottom, her mouth opening to emit a strangled gasp as the tongue re-entered her anal ring to wriggle inside her arse.

  Lily felt her mistress was on the verge of coming and quickly pulled her tongue from her anal ring to re-immerse it in her sopping cunny. As she did so, she turned a hand to place her thumb over the quivering little bum-hole, and without any finesse, plunged it into the woman.

  Isabel bit her lip and alternated between clutching at her crotch and uncontrollably spanking it, a high pitched whine escaping her tense body as she quivered upon the tongue and thumb, the myriad of sensations culminating in her storming orgasm, flooding her with uncontrollable delight and taking away all her anger and her fear to leave her warm and contented, for the moment sated.

  The thumb drew gently from her bottom followed by the tongue slipping away, a departing lick making her catch her breath and jerk. Something to remember if she ever wanted to spank the girl again.

  "That will be all, Lilly," she told the girl, dropping her foot from the chair and straightening her gown. She kicked aside her knickers rather than put them back on. They would only irritate her moist, warm and tender pussy.

  "Yes Miss," Lilly nodded, rushing to her uniform to begin pulling it on.

  "And take this letter and give it to Jones. He'll know what to do with it," Isabel ordered, handing the maid the envelope while extracting a cigarette from its case and fitting it to the dinner-length st
em of her cigarette holder.

  "And next time," Isabel added, not even glancing at the maid as the girl made her way to the door. "Make sure your nails are adequately cut," she murmured, still feeling the ghost of its rasp against the inner wall of her rectum.

  "Yes Miss," Lilly blushed and curtsied before hurrying out.

  CHAPTER TWO. A new nurse for Lord Richard.

  John made himself approachable by any of the staff that following day. Much of it he spent with Richard, reading to him from the Times newspaper that was delivered each morning, fresh off the train from London. The obituary page had reduced following over two years of peace, yet the odd name came up as wounds took their toll. Europe was still a mess but America was doing well and, on the back of it, Britain.

  John had been made aware of the major investments that kept the Bramble family wealthy and John read out the stock value of those and their competitors.

  Isabel had appeared at breakfast and other than a curt "good morning" uttered in much the same way as she greeted the rest of the staff, pointedly ignored him.

  "You have a feisty daughter, Lord Richard," he commented after the young woman had finished her breakfast and strolled out, informing him she would be taking the car into town to do some shopping.

  The old man couldn't talk and his mannerisms were jerky and often very pronounced, but he could make his mood or viewpoint understood and John had no doubt he agreed with him.

  John wheeled the old man around the grounds close to the house and stopped to sit on one of the benches. Some of the staff approached for advise and direction and John would involve Richard whose tone of voice and mannerisms were a good indicator of whether he agreed with John's view or not. It helped John know he wasn't being unreasonable or naive with his assessments.

  About four hours after Isabel had driven off in the car it returned, pulled by a lorry, the front of the car strove in as if by a giant mallet.

  John pushed Richard over to where it had stopped, both men relaxing as they saw Isabel step down from the cab of the truck, her sharp voice as she ordered the car pushed to the garage an indicator that the girl hadn't been harmed by the accident.

  "What happened?" John asked as they neared the truck and the girl, hands on her hips as she watched the car being pushed away.

  Isabel turned to look at him, then shrugged, a deep breath settling her. "It was nothing. The mechanics will have it fixed in no time," she told him, and strode off to enter the house without a single backward glance.

  John turned to the driver of the tow truck and nodded a greeting. "What really happened?" he asked.

  "She was coming down Ridgemount Hill Sir. Well, there's this bend at the bottom, right nasty if you're not used to it. Anyway, she met an oncoming steam tractor, Sir, and smashed right into it," he told him, tipping his cap to both men. "The steam engine driver reckons she was tearing down the lane, lucky not to have done far worse damage to herself," he explained.

  "Any damage to the tractor?" John asked.

  "Bit of paint," the man shrugged. "Girl said it was his own fault; not driving carefully enough," he chuckled.

  "Have him come see me and I'll see him reimbursed, for the paint and his good humour," John begged, and gave the man ten shillings for his own trouble in getting girl and car back safely.

  John thought the excitement for the day was over when Lord Bramble's nurse stepped down from the house to stride angrily towards them.

  "There's a nurse fresh arrived, tells me she's to be nurse to Lord Bramble," she informed him, her normally stern face set in still harsher lines. "I do not need an assistant, nor wish one. Either she goes, or I do!" she told him sharply.

  John nodded. "If you go and see Jones you will find he has prepared your wages to the end of the month. He can also arrange your passage to the railway station. Trains leave on the half hour I believe," he told her.

  The woman stared at him for a few moments, her eyes grown large. She then turned and marched away.

  "You'll like your new nurse, Lord Richard. I've not met her, but I know her background. You'll find her a much different type of nurse to your old one," John promised as they stood to one side to watched people come and go.

  Penny was indeed a refreshing change. Younger and prettier than the last nurse, she was a diminutive woman with a smile for everyone, and under all circumstances. She chatted incessantly too, about whatever came into her head, changing the subject without notice, asking questions without expecting or waiting for a reply.

  She saw Lord Bramble and grinned, immediately promising to have him back to normal in no time. "Doctor O'Connor is a strong believer in stimulus to have the brain remember and return," she told him, straight away working to straighten his clothes while smiling kindly at him, his expression pulled to one side by his stroke.

  "His methods have worked wonders for the poor men returned from Flanders," she told him, "and there's no reason it shouldn't work with others who are brain injured. Doesn't matter the cause," she told the lord, quoting from a doctor she idolised.

  "Now then, let's see," she said, grinning brightly at him as she slid a hand under the lap-blanket and sought out his manhood. "Ah yes," she sighed, finding the fat sausage and giving it a fond squeeze through his trousers.

  "Oh! What's this! Do I feel a sign of life?" she asked him, her face mirroring her delight.

  Lord Bramble spluttered and jerked, his eyes growing large and round as the nurse knelt and used both hands to part his trousers and expose his semi-erect organ.

  "Now, isn't that a pretty one," Penny said to herself, an Irish lilt to her voice coming through, as it did whenever she grew excited. She took the pliant cock into her hand and began stroking it, purring and grinning as it slowly lengthened, stretching the skin about its hard core as it grew into a stout and hard cock.

  "I'm thinking it's been a while since its been properly attended to, eh your lordship?" she teased, grinning up at him as she slid a finger down the underside and giggling playfully when it jerked in response."I bet you'd love to have me suck on it for you, wouldn't you?" she asked.

  Lord Bramble slurped and gurgled, his shaking grown worse as he tried fighting his disability to tell the pretty thing in front of him to stop playing with him and strip off her clothes and make herself ready for a good hard fucking.

  "No, don't understand what you're trying to tell me, your lordship. Keep it simple. Nod if you want me to suck on this lovely cock of yours, otherwise I'll just put it away for you," she told him, her grin infuriating the old man.

  "Come along now," she urged, still squeezing and fondling his organ, keeping it painfully erect. "Imagine all the other things we can do, just as soon as I see you nod your head," she urged, and let her free hand play with the buttons of her uniform, her smile offering more than just a glance under it.

  Richard concentrated, screaming inside his skull for his head to respond. He spluttered and panted and the cords of his neck tightened with his efforts and, slowly, imperceptibly, his head rose and fell, executing what could loosely be termed a nod.

  It was enough for Penny. "So, you want me to suck on your cock, Lord Bramble," she grinned, wiping the oozing pre-come from the eye and pulling the foreskin back to have more ooze replace it.

  He nodded again, the toss of his head more precise and with less noise and drooling.

  She lowered her head, doing so slowly and teasingly, her eyes turned up to watch the agony on his face as she very slowly drew her mouth to his penis. Almost upon it she stopped to breathe upon it instead, grinning with delight as she felt the organ throb and jerk in her hand. And she felt him try and push himself towards her too, unconscious muscle movement working where conscious movement would not.

  She purred loudly and licked the moist head, drawing off his pleasant taste and giggling at the sob that broke through his throat.

  "Do you like me licking your cock, Lord Bramble?" she asked, loving the additional opportunity to tease him. Oh, she was going to have so mu
ch fun with this man before he was able to take command of the proceedings and dictate their acts. She held the hard and throbbing organ up so she could lick the underside, peering into his face as she savoured the taste of him, and returned for more.

  "Mm," she hummed, filling her mouth with saliva to drool it over the domed head of his cock and, capturing it in her fist, rubbing his cock with the slippery wetness.

  "Are you ready for me now?" she asked, her voice breaking with the effort of rapidly stroking his thick organ. "Want to feel me sucking your seed from your balls?" she asked as crudely as she knew how.

  He grunted and nodded, no difficulty now, not now his desire had possession of him.

  She grinned and lowered her head. Parting her lips she slid her mouth over as much of his throbbing organ as would fit in her mouth, then sealed her lips about him to begin avidly sucking on it.

  He didn't last long - she hadn't expected him to. She felt it coming a moment before the eruption began; a sudden swelling of his cock, a tightening of his balls. Then his sperm was shooting vigorously into her waiting mouth, one fierce eruption followed by another and another, each less forceful than the last, until her fingers were needed to press beneath his ball sack and have the final pulse of semen fill her mouth for swallowing.

  She rose off his softening cock and grinned as she let him watch her throat work, swallowing his seed a bit at a time, opening her mouth to reveal the last of it on her tongue before she swallowed that too.

  "Was that good?" she asked.

  He was breathless and, for once, his face still, his facial muscles relaxed. He groaned and nodded. Penny smiled and put him away. "Good boy," she told him. "Tonight we'll do it again, and perhaps a little more," she grinned. She so enjoyed teasing her patients.

  CHAPTER THREE. A calming stroke.

  "How long to repair the car?" Isabel asked that evening as they settled down to dinner, Penny seated beside Lord Bramble to help him eat, a hand placed surreptitiously below the large napkin on his lap to give him complementary squeezes when he managed to do more than slurp on his soup.


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