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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 14

by Jeanne St. James

  She wanted to tell them it wasn’t instant, that they both had suffered with fatal injuries until they succumbed to them. That even the baby hadn’t survived. But the words wouldn’t pass her lips. She closed her eyes. The vision she got in her mind of the scene was once again fresh. Her stomach was an aching knot.

  A tear rolled down Eve’s face. Ren caught it with his lips.

  She whispered, “As bad as this sounds, I wish he hadn’t stopped. God, I miss him.” She gripped his hands for strength, to keep from sobbing, hiccupping. She didn’t want to fall apart in front of them. She had fallen apart one too many times in the months following her husband’s death. And eventually when she bought the beach house, she had spread his ashes along the shoreline and into the surf. When she closed the urn that had held his ashes, she had also closed up her grief, ignoring the emptiness inside.

  Cole came behind them and wrapped his arms around them. He kissed her hair, murmuring, “I’m sorry.”

  Eve cupped Cole’s jawline and gave him a sad smile.

  Ren rubbed her back absently. “Now I understand why you didn’t want to talk about it.”

  She had loved her husband. Still did. But the men wrapped around her now, trying to soothe her sadness, her pain, were starting the fill the place in her heart that had been empty since she’d lost her husband.

  She missed the passion, the deep conversations, the silliness, the seriousness of having a significant other in her life. The completeness.

  She’d never thought one man could fill her husband’s shoes. Never. And maybe in the back of her mind that was the reason she’d thought she needed two. The completeness of Quinn’s, Ty’s, and Logan’s relationship had become a goal for her. She had been envious.

  But if she was honest with herself, either of the men holding her could have filled his shoes. Either of them could make her complete. She didn’t need both.

  But she wanted both. Selfish or not, she now realized she couldn’t let either of them go, even after only knowing them for a few weeks, no more than a couple months. She didn’t want to live without either of them.

  They were hers. She was theirs.

  In some cosmic way, they were meant to be together. All three of them.

  Was she starting to love them?

  Yes, she thought she was.

  Chapter Thirteen

  No one had remembered to shut the curtains last night, so the early morning sun was illuminating the room way too brightly for their tastes. But no one wanted to move to close them.

  So now, to avoid the glare in their eyes, they laid on their right sides to avoid the large window, like three spoons nestled in a utensil tray. Cole, Eve, and Ren.

  Ren’s arm was relaxed and warm as it draped over Eve’s ribs. She felt the movement of the muscles barely beneath his ebony skin.

  His long fingers trailed back and forth along Cole’s hip and up his waist before stopping at the top of his rib cage. It was like absently petting a cat. Soothing. Mindless.

  Eve turned her head slightly, and whispered, “You know it’s not me you’re touching, right?”

  A small burst of moist breath tickled the back of her neck. “I know.”

  “You enjoy touching him, don’t you?”

  No answer was needed. The proof of his enjoyment was nestled against her buttocks. She wiggled tighter against the heat and the hardness.

  Eve placed her left hand over his and intertwined their fingers. As he stroked Cole’s skin, so did she.

  A deep sigh escaped Cole, causing the lift and fall of his ribs. He was awake. For how long she didn’t know, but not one complaint about Ren’s touch waking him had escaped his lips. Nor should there be one. Eve knew how happy all this had made him. She wondered if Ren knew just how much.

  Cole’s back arched enough to press tight against her breasts. Her nipples hardened. If she turned Cole to face her, she bet her nipples weren’t the only things that were hard.

  Ren must have had the same thought as his hand slid over Cole’s hip, bringing Eve’s hand with his.

  The two of them, hands still intertwined, discovered that hardness. The heat and silkiness of Cole’s skin covering his steely length.

  Ren’s fingers gripped hers even tighter, controlling her movement, exploring the contrast of Cole’s balls to the hardness of his cock. Back and forth from the base of his sac to the top of his cock.

  At the top, Eve’s thumb caught a drip of precum, and she brushed it around the head before Ren’s hand forced her back down to the base. Eve felt Cole’s groan before she heard it. The vibration of his body against her caused her nipples to pebble even tighter.

  Eve pressed her lips against Cole’s neck, giving him a chaste kiss, followed by a dart of her tongue, before sinking her teeth into his skin.


  This long weekend had shown Eve how much she enjoyed being bitten and how much she loved doing the biting. But Cole loved it even more. He couldn’t get enough of her or Ren sinking their teeth into his skin. He had said the marks left behind made him feel taken. Possessed. Even owned.

  She smiled against the base of his neck, then sucked hard. Pulling away slightly, she could see the small, pink, moist circle she left. She pursed her lips and blew, raising goose bumps on Cole’s body.

  She nuzzled the crook of his neck as Ren and she stroked him. A rhythm that had a purpose, a goal.

  Ren pressed harder against her, shifting enough to slide himself between her legs, his cock wedged between her thighs and pussy. Her toes curled as a line of need rode up her body. It was her turn to groan.

  Ren’s arm tightened around her waist as his hand tightened around Cole’s cock. Eve pushed her buttocks back and up against Ren, making room for him.

  With a slow, deep thrust, he filled her wet, throbbing pussy. A gasp escaped her, her breath blowing against Cole’s ear.

  Ren’s hips pick up the rhythm of his hand. For every stroke he made deep within her, his hand mirrored it on Cole’s cock. Eve’s fingers convulsed around his.

  It wasn’t a frantic need, but a slow dance. Both men’s muscles were tight, bunched, attempting to keep some sort of control.

  Eve’s eyes fluttered as she concentrated on the stroke of Ren’s cock in her pussy, and of his hand on Cole’s cock. She wrapped her top leg over Cole’s, bringing them even closer.

  She could feel the heat building within her, flaring through her body. She was close.

  Cole tensed against her with a shuddered breath. He was close.

  Ren increased the rhythm among all three of them, stroking faster. His hips, his hand.

  With a sharp cry, Cole jerked and released himself. The pulsing under Eve’s fingers was all she needed and her pussy closed tighter around Ren’s cock as they both came together. Ren muffled a curse against her back, his fingers still twitching on Cole’s spent cock.

  Muscles relaxed, breathing slowed, but not a word was spoken. They enjoyed the rise and fall of breath with each other. A connection no one wanted to be the first to break.

  Eve knew she wanted more of this. More of them.

  She snuggled deeper between them. This was where she belonged, she thought, before falling asleep once again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ren paced his room. His oversize bedroom now seemed like a cell. He couldn’t sleep. He was restless. He wanted to bellow his frustration. His house was too quiet and his bed too empty. This had never been a problem for him before. But now… Now after spending days at the beach house with both Eve and Cole, now he couldn’t stand the silence, the thought of everyone going their separate ways. Even if it was only for a night or two.

  And never before had he actually felt this lonely.

  The idea suggested upon parting, for everyone to go home and take care of business, to get caught up with their responsibilities, sucked. He grunted. Of course, it had been his idea.

  Dumb ass!

  And now this emptiness overwhelmed him, causing a weird pain in his ches


  He tried several times to fall asleep. It was pointless.

  Maybe he needed to go downstairs and pour himself a whiskey. Something to take the edge off.

  He swallowed hard. He stopped pacing and placed his palms flat against the wall, his head hanging between his arms.

  Fuck. Who was he kidding? He didn’t need a drink. He needed Eve. He needed Cole.

  They did this to him. They had made him need them. They had sucked him in, making him emotionally dependent.

  When had he ever felt this type of attachment to anyone before?

  Well, besides his mother, of course.

  When did this fucking happen? How did this happen?

  With an explosive curse, he punched the wall. The drywall crunched under his fist, leaving a hole bigger than his hand. And he didn’t care.

  He loved them.

  He loved Eve. He loved everything about her. Her smile. Her freckles. Her intelligence. Her independence. Her braveness at coming up with a plan to get what she wanted. And then actually making it happen.

  How could he feel this way so fast?

  He closed his eyes, sucking in a breath. It wasn’t just Eve he loved…

  He loved Cole. He didn’t love him as a brother. He didn’t love him as a best friend. Not even like a teammate.

  He loved Cole for Cole, for who he was as a person.


  He loved him.

  His stomach twisted into a knot.

  Suddenly, he was very afraid.

  * * * *

  Ren flinched at the ding of the elevator. At three in the morning, it sounded as loud as a tower bell. The whisper of the air conditioning in Cole’s place was the only other noise in the dark penthouse. He kicked off his shoes, so he could walk soundlessly through the condo.

  Cole’s bedroom door was wide open. When you live by yourself there’s no reason to close the door. No privacy needed. Who expects someone to just invite himself over at any crazy hour of the night?

  The room was dark. The glow of the digital clock on his nightstand illuminating Cole’s face enough that Ren could see he was asleep.

  He could still leave. Cole would never know he had been there.

  Turn. Leave now. Rethink all of this.

  Ren looked at the still figure in the bed. Cole was naked from the waist up, the sheet wrapped around his hips. A bare foot and calf peeked out from the bottom of the tangled bedding.

  No. He needed to be honest with himself. He needed to be honest with Cole.

  Ren’s shaky fingers tore at his clothes. Once he was naked as the man before him, he climbed into bed, careful not to wake him.

  Apparently, Cole hadn’t had any problems falling asleep. Ren’s mouth twisted. No, maybe Ren himself had been the only one feeling the loss tonight.

  Big bad “Long-Arm” Landis’s heart had finally been sacked.

  * * * *

  Cole listened to the soft breathing beside him. Ren’s back was pressed against him.

  Cole must have kicked the covers off during the night since the temperature of Ren’s body was like a furnace. How the hell had he not woken up earlier with this blazing heat next to him?

  The sleeping pill he had taken before bed had done its job well. Actually, maybe too well. He hadn’t even woken up when Ren joined him in bed. How a man of Ren’s size slipped unnoticed into his bed… Cole shook his head. He wouldn’t be taking those sleeping pills again anytime soon.

  Cole’s gaze ran down Ren’s exposed body as he slept. Even though the room was dark, Cole’s eyes had adjusted enough to see the dark figure lying next to him.

  He reached out to run his fingers over Ren’s naked hip. Ren made a sleepy groan and snuggled deeper into the pillow.

  He touched Ren’s hair. He missed the cornrows, but he couldn’t complain too much about his high and tight hair now. Ren was just as handsome with his new style, if not more so.

  He wasn’t sure why Ren had come over in the middle of the night. But he could guess. Cole had missed Ren too.

  He had voiced his opinion loudly when Ren suggested they all go home for at least a night. Eve had the same feelings as Cole: disappointment. But to compromise, Eve had told Cole she’d see him in a day or two. So, he respected that. He respected the fact Ren needed a little alone time to work a few things out in his head. Eve had even suggested Ren call Ty. Get some advice, some guidance.

  The long weekend had been a game changer. Not only for Ren, but for all three of them.

  Cole couldn’t be happier. Eve couldn’t be happier. Now, if only this one would stop stressing…

  He ran a finger over the Bulldogs tattoo on Ren’s bicep. Brothers for life.

  If Cole and Eve had their wish, lovers for life.

  Eve had thrown the Hail Mary, now it was up to Cole to get it into the end zone.

  And he was good at making touchdowns.

  Ren mumbled in his sleep, rolling onto his belly. Cole couldn’t resist running his fingertips along the indentation of his spine, the corded muscles surrounding his shoulder blades, the curve in his lower back, the dimples above each ass cheek. And then that ass.

  Fuck. That ass.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ren warned him in a very rough voice.

  Cole smile widened. “How can I not think about it? Especially since it’s hanging out tempting me.”

  Cole leaned over to nip at one of Ren’s exposed cheeks.

  Ren grunted and rolled over onto his side to face him. He ran the back of his hand over his eyes. “Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here?”

  “No. I’m just glad you are.”

  He was so glad he had given Ren the security card for his penthouse after he bought the place, even though he had never, ever thought it would be used for this purpose.

  “Did you talk to Ty?”

  Ren sat up and shook his head. “No, not yet. I probably know what he’s going to say anyway.”


  “That I’m a stupid fuck, that’s what.”

  “Baby—sorry—Renny, you’re not a stupid fuck.”

  Ren merely gave him a look.

  “Okay, just a little one.” Cole leaned close and whispered, “Kiss me.”

  Ren shook his head. “No.”

  Cole stared directly into Ren’s dark eyes. “Kiss me.”


  Cole grabbed Ren’s head and pulled him down to kiss him. Ren tensed and he half-heartedly tried to pull away.

  Cole kept their lips pressed together, his tongue teasing along Ren’s closed mouth. He stroked along his strong, broad lips until Ren softened. Just a little. But enough for Cole to take the advantage, to dip his tongue in, to find Ren’s. To tease and tangle. His head tilted slightly, enough to seal their lips together fully. Finally… Finally, Ren sighed into Cole’s mouth. He closed his eyes and gave Cole what he wanted. Surrender.

  Ren grabbed the back of Cole’s head with one hand and his neck with the other. He took control, driving their kiss to the edge. Until they had to pull away enough to catch their breath.

  Cole smiled. Ren’s lips were shiny and a little swollen. Cole went in for a second kiss, but Ren put a hand on his chest to stop him. Well, Cole thought, touching would work too.

  “Dix… Cole. I came over here last night—this morning—for a reason.”

  “Because you missed touching this sexy, sexy bod?” he teased.

  “No. Well, yes. Sort of. But I came here to tell you something.”

  Cole wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “You could’ve called instead. But after that kiss, I’m not complaining.”

  Ren shook his head. “No, I had to tell you this in person.”

  “That you love me?”

  Ren’s eyes narrowed.

  No, Cole was definitely not going to let him off easy. At all. “Of course I know you love me. Brothers for life, man.”

  “No, it’s more than that.”

  Cole faked a confused expression. “You wan
t to have my baby?”

  Ren closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “No, I fucking love you love you.”

  “Oh, like you really love me.” Cole bit back laughter.


  “Well, I love you too. But you don’t want to have my baby?”

  Ren hid a smile behind his hands. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “True. I’ve been crazy in love with you for years. It’s about time you’ve opened your eyes.”

  “Whatever, dude. But there’s one more thing…”

  “The answer is yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”


  “Yes, I will marry you!” Cole shouted to the ceiling.

  Ren frowned. “You’re not making this easy on me.”

  “I know. That’s the point, dumb ass. But I already know what you’re going to say.”

  “I want to make sure Eve is a part of our life too.”

  “See? I knew it. You love her too.”

  “How can I love two people like this at the same time?” Not a question, more like disbelief.

  “Easy. But if you need to, do what Eve suggested: talk to Ty. Ask Quinn. Ask Logan. Okay, don’t ask Logan, he’s not your biggest fan.”

  Cole fought the urge to order balloons, and cake, and flowers, and champagne. He wanted to celebrate. This was a monumental moment in his life. Almost as big as winning the Super Bowl.

  No. It was bigger.

  But someone was missing. “What about Eve? We need to tell her.”

  “Call her. Text her. Right now. Get her over here,” Ren insisted. Back to his old bossy self again, Cole was pleased to see.

  “It’s the ass crack of dawn, Renny. The only cocks crowing right now are ours. I’ll text her so when she gets it she can come over. I’ll tell the doorman to expect her.”

  “But tell her to hurry.”

  * * * *

  Eve rushed into the penthouse, thanking the doorman profusely before the elevator doors glided shut. When she awoke this morning, she found an urgent text message from Cole, asking her to come over as soon as possible. She left so quickly she had even skipped her much-needed coffee. And she didn’t do that for just anyone.


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