Book Read Free

Virgin In The City

Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  When she brings her fingers to her lips I know she’s having the same thoughts as I did. That kiss was spectacular.

  “Are you two ready to order?” the waiter asks, and I nod to Pepper to go first.

  She gets the pasta with cream sauce with a side of vegetables. When she finishes ordering she hands the waiter the menu. I hand the menu to him and then tell him what I can have to eat.

  “Absolutely, Cannon, the chef is excited you’re dining with us tonight,” he says, then excuses himself.

  “Does everyone know who you are?” she asks, sipping her water.

  “Just people around here. It’s where I grew up.”

  She asks me about my childhood and I explain to her that I never knew my dad and my mom died when I was young. I was raised by my aunt just down the block.

  “Really? Me too,” she says, then waves her hand. “I mean, my parents passed away when I was young, but I was raised by my aunt. My dad was actually a fighter.”

  That perks my ears up. “Who was he?”

  “Charles Wood. But everyone called him the—”

  “The Renegade,” I say, interrupting her. “Sorry, I just know who he was. He was one of my favorite fighters when I was a kid. I used to watch old tapes for training.”

  “I’ve never seen any of them. Do you still have them?”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ve got some at the gym where I train and a few at home. You can watch them any time.”

  “Wow, I’d love that,” she says, and I see excitement in her eyes. “From what I read about him, he was pretty aggressive. It was kind of the reason I was intimidated by you when we met.”

  “My size tends to do that for a lot of people. But it’s useful in the ring. In real life I’m a lot less aggressive.”

  “Not when it comes to kissing,” she says and then covers her mouth quickly. “Sorry, I tend to blurt stuff out when I’m nervous.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I like blurting. And I like kissing you.”

  “My face is going to be bright red the whole time, isn’t it?”

  “I hope so, doll face.”

  As the time goes by the conversation flows and we end up laughing and talking non-stop. I’ve never been so at ease with anyone before. Normally I’m guarded with people, but with Pepper I want to tell her everything. We talk for hours and the sun sets as we end up finishing our food and ordering more. Asking someone on a date at lunchtime has its advantages.

  “Did we really eat two meals?” she asks, rubbing her belly as we leave the restaurant.

  I hold her close with my hand around her waist as we walk back home. “Yeah, and I never even touched the pasta,” I say, but she looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “Okay, but that’s the story we’re telling Rico, right? You promised.”

  She holds up two fingers and says, “Scout’s honor.”

  “I think it’s three fingers, but okay, I believe you.”

  It’s dark out now, but I have no idea what time it is. All I know is I’m not ready for the night to end. I want Pepper to come back to my place so I can kiss her some more, but I know if I do that I won’t be able to stop myself. The longer I spend with her, the weaker my self-control becomes. I’m normally so disciplined, but one word from her and I’d change everything.

  “Well, this is me,” she says, pointing to her front door. We got here so fast I didn’t have time to think about saying goodnight. “Do you, um, want to come in?”

  I close my eyes and pray for strength and then shake my head. “Doll face, you have no idea how badly I want to go in there. But I think if our kiss proved anything it’s that I might just take things too far too fast.”

  She leans in and places her hand on my chest as she looks up at me with her big blue eyes. “I like fast.”

  “You’re going to break me in half,” I say, covering her hand with mine. I lean down and press my lips to hers, but this time I don’t linger. I brush my mouth against hers softly one more time and take a step back. “You’re coming with me in the morning, right?”

  She blinks a few times and then nods. “As long as you promise I don’t have to exercise.”

  “I promise,” I say, crossing my heart. She smiles at me as she bites her lip and goes into her apartment.

  I stand there until I hear the lock click and then go into my apartment. I lean against the door and bang my head on the wood a few times, because all I want to do is rush back across the hall and pull her into my arms. But after tonight I’ve found out two things. One, I’ve got more self-control than I ever gave myself credit for, and two, Pepper’s the one.

  I can’t screw this up.

  Chapter Seven


  “Doll face.”

  I smile as I roll over, enjoying the dream. I’m cuddling in bed with Bear, and I never want to wake up.

  “Oh god, you’re naked.” The blankets move and I’m covered up. “She’s going to kill me.”

  His voice is so clear that I open one eye. When I see his handsome face hovering over me, I smile. It’s the best thing I’ve ever woken up to in my life.

  “Hi,” I say, wondering why he’s so far away from me. “Wait.”

  I gasp and then sit up, almost knocking my head into his. Thankfully Bear is quick and moves out of the way in time. I look around and see I’m still in my bedroom with Bear standing next to the bed. He’s not in it with me, but he must have been leaning over to wake me up. He’s dressed in gym shorts and a sleeveless shirt. His big muscled arms are on full display and I can’t take my eyes off of them. Cheese and crackers, he’s strong.

  “I knocked, but you didn't answer. Then I let myself in because I was worried.” He runs his hand down his face. I can tell he was concerned. And I’m guessing he has a key to all the apartments if he owns the building.

  “I’m fine,” I yawn. “I was too excited to sleep last night, so I worked instead.”

  I stayed up and made a video and a blog post. Then I spent another hour cleaning to try and wear myself out, but I was too excited about seeing Bear again today. All I kept thinking about was kissing him again and how I wished he’d have come inside last night. Plus, I didn't get to talk to Tasha yet to tell her how my date went. She had plans last night. I sent her a few texts but haven't gotten a response yet.

  “Doll face, why don't you get some more sleep and we can hang out later.”

  At Bear’s words, I spring from the bed and my legs tangle in the sheets. But before I can fall he has me in his arms, pulling me to his chest.

  “But I want to come,” I say, hoping he won’t leave me behind. “I’ll get ready super fast.”

  “You’re naked,” he says, sucking in a deep breath. His whole body is as still as stone.

  I glance down and remember taking my shirt off because I got too hot last night. But I’ve still got panties on. And the way he’s holding me right now he can’t see anything. I might be a virgin, but I’m not really shy about my body. I think it’s beautiful in its own way. And Bear seems to like it. Right now I’m focused on him leaving me behind.

  “You don’t want me to come?”

  Maybe he changed his mind. He could have had a change of heart last night. What if not coming into my apartment was just an excuse because he wanted to get away from me? My aunt said sometimes I can be a bit too much to handle.

  “You have no fucking clue how bad I want you to come.” His voice gets so deep when he wants me. I know the familiar look in his eyes now. My breath catches as he leans in to kiss me.

  “I have to brush my teeth,” I say, putting my hand over my mouth, but he pulls it down and leans in anyway.

  “I don’t care,” he says right before he kisses me, leaving me feeling dizzy and pushing away all the doubts that entered my brain. “Get dressed,” he says when he steps back and adjusts himself.

  My cheeks burn, but I’m still turned on. Is it bad that I want to get back under the covers and do some more kissing?

  “I’ll make some coff
ee,” he says as he looks away from my naked breasts and goes out to the kitchen.

  I tingle all over and I swear he might have magical powers. I should probably tell him I don’t have coffee, but I’m sure he’ll figure it out soon enough. Maybe I should get a coffee maker if Bear is going to be here more.

  When I look down at myself I’m a little shocked at how much I didn’t care about my nudity. My mind was focused on other things, and I have to admit I did like teasing him a bit. I should have tried harder to go to sleep last night, but now that he’s here I’m full of energy.

  I wash my face and brush my teeth, all the while humming to myself. After I’m done I practically skip to my closet wondering what I should wear. I’m not going to be working out, but it’s still a gym. I grab a pair of jean shorts I made from an old pair of jeans that I sewed cute patches onto. I grab a shirt that falls off one shoulder and some sneakers. I get dressed quickly and then brush my hair and put on some lip gloss and mascara.

  “This will have to do,” I tell myself in the mirror before going to the living room.

  I pause when I see Bear sitting on my sofa with my computer on his lap. I watch him click through my blog then over to my social media. I don't know how long I stand there before he looks over his shoulder at me.

  “You’re too adorable for your own good,” he says as he closes the laptop and stands up.

  “Did you like it?” I ask, suddenly extra shy.

  “Yeah, I like it.” He comes around the sofa. “I’m not sure I like all the men following you, but the site is amazing.”

  I never pay much attention to who watches the videos. I never give it much thought.

  “God, you have a lot of hair.” Bear digs his big hands into my hair, making me tilt my head back. “Braid it for me. I don’t want everyone seeing you like this.” He kisses me again quickly as I pull my hair to one side and twist it together.

  “I’ll get you some carbs on the way to the gym. Maybe you’ll let me steal a secret bite.” He grabs my hand and leads me out of the apartment and out of the building. Once we’re on the street we walk over to Patty Cakes. When we go in, Patty greets me and looks over at Bear. Her face lights up and she comes from around the counter to pull me into a hug.

  “Pep!” she says excitedly, and Bear doesn't let go of my hand. “What are you doing here with Cannon?”

  “She’s my girl,” Bear says, making me smile. I love the sound of that.

  “Is that so?” Patty’s face probably mirrors my own right about now. “A cute girl like Pep probably needs some muscle around her.” She shoots me a wink. “But watch yourself, Cannon.” She points at him and he holds up his free hand in defense.

  “I’m a gentleman.” He lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

  “I gave you a few spankings back in the day. Don’t think I can’t still do it in my old age,” Patty tells him with a smile before shooting me another wink. She goes back behind the counter. “Pep, are you going to do another one of those classes? All the kids keep asking.”

  “I’d love to. I had a blast.”

  After coming here almost every morning since I moved in, Patty talked me into doing a class with some of the neighborhood kids. She looked up my blog and saw me making sprinkle surprise cookies and thought it would be good for them to learn how to make them. I had a ton of fun doing it with the kids. I’m a little surprised she wants to do it again after the mess we made. It wasn't pretty, but it was yummy.

  “I’ll email you.”

  Bear looks between us and I can tell he’s a little shocked I know Patty so well. I’ve gotten to know a lot of people around our building. It’s the small-town girl inside me. I’m used to talking to everyone.

  I look at the display case with all of the fresh baked goods and I hear Bear ordering. I look over at him and he gives me a wicked smile.

  “You’re telling me Pep is eating all of that? Because I know Rico wouldn't let you eat it.” Patty raises an eyebrow at Bear, and I have to turn my head to hide my laugh.

  “He talked to you?” Bear shakes his head, which only makes me giggle more.

  “It’s all for me.” I say through a laugh. “I’m really hungry.”

  “One day with you and you’ve got her lying. Always the troublemaker.”

  “I am not,” he defends himself as Patty hands us a couple of bags. Bear gives her a twenty before pulling me away from the case.

  “You kids have fun. Stay out of trouble,” Patty yells as we depart.

  I get myself under control as I grab a croissant from the bag. But Bear is faster and steals it right out of my hand and takes a giant bite.

  He swallows and then hands it back to me. “You’ve got a lot of protectors around here.”

  “I’ve made some friends. Everyone is really nice. I worried when I first moved here, thinking it might be hard to make friends. But it keeps getting easier.” I eat the flaky bread and moan at the flavor. I love sweets, but I have a major weakness for things covered in butter.

  “Patty and Tasha are right.” He does that thing where he runs his hand down his face. “You do need muscle. You’re too damn innocent and cute for your own good.”

  I scrunch my nose. I don’t understand what that means, but then I forget when he pulls me into him and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

  “Cannon, stop kissing that girl so you can taste the carbs. She’s not on your diet,” I hear Rico yell from behind us.

  Bear pulls me along, making me walk faster as he reaches into the bag and stuffs another croissant into his mouth.

  Chapter Eight


  “You’re going to be feeling that tomorrow,” Coach whispers to me as I go another round with the bag.

  He’s right. I’ve been showing off for Pepper today and going harder than I normally do. I wanted to impress her, and judging by the looks she’s been giving me, I got the job done. It also doesn’t help I’ve got a mountain of sexual frustration building in my body. Seeing her bare breasts this morning almost killed me. All I wanted to do was taste one to see if it was as sweet as her lips. God knows what I would have done if she didn’t have panties on. All the junk Rico talked about chasing the pussy was right. Almost. Other women still hold no appeal to me, but with Pepper, I don’t know how I lived my life without her. And I know once I have her, I won’t be able to stop. I think that’s why I’ve been trying to hold back and not rush her. But after the way she was pressing against me, maybe I’m going a little too slow.

  “Damn it, Teddy, I’ve got plans tonight. Watch the family heirlooms,” Rico says, putting his hands in front of his junk. “My lady likes her new toy.” He winks, and I roll my eyes.

  “Get back behind the bag,” Coach barks, and he does what he says.

  I give it a few more kicks before Rico starts complaining again and Coach tells me to take a water break. I go over to the edge of the ring where Pepper is standing and holding my water bottle and a towel.

  “I could get used to this,” I say, and she bites her lip. I lean down and steal a quick kiss before I take a drink. “Are you bored to death yet?”

  “Not yet,” she teases. “I’ve been sending pics of you and Rico to Tasha. I didn’t know she was going out with him.”

  “Must be in the air.” I dip my head and kiss her neck, and she laughs as I rub my sweaty face on her.

  “You know some people might find that really gross.”

  “Did you?” I ask, taking another drink.

  She bites her lip again and shakes her head. I rest my elbows on the rope so we’re eye level and she leans forward to kiss me. It’s soft and slow as her hands come up to my neck and hold me there. God, I love kissing her.

  “Practice is over,” Coach calls, and I turn around to see him grabbing his equipment.

  “Really?” I ask when he walks past me.

  “Young love is a thing of beauty. Take the rest of the day off. You earned it.”

“Hell yeah,” I say, holding my hand up for Pepper to high five it. “Does this mean I get a cheat day?”

  “Hell no,” Rico says as he texts on his phone. “You already had your cheat day at breakfast. I’ll see your ass in here tomorrow early for drills. Someone has to keep you bikini season ready.” He saves his goodbyes to Pepper and me and rushes out of the gym.

  “I think he’s going to meet Tasha,” Pepper says, smiling at me excitedly. “I’m happy for her. He’s a good guy. Right?”

  “The best,” I agree and get out of the ring to join her. “I want to show you something before we leave,” I say, taking her hand and leading her to the other end of the gym.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise,” I say and kiss her knuckles.

  The gym is an old warehouse that was converted back in the fifties. A lot of famous fighters have come through here, and it was the reason I came here when I was a kid. I spent every spring break, summer vacation, and snow day up here, so I know this place like the back of my hand. If I had to tell someone where I grew up, it would be between these walls.

  We walk down a long corridor where there’s a glass case at the end. The case is huge with tons of trophies and framed photos inside. I walk over to the right side and point to a big picture that’s positioned in a place of pride.

  “Oh my god, that’s my father,” she says, stepping closer. “And my mother.” She puts her hand over her mouth as she scans the picture.

  It’s a photo taken at a championship match and has his name at the bottom. I always felt like Pepper looked familiar to me, and then I realized why when she told me who her father was. She looks like him, but she also looks like her mother. Her mom is in a sequin dress holding up a big sign with a three on it, indicating what round they were on. He looks busted up, but he’s smiling at the camera and she’s smiling over at him. It’s actually kind of sweet now that I know their story.


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