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Hunger (The Seductors Series)

Page 15

by B. L. Wilde

  “N…no!” I groaned, arching off the bed. It was a true statement. I may be a Seductor, but no one had ever done this to me before.

  “Shit, Jade, I’m not sure the ice cube will last. It’s starting to melt already. Are you that hot?”

  “You seem to have that effect on me.” I watched Oliver remove the ice cube and study it. Oh. My. God! I could read his face before he even did it. He sucked the ice cube into his mouth, and I was done for. He was too damn sexy for words.

  “Mmm…delicious,” he moaned, moving to get another piece of ice from the bucket. He ran it up and down my clit for a few minutes, my hips rocking against his hands of their own accord. Crap, I was going to cum if he kept going. Being fucked with an ice cube was amazing. The mixture of hot and cold felt so good. “Do you want to taste yourself?” I nodded, captivated by him. He brought the ice to my lips and I licked it, tasting myself, which was quite possibly the most erotic thing I’d ever done. “How good do you taste, huh?” he grinned, putting the ice in his mouth. Greedy bastard. I nodded with a groan, closing my eyes as I felt his erection push against my overheated sex. “That’s enough ice for one night, I think. Are you ready for me, Beautiful?” I didn’t need to answer him. Oliver could see it in my eyes, and with one deep thrust, he was inside me. “So damn perfect,” he mumbled, moving down to lavish my breasts. His mouth was still cold from the ice and I cried out in pleasure. His cock felt so wonderful sliding in and out of me.

  “More, Oliver, I need more!” I pleaded, desperate to reach my brink. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  “You want it deeper?” he panted.

  “YES!” I begged. He lifted my hips at an angle and got onto his knees, pushing right inside me. It. Was. Heaven.

  “Like this, Beautiful?” he snarled, thrusting at a maddening pace. “You like it when I really fuck you, huh?”

  “F…fuck…yes!” I was losing my mind. All I could feel or see was Oliver, and with one more deep thrust, I came undone, falling into the abyss.

  “How was that?” he smirked down at me moments later.

  “Can we do that again soon?” I gasped, holding my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

  “What makes you think we’re finished now?” he smirked, leaning down to capture my lips with his. God, I loved this man!

  The plane ride back home was a little uncomfortable. Oliver insisted on me traveling back on his private jet with him, which would have been fine, if Richard and Alicia hadn’t been on it, too.

  The last few days in Moscow flew by and were very informative and fun for me. Oliver spared no expense in spoiling me, taking me to the Opera, the finest restaurants, and the best galleries. I’d never experienced luxury like it. His company and love for me was what made it so special, though.

  The factory tour gave me the chance to spend a little more time with Dylan, and watch the bond he and Oliver had. They weren’t just employer and employee. I could see that they were friends, too. Dylan and Oliver even confessed to me that Dylan and Macy were trying to develop a new sustainable power core back in Macon. The issue was with the ‘trying.’ Did that mean the power core didn’t exist yet? Knowing Oliver the way I did, if the power core did exist, it would have been designed by a scientist he knew and trusted—a friend. I needed better clarification, though. I needed proof.

  “You have a meeting in London next week,” Richard muttered toward Oliver over his newspaper. “We need to finalize the deal with Steel Manufacturing.”

  “I wasn’t aware we were at that stage already,” Oliver frowned, looking over at me sadly. He knew I wouldn’t be able to go to London with him. Brian wouldn’t let me take more time off. I needed to think of a way to quit my job!

  “Alicia and I sealed the deal while you were on the factory tour with Jade,” his uncle replied, still refusing to give him any eye contact. You could have cut the tension with a knife.

  “And you’re only telling me this now? That was almost a day ago.”

  “You seemed a little distracted after the gala. I thought it was best to wait.”

  Oliver closed his eyes, clearly trying to calm his temper before speaking. “When do we leave, Alicia?”

  “Next Tuesday,” she beamed, darting her eyes at me. It didn’t make any difference, even with the distance between us. Oliver was still mine! “I’ve added it to your planner and emailed you the contract and notes.”

  “That was very efficient of you,” Oliver thanked. Yeah, that was all Alicia was good for—being a PA. “We’ll have to make the most of this week back home if I’m going to be away the following week,” he mused, turning his attention to me. I nodded, stroking his face gently. “It will only be four days. I can’t see it taking longer than that.”

  “It’s fine. You do what you have to do. I’ll be in New York waiting for you when you get back.” I heard Richard snort as I spoke. Yeah, I had a long way to go until he trusted me again. I was a patient person, though. Deep down, I knew he had reason to dislike me. I was far worse than he could ever imagine.

  Eight hours later and I was finally free from Alicia’s glares.

  “Did you want to come back to my apartment?” Oliver asked, getting into the limo next to me. “I’m sure Mrs. Davis would love to see you.” The offer was so tempting, but I needed to send Sonia my progress report. Not to mention, Miles had done a few background checks on the ten possible candidates for the power core.

  “I really need to check on my apartment. I still have some boxes to unpack,” I sighed. He nodded, dropping his head. “Why don’t you stay at my apartment tomorrow night? I’ll cook for you.”

  “Really?” he beamed. Oh, Oliver liked that idea a lot.

  “Yes. If I didn’t have so much to do, I would stay with you tonight, too. I’m not pulling away, I promise.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be playing this cool and it’s not really working, is it?” he chuckled, running his hands through his hair.

  “You’re playing it just fine,” I whispered, leaning in to kiss him deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. By the time we broke apart, he had pinned me against the seat with his body, his erection rubbing against my stomach.

  “What is it about us and limos?” he panted, climbing off me while I caught my breath.

  “I don’t know,” I giggled, straightening my top as the limo pulled up to the curb.

  “You are just around the corner from me, huh?” he mused, looking up at my apartment building. “Do you need a hand carrying your luggage?”

  “I’m fine,” I sighed, pecking his lips. “Thank you for a wonderful trip.”

  “I should be thanking you for coming all the way to Moscow. It’s been amazing having you by my side, Jade.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night?”

  “Nothing would keep me away,” he winked, pulling me in for another kiss. This time it was deeper. I had to grip his shoulders for support when our lips parted.

  Stepping out of the limo, I turned back to him as Duncan grabbed my bags. “I can help you with your bags if you want, Miss Gibbs.”

  “I’m fine, thank you, Duncan,” I smiled. “Bye, Oliver.”

  “Bye, Beautiful,” he beamed. “Oh, I’ll need your apartment number.”

  “24A,” I called. “Anytime after seven is fine. I’ll be home.”

  “I can’t wait.” He winked suggestively before finally closing the door. He had a point; I couldn’t wait, either.

  “I take it you were with Oliver while you were off?” Brian commented while we worked on finalizing the design plans.

  “I don’t see how that is any of your business,” I muttered, looking down at my drawings. I hated having to play shy Jade around this asshole.

  “You took a week off when we’re in the middle of an important project! Had I known it was to follow Oliver Kirkham around, I wouldn’t have authorized it!”

  “I’m freelance. I can do whatever I want!”

  “I worry about my employees, Jade. Oliv
er Kirkham is a playboy. I’m just trying to look out for you.” Playboy? He didn’t know Oliver at all.

  “Oliver makes me happy. That’s all I care about.”

  Brian stretched his hand out, stroking my arm. “I could make you happier.” I pulled back, glaring at him. Would this guy ever take the hint? I wasn’t interested!

  “I don’t like your advances toward me, Brian.”

  “There’s a connection between us. Don’t try to deny it,” he stated, moving closer toward me, trapping me against the wall. There was going to be a connection alright if he tried to touch me! I needed to quit this damn job right now! I’d had enough of this slimeball! “You don’t need Oliver Kirkham when you can have me.” Was he for real? “Don’t settle for him. He’s only focused on his career, so you’ll get lost in his world. He’ll forget you like all the other women before. Stop fighting it, Jade. You know we would be so good together.” Before his hand even touched my face, I pushed him sharply, twisting his arm behind his back. He yelled out in pain. Brian was lucky; I wanted to do far worse.

  “I’ve had enough of your disgusting advances toward me. I quit,” I seethed, into his ear.

  “Ah, J…Jade, please! Let’s talk about this,” he panted. I pulled his arms tighter, knowing it was almost at the breaking point. Drew had taught me this hold years ago. “Ow, fuck! Okay, okay. I get it! I accept your resignation.”

  “Thank you,” I grinned, letting him go. I collected my bag and coat, ready to leave. When I turned back around, Brian was standing back up.

  “Are you sure you’re not running because of your sexual urges for me?” he called before I made it through the door. Oh, now he’d overstepped the mark. I was done playing nice!

  “Sexual urges?” I questioned, making him think he stood a chance with me as I stalked back toward him.

  “I could drive you crazy, Baby. All you have to do it say the word. I’ve wanted you since the moment you came for an interview. You could have been a dumb blonde and I’d have still given you the job. Stop fighting it. Let me fuck you right here, right now.” I gave him a shy smile, dropping my bag and coat as I stalked toward him. “I fucking knew it. That’s it, bring that sexy ass of yours to me,” he ordered with a grunt. I needed to get a close as possible to this asshole for what I had planned. The moment I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands were on my ass. “I’m going to fuck you on my desk! I’ve been dreaming about doing that for weeks.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” I purred, stroking his jawline. His lips parted at my simple touch. “But there is one problem with that.”

  “Which is?” he asked, looking down at me in confusion. I slammed my knee hard into his groin at his words, releasing my arms from around his neck so he fell to the floor.

  “That I don’t find you attractive in the slightest, you asshole!” I snarled, grabbing my coat and bag again. Oh, the satisfaction of watching him roll around on the floor in agony.

  “J…J…Jade, don’t tell Oliver about this, please!” Brian called from the floor. “He’ll skin me alive.”

  “You should have thought about that before you made a pass at me. Goodbye, Brian. I won’t be needing a reference from a slimeball like you.” With that, I left, slamming his door behind me.

  Thank fuck that job was over.

  I knew Oliver was in meetings all day, and I didn’t want to worry him while he was at work. He’d be showing up at my apartment in four hours anyway. He wasn’t going to take the news about Brian well, but at least he’d be happy that I quit.

  Alicia would be taking some time off work due to a sudden illness hopefully in the next week. It might even work to my advantage. Oliver would need a replacement as soon as possible. I could offer my services until he found someone.

  I was cooking Mexican food tonight. Oliver wanted to see some of my layers, and that was what I was planning to do. It was time to allow him to see parts of the real Jade, and her favorite food was Mexican.

  I was preparing dinner when I got a call from Miles. He must have finished the searches I’d asked for.

  “Hey,” I answered, holding the phone on my shoulder with the side of my face while I continued to get the prep done for tonight.

  “Hi, Jade. Is now a good time to talk?”

  “Sure, I’m alone.”

  “Okay, so I’ve been able to eliminate a few other scientists from your list. I’m sending you all the information as we speak, but you only have three possible names now.”

  “Three? Miles how the hell did you manage that?”

  “I looked into their expenditures. If you’re dealing with advances in nuclear weapons, you’re going to need space for testing at some point. Whether it be atmospheric, exoatmospheric, underground, or underwater, that all takes money, and a lot of it.” Exoatmospheric…what? Miles was such a nerd.

  “But what if this core doesn’t even exist yet?”

  “They’d still need the space to test, Jade. Why else would they have made the machine? Do you want to know the three names that Kirkham Industries has bought or funded space for?”

  “Yes,” I muttered, mixing the sauce I was making.

  “Dr. Dylan Reynolds is the first.” I wasn’t at all surprised to hear his name. “His space is underground. Kirkham Industries has owned it for over forty years, but I can’t pinpoint a location yet. Dr. Carlton has a space in Russia, which seemed odd to me, but maybe the land was cheaper. It was acquired five years ago, and Kirkham Industries only funded some of the money. The last name, Dr. Fellows, is linked closely to N.A.T.O. His space in Arizona was purchased by Kirkham Industries over thirty years ago.”

  “And you think they are the only scientists capable of making this power core?”

  “They all check out, Jade. They’re well known fusion experts and all have the equipment necessary to develop the power core. I can’t see how any of the other people on the list could achieve it when they don’t have the resources.”

  “Why are you so damn smart?” I teased. Miles was a genius.

  “If you find this power core, you do realize the impact it’s going to have, right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was looking at the blueprints you stole months ago. The amount of mass these machines have. You’re looking at a reaction three times larger than any nuclear weapon ever produced. Jade, if this core is real, whoever owns it owns the entire world.” Holy shit!

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “If you can’t find the power core, our client wants Oliver Kirkham kidnapped and tortured until he confesses.” No! Oliver being tortured? I couldn’t stop the tears stinging my eyes. I wouldn’t let that happen. “Jade, this mission is unlike anything we’ve ever done before. You need to make sure you are completely focused. Everything is riding on this.”

  “When did The Seductors become so greedy?”

  “It’s evolution. Diamond necklaces and files aren’t enough for them anymore. They want more power, and with a steal like this, higher paying clients will take notice. The Seductors are becoming the undisputed leaders in our field.”

  “You’re making it sound like we’re turning into the Secret Service,” I snorted, trying to keep the conversation light, when really, I was still reeling about Oliver’s fate if I didn’t find the power core.

  “That wouldn’t be too far from the truth. We could easily match them.”

  “Is that everything?”

  “Alicia is being called back to headquarters next Friday. I’ve already started the paperwork on her medical records.”

  “Make the illness as nasty as you can,” I teased.

  “Jade, I can’t give her a real illness,” he chuckled.

  “Shame,” I muttered, smirking to myself.

  “If I find anymore information, I’ll send it over to you.”

  “I only have three names to check. I don’t think you could do much more,” I giggled.

  “You know what I mean, and Jade, please be careful.”

nbsp; “I always am. Thanks, Miles,” I sighed before we both hung up.

  I wasn’t surprised to hear his views on where he thought the Seductors were heading. I’d noticed how our clientele had changed over the last few years, and had sensed a movement toward the higher paying clients. It relieved me to know I had less than five years remaining on my contract. Who knew where they would be by that time. I was sure it wouldn’t be the same organization. Sonia had been hoping I would stay on after my contracted ended. It wasn’t uncommon for some top Seductors to stay on and coach new recruits to help hone their skills. Sarah, the Seductor who found me in Indianapolis, had done just that. She still came to headquarters from time to time with her words of wisdom, but most of her involvement was done behind the scenes. Before Oliver, I would have jumped at the chance to stay on. Now I was counting down the time I had left.

  Of course, I had the mission to complete first. Now that I knew Oliver would be kidnapped and tortured if I didn’t find the power core, I had no choice. I needed to find it. I had to keep him safe.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I had just finished getting ready when a knock came at my door. Oliver was always so punctual. After quickly ensuring that the table was all set for dinner, I took in my appearance in the mirror. I’d never looked more like the real Jade around him before, and wondered what he’d think of me in my tiny denim shorts and favorite black Guns and Roses T-shirt. I was a little nervous at seeing his reaction.

  “Are you ever late for anything?” I giggled, opening the door to him. He was wearing faded jeans and a crisp black shirt. Christ, maybe I should skip dinner and take him right to bed.

  “I’m never late for the important things,” he grinned as I widened the door so he could come in. I noticed he had an overnight bag in his hand.

  “I see you came prepared,” I mused, motioning toward his bag. “Are you planning on leaving your toothbrush here for future visits?”

  “Only if you do the same at my apartment,” he smirked, his eyes raking me in as he dropped his bag. “Guns and Roses, huh? I should have guessed.”


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