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Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual)

Page 4

by Candro, Ria

  “You’re so large,” she gasped.

  “Not too big for you.” Letting out an amused chuckle, he closed her fingers over hers, guiding her hand to his erection. This time she didn’t fight it. She needed to know what it felt like, skin to skin.

  When her fingers closed around him, they both let out a moan. She almost snatched her hand back, fearful that he’d lost control, but when her gaze flew to his, she saw that he had complete command over himself.

  Wondrous. He was actually going to let her touch him without demanding anything of her in return. This was an opportunity she couldn’t turn down.

  Her other hand shook as she brought that one, too, to his cock. Her fingertips tickled the head, then she encircled his rod and slid her hands up and down, reveling in the erotic feel of his erection.

  “You feel so good,” she confessed, unable to stop the words. Down one hand went, cupping his large, full testicles. Those too looked nothing like the ones she’d seen on the local animals, and thank the gods for that. They were hideous, while his weren’t the least bit repulsive.

  Experimenting with her movement, she began to slide her hands up and down his rod. He gasped but allowed it, his body and face growing more and more taut, until finally he grasped her hips. He didn’t try to move closer though, just held her tight as if he needed her support to stand. The pained expression on his face empowered her to go faster, close her hands tighter, until finally he let out a strained groan and rested his forehead into the tree right above her.

  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come,” he muttered, his voice barely more than a growl.

  Come? Yes, that was right. That was the term Bannor had used last night, right before he’d caused her body to explode into ecstasy. Yes, yes she very much wanted Devan to come. Wanted to see what would happen.

  She tightened her grip, moving faster, and faster—when the distant sound of a familiar voice shocked her out of her practically hypnotic state.

  “Cindra, are you out here?”

  What? No, oh no!

  “Adamon’s coming,” she whispered fiercely, loosing Devan’s rod and pushing back on his stomach. He groaned but obeyed, stepping back with an expression of barely veiled anger and lust.

  “He must have the worst timing in the entire universe,” he muttered.

  “Please,” she begged, trying her best to straighten her hair. “If he sees you…”

  She couldn’t do that to Adamon. Couldn’t betray him in such a foul, unforgiveable manner.

  Devan’s eyes darkened, but he grumbled out a garbled, “Fine,” and began to right his clothes. Cindra almost cried out in protest when he pulled his zipper up, hiding the glorious erection she’d had her hands on just moments ago. But he had to leave. She couldn’t jeopardize her relationship with Adamon.

  A branch snapped somewhere behind her, making her wince. Devan noted it, and with a stark nod, turned and headed the other way. With his long, sure strides, he was out of sight in a matter of moments. Had it been quick enough, however? She was too frightened to look behind her, to see where Adamon was.

  After allowing another few precious seconds to compose herself, Cindra snatched the bucket up and raced toward the stream. She bit back a curse when, in her haste, she ended up practically dumping herself into the stream, but she managed to pull back at the last moment and take a hasty swipe with the bucket. Filling it with water, she turned and headed back.

  “Cindra?” Adamon’s voice called out once again. A moment later, he rounded past a copse of spindly trees, coming into view. His expression grew relieved, and she fought back a burst of guilt. While he’d been worried sick about her, she’d been busy feeling another man’s rod. And she’d loved every second of it.

  “There you are! Didn’t you hear me calling you?”

  She speared him with a bright smile. “Oh, hi darling. No, I’m afraid not.”

  He scowled at her. “I went to collect you at the shop and Deirdre told me you’d gone out for water quite some time ago.”

  Her smile evaporated. He’d gone to collect her? This was getting ridiculous. Since the Spygians had arrived, he’d become her shadow. It was getting old.

  But then, look at the things you’ve done when he wasn’t being vigilant.

  Just like that, her anger melted. Adamon was right to tail her. Give her a moment of freedom, and she turned into a veritable slut.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, casting her gaze down to the ground. “I saw a flock of trilla birds and grew distracted by their song.”


  She waited for a long, loaded moment, but apparently he’d decided that sounded like something she would do, because he finally reached out and grabbed the bucket.

  “I’ll carry the bucket back to the shop for you. Then we can go home.”

  Cindra forced a smile to her face, but as she walked by his side through the copse of trees, she couldn’t help but think, Is this going to be the rest of my life? A morning at the shop followed by a long, dull afternoon at the farm?

  If this was to be her fate, how would she survive it?

  Chapter Four

  Stefon gazed up toward the cerulean sky, wishing with all his might it was the two full moons of Spygia he saw right now, rather than Keulot’s bland night sky. He prayed for patience. Though he wanted nothing more than to return to their own world, to continue training for the inevitable battle with the Malucons, he knew it was worth it to be here now. Their mate was here, the woman he’d dreamt about since he first comprehended just what it was that mates did. And soon enough, she would be theirs.

  If she ever broke her puzzling fascination with the Keulot boy, that was.

  Footsteps crunched behind him in the desert sand of the empty square. A moment later Bannor pulled to a stop beside him, accompanied by Tempos.

  “I ran into Tempos on his way out,” Bannor said by way of explanation. “I gather that, like him, you too were unable to sleep.”

  “How can I?” Stefon responded quietly. Looking down toward his boots, he scuffed the ground at his feet, all the while resting his hands on the stone bench he sat on.

  Bannor quietly took a seat beside him, and Tempos followed suit.

  “Our mate is all I can think of. Her face, her gorgeous body,” Stefon continued. “How I long to hold her, to catch one whiff of her scent.” He waited a beat before snorting. “I sound like a lovesick fool, don’t I?”

  “We all are,” Tempos said. “How can we not be?”

  Stefon allowed himself a bitter chuckle before turning his gaze to Bannor. “At least you have sampled her sweet honey. You’ve gazed upon her naked flesh. I’ve yet to utter a word to her.”

  Bannor clapped him on the back. “Patience, brother. She will come to her senses soon, I vow it. After hearing of Devan’s success this afternoon, I am highly encouraged. Why, she may be ours within the next few nights, if we play our cards right.”

  “I hope so.” Stefon wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait.

  After several long moments, Bannor rose and faced Stefon. “Would you like to watch over her this eve?”

  Bannor had decreed that he’d keep watch on Cindra’s residence during the night, just in case. Yes, they were being overprotective. She’d lived here for quite some time without any harm coming to her. But now that they’d found her, they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves if anything happened and they could have stopped it. The loss of a little sleep was most certainly worth the comfort of knowing she was well and safe.

  “Thank you, brother.” Stefon stood. “I would be honored to keep watch over our mate.” Not likely that he’d even glance upon her face this evening, but he lived in hope.

  Turning to Tempos, who still sat on the bench, Bannor gave him a short nod. “Would you care to accompany Stefon this evening?”

  Tempos’ expression brightened and he immediately rose.

  “Let’s go,” Stefon said, nodding at Tempos.

  If he wasn’t g
oing to spend the evening with their mate, at least he’d have a pod mate to commiserate with.

  Soon enough, gods willing, they’d have more than just a hope and a dream to keep them warm at night.

  * * * * *

  Later that night, Cindra tossed and turned in her bed, unable to find the comfort of sleep. The events of the past day had left her hot and bothered and completely restless. After last night’s nocturnal visit from Bannor and today’s interlude with Devan, she was unable to think of anything other than the Spygians and their luscious, sinful bodies. Could any other men even compare?

  Suddenly she found herself troubled that she’d been with Adamon and his family for two years, had been engaged to him for half a year, and they’d done nothing more than kiss.

  Didn’t he want her? Shouldn’t he be half-crazed with lust for her, the way the Spygians were? What did it say that he wasn’t?

  Worse, what did it say that she didn’t feel that way for him?

  The Spygians had left her certain of one thing. She needed to confirm that she and Adamon were compatible before she tied herself to him for life. There would be no worse existence than to be irrevocably bound to a man she didn’t truly desire. While she’d never doubted that in the past, she had questions now and she needed to answer them.

  No better time than the present.

  Taking a deep breath, Cindra slipped out of her bed. No doubt it was highly inappropriate for her to seek Adamon out in his bed in the middle of the night, while clad in nothing more than her long, sleeveless nightgown. However, since she’d come to terms with the fact that she was clearly not an appropriate woman, she didn’t care.

  After tiptoeing across the room, she slowly opened the door, then continued down the hall, being careful not to make any noise that would awaken the house’s inhabitants. Her pulse raced at the thought of what she was about to do, and when a stray dust bunny floated up to tickle her nose, she had to fight the urge to sneeze. Furiously scratching her nose, she wound her way down the hall until she reached the area of the house holding Adamon’s and his parents’ rooms.

  Heavens, what did it say that he slept right next to his parents’ room? She’d never before considered that. Surely he’d want to move to another location once they married. Wouldn’t he? She couldn’t imagine celebrating their honeymoon while knowing his parents slumbered just one thin wall away.

  Her chest tight, she slowly turned the knob of Adamon’s door, then slipped inside and shut the door behind her.

  Whew, made it.

  Enough moonlight streamed in through the open window for her to make out Adamon’s sleeping form. He lay on the bed, his sheet covering the lower half of his body. His chest was covered by a long, button-down shirt. Even in sleep he was fully clothed.

  Holding her breath, she tiptoed through the room until she came to a stop right by his bed. For a long moment, she allowed herself to look at him. He was handsome enough. His nose was a trifle broader and flatter than she fancied, but that was a Keulot trait. And his skin…well, it certainly wasn’t the color of honey. But he was still a good-looking man. A man she should be proud to call husband.

  Bending over him, she allowed her fingers to trail down his chest. He came awake with a start, his eyes slamming open with alarm. For one long, loaded moment she feared he would cry out, but finally he relaxed with an audible sigh.

  “What are you doing here, Cindra? You gave me an awful fright.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just…” She took a seat on the bed, trying to ignore the look of alarm that came to his face and the way his arms instinctively lifted, as if he was trying to ward her off. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  His gaze traveled down her body, and his lips tightened. “Are you wearing a nightgown?”

  Leave it to him to disapprove of such a thing.

  “Why do you never seek me out at night?” she whispered.

  His eyes went wide. “That would be inappropriate.”

  “But…” She sighed, trying to find the right words. “Don’t you ever want to kiss me? To be with me?”

  Adamon’s brows drew together. “Of course I do, but—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, she bent down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. His body tensed beneath her, but when she lifted her face a few inches to read his eyes, he seemed more puzzled than concerned or disgusted.

  Smiling slightly, she lowered her lips back down, rubbing them against his. They were cool but firm. It felt…nice.

  When she pressed on, continuing to kiss him, one of his hands lifted to her face, drawing her hair back. She traced her tongue at the seam of his lips, sliding inside when his mouth opened, and he tentatively returned her kiss.

  Okay, this isn’t bad. Not bad at all.

  He didn’t taste of honey and spice, as Bannor had, but it was still a pleasant kiss.

  Her hand boldly traveled down his chest, then under the sheet. His body went tense, but he didn’t fight her or pull away. When she found the drawstring of his pants, she untied it before slowly slipping her hand inside.

  He groaned against her lips when her hand found his erection. Like Devan’s, it was silky and smooth, but she couldn’t fight the soft clench of disappointment in her stomach when she noted his size. Not nearly comparable to Devan.

  But that’s not a reason not to marry someone.

  He couldn’t help what he’d been born with.

  “This is nice,” she whispered against his lips while her hand started to move up and down on his modest length.

  “Umm…yes,” he groaned, his voice pained. When she lifted her eyes to examine his face, his eyes were screwed shut, but passion was evident in the tautness of his features and his body. He wanted her.

  That’s all I need.

  Relief wound through her. Moving her lips back to Adamon’s, she shifted so one of her legs wound over the lower part of his body and her breasts pressed into his chest. But the moment he felt them, something changed within him. He tensed, and with a muttered curse, shoved her off him.

  Shocked, she stared down at his figure. “What’s wrong?”

  Disgust melded with something that looked a lot like guilt covered his features. “What are you doing?”

  “I…we are engaged,” she whispered heatedly. “There’s no shame in what we’re doing.”

  “No, it’s not right.” Adamon scowled and shook his head, scooting back so he sat against the headboard. He clutched his sheet to him, looking for all the world like a blushing virgin.

  Shouldn’t that be something I’d be doing?

  Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “Adamon, we are going to be married. Why not indulge a littl—”

  “I’ve already explained why,” he growled. When she automatically flinched at the heat in his words, he evened his tone, his expression growing softer. “Cindra, you know I love you, but it’s important to me that we honor ourselves and remain pure for our wedding day.”

  Was he serious?

  “And when will that be?” she pressed.

  “I…” Looking like a startled owl, he shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe when the crop season is over?”

  “That’s months away,” she whispered, trying to keep her voice down.

  He shrugged again, averting his gaze. “We cannot shirk our duties on the farm. You know that, Cindra.”

  “Yes,” she murmured dully. She did know that, because this wasn’t the first time she’d heard it.

  If Adamon loved her, why did he seem so uneager to marry her? It simply didn’t make sense. She’d allowed it to pass before, because she hadn’t wanted to doubt him. Because this was her home. But with their arrival, the Spygians had awakened a slew of questions within her.

  She was beginning to see that maybe her life wasn’t as certain as she’d thought it to be.

  Rising from the bed, she forced herself to murmur, “I’d better get back to my room.”

  “Yes,” he said, relief evident in his voice. “That’s a good idea.�

  She started to turn, but he said, “Cindra.”

  Meeting his gaze, she said, “Yes?”

  A weak smile lit his face. “I love you.”

  Gods, she didn’t even know if she believed those words anymore.

  “Me too,” she choked out. Turning, she fled the room, moving as swiftly as she could while still maintaining her silence. But once she’d made it back into her bedroom, sleep was the last thing on her mind.

  What was going on with Adamon? What was she going to do about it?

  She paced her bedroom, going back and forth several times before finally pausing in front of the open window. The beladora tree partially obscured the moonlight, but a cool, refreshing breeze blew in.

  Making a sudden decision, she whirled back to face the room. She’d go for a walk, clear her head. Perhaps it would help her to see things better. But first, she’d put on her dress. Even she wouldn’t be caught dead walking through the town in the middle of the night wearing nothing more than her nightgown. She might be torn and confused, but she wasn’t insane.

  * * * * *

  From his perch on the wooden fence separating the animals from the farmhouse their mate slept in, Tempos caught the movement inside. He stood to attention.

  “Look,” he whispered to Stefon.

  When Stefon met his gaze, he pointed toward the open window. Their mate stood within, several feet from the window but still close enough they could see her moving about.

  To his utter shock, she suddenly drew her nightgown over her head. From this angle, they could make out no more than the upper curve of her bare back, but even that was enough to light a vicious fire within Tempos.

  She was truly and utterly stunning, her tawny skin glimmering in the light of the Keulot moon.

  “What’s she doing?” Stefon whispered.

  Tempos watched as she dragged another garment over her shoulders, this one a light blue, then moved her fingers to the front of the garment.

  “It appears she’s dressing,” he said.


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