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The Ex Killer Series

Page 13

by Bridget Bundy

  As I swung the mop from one side of the hallway to the other, the one person that came to my mind was Alex. I loved him, and I wanted to be with him all the time. I’ll never forget the first time we made love. I had no regrets about it. I could see Alex and me moving in together and being a serious couple. We could get married and have the ceremony at the house where we first made love. A life with him would make me very happy. I would just be living on a cloud. I’d be out of that dump, and out of my sister’s life. I don’t know if I would be able to talk to Alex about marriage and becoming more of a serious couple. We only had 3 dates, but we made a special connection last night. Maybe, I was fooling myself.

  The day went by fast, which was a good thing. I managed to clean half of the floor before clocking out for the day. I wanted to be with my man. I called him from work hoping he would pick me up, but he didn’t answer his cell phone. I was hesitant about leaving messages because I was afraid his family would hear them, but I was desperate. So, I left a couple of messages hoping he would call right back, and I stood near the phone in the locker room for nearly 45 minutes. He never did call back. I wanted to go to Montgomery again and eat Mexican food. It was disappointing, but I couldn’t stay at work and wait forever.

  My next phone call was to Stephanie, and she didn’t answer her phone, either. Tanie was my last hope, and she answered right away. She was in town, and she agreed to come over and get me. I thought Tanie might have been out of town working for Roscoe today, but I guess her plans changed.


  When Tanie arrived at the nursing home, she had Stephanie with her, which was excellent. All of my girlfriends were together. I climbed in the back seat, and Tanie took us to a nice restaurant in town. The food was pricey, but it was decent.

  We were taken to a table near some kind of painting. I don’t know what it was. It was some kind of crazy colored painting that didn’t make any sense. Supposedly, a California couple owned the restaurant, but their youngest son managed it. The restaurant mostly welcomed the Colum elite, but if you had money, they didn’t turn you away. I guess money is green no matter who’s giving it.

  I asked Tanie, “Are you expecting me to pay for my own food?” She knew I rarely had money.

  “Why are you always worried about money? You kill me with that.”

  “I worry because I have none.” I quickly answered.

  “Well, you know, I will take care of you.” Tanie remarked as she buried her head back into her menu. “I know if you won’t eat now, you probably won’t eat anything else today.”

  “One of those down falls of being poor.” I turned to Stephanie remembering what she told me earlier. “Did you tell Tanie your news?”

  Stephanie answered, “Yes.”

  Tanie remarked. “I’m glad she’s getting away from that asshole.”

  “I can’t imagine going into the military. You could go to Iraq or Afghanistan and get killed. You could be sleeping in the desert with scorpions and rattlesnakes.”

  Stephanie said, “There’s more to the military than just going to Iraq and getting killed.”

  “What else is there?” I asked.

  “There are some soldiers that do not see any combat. They are there to support those in battle, and that’s what I’ll be doing.”

  I commented, “I thought every soldier carried a gun and fought in the desert.”

  Stephanie laughed and said, “I’ve carried and shot a rifle before, but only for qualification.”

  I looked at her weird. I asked, “Qualification? What does that mean?”

  “Nothing,” she answered. “It’s not important.”

  “Why don’t you stay with your folks instead?” I asked.

  “Coop knows where my family lives, and if I was with them, he’d find me and he wouldn’t leave me or my parents alone. I don’t want to bring my problems to them.”

  Tanie said, “But you know, they’ll take you in regardless.”

  “I know, but this is better for everyone involved, including Coop.”

  “Stephanie, what does your family say about you leaving?” I asked.

  “My dad thinks it is a good idea because he used to be in the military, and he said that I can have a nice career and start a new life. My mom wants me to come home.”

  The waitress arrived, and Tanie tried to be funny and order a margarita. The waitress knew she wasn’t old enough, and she stared at Tanie waiting for her to pick another drink. Tanie exhaled and ordered sweet tea. I chuckled at her. Stephanie and I asked for sweet tea, as well.

  After the waitress left our table, we started talking and laughing. We were having a good time and Tanie was the center of attention. She always had a story to tell that she heard from somebody.

  All of sudden, my mood turned soar when I saw who else but Piece of Shit coming in the restaurant. Still couldn’t remember her name. I know Stephanie and Tanie was wondering who she was and why all of a sudden my mood changed so quickly when I saw her.

  She passed by our table not noticing me at all, and she went to a counter in the far corner where a waiter stood at a cash register. I watched the door for Jason, but he never came in. Tanie kept asking what was wrong. Stephanie asked me if I was okay. I didn’t answer. I was turned around in my seat watching her. She was talking to the waiter. Eventually, the waiter went to the back and came out with paper bags. He put them on the counter, and she handed him a credit card. I wanted to get up and confront her, but I didn’t. I kept on watching the door for Jason because I knew if I started into her it would be my luck he’d show up.

  She turned to leave, and our eyes met instantly. She recognized me. Good. She stood there for a minute as we stared each other down. I was getting angry. Before, there was no emotion when I first saw her because she didn’t recognize who I was, but now we were in the same place without her man and she knew who she was in the room with. She started for the door meaning to stay away from my table, and I could not resist. I rushed over to get in front of her before she could reach the door. Tanie got up and followed me, and Stephanie stood at the table. I could feel the eyes of the other people in the restaurants upon me and this girl. Now, my heart was racing with anger, and I just wanted to slap the shit out of her.

  Jason’s girlfriend looked at me with an attitude and asked, “Who the hell are you?”

  “You know who I am!” No, she wasn’t trying to play stupid!

  “Who the hell is she?” Tanie asked. Tanie’s attention was perked, and I knew Tanie would fight this girl simply because I was going to, and she didn’t even know who she was.

  I said to Piece of Shit as my anger was turning to rage, “You almost ran me over today, stupid bitch!”

  “Oh no the hell she didn’t!” Tanie yelled. “You know you are about to get your ass whipped all over this floor, FOR REAL!”

  “Excuse me, Ladies!” A deep voice drew me out of my blind rage, and I turned to see a tall white man with a serious look on his face standing close by.

  Tanie yelled, “Now, who the hell is this!”

  He stated, “My name is Oscar Smithe.”

  “I really don’t give a damn who you are.” I stated. Now, the anger was growing again because this guy wasn’t minding his own business.

  “I’m the new Sheriff.” He announced.

  Tanie quickly said, “Okay, she didn’t mean that. We all give a damn.”

  His tone was serious, but subtle and calm as he spoke, “This can end right here, right now, or all of you can go to the sheriff’s office in hand cuffs, of course, and we’ll all settle this argument there.”

  Piece of Shit said, “They were harassing me, Sheriff Smithe. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  This bitch is trying to play innocent after she nearly killed me! I wanted to slap those bags out of her hands and fight her until I was certain she understood what it meant to get an ass beating. It took every fiber of my being to calm down. I sucked up my anger, put on a fake smile, and said, “There’s no
problem here, Sheriff Smithe. We’re going back to our table.”

  I took Tanie’s hand and quickly walked away, and Piece of Shit left the restaurant. Sheriff Smithe sat down at another table with a red headed woman. I tried not to look in his direction. I was afraid he might cuff me for just looking at him.

  The entire restaurant was still staring at me. Stephanie sunk into her seat when we returned and hid behind her menu. I know she was embarrassed. I’m surprised she didn’t leave the restaurant.

  “Who is that?” Tanie asked, “Did she really try to hit you with her car?” She was still fired up.

  I answered as I opened my menu, “That is Jason’s girlfriend. I don’t know her name, and yes, she came mighty close to hitting me, all over that asshole.” My face was burning. Why did the Sheriff have to be in this restaurant at that very moment! UGH! Just one punch in her face was all I needed. Anything that ever has to do with Jason, directly or indirectly, he wins every time. I hated him!

  Stephanie remarked, “They’re going to throw us out of here. You two can’t go nowhere without some kind of drama following you.”

  “I wish they would come to this table and try it. I’ll show my whole ass.” Tanie said as she looked around. She remarked to a couple that was sitting close by, “And what the hell ya’ll looking at!”

  I lifted my menu to hide my face. I was embarrassed now. I didn’t want to see those people’s reactions to Tanie. Thank God they said nothing. I’m sure we were one foot out the door and in jail if one more thing popped off.

  Tanie said as she hit my menu for me to lower it, “I remember her name. Jimmy said her name was Natalie.”

  I said as I set my menu on the table, “It really doesn’t matter what her name is. I call her Piece of Shit.”

  Tanie laughed and said, “I got an idea. We should chase her down in my car. We can run her off the road.”

  “You two are out of control. If you plan on getting into more trouble, take me home first. Please, take me home.” Stephanie said.

  “Nothing else is going to happen, Stephanie.” I said. I was worn out from the whole scene. I was worried about Jason coming in and taking up for her anyway, but instead, the Sheriff got involved. I don’t know which one is worse.

  The waitress came back with our drinks, and she must have seen the whole scene. She seemed nervous, but I smiled at her trying to show she had nothing to worry about. She asked for our orders. I asked for a simple hamburger, and Tanie and Stephanie ordered some kind of chicken. The waitress walked away, glancing quickly over at the Sheriff. I bet she wanted him to run us out of there, but he remained with his red headed date. But he was still keeping an eye on us.

  Tanie remarked, “You know what, we should have just busted her ass. Forget talk, we should have showed her what a real ass whipping feels like. We would be in jail when it was all over, but I bet we would feel a whole lot better.”

  Stephanie said, “Well, I’m glad you didn’t touch her. I can’t afford to go to jail.”

  “Listen to you, Queen of Switzerland. I seriously doubt you’d be going to jail. It would have been me and Angela.”

  “The Sheriff would say I was guilty by association.” Stephanie sipped her tea and added, “You know, she’s going to go back and tell Jason what happened in here. I don’t mean to scare you, but he’s going to be mad.”

  “I know, and he’s going to find a way to get me back.” I was worried about that. I didn’t want Jason hitting me anymore, but I had a feeling, it was coming.

  “You should have whipped her ass, Angela. I’m telling you, you would feel better. I know for damn sure I would have felt great.” Now, Tanie was being ridiculous. She wasn’t about to go to jail and neither was I, not over Piece of Shit.

  When our food came, I was quiet, thinking about what Stephanie said. I had to do something before Jason gets his revenge. I never put my hands on his girlfriend, but it wouldn’t matter to him. Jason was heavy on my mind now. When I had a chance, Tanie and I was going to speak alone. But I had to think on some things first.

  After eating, we went over to Tanie’s apartment. We relaxed, enjoyed some drinks, and giggled at what happened in the restaurant. It wasn’t really funny then, but now, it was hilarious. My stomach was hurting so bad. I couldn’t stand it.

  A couple of hours flew by before Stephanie decided it was time for her to go. She had to be at work early.

  I asked her, “Isn’t Coop at home?”

  “He was earlier, but he’s gone now. He is probably over one of his friend’s house getting high. I won’t see him for a couple of days.” Stephanie answered as she grabbed her keys from her back pocket.

  “Instead of you leaving permanently, you should make him leave permanently.” Tanie said as she walked Stephanie to the door.

  “No, I’d rather leave.” Stephanie said. “Love you guys! I’ll see ya! Please, try to stay out of jail.”

  Tanie waved and said, “No guarantees!”

  Tanie closed the door, and I stood. Tanie saw my mind was wandering, and there was a need for a serious discussion between me and her.

  I explained to her what I wanted to do. She smiled at me, loving my idea, and she promised she would help me. I knew she would. We would talk details later.


  I was hoping the apartment was empty when I got home, but Andrea was in the living room. She was smoking, and the television had static on the screen. She’d been crying all day. Her sunken eyes were red, her cheeks moist from her tears, and she looked extremely tired. I just wanted to get to the kitchen to call Alex, but she stopped me.

  Andrea’s voice was sad, reminded me of when our mom died. She was devastated. She asked, “What have I done to Olivia to make her leave?”

  I answered, “You know why she left.”

  “She knows that I love her, and I know I don’t always show it. I wish she would have come to me first, talked to me first.”

  “What would you have said to make her stay? What could you have possibly come up with to make her change her mind?”

  Andrea thought about it and then answered, “I don’t know, but at least, we would have been talking.”

  “Andrea,” I sat down on the other side of sofa and said, “Every single day she was here was your chance to talk to her. Instead you treated her like crap.”

  “It’s the alcohol and the drugs. They make me crazy. I can’t control myself sometimes. I know I have problems. I realize that, but I can’t turn it off like a light switch, Angela.”

  “And we can’t make you change, either.” I huffed, shaking my head. “I don’t know if you realize this, but Olivia have goals. She has a plan. I could see it in her eyes every day. And to get to her goal, she had to leave. She knew this apartment, this whole town as a dead end. This family was a dead end.”

  Andrea stared at me. I don’t know if she was drifting away or just soaking in what I said.

  I continued, “Look back at our life, Andrea, to the moment Momma died, and how everything went downhill after that. You’ve made her cry many times, and you never once said you were sorry. Do you remember when Olivia asked you to pay for her senior pictures? Do you remember she asked you to take her shopping? She wanted to have different outfits for her pictures. She was really excited about it, and do you remember what you said?”

  “Of course not,” Andrea answered as she wiped the tears from her face.

  “You told her she was ugly as shit and you had better things to spend your money on. That’s exactly what you said, and you walked out on your way to Madison’s house.”

  She stuttered, “I…I didn’t...I didn’t say that. I would never say that to her.”

  “You said it, and you know you did. Do you remember the countless times you put us out because you were mad?”

  “You’re sitting there pointing out all of my faults. You weren’t perfect either! You treated her bad, too.”

  “I’m not denying it, but you are denying what you’ve done. I�
�m the first to admit that Olivia and I fought half the time, and I end up hurting her some kind of way. Why would she stay and put up with us? Hell if I had the chance, I’d leave, too.”

  “She never gave me a chance to fix things.”

  “It’d be the same today as it was the day before she left. You wouldn’t have fixed anything. You wouldn’t even try.”

  “Yes, I would. I’m going to try when she comes back home.” Andrea put out her cigarette in the ash tray and said, “I’m going to make things right, Angela. I want you to call Olivia and get her to come back home.”


  “Why not,” Andrea was exasperated. She squinted at me like she was going to growl.

  “Because she’s where she needs to be. There’s nothing here for her.”

  “I’m here. We’re here.”

  “And we’re not enough.”

  “She left hating me, and there’s nothing I can do about it now.”

  “I’m sure she’s already forgiven you. She has a better heart than the both of us.” I stated.

  Andrea looked to me again and asked, “And what about you, Angela?”

  “I think you know I don’t forgive so easily.” I was done talking, and I walked out. When I got to the phone and started dialing, I realized that was the first time in a long time my sister and I ever sat down and had a conversation that didn’t end up with cuss words and one of us leaving pissed off. I said my piece and it felt good to be honest without drama. But I knew Andrea, and that moment was no end to the family problems.

  I wanted to go out tonight. I wanted to be with Alex. I wanted to sleep with him again. I wanted to touch his skin and feel his lips on my body. I called his cell phone a couple of times, but he didn’t answer. I held on to the phone receiver waiting a few minutes, hoping the next time I dialed his number, he would answer. My heart began beating so fast when I redialed, but it was for nothing. He never did answer the phone that evening. I wanted to go to his house where we made love, but it was dark and the parking lot in front of our apartment had a lot of people. I knew Jason was out there, and I didn’t want to run into him after today’s incident with his girlfriend.


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