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The Ex Killer Series

Page 16

by Bridget Bundy

  “What?” I knew I was about to get mad, but I had to give Tanie a chance. Sometimes she can make valid points without pissing me off.

  “Where do you and Alex stand?”

  I didn’t answer because I didn’t want to tell her anything.

  “I know you love him. You’ve only been in this apartment for an hour and you’ve spent most of that time trying to call him.”

  “I can’t help it, Tanie. He is so good to me.”

  She asked in disagreement, “You think so?”

  “You haven’t seen how he treats me. He remembers everything I tell him. He has done things for me no other guy has. When Alex and I talk, it isn’t one sided.”

  “That’s all great, Angela, but I warned you to keep your feelings in check.”

  I didn’t say a word. How was I to control my feelings for a guy that was so good and so perfect? How is that possible?

  Tanie was peeved, and she turned away. She finally said, “You’re putting your hope towards a man that cannot reciprocate. His family will forbid the relationship you want with him, and you’re only going to get your feelings hurt. I bet after dealing with his parents last night, he won’t be able to see you again.”

  I said in a calm voice, “That’s not true. I will see him again.”

  She asked, “And why do you think you will?”

  “Because he doesn’t care about what his family thinks. He told me so.”

  “He’s lying to you, Angela. I don’t have to spend one second with him to know that he cares about what his family thinks.”

  “You don’t know him.” I felt very level headed as I spoke with Tanie. This conversation didn’t feel like an argument. I was going to stand my ground and not get upset. Alex didn’t give me a reason to doubt him, and I won’t despite what Tanie says.

  “Where is he now? It doesn’t take much to pick up a phone when the woman you love is calling you. I mean, what the hell is he doing?”

  “I don’t know where he is, Tanie. I don’t know.”

  Tanie leaned back on the sofa defeated. “He’s going to break your heart, Angela. I told you not set expectations on this guy, and you told me you wouldn’t. Now, look at you.”

  I remarked, “Alex and I will be fine.”

  Tanie said with irritation, “You and Alex will be fine.”

  “Look, we’re not going to talk about Alex, okay? We have other things we need to do. We have to get ready for this party.”

  I wanted to get the events of last night out of my mind. This party and what we had planned was going to do that.

  “You’re still up for tonight?” Tanie sounded uncertain.

  I went to the radio and turned it on. I asked trying to be in a good, “I think daiquiris are in order! What you think?”

  “I believe I can handle that.” Tanie went towards the kitchen. “Have you eaten today?”

  “Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I ate.”

  “I’ll fix some burgers and fries before we drink.”

  Tanie started cooking, and I cut the lettuce and tomato. Tanie put the fries in the oven and before long we were eating and drinking sweet tea.

  After the yummy lunch, I rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I cleaned the skillet and pan by hand. Tanie set to making the strawberry daiquiris.

  To my own aggravation, I began thinking about Olivia and Jason. I didn’t want to talk about them, but I had to. I had to get it out of my system, and why not open up to my best friend?

  I said, “The night I caught Jason with Olivia, I was just blown away. I couldn’t believe it.”

  Tanie didn’t stop working when she said, “To be honest with you, Angela, I wasn’t surprised.”

  “Why not,” I asked confused by her statement.

  “Olivia is a pretty girl, and you know how Jason is. He’s probably been talking to her behind your back for a while.”

  “But Olivia is smarter than that. She knew I used to date him. She knew I slept with him.”

  “Maybe, she was getting back at you. Your history with him was just more ammunition for her.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, Tanie.”

  “It makes perfect sense. As much as you two fought and the countless times you’ve hurt her or made her cry, sleeping with your ex-boyfriend was the ultimate revenge for everything you’ve ever done to her. She knew what she was doing.”

  I thought back to that night. Tanie was right. Olivia didn’t care when I came back to confront her that evening. She pushed back, fought back with anger, like she’d been holding it in all of her life. I couldn’t get her off of me. I swallowed. I clearly understood now. Olivia was getting her vengeance. The bottom line is, I won all the battles, but she won the war. And she probably realized it long before I did.

  “Don’t worry about it anymore, Angela. Here, take some of this sunshine.” Tanie handed me a wide mouth champagne glass full of icy cold strawberry daiquiri. I sipped it, and it tasted delicious.

  “You make the best drinks.”

  “They are pretty good, huh?” She sipped hers, as well and continued, “So, tonight we take care of the ex-boyfriend. Are you still up for it?”

  “I haven’t changed my mind. He’s a bastard, and I hate his guts. If he shows up tonight, I’ll make it happen.” I spoke with confidence.

  “You know he’ll show up. Everybody will be at the Carver Mansion.”

  “You think I should...”

  “No, not now. Wait until we get there. Where is it?”

  I pulled the pill bottle from my back pocket. Inside was crushed white powder from all the medications that I got from under the bathroom sink. I handed it to Tanie, and she opened it to look inside. She closed it and gave it back to me.

  Tanie remarked, “I got to make a couple of phone calls. Why don’t you go and get ready? I got clothes laid out for you in the guest bedroom. Outfit I have never worn before.”

  “What are you wearing tonight?” I straightened and stretched my arms as high as they could go. My back popped, felt great.

  Tanie answered, “I am wearing a short blue jean skirt and a satin pink blouse.”

  “Sounds very cute. I hope you haven’t picked out something bad for me to wear. I won’t wear it if it looks like crap, Tanie.”

  “You’ll like it. You like all of my clothes.”

  I went to the guest bedroom taking my daiquiri and the pill bottle. On the bed was laying a cute red top with tiny ruffles along the bottom and spaghetti straps. It was soft, and it still had the tag on it. Under the blouse were black capris. I loved the outfit. I picked up each piece, holding it up in front of me. Her clothes are always nice and fit well. I’m just glad she doesn’t ask for anything in the return. If that was the case, our friendship would have ended by now.


  We heard music from deep in the woods as we drove the long dirt driveway. The lights from the house lit up the sky from behind the trees. The long drive wound through the woods like a snake and sometimes we would pass by people. The closer we got to the house, the more cars we saw and the louder the music got. Tanie found a place to park amazingly near the beginning of the front lawn.

  The mansion looked like it stretched the whole width of the yard and it set a few yards back from the front edge of it. The driveway ended on the side of the house, and lead to a four car garage. There was people standing in front of the garage with a keg in the middle, and there was laughter and passing of drinks and a lot of talking. All of the voices mingled so that nothing really could be understood.

  The big double wooden front doors were wide open, and there was a sea of people that poured from the front porch into the yard and inside the house. If I lived in that house, there was no way I would have a party. The girl that lived here is so privileged and so lucky, and so stupid. This is what she does to her family’s home. There was no way she knew everybody here, and this house was getting trashed. I could see people through every front window on the first floor. I
would love to see the house without all those people inside.

  Tanie brought out the vodka from the back seat. She was straining to open it.

  “There is no way that girl knows everybody here.” I stated as I watched the crowd.

  “She doesn’t care, Angela. People like that got enough money to replace everything.” Tanie remarked.

  I got tired of watching Tanie nearly kill herself trying to open that liquor bottle. I took it from her, shook it up just a little, shifted in my seat, bear down on it and twisted. It opened right up. She shook her head. I put the bottle in between my legs and slowly poured the contents of the pill bottle into the liquor bottle.

  I asked Tanie, “How much do you think I should put in here?”

  Tanie shrugged and answered, “I don’t know.”

  I put all of the mixture in the bottle, and I put the cap back on and shook the bottle to mix it. I held up the bottle to the little bit of light that was shining through the front window to see if it was mixed good enough. Tanie stared at it, too.

  She remarked, “Shake it up a little more.” I did what she said. She continued, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Absolutely,” I answered.

  Just like any other female in the world about to embark on crashing a party, we made sure our make-up was flawless. A quick check in the front flap mirrors meant reapplication of lipstick, puckering the lips to ensure they were painted perfectly, checking the face for blemishes and evenness of makeup, corner of the eyes didn’t have white crusties in them and eye liner wasn’t runny. We checked each other’s hair, no strays coming from Tanie’s pony-tail, and my short crop was down and slick. Alright, it was time to head in.

  We had to wait at the front door because the crowd of unfamiliar faces was moving in and out and around the door. No one said anything to me or Tanie. It wasn’t long before we eventually got inside, and in the main foyer, and it was easier to move around. There was somewhat of a path, and we walked from room to room looking at different people, being nosy trying to see if we knew anyone there. There was a guy walking around taking pictures. He would tell people to pose with their friends, and they would. I’ve seen him before at parties, but I never knew his name. I saw a couple of big orange plastic bowls being passed around. I thought there was candy in them with all the different shapes and colors, but Tanie told me to stay away from the big orange bowls. She whispered in my ear that it wasn’t candy.

  Tanie did recognize a few people, and she spoke to some that were in volume range. By the time I reached another hallway, we were separated. I turned a full 360 and only saw unfamiliar smiling drunk faces. I wasn’t nervous or anything. I just didn’t want to be there without Tanie beside me. I was about to move on when I was grabbed by my arm.

  Tanie whispered in my ear, “Jason is in the kitchen.” She pointed down the hallway, and I began to follow her.

  We kept on moving into the kitchen, and sure enough, there he was standing at the counter talking to some guy. They busted out laughing. I guess they were telling each other jokes. Then both took a deep gulp of beer at the same time, and fists began to connect with shoulders.

  I started daydreaming about the countless times he hit me with those same fists. He put me down in front of his friends, and he treated me worse than an abused dog that hadn’t eaten, slept, or drunk in 10 years. He was a horrible boyfriend. I didn’t realize it when he first dumped me that I was better off without him. Boy, I know now. I stared at him, letting the anger build inside. Just recently, he kicked me in my stomach, slapped me in my face, laughed at me, and slept with my sister in my room. My stomach boiled and turned. He didn’t deserve anything the world gave him.

  I looked at Tanie trying to decide how to approach him. He wasn’t facing me, and I was scared to go to him. I didn’t want to be hit or be embarrassed. Tanie looked at me with a shrug of her shoulders. What now? I turned to leave. I was just too damn scared, but before I could get out of the kitchen door, he was pulling on the hem of my shirt. I turned back around to face him.

  He yelled, “Damn girl, you look good! Where you come from?”

  I answered, “From home.”

  He laughed a stupid, drunk laugh, and I turned my face to get the least effect of his foul breath. When I did that, he started sniffing my neck. I jumped back quickly, bumping into Tanie.

  “There are empty rooms upstairs.”

  I asked, “Is your girlfriend in one of them?”

  “She can be if you want her to be.” He started laughing again.

  “You’re nasty, Jason.”

  “I can be if you let me.” He grabbed hold of my forearms, and he almost made me drop the bottle. I wanted to get away from him at that point, but his grip was strong. He said when he realized I was holding a bottle of alcohol, “That’s Tike. Girl, where you get that from?”

  I lied, “I got it from here.”

  Jason snatched it right out of my hands, and without a bit of hesitation, he opened it and started gulping the drink down. He drank a good bit of it. He took a breath and drunk some more. I felt Tanie’s hand touch my back when he started the second time, and I just stared at him. After the second drink, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Did he feel the effects that quick? He opened his eyes again, took one more drink, and he wiped his mouth with his arm. “Ah man, that’s my drink. Taste kind of different though.”

  I quickly said, “Give it back, Jason.” I was scared. My heart was racing. I couldn’t believe he drunk so much.

  “You ain’t getting this back.”

  I tried to grab it, and when he jerked away, the bottle went flying and hit the floor and shattered. It drew the attention of people that was in the kitchen, but thank goodness it didn’t hit anyone.

  “Damn! What a waste!” Jason remarked as he looked at the broken bottle on the floor. “You got another one?”

  “No, Jason.”

  “Come...” Just as Jason was about to say something, a girl I never saw before called his name from the back door. She was approaching him slowly with a big smile. She had on a bikini with shorts and a towel on her shoulder.

  He immediately turned his back to me and opened his arms to her. “Damn, girl, you look sexy!”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pulled her in close to him. She asked, “Why don’t you come to the pool with me?”


  They kissed and she trotted out the back door. Jason didn’t even turn around to acknowledge me before he started following her. I bet Natalie wouldn’t like his half-naked new girlfriend. I wondered where she was. Jason stumbled and leaned against the door frame. Now, he was feeling the effects of the meds and the alcohol. Tanie and I watched him. Was he going to land on his face? He kept going, but more slowly.

  Tanie and I went outside, too. There was a small crowd out there, and most of them were sitting on pool side chairs and there were a few people in the pool. Tanie and I stood by a nearby plant and kept an eye on Jason as he unsteadily took off his clothes, leaving only his briefs on. He went to the diving board ladder and started climbing. He wasn’t climbing too well but he made it to the top.

  Tanie slightly pointed towards Jason because he was acting weird on top of the board. I made her put her hand down. I didn’t want any attention towards us. He was swaying. Then all of a sudden, Jason started shaking, and then he jerked and fell, and landed head first on the cement and the other part of his body landing in the water. Then his entire body slid under water. Only a couple of people nearby noticed how he fell, and they began moving towards the edge of the pool to see if he would surface. Word spread quickly and eventually, the few people already in the pool, except bikini girl, got out. She was swimming to the other side and never saw Jason. A small crowd began to gather. All of them were waiting for Jason to surface. Eventually, they saw black liquid come up from below. A low murmur began to erupt from the crowd. No one was panicking yet.

  The bikini girl turned once she reached the end of the poo
l with a smile and immediately started looking around for Jason. Then she noticed the floating black liquid. She got out of the pool confused, wondering what it was. I looked at Tanie, and Tanie had a smirk on her face. We continued to stand by that plant watching, waiting for Jason to surface. It felt like forever, like we had been standing there for hours on end, but it wasn’t long at all, maybe less than a minute, before we saw him.

  Jason came back up floating on his stomach, and his legs and arms were deeper in the water. At first there was a silent shock. Nobody reacted to help him. Nobody screamed. It was an amazing silence, and I wondered if those people were going to stand there all night and wait for him to get out of the water on his own.

  A guy finally jumped in, and that’s what it took for someone to scream and the whispers of shock vented around the pool. The guy struggled a little bit, but he made it to the edge of the pool with Jason’s limp body. Other people helped to pull Jason out of the water once he was close to the edge. Jason still wasn’t moving. The same guy that jumped in to get him out of the pool started yelling for someone to call the ambulance. The crowd was growing, and our view of Jason began to disappear.

  A lot of people were pouring from inside the house into the back yard. Some people began to leave, others only stared, and a few girls were crying. Tanie and I were amazed at the whole scene.

  When the paramedics and the police arrived, we both decided it was time to go. We exited the house in a calm pace keeping our eyes in the direction we were going. The ambulance was on the lawn right in front of the house, and the police were parked in certain places where some of the cars couldn’t move. Good thing, Tanie’s car wasn’t blocked. I was glad we were able to get out of there. The traffic wasn’t moving fast because the driveway curved and it was dark and the cars were creeping along sometimes stopping because people were walking in front or cars were trying to get into the long line.

  Tanie and I were quiet. There was nothing to say in that car because we both were trying to soak in what we saw. I believed he was dead. I don’t know what Tanie thought. I smiled thinking that I finally got rid of his ass. I bet he’ll leave me alone now. No one can recover from a fall like that.


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